APA Citation and Referencing Style

APA Citation and Referencing Style


Any time you write a scientific article, citing from relevant sources (textbooks, journals, thesis, dissertations, and other publications seems unavoidable, because it is the most common way to provide evidence to support the assertions and claims in a scientific manuscript.  Keep in mind that you must always document the sources you cite. it will enable your readers to relocate your source works easily and efficiently from the information included in your citations. it also gives credit to authors whose works you have used. 

There are three major citation styles: (1) American Psychological Association Style (APA) – the most common style in the social sciences (psychology, education, sociology etc.); (2) Chicago (or Turabian) Style – commonly used in the humanities (history, philosophy, and etc.); and (3) Modern Language Association Style (MLA) – used in English and in some other disciplines in the humanities. In our English Department we use the APA style, and this slide presents the main guides. It can bee accessed and downloaded from here.


At the end of your essay, place a list of the references you have cited in the text. Arrange this in alphabetical order of authors’ surnames, and then chronologically (earliest publication date first) for each author where more than one work by that author is cited. The author’s surname is placed first, followed by initials or first name, and then the year of publication is given. If the list contains more than one item published by the same author(s) in the same year, add lower case letters immediately after the year to distinguish them (e.g. 2010a). These are ordered alphabetically by title disregarding any initial articles (a, an or the).

As a general guide for writing references, keep the following in your mind

  1. The reference list includes only the sources you have used in any submission. APA Style requires reference lists, not bibliographies.
  2. The reference list begins a new page with the centered heading – References
  3. If an entry has more than one line, write the lines in single space.
  4. Double-space one reference entry to another.
  5. Reference list entries should be indented half an inch (five to seven spaces) on the second and subsequent lines of the reference list for every entry – a hanging indent is the preferred style. (i.e. entries should begin flush left, and the second and subsequent lines should be indented).
  6. Arrange entries in alphabetical order by the surname of the first author as the letters appear.
  7. If there is no author, the title moves to the author position (filed under the first significant word of the title). If the title in this instance begins with numerals, spell them out.

Studying A Quick Guide to the APA Referencing Style is recommended to help you write your reference list. It’s practical and free to download. To get more detailed guides for using APA style, feel free to access such as Purdue OWL or APA Referencing Style Guide. To get an example of Reference List using the APA style, feel free to retrieve this pdf file.

After studying the guides, do the following exercises on the reply section below (Deadline: Monday, April 21, 2014).

Citation Exercises

Rewrite all the following sentences by correcting the way every citation is written using the APA style! In some cases, the expressions should be rephrased to make them effective and grammatical.

  1. Merari Siregar (2001, p. 10) has been stating that when thought is written down, ideas can be examined, reconsidered, added to, rearranged, and changed.
  2. Denver & Roger (2009) accentuate there are three stages of the writing process; prewriting, drafting, and revising. (P, 222)
  3. recount text is a text that tells about something that happened or retells past events or activities and has a purpose to give detailed information about what and when of that event (Anderson and Anderson, 2003, p. 32).
  4. Writing skill is a difficult skill to be developed and learned, especially in the foreign language (Aguero, et al. 2005).
  5. According to (Alwasillah, 2001) explained the reasons that make students do not enjoy writing activity, namely: 1). They consider that writing is task; 2). There is less interaction between them in writing activity; 3). It needs extra skills or knowledge to write.

Referencing Exercises

Based on the information including in all items below, write a references list  using the APA style! Since this blog doesn’t have indenting facility, you can ignore the rule that “reference list entries should be indented half an inch (five to seven spaces) on the second and subsequent lines.”

  1. A book entitled “Practical English Language Teaching”, Written By David Nunan. Published in 2003 by Mc Graw
    Hill, New York
  2. A conference paper presented by Parlindungan Pardede in SWCU international Conference 2011 held by Satya Wacana Christian University, Salatiga, November 2011. The paper is entitled “Using BALL to Develop Writing Skills: Students’ interest and Perception.
  3. A book written by Suresh Lohini, Raymond Adhikar, and Ahmed Subedi. Published in 2009 by M.K. Distributor, Kathmandu. The title is: The Magic of Words.
  4. An article entitled “Defining Critical Thinking” written Michael Scriven and Richard Paul and published in 2012 in the website of The Critical Thinking Community with the web address: http://www.criticalddnking.org/ aboutCT/ define_criticat_thinking.cfm. The article was retrieved on 22 July 2013.
  5. An article by Parlindungan Pardede, entitled Using short stories to teach language skills. Published in Journal of English Teaching, Volume 1, No. 1, pages 15-27.
  6. A textbook written by Debra Marsh. Published in Cambridge by Cambridge University Press in 2012. It is entitled Blended Learning: Creating Learning opportunities for language learners.
  7. An article entitled “Blended Learning: where it came from and where it heads to” by Hideto D. Harashima. The date of publication is unknown. It was retrieved from: http://glocall.org/pluginfile.php/1300/ mod_resource/content/0/Blended_Learning.pdf on July 30, 2012
  8. An article entitled “CALL (computer assisted language learning)” by Gerard Davies. It is published in pages pp.90–93 of “Routledge Encyclopedia of Language Teaching and Learning” edited by Michael Byram which was published in 2000 by Routledge in London.


Just an encouragement to keep your fire burn!

Students who are able to hand assignments in on time will be filled with a sense of accomplishment and keep on developing a committed character to fulfill responsibilities. These two will enable them to meet the challenges of future tasks and will become inspired to keep going towards a successful career and a rewarding life.


  1. Shalom Sir Parlin 🙂
    Good Night Sir, I am sorry late assignment my answer.
    Name : Vhanny Rumondang
    NIM: 111.21.500.29
    Class : A

    1. According to Merari Siregar (2001), argued that “when thought is written down, ideas can be examined, reconsidered, added to, rearranged, and changed” (p.10)
    2. Denver & Roger (2009, p. 222) accentuated that “there are three stages of the writing process; prewriting, drafting, and revising”.
    3. Recount text is a text that tells about something that happened or retells past events or activities and has a purpose to give detailed information about what and when of that event (B. Anderson and J. Anderson, 2003, p. 32).
    4. Writing skill is a difficult skill to be developed and learned, especially in the foreign language (Aguero, et al., 2005).
    5. According to (Alwasillah, 2001) explained the reasons that make students do not enjoy writing activity, namely: 1). They consider that writing is task; 2). There is less interaction between them in writing activity; 3). It needs extra skills or knowledge to write.

    Referencing Exercise

    1. Nunan, D. (2003). Practical English Language Teaching. Hill, New York : Mc Graw.
    2. Pardede, P. (2011, November). Using BALL to Develop Writing Skills: Students’ interest and Perception. Paper presented at the SWCU international Conference 2011. Salatiga: Satya Wacana Christian University.
    3. Lohini, S., Adhikar, R., & Subedi, A. (2009). The Magic of Words.Kathmandu:M.K. Distributor, Kathmand.
    4. Scriven, M., & Paul, R. (2012). Defining Critical Thinking. The Critical Thinking Community, retrieved on 22 July ,2013 from: http://www.criticalddnking.org/aboutCT/ define_criticat_thinking.cfm
    5. Pardede, P. (n.d.). Using short stories to teach language skills. Journal of English Teaching, 1,(1, ) 15-27.
    5. Pardede, P. Using Short Stories to Teach Language Skills. (Vol. 1). Journal of English Teaching .
    6. Marsh, D. (2012). Creating Learning Opportunities for Language Learners. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press .
    7. Harashima, H. D. Blended Learning : Where it came and where it heads to. Retrived on July 30,2012 from: http://glocall.org/pluginfile.php/1300/mod_resource/content/0/Blended_Learning.pdf
    8. Davies, G. (2000). CALL ( computer assited language learning. london: routledge.

    Thanks Sir,God bless ^___^

    1. Hello Vhany,
      Please study the following items and try to correct each based on APA style rules (it seems highly necessary for you to read the APA guidelines).

      Citation Exercises
      1. According to Merari Siregar (2001), argued that “when thought is written down, ideas can be examined, reconsidered, added to, rearranged, and changed” (p.10).
      or: According to Merari Siregar (2001), argued that “when thought is written down, ideas can be examined, reconsidered, added to, rearranged, and changed” (p.10).
      2. Denver & [and] Roger (2009, p. 222) accentuated that “there are three stages of the writing process; prewriting, drafting, and revising”.
      3. Recount text is a text that tells about something that happened or retells past events or activities and has a purpose to give detailed information about what and when of that event (B. Anderson and [&] J. Anderson, 2003, p. 32).

      Refrencing Exercise.
      References should be listed alphabetically and not be numbered. (Click here to see a reference list sample).

      After refreshing your knowledge about the rules, please revise your answers.
      Good luck!

  2. Name : Meilynda. Mora. S
    Nim : 1112150027 ( BS Class A ).
    Assigment writing.

    A.) Citation Exercise.

    1. According to Merari Siregar (2001), argued that “when thought is written down, ideas can be examined, reconsidered, added to, rearranged, and changed” (p.10).
    2. Denver & Roger (2009, p. 222) accentuated that “there are three stages of the writing process; prewriting, drafting, and revising”.
    3. According to Anderson & Anderson (2003), “recount text is a text that tells about something that happened or retells past events or activities and has a purpose to give detailed information about what and when of that event”. (p. 32).
    4. Writing skill is a difficult skill to be developed and learned, especially in the foreign language (Aguero, et al., 2005).
    5. According to Alwasillah (2001), the reasons that make students do not enjoy writing activity, namely: 1). They consider that writing is task; 2). There is less interaction between them in writing activity; 3). It needs extra skills or knowledge to write.

    B.) Refrecing Exercise.

    1. Nunan, D. (2003). Practical English Language Teaching. New York : Mc. Graw Hill.
    2. Pardede, P. (2011, November). in SWCU International Conference. Using BALL to Develop Writing Skills: Students’ interest and Perception. Salatiga : Satya Wacana Christian University.
    3. Lohini, S. Adhikar, R, A., & Ahmad, S. (2009). The Magic of Words. Kathmandu : M.K. Distributor.
    4. Scriven, M., & Paul, R. (2012). Defining Critical Thinking. Retrieved from The Critical Thinking Community from http://www.criticalddnking.org/aboutCT/.
    5. Pardede, P. (n.d). (p.15-27). Using short stories to teach language skills (Volume 1, No. 1). Journal of English Teaching.
    6. Mars, D. (2012). Blended Learning: Creating Learning opportunities for language learners. Cambridge : Cambridge University.
    7. Harashima, H., D. (n.d). Blended Learning: where it came from and where it heads to. Retrieved from http://glocall.org/pluginfile.php/1300/mod_resource/content/0/Blended_Learning.pdf on July 30, 2012.
    8. Davies, G. (2000). CALL (computer assisted language learning). In Byram, M (Ed.), (pp.90-93). London : Routledge Encyclopedia of Language Teaching and Learning.

    Sorry sir, I was too late to include my answer.
    Thank you Sir Parlin nd God Bless You 🙂

  3. Name: Rosalina Silalahi
    NIM: 1112150026

    Citation Exercises

    Answering :
    1. According to (Siregar, 2001) “has been stating that when thought is written down, ideas can be examined, reconsidered, added to, rearranged, and changed.” ( P, 10)
    2. (Denver & Roger, 2009) said “three stages of the writing process; prewriting, drafting, and revising.” (P, 222)
    3. “recount text is a text that tells about something that happened or retells past events or activities and has a purpose to give detailed information about what and when of that event.” (Anderson & Anderson, 2003)
    4. (al, 2005) “Writing skill is a difficult skill to be developed and learned, especially in the foreign language”.
    5. According to (Alwasillah, 2001) “explained the reasons that make students do not enjoy writing activity, namely: 1). They consider that writing is task; 2). There is less interaction between them in writing activity; 3). It needs extra skills or knowledge to write.”

    al, A. e. (2005).
    Anderson, & Anderson. (2003).
    Denver, & Roger. (2009).
    Marsh, D. (2012). Creating Learning opportunities for language learners. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Nunan, D. (2003). Practical English Language Teaching. new york: Mc Graw.
    Pardede, P. (A conference paper presented by Parlindungan Pardede in SWCU international Conference 2011 held by Satya Wacana Christian Uni2011). Using BALL to Develop Writing Skills: Students’ interest and Perception. Salatiga: Satya Wacana Christian University.
    Pardede, P. (n.d.). Using short stories to teach language skills (Vol. 1). Journal of English Teaching.
    Paul, M. S. (n.d.). Defining Critical Thinking. http://www.criticalddnking.org/ aboutCT/ define_criticat_thinking.cfm.
    S. L., R. A., & A. S. (2009). The Magic of Words. Kathmandu.
    Siregar, M. (2001).

    Referencing Exercises
    Based on the information including in all items below, write a references list using the APA style! Since this blog doesn’t have indenting facility, you can ignore the rule that “reference list entries should be indented half an inch (five to seven spaces) on the second and subsequent lines.”

    1. Nunan, D. (2003). Practical English Language Teaching. new york: Mc Graw.
    2. Pardede, P. (A conference paper presented by Parlindungan Pardede in SWCU international Conference 2011 held by Satya Wacana Christian Uni2011). Using BALL to Develop Writing Skills: Students’ interest and Perception. Salatiga: Satya Wacana Christian University.

    3. S. L., R. A., & A. S. (2009). The Magic of Words. Kathmandu.
    4. Paul, M. S. (n.d.). Defining Critical Thinking. http://www.criticalddnking.org/ aboutCT/ define_criticat_thinking.cfm.
    5. Pardede, P. (n.d.). Using short stories to teach language skills (Vol. 1). Journal of English Teaching.
    6. Marsh, D. (2012). Creating Learning opportunities for language learners. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    7. Davies, G. (2000). CALL (computer assisted language learning). (M. Byram, Ed.) London: Routledge.

    1. Hello Rosalina,
      Please study the following notes and try to correct each based on APA style rules (Would you please restudy the APA guidelines?)

      1. According to (Siregar, (2001) “has been stating that “when thought is written down, ideas can be examined, reconsidered, added to, rearranged, and changed.” ( P, 10)
      or: According to (Siregar, (2001) “has been stating [stated] that when thought is written down, ideas can be examined, reconsidered, added to, rearranged, and changed.” ( P, 10)
      2. (Denver & Roger, 2009) said Denver and Roger (2009) accentuated that there are“three stages of the writing process; prewriting, drafting, and revising.” (p. 222).
      3. “r Recount text is “a text that tells about something that happened or retells past events or activities and has a purpose to give detailed information about what and when of that event.” (Anderson & Anderson, 2003).

      Refrencing Exercise.
      References should be listed alphabetically and not be numbered. (Click here to see a reference list sample).

      After refreshing your knowledge about the rules, please revise your answers.
      Good luck!


  4. Citation Exercise

    1. Siregar (2001, p.10) “ when thought is written down, ideas can be examined reconsidered. Added to, rearranged, and changed.
    2 .Denver & Roger (2009) accentuate there are three stages of the writing process; prewriting, drafting, and revising. (P, 222)
    3 .recount text is a text that tells about something that happened or retells past events or activities and has a purpose to give detailed information about what and when of that event (R. Anderson and C. Anderson, 2003, p. 32).
    4. Writing skill is a difficult skill to be developed and learned, especially in the foreign language (Aguero, et al. 2005).
    5. According to (Alwasillah, 2001) explained the reasons that make students do not enjoy writing activity, namely: 1). They consider that writing is task; 2). There is less interaction between them in writing activity; 3). It needs extra skills or knowledge to write.

    Referencing Exercise

    1 Nunan, D. (2003). Practical English Language Teaching. Hill, New York : Mc Graw
    2. Pardede, P. (November 2011). Using BALL to Develop Writing Skills: Students’ interest and Perception. Paper presented at the SWCU international Conference, Salatiga: Satya Wacana Christian University.
    3. Lohini, S., Adhikar ,R., & Subedi,A. (2009). The Magic of Words. Kathmandu : M.K. Distributor.
    4. Scriven, M., Paul, R. (2012). Defining Critical Thinking. Retrieved on July 22, 2013 from http://www.criticalddnking.org/ aboutCT/ define_criticat_thinking.cfm.
    5. Using short stories to teach language skills. Journal of English Teaching, 1(1), 15-27. (“Pardede, P.” n.d.).
    6. Marsh, D. (2012). Blended Learning : Creating Learning opportunities for language learners. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press.
    7. Harashima, H.D. (n.d). Blended Learning. Where it came and where it heads to. Retrived on July 30,2012 from:http://glocall.org/pluginfile.php/1300/mod_resource/content/0/Blended_Learning.pdf
    8. Davies, G. (2000). CALL (computer assisted language learning). In Byram, M. Routledge Encyclopedia of Language Teaching and Learning (pp.90–93). London : Routledge.

    1. Hi Rurin,
      Citation Exercise
      1. You missed the verb of your signal phrase in item #1.
      2. If the author’s names are put outside of the brackets, you should use “and”, NOT “&” and vice versa –> item #2
      3. Use of the past tense or the present perfect tense in signal phrases introducing cited material. Thus, write “accentuated” in #2
      4. The letter “p” indicating “page” must be in small letter, not in capital one–> item #2.
      5. Don’t start a sentence with a small letter. Thus, #3 should start with “Recount …”, NOT “recount….
      6. Please study the APA style for citing and referencing.

      Referencing Exercise
      See mu comment to other works of your friends.
      Good luck!

  5. Citation Exercises
    1. According to Siregar (2001), “when thought is written down, ideas can be examined, reconsidered, added to, rearranged, and changed.” (p.10).
    2. There are three stages of the writing process; prewriting, drafting, and revising (Denver and Roger’s, 2009).
    3. Recount text is a text that tells about something that happened or retells pas events or activities and has a purpose to give detailed information about what and when of that event (A. Anderson & B. Anderson, 2003, p.32).
    4. Writing skill is a difficult skill to be developed and learned, especially in the foreign language (Aguero, et al., 2005).
    5. According to Alwasillah (2001), “the reasons that make students do not enjoy writing activity, namely : 1) They consider that writing is task; 2) There is less interaction between them in writing activity; 3) It needs extra skills or knowledge to write.”

    Reference Exercises
    1. Nunan, D. (2003). Practical English Language Teaching. New York: Mc Graw Hill.
    2. Pardede, P. (2011). Using BALL to Develop Writing Skills: Students’ Interest and Perception. SWCU International Conference. Salatiga.
    3. Lohini, S., Adhikar, R., & Subendi, A. (2009). The Magic of Words. Kathmandu: M.K Distributor.
    4. Scriven, M., & Paul, R. (2012). Defining Critical Thinking. The Critical Thinking Community. Retrieved July 22, 2013 from http://www.criticalddnking.org/aboutCT/define_criticat_thinking.cfm.
    5. Pardede, P. Using Short Stories to Teach Language Skills. Journal of English Teaching , 1 (1), 15-27.
    6. Marsh, D. (2012). Blended Learning: Creating Learning Oppurtunities for Language Learners. Cambridge: Cambridge Univeristy Press.
    7. Harashima, H. D. (n.d.). Blended Learning: Where It Came From and Where It Heads to. Retrieved July 30, 2012 from http://glocall.org/pluginfile.php/1300/mod_resource/content/0/Blended_Learning.pdf
    8. Davies, G. (2000). CALL (ComputerAssisted Language Learning). (M. Byram, Ed.) Routledge Encyclopedia of Language Teaching and Learning , 90-93.

    1. Good evening, Sir.
      Here’s the revision for reference exercises:

      Davies, G. (2000). CALL (ComputerAssisted Language Learning). (M. Byram, Ed.) Routledge Encyclopedia of Language Teaching and Learning , 90-93.

      Harashima, H. D. (n.d.). Blended Learning: Where It Came From and Where It Heads to. Retrieved July 30, 2012 from http://glocall.org/pluginfile.php/1300/mod_resource/content/0/Blended_Learning.pdf

      Lohini, S., Adhikar, R., & Subendi, A. (2009). The Magic of Words. Kathmandu: M.K Distributor.

      Marsh, D. (2012). Blended Learning: Creating Learning Oppurtunities for Language Learners. Cambridge: Cambridge Univeristy Press.

      Nunan, D. (2003). Practical English Language Teaching. New York: Mc Graw Hill.

      Pardede, P. (2011). Using BALL to Develop Writing Skills: Students’ Interest and Perception. SWCU International Conference. Salatiga.

      Pardede, P. Using Short Stories to Teach Language Skills. Journal of English Teaching , 1 (1), 15-27.

      Scriven, M., & Paul, R. (2012). Defining Critical Thinking. The Critical Thinking Community. Retrieved July 22, 2013 from http://www.criticalddnking.org/aboutCT/define_criticat_thinking.cfm.

      Thank you for your attention, Sir. 🙂

    2. Hello Putri,
      Please see the following notes of mine to your answer.
      3. Recount text is a text that tells about something that happened or retells pas events or activities and has a purpose to give detailed information about what and when of that event (A. Anderson & B. Anderson, 2003, p.32).

      Pardede, P. [(n.d.)]Using short stories to teach language skills. Journal of English Teaching, 1(1), 15-27.

  6. Elroi Samosir
    Class B

    Citation Exercises
    1.Siregar, Merari (2001, p. 10) stated that when thought is written down, ideas can be examined, reconsidered, added to, rearranged, and changed.

    2.Denver and Roger (2009, p. 222) accentuated there are three stages of the writing process; prewriting, drafting, and revising.

    3.Recount text is a text that tells about something that happened or retells past events or activities and has a purpose to give detailed information about what and when of that event (B. Anderson and J. Anderson, 2003, p. 32).

    4.Writing skill is a difficult skill to be developed and learned, especially in the foreign language (Aguero, et al., 2005).

    5.According to Alwasillah (2001), the reasons that make students do not enjoy writing activity, namely: 1). They consider that writing is task; 2). There is less interaction between them in writing activity; 3). It needs extra skills or knowledge to write.

    Referencing Exercises
    1.Nunan,D. (2003). Practical English Language Teaching. New York: Mc Graw Hill.

    2.Pardede, P. (2011, November). Using BALL to Develop Writing Skills: Students’ interest and Perception, Salatiga: Satya Wacana University.

    3.Lohini, S., Adhikar , R., & Subedi, A. (2009). The Magic of Words. Kathmandu: M.K. Distributor.

    4Scriven, M., & Paul, R. (2012). Defining critical thinking. The Critical Thinking Community. Retrieved July 22, 2013 from http://www.criticalddnking.org/ aboutCT/ define_criticat_thinking.cfm.

    5.Pardede, P. (n.d.). Using Short Stories to Teach Language Skills. Journal of English Teaching, 1(1), 15-27.

    6.Marsh, D. (2012). Blended Learning: Creating Learning Opportunities for Language Learners. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

    7.Harashima, H. D. (n.d.). Blended Learning: Where it came from and it heads to. Retrieved July 30, 2012 from http://glical.org/pluginfile.php/1300/mod_resource/content/0/Blended_Learning.pdfon.

    8.Davies, G. (2000). CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning). (M. Byram, Ed.) Routledge Encyclopedia of Language Teaching and Learning , pp. 90-93.

  7. Mikha Nauli

    Citation Exercises :

    1. Siregar (2001, p. 10) noted that when thought is written down, ideas can be examined, reconsidered, added to, rearranged, and changed.

    2. Denver & Roger (2009, p. 222)accentuated there are three stages of the writing process; prewriting, drafting, and revising.

    3. W. Anderson & D. Anderson (2003, p. 32)mentioned that recount text is a text that tells about something that happened or retells past events or activities and has a purpose to give detailed information about what and when of that event.

    4. Writing skill is a difficult skill to be developed and learned, especially in the foreign language (Aguero, et al., 2005).

    5. According to Alwasillah (2001), the reasons that make students do not enjoy writing activity, namely: 1). They consider that writing is task; 2). There is less interaction between them in writing activity; 3). It needs extra skills or knowledge to write.

    Referencing Exercises :

    1. Davies, G. (2000). CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning). (M. Byram, Ed.) Routledge Encyclopedia of Language Teaching and Learning , pp. 90-93.

    2. Harashima, H. D. (n.d.). Blended Learning: Where it came from and it heads to. Retrieved July 30, 2012 from http://glical.org/pluginfile.php/1300/mod_resource/content/0/Blended_Learning.pdfon

    3. Lohini, S., Adhikar , R., & Subedi, A. (2009). The Magic of Words. Kathmandu: M.K. Distributor.

    4. Marsh, D. (2012). Blended Learning: Creating Learning Opportunities for Language Learners. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

    5. Nunan, D. (2003). Practical English Language Teaching. New York: Mc Graw Hill.

    6. Pardede, P. (n.d.). Using Short Stories to Teach Language Skills. Journal of English Teaching, 1(1), 15-27.

    7. Pardede, P. (2011, November). Using BALL to Develop Writing Skills: Students’ interest and Perception, Salatiga: Satya Wacana University.

    8. Scriven, M., & Paul, R. (2012). Defining critical thinking. The Critical Thinking Community. Retrieved July 22, 2013 from http://www.criticalddnking.org/ aboutCT/ define_criticat_thinking.cfm.

    1. Here is my revision

      Citation Exercises :
      1. Siregar (2001, p. 10) noted that when thought is written down, ideas can be examined, reconsidered, added to, rearranged, and changed.

      2. Denver and Roger (2009, p. 222)accentuated there are three stages of the writing process; prewriting, drafting, and revising.

      3. Anderson & Anderson (2003, p. 32)mentioned that recount text is a text that tells about something that happened or retells past events or activities and has a purpose to give detailed information about what and when of that event.

      4. Writing skill is a difficult skill to be developed and learned, especially in the foreign language (Aguero, et al., 2005).

      5. Alwasillah (2001), the reasons that make students do not enjoy writing activity, namely: 1). They consider that writing is task; 2). There is less interaction between them in writing activity; 3). It needs extra skills or knowledge to write.

      Referencing Exercises :

      Davies, G. (2000). CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning). (M. Byram, Ed.) Routledge Encyclopedia of Language Teaching and Learning , pp. 90-93.

      Harashima, H. D. (n.d.). Blended Learning: Where it came from and it heads to. Retrieved July 30, 2012 from http://glical.org/pluginfile.php/1300/mod_resource/content/0/Blended_Learning.pdfon

      Lohini, S., Adhikar , R., & Subedi, A. (2009). The Magic of Words. Kathmandu: M.K. Distributor.

      Marsh, D. (2012). Blended Learning: Creating Learning Opportunities for Language Learners. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

      Nunan, D. (2003). Practical English Language Teaching. New York: Mc Graw Hill.

      Pardede, P. (n.d.). Using Short Stories to Teach Language Skills. Journal of English Teaching, 1(1), 15-27.

      Pardede, P. (2011, November). Using BALL to Develop Writing Skills: Students’ interest and Perception, Salatiga: Satya Wacana University.

      . Scriven, M., & Paul, R. (2012). Defining critical thinking. The Critical Thinking Community. Retrieved July 22, 2013 from http://www.criticalddnking.org/ aboutCT/ define_criticat_thinking.cfm.

  8. Name : Rahelia Eta
    NIM : 1112150033
    Class : B


    1. Siregar (2001, p.10) argued that when thought is written down, ideas can be examined, reconsidered, added to, rearranged, and changed.

    2. Denver & Roger (2009, p.222) mentioned that there are three stages of the writing process; prewriting, drafting, and revising.

    3. (T. Anderson & A. Anderson, 2003, p. 32) noted that recount text is a text that tells about something that happened or retells past events or activities and has a purpose to give detailed information about what and when of that event.

    4. (Aguero et. al. (2005) assumed that writing skill is a difficult skill to be developed and learned, especially in the foreign language.

    5. According to Alwasillah (2001), the reasons that make students do not enjoy writing activity, namely: 1). They consider that writing is task; 2). There is less interaction between them in writing activity; 3). It needs extra skills or knowledge to write.


    1. Davies, G. (2000). CALL (computer assisted language learning). In Byram, M. (Eds), Routledge Encylopedia of Language Teaching and Learning (pp. 90-93),London: Routledge

    2. Harashima, H.D. (n.d). Blended Learning. Where it came and where it heads to. Retrived on July 30,2012 from http://glical.org/pluginfile.php/1300/mod_resource/content/0/Blended_Learning.pdf

    3.. Lohini, S., Adhikar, R., & Subedi, A. (2009) The Magic of Words. M. K. Distributor, Kathmandu.

    4.Marsh, D. (2012). Blended Learning: Creating Learning Opportunities for Language Learners. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

    5. Nunan, D. (2003). Practical English Language Teaching. New York: Mc. Graw Hill.

    6. Pardede, P. (2011, November ). Using BALL to Develop Writing Skills: Students’ interest and Perception, Salatiga : Satya Wacana University

    7. Pardede, P. (n.d.). Using Short Stories to Teach Language Skills. Journal of English Teaching, Volume 1,pp 15-27.

    8. Scriven, M., & paul, R. (2012). Defining Critical Thinking. The Critical Thinking Community. Retrived on July 22, 2013 from http://www.criticalddnking.org/aboutCT/.

    1. Here is my revision sir 🙂
      thank you .


      Davies, G. (2000). CALL (computer assisted language learning). In Byram, M. (Eds), Routledge Encylopedia of Language Teaching and Learning (pp. 90-93),London: Routledge

      Harashima, H.D. (n.d). Blended Learning. Where it came and where it heads to. Retrived on July 30,2012 from http://glical.org/pluginfile.php/1300/mod_resource/content/0/Blended_Learning.pdf

      Lohini, S., Adhikar, R., & Subedi, A. (2009) The Magic of Words. M. K. Distributor, Kathmandu.

      Marsh, D. (2012). Blended Learning: Creating Learning Opportunities for Language Learners. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

      Nunan, D. (2003). Practical English Language Teaching. New York: Mc. Graw Hill.

      Pardede, P. (2011, November ). Using BALL to Develop Writing Skills: Students’ interest and Perception, Salatiga : Satya Wacana University

      Pardede, P. (n.d.). Using Short Stories to Teach Language Skills. Journal of English Teaching, Volume 1,pp 15-27.

      Scriven, M., & paul, R. (2012). Defining Critical Thinking. The Critical Thinking Community. Retrived on July 22, 2013 from http://www.criticalddnking.org/aboutCT/.

  9. Name : Lamtiur Tampubolon
    Nim : 1112150017
    Class : A

    Citation Exercises
    1. Siregar, Merari. (2010, p. 10) when thought is written down, ideas can be examined, reconsidered, added to, rearranged, and changed.
    2. Denver & Roger (2009, p. 222) accentuate there are three stages of the writing process; prewriting, drafting, and revising.
    3. According to Anderson and Anderson (2003, p. 23), ”Recount text is a text that tells about something that happened or retells past events or activities and has a purpose to give detailed information about what and when of that event”.
    4. Writing skill is a difficult skill to be developed and learned, especially in the foreign language (Aguero, et al. 2005).
    5. According to Alwasillah (2001) The reasons that make students do not enjoy writing activity, namely: 1). They consider that writing is task; 2). There is less interaction between them in writing activity; 3). It needs extra skills or knowledge to write.

    Referencing Exercises
    1. Nunan, D. (2003). Practical English Language Teaching. Hill, New York : Mc Graw.
    2. Pardede, P. (November 2011). Using BALL to Develop Writing Skills: “Students’ interest and perception. Paper presented at the SWCU International Conference 2011, Salatiga: Satya Wacana Christian University.
    3. Lohini, S.,Adhikar , R., & Subedi, A. (2009). The Magic of Words. Kathmandu : M.K. Distributor.
    4. Scriven, M., & paul, R. (2012). Defining Critical Thinking. The Critical Thinking Community, retrieved on 22 July ,2013 from : http://www.criticalddnking.org/aboutCT/ define_criticat_thinking.cfm
    5. Using short stories to teach language skills. Journal of English Teaching, 1(1), 15-27. (“Pardede, P.” n.d.).
    6. Mars, D. (2012). Blended Learning : Creating Learning Opportunities For Language Learners. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press.
    7. Harashima, H. D. Blended Learning : Where it came and where it heads to. Retrived on July 30,2012 from : http://glocall.org/pluginfile.php/1300/mod_resource/content/0/Blended/Learning.pdf
    8. Davies, G. (2000). CALL ( Computer Assisted Language Learning). In Byram, M (Ed.), (pp. 90-93). London : Routledge Encyclopedia of Language Teaching amd Learning.

    Thank you, sir.

  10. Nama : Novia Agata Sinaga
    SIN : 1112150020
    Class : A

    Citation Exercices

    1. Siregar (2001, p. 10) stated that when thought is written down, ideas can be examined, reconsidered, added to, rearranged, and changed.
    2. Denver & Roger (2009, p. 222) accentuated there are three stages of the writing process; prewriting, drafting, and revising.
    3. Recount text is a text that tells about something that happened or retells past events or activities and has a purpose to give detailed information about what and when of that event ( R. Anderson & T. Anderson, 2003, p. 32).
    4. Writing skill is a difficult skill to be developed and learned, especially in the foreign language (Aguero, et al., 2005).
    5. According to Alwasillah (2001), the reasons that make students do not enjoy writing activity, namely: 1). They consider that writing is task; 2). There is less interaction between them in writing activity; 3). It needs extra skills or knowledge to write.

    Referencing Exercises

    1. Nunan, D. (2003). Practical English Language Teaching. New York: Mc Graw.
    2. Pardede, P. (2011, November). Using BALL to Develop Writing Skills: Students’ interest and Perception. Paper presented at the SWCU international Conference 2011. Salatiga: Satya Wacana Christian University.
    3. Lohini, S., Adhikar, R., & Subedi, A. (2009). The Magic of Words.Kathmandu:M.K. Distributor, Kathmand.
    4. Scriven, M., & Paul, R. (2012). Defining Critical Thinking. The Critical Thinking Community, retrieved on 22 July ,2013 from: http://www.criticalddnking.org/aboutCT/ define_criticat_thinking.cfm
    5. Pardede, P. (n.d.). Using short stories to teach language skills. Journal of English Teaching, 1,(1, ) 15-27.
    6. Marsh, D. (2012). Blended Learning. Creating Learning opportunities for language learners. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press .
    7. Harashima, H. D. (n.d). Blended Learning: where it came from and where it heads to. Retrieved 2012, July 30from http://glocall.org/pluginfile.php/1300/mod_resource/content/0/Blended_Learning.pdf
    8. Davies, G. (2000). CALL (computer assisted language learning). (M. Byram, Ed.) Routledge Encyclopedia of Language Teaching and Learning , 90–93.London: Routledge.

  11. Desiana Sianturi

    Here are my answer, sir.
    Thank you.

    Citation Exercises
    1. Siregar (2010, p. 10) stated that “when thought is written down, ideas can be examined, reconsidered, added to, rearranged, and changed”.
    2. Denver & Roger (2009, p. 222) accentuate “there are three stages of the writing process; prewriting, drafting, and revising”.
    3. Recount text is a text that tells about something that happened or retells past events or activities and has a purpose to give detailed information about what and when of that event (Y. Anderson and J. Anderson, 2003, p. 32).
    4. (Aguero, et al. 2005) assumed that “Writing skill is a difficult skill to be developed and learned, especially in the foreign language”.
    5. According to Alwasillah (2001), explained the reasons that “make students do not enjoy writing activity, namely: 1). They consider that writing is task; 2). There is less interaction between them in writing activity; 3). It needs extra skills or knowledge to write”.

    Referencing Exercises
    Davies, G. (2000). CALL (computer assisted language learning). (M. Byram, Ed.) Routledge Encyclopedia of Language Teaching and Learning, pp. 90-93. Retrieved from Routledge Encyclopedia of Language Teaching and Learning.
    Harashima, H. D. (2012, July 20). Blended Learning: where it came from and where it heads to. Retrieved from http://glocall.org/pluginfile.php/1300/ mod_resource/content/0/Blended_Learning.pdf
    Lohini, S., Adhikar, R., & Subedi, A. (2009). The magic of word. Kathmandu: M.K. Distributor.
    Marsh, D. (2012). Blended Learning: Creating Learning opportunities for language learners. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Nunan, D. (2003). Practical English Language Teaching. New York: Mc Graw Hill.
    Pardede, P. (2011). Using BALL to Develop Writing Skills: Students’ interest and Perception. SWCU international Conference 2011 held by Satya Wacana Christian University, Salatiga, November 2011. Salatiga: Satya Wacana Christian University.
    Pardede, P. (n.d.). Using short stories to teach language skills. Journal of English Teaching, 1, No. 1, 15-27.
    Scriven, M., & Paul, R. (2012). Defining Critical Thinking. Retrieved July 22, 2013, from The Critical Thinking Community: http://www.criticalddnking.org/ aboutCT/ define_criticat_thinking.cfm.

  12. Name : Melva Melisa Tambunan
    SIN : 1112150016
    Class : A

    Hi Sir, these are my answer of citation and referencing exercises. Thank you..

    Citation Exercises.

    1. Merari Siregar (2001) stated that, “when thought is written down, ideas can be examined, reconsidered, added to, rearranged, and changed.” (p. 10).
    2. Denver & Roger (2009) accentuated that, “there are three stages of the writing process; prewriting, drafting, and revising.” (p. 222).
    3. According to Anderson and Anderson (2003), “Recount text is a text that tells about something that happened or retells past events or activities and has a purpose to give detailed information about what and when of that event.” (p. 32).
    4. Writing skill is a difficult skill to be developed and learned, especially in the foreign language (Aguero, et al., 2005).
    5. According to Alwasillah (2001), “The reasons that make students do not enjoy writing activity, namely: 1). They consider that writing is task; 2). There is less interaction between them in writing activity; 3). It needs extra skills or knowledge to write.”

    Referencing Exercises.

    Davies, G. (2000). CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning). (M. Byram, Ed.) Routledge Encyclopedia of Language Teaching and Learning , pp. 90-93.
    Hirashima, H. D. (n.d.). Blended Learning: Where It Came From and It Heads To.http://glical.org/pluginfile.php/1300/mod_resource/content/0/Blended_Learning.pdfon July 30, 2012.
    Marsh, D. (2012). Blended Learning: Creating Learning Opportunities for Language Learners. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Nunan, D. (2003). Practical English Language Teachinh. New York: Mc Graw Hill.
    Pardede, P. (n.d.). Using Short Stories to Teach Language Skills. Journal of English Teaching, Volume 1, No. 1 , pp. 15-27.
    Pardede, P. (2011, November). Using BALL to Develop Writing Skills: Students’ interest and Perception.
    Paul, M. S. (2012). Defining Critical Thinking. The Critical Thinking Community ,http://www.criticalddnking.org/aboutCT/.
    Suresh Lohini, Raymond Adhikar ,& Ahmed Subedi. (2009). The Magic of Words. Kathmandu: M.K. Distributor.

  13. Naomi Anitasari Banjarnahor
    1112150034 – FKIP BS-B

    Citation Exercises
    1. Siregar (2001, p. 10) stated that when thought is written down, ideas can be examined, reconsidered, added to, rearranged, and changed.
    2. Denver and Roger (2009, p. 222) accentuated that there are three stages of the writing process; prewriting, drafting, and revising.
    3. “Recount text is a text that tells about something that happened or retells past events or activities and has a purpose to give detailed information about what and when of that event” (J. Anderson & P. Anderson, 2003, p. 32).
    4. Writing skill is a difficult skill to be developed and learned, especially in the foreign language (Aguero, et al., 2005).
    5. According to Alwasillah (2001), the reasons that make students do not enjoy writing activity, namely: 1). They consider that writing is task; 2). There is less interaction between them in writing activity; 3). It needs extra skills or knowledge to write.

    Referencing Exercises
    1. Nunan, D. (2003). Practical English languge teaching. New York: Mc Graw Hill.
    2. Pardede, P. (2001, November). Using BALL to Develop Writing Skills: Students’ interest and Perception. Paper presented at the SWCU international conference 2011,Salatiga.
    3. Lohini, S., Adhikar, R., & Subedi, A. (2009). The magic of words. Kathmandu: M.K. Distributor.
    4. Scriven, M., & Paul, R. (2012). Defining critical thinking. The Critical Thinking Community. Retrieved July 22, 2013 from: http://www.criticalddnking.org/aboutCT/define_criticat_thinking.cfm
    5. Using short stories to teach language skills. Journal of English Teaching, (“Pardede, P.” n.d., 1(1), p.15-27).
    6. Marsh, D. (2012). Blended learning: Creating learning opportunities for language learners. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    7. Harashima, H. D. (n.d.). Blended learning: Where it came from and where it heads to. Retrieved July 30, 2012 from: http://glocall.org/pluginfile.php/1300/mod_resource/content/0/Blended_Learning.pdf
    8. Davies, G. (2000). CALL (computer assisted language learning). In Byram, M. (Eds), Routledge Encylopedia of Language Teaching and Learning (pp. 90-93),London: Routledge.

  14. Name : Dewi Natalia Perangin-angin
    SIN : 1112150042
    Class B

    Citation Exercises

    1. Siregar, Merari. (2001, p. 10) stated when thought is written down, ideas can be examined, reconsidered, added to, rearranged, and changed.
    2. Denver and Roger (2009, P. 222) accentuated that there are three stages of the writing process; prewriting, drafting, and revising.
    3. Recount text is a text that tells about something that happened or retells past events or activities and has a purpose to give detailed information about what and when of that event (J. Anderson and P. Anderson, 2003, p. 32).
    4. “Writing skill is a difficult skill to be developed and learned”, especially in the foreign language (Aguero, et al., 2005).
    5. According to Alwasillah (2001), the reasons that make students do not enjoy writing activity, namely: 1). They consider that writing is task; 2). There is less interaction between them in writing activity; 3). It needs extra skills or knowledge to write.
    Referencing Exercises

    1. Nunan, D. (2003). Practical English Language Teaching. Hill, New York : Mc Graw.
    2. Pardede, P. (2001, November). Using BALL to Develop Writing Skills: Students’ interest and Perception. Paper presented at the SWCU international Conference, Salatiga: Satya Wacana Christian University.
    3. Lohini, S., Adhikar ,R., & Subedi, A. (2009). The Magic of Words. Kathmandu : M.K. Distributor.
    4. Scriven, M., Paul, R. (2012). Defining Critical Thinking. Retrieved on 22 July , 2013 from http://www.criticalddnking.org/
    5. Using short stories to teach language skills. Journal of English Teaching, 1(1), 15-27. (“Pardede, P.” n.d.).
    6. Marsh, D. (2012). Blended Learning : Creating Learning opportunities for language learners. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press.
    7. Harashima, H.D. (n.d). Blended Learning. Where it came and where it heads to. Retrived on July 30,2012 from:http://glocall.org/pluginfile.php/1300/mod_resource/content/0/Blended_Learning.pdf
    8. Davies, G. (2000). CALL (computer assisted language learning). In Byram, M. (Eds), Routledge Encyclopedia of Language Teaching and Learning (pp.90–93). London : Routledge.

  15. Name : Ribka Nasita Putri
    Class : A
    NIM : 1112150002

    Citation Exercises
    1. Merari Siregar (2001) stated that “when thought is written down, ideas can be examined, reconsidered, added to, rearranged, and changed” (p.10).

    2. Denver & Roger (2009) accentuated that “there are three stages of the writing process; prewriting, drafting, and revising” (p.222).

    3. Recount text is a text that tells about something that happened or retells past events or activities and has a purpose to give detailed information about what and when of that event (T.Anderson & A.Anderson, 2003, p. 32).

    4. Writing skill is a difficult skill to be developed and learned, especially in the foreign language (Aguero, et al., 2005).

    5. According to Alwasillah (2001), the reasons that make students do not enjoy writing activity, namely: 1). They consider that writing is task; 2). There is less interaction between them in writing activity; 3). It needs extra skills or knowledge to write.

    Referencing Exercises
    Davies, G. (2000). CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning). (M. Byram, Ed.) Routledge Encyclopedia of Language Teaching and Learning , pp. 90-93.
    Hirashima, H. D. (n.d.). Blended Learning: Where It Came From and It Heads To. http://glical.org/pluginfile.php/1300/mod_resource/content/0/Blended_Learning.pdf on July 30, 2012.
    Marsh, D. (2012). Blended Learning: Creating Learning Opportunities for Language Learners. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Nunan, D. (2003). Practical English Language Teachinh. New York: Mc Graw Hill.
    Pardede, P. (n.d.). Using Short Stories to Teach Language Skills. Journal of English Teaching, Volume 1, No. 1 , pp. 15-27.
    Pardede, P. (2011, November). Using BALL to Develop Writing Skills: Students’ interest and Perception.
    Paul, M. S. (2012). Defining Critical Thinking. The Critical Thinking Community , http://www.criticalddnking.org/aboutCT/.
    Suresh Lohini, Raymond Adhikar ,& Ahmed Subedi. (2009). The Magic of Words. Kathmandu: M.K. Distributor.

    1. Hi, Ribka. I just remind you that APA’s in-text citations provide at least the author’s last name. So, it should be:
      1. Siregar (2001) stated that when thought is written down, ideas can be examined, reconsidered, added to, rearranged, and changed.

      Then, you should use word “and” between the authors’ name within the text or use “&” in the parentheses. So, it should be:
      2. Denver and Roger (2009) accentuated that “there are three stages of the writing process; prewriting, drafting, and revising” (p.222).


      2. “There are three stages of the writing process; prewriting, drafting, and revising” (Denver & Roger, 2009, p.222).

      That’s all I wanna say 🙂

  16. Name : Cianly Siwisesa
    NIM : 1112150047
    CLASS : BS B

    Citation Exercises
    1. Siregar, Merari. (2001, p. 10).when thought is written down, ideas can be examined, reconsidered, added to, rearranged, and changed.
    2. Denver & Roger. (2009, P. 222) accentuated that there are three stages of the writing process; prewriting, drafting, and revising.
    3. Recount text is a text that tells about something that happened or retells past events or activities and has a purpose to give detailed information about what and when of that event (C. Anderson and D. Anderson, 2003, p. 32).
    4. Writing skill is a difficult skill to be developed and learned, especially in the foreign language (Aguero, et al., 2005).
    5. According to (Alwasillah, 2001). the reasons that make students do not enjoy writing activity, namely: 1). They consider that writing is task; 2). There is less interaction between them in writing activity; 3). It needs extra skills or knowledge to write.

    Referencing Exercises
    1. Nunan, D. (2003). Practical English Language Teaching. Hill, New York : Mc Graw
    2. Pardede, P. (November 2011). Using BALL to Develop Writing Skills: Students’ interest and Perception. Paper presented at the SWCU international Conference, Salatiga: Satya Wacana Christian University.
    3. Lohini, S., Adhikar ,R., & Subedi,A. (2009). The Magic of Words. Kathmandu : M.K. Distributor.
    4. Scriven, M., Paul, R. (2012). Defining Critical Thinking. Retrieved on July 22, 2013 from http://www.criticalddnking.org/ aboutCT/ define_criticat_thinking.cfm.
    5. Using short stories to teach language skills. Journal of English Teaching, 1(1), 15-27. (“Pardede, P.” n.d.).
    6. Marsh, D. (2012). Blended Learning : Creating Learning opportunities for language learners. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press.
    7. Harashima, H.D. (n.d). Blended Learning. Where it came and where it heads to. Retrived on July 30,2012 from: http://glocall.org/pluginfile.php/1300/mod_resource/content/0/Blended_Learning.pdf
    8. Davies, G. (2000). CALL (computer assisted language learning). In Byram, M. Routledge Encyclopedia of Language Teaching and Learning (pp.90–93). London : Routledge.

  17. Name : Mega Intan sari
    NIm : 1112150012

    Citation Exercises
    1. According to Siregar (2001, p. 10) “when thought is written down, ideas can be examined, reconsidered, added to, rearranged, and changed.”
    2. Denver & Roger (2009) accentuate there are three stages of the writing process; prewriting, drafting, and revising. (P, 222)
    3. Recount text is a text that tells about something that happened or retells past events or activities and has a purpose to give detailed information about what and when of that event (J. Anderson and A. Anderson, 2003, p. 32).
    4. Writing skill is a difficult skill to be developed and learned, especially in the foreign language (Aguero, et al., 2005).
    5. According to Alwasillah (2001) The reasons that make students do not enjoy writing activity, namely: 1). They consider that writing is task; 2). There is less interaction between them in writing activity; 3). It needs extra skills or knowledge to write.

    Referencing Exercises
    Nunan, D. (2003). Practical English Language Teaching . New york : Mc Graw.

    Pardede, P. (2011). Using BALL to Develop Writing Skills : Students’ Interest and Perception. SWCU International Conference 2011. Salatiga: Satya Wacana Christian University.

    Lohini, S.-Adhikar, R., & Subedi, A. (2009).The Magic of Words. Kathmandu: M.K. Distributor.

    Scriven, M., & Paul, R. (2012). Defining Critical Thinking. The Critical Thinking Community, retrieved on 22 July ,2013 from : http://www.criticalddnking.org/aboutCT/ define_criticat_thinking.cfm

    Pardede, P. Using Short Stories to Teach Language Skills. (Vol. 1). Journal of English Teaching .

    Marsh, D. (2012). Creating Learning Opportunities for Language Learners. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press .

    Harashima, H. D. Blended Learning : Where it came and where it heads to. Retrived on July 30,2012 from: http://glocall.org/pluginfile.php/1300/mod_resource/content/0/Blended_Learning.pdf

    Davies, G. (2000). CALL ( computer assited language learning. london: routledge.

  18. Hardianti A. Tias
    11 121 500 49
    1. According to Siregar (2001, p. 10) “When thought is written down, ideas can be examined, reconsidered, added to, rearranged, and changed”.

    2. Denver & Roger (2009) have been stated that accentuate there are three stages of the writing process; prewriting, drafting, and revising. (P, 222)

    3. Anderson and Anderson (2003, p. 32) argued that recount text is a text that tells about something that happened or retells past events or activities and has a purpose to give detailed information about what and when of that event.

    4. Aguero, et al. (2005) argued that writing skill is a difficult skill to be developed and learned, especially in the foreign language.

    5. According to Alwasillah (2001) “The reasons that make students do not enjoy writing activity, namely: 1). They consider that writing is task; 2). There is less interaction between them in writing activity; 3). It needs extra skills or knowledge to write.


    Davies, G. (2000). CALL (Computer assisted language learning).(M. Byram, Ed.) Routledge Encyclopedia of Language Teaching and Learning, pp. 90-93.

    Harashima, H. D. (n.d.). Blenden Learning:where it came from the where it heads to. Retrieved July 30, 2012, from http://glocall.org/pluginfile.php/1300/mod resource/content/0/Blended Learning.pdf

    Marsh, D. (2012). Blended Learning opportunities for language learners. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

    Nunan, D. (2003). Practical English Language Teaching. Hill, New York: Mc Graw.

    Pardede, P. (November 2011). Using BALL to Develop Writing Skills: Students’ interest and Perception. SWCU International Converence 2011 . Salatiga: Satya Wacana Christian University.

    Pardede, P. (n.d.). Using Short Stories to teach Language Skills. English Teaching , Volume 1,pp. 15-27.

    Paul, M. S. (2011). Defining Critical Thinking. Retrieved July 22, 2013, from The Critical Thinking Community: http://www.criticalddnking.org/aboutCT/.

    Suresh Lotini, R. A. (2009). The Magic of Words. M. K. Distributor, Kathmandu.

    1. Revision for Reverences

      Davies, G. (2000). CALL (Computer assisted language learning).(M. Byram, Ed.) Routledge Encyclopedia of Language Teaching and Learning, pp. 90-93.

      Harashima, H. D. (n.d.). Blenden Learning:where it came from the where it heads to. Retrieved July 30, 2012, from http://glocall.org/pluginfile.php/1300/mod resource/content/0/Blended Learning.pdf

      Lohini, S., Adhikar, R., & Subedi, A. (2009). The magic of words. Kathmandu: M.K. Distributor.

      Marsh, D. (2012). Blended Learning opportunities for language learners. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

      Nunan, D. (2003). Practical English Language Teaching. Hill, New York: Mc Graw.

      Pardede, P. (November 2011). Using BALL to Develop Writing Skills: Students’ interest and Perception. SWCU International Converence 2011 . Salatiga: Satya Wacana Christian University.

      Pardede, P. (n.d.). Using Short Stories to teach Language Skills. English Teaching , Volume 1,pp. 15-27.

      Scriven, M., & Paul, R. (2012). Defining critical thinking. The Critical Thinking Community. Retrieved July 22, 2013 from http://www.criticalddnking.org/aboutCT/define_criticat_thinking.cfm

  19. Good morning sir, Sorry sir, I mean.
    name: Erika Magdalena Septiana
    nim: 1112150901

    1. According to Merari Siregar (2001), argued that “when thought is written down, ideas can be examined, reconsidered, added to, rearranged, and changed” (p.10).

    2. Denver & Roger (2009, p. 222) accentuated that “there are three stages of the writing process; prewriting, drafting, and revising”.

    3. According to Anderson & Anderson (2003), “recount text is a text that tells about something that happened or retells past events or activities and has a purpose to give detailed information about what and when of that event”. (p. 32).

    4. Writing skill is a difficult skill to be developed and learned, especially in the foreign language (Aguero, et al., 2005).

    5. According to Alwasillah (2001), the reasons that make students do not enjoy writing activity, namely: 1). They consider that writing is task; 2). There is less interaction between them in writing activity; 3). It needs extra skills or knowledge to write.


    8. Davies, G. (2000). CALL (computer assisted language learning). In Byram, M (Ed.), (pp.90-93). London : Routledge Encyclopedia of Language Teaching and Learning.

    7. Harashima, H., D. (n.d). Blended Learning: where it came from and where it heads to. Retrieved from http://glocall.org/pluginfile.php/1300/mod_resource/content/0/Blended_Learning.pdf on July 30, 2012. .

    3. Lohini, S., Adhikar, R., & Subedi, A. (2009). The Magic of Words. Kathmandu : M.K. Distributor.

    6. Mars, D. (2012). Blended Learning: Creating Learning opportunities for language learners. Cambridge : Cambridge University.

    1. Nunan, D. (2003). Practical English Language Teaching. New York : Mc. Graw Hill.

    2. Pardede, P. (2011, November). in SWCU International Conference. Using BALL to Develop Writing Skills: Students’ interest and Perception. Salatiga : Satya Wacana Christian University.

    5. Pardede, P. (n.d). (p.15-27). Using short stories to teach language skills (Volume 1, No. 1). Journal of English Teaching.

    4. Scriven, M., & Paul, R. (2012). Defining Critical Thinking. Retrieved from The Critical Thinking Community from http://www.criticalddnking.org/aboutCT/.

    Thank you sir 🙂

  20. Good morning sir, this is my assignment.
    name: Erika Magdalena Septiana
    nim: 1112150901
    1. According to Merari Siregar (2001), argued that “when thought is written down, ideas can be examined, reconsidered, added to, rearranged, and changed” (p.10).

    2. Denver & Roger (2009, p. 222) accentuated that “there are three stages of the writing process; prewriting, drafting, and revising”.

    3. According to Anderson & Anderson (2003), “recount text is a text that tells about something that happened or retells past events or activities and has a purpose to give detailed information about what and when of that event”. (p. 32).

    4. Writing skill is a difficult skill to be developed and learned, especially in the foreign language (Aguero, et al., 2005).

    5. According to Alwasillah (2001), the reasons that make students do not enjoy writing activity, namely: 1). They consider that writing is task; 2). There is less interaction between them in writing activity; 3). It needs extra skills or knowledge to write.


    8. Davies, G. (2000). CALL (computer assisted language learning). In Byram, M (Ed.), (pp.90-93). London : Routledge Encyclopedia of Language Teaching and Learning.

    7. Harashima, H., D. (n.d). Blended Learning: where it came from and where it heads to. Retrieved from http://glocall.org/pluginfile.php/1300/mod_resource/content/0/Blended_Learning.pdf on July 30, 2012. .

    3. Lohini, S. Adhikar, R, A., & Ahmad, S. (2009). The Magic of Words. Kathmandu : M.K. Distributor.

    6. Mars, D. (2012). Blended Learning: Creating Learning opportunities for language learners. Cambridge : Cambridge University.

    1. Nunan, D. (2003). Practical English Language Teaching. New York : Mc. Graw Hill.

    2. Pardede, P. (2011, November). in SWCU International Conference. Using BALL to Develop Writing Skills: Students’ interest and Perception. Salatiga : Satya Wacana Christian University.

    5. Pardede, P. (n.d). (p.15-27). Using short stories to teach language skills (Volume 1, No. 1). Journal of English Teaching.

    4. Scriven, M., & Paul, R. (2012). Defining Critical Thinking. Retrieved from The Critical Thinking Community from http://www.criticalddnking.org/aboutCT/.

  21. Name : Tuti Haryati Sihite
    NIM : 1112150044
    BS (B)

    Hi Sir, these are my answer for citation and referencing exercises. Thank you.

    Citation exercises
    1.According to Siregar (2001, p. 10) “when thought is written down, ideas can be examined, reconsidered, added to, rearranged, and changed”.

    2.Denver and Roger’s (2009, p. 222) accentuated that there are three stages of the writing process; prewriting, drafting, and revising.

    3.According to A.Anderson and T.Anderson (2003, p. 32),” recount text is a text that tells about something that happened or retells past events or activities and has a purpose to give detailed information about what and when of that event” .

    4.Aguero, et al (2005) stated that Writing skill is a difficult skill to be developed and learned, especially in the foreign language.

    5.Alwasillah (2001) explained that “the reasons that make students do not enjoy writing activity, namely: 1). They consider that writing is task; 2). There is less interaction between them in writing activity; 3). It needs extra skills or knowledge to write”.

    Referencing exercises

    Davies, G. (2000). CALL (computer assisted language learning). Michael Byram: Routledge Encyclopedia of Language Teaching and Learning (pp.90–93). London: Routledge.

    Harashima, H.D. Blended Learning. retrieved from http://glocall.org/pluginfile.php/1300/ mod_resource/content/0/Blended_Learning.pdf .

    Lohini, S. ,Adhikar, R., & Subedi, A. (2009). The magic of words. Kathmandu: M.K Distributor.

    Marsh, D. (2012). Creating Learning opportunities for language learners. Cambridge: by Cambridge University.

    Nunan, D. (2003). Practical English Language Teaching. New York: Mc Grow Hill

    Parede, P. Using short stories to teach language skills,1(1), 15-27. Journal of English Teaching.

    Satya Wacana Christian University. (2011). Using BALL to Develop Writing Skills: Students’ interest and Perception. SWCU international Conference, Salatiga: Pardede.

    Scriven, W. & Paul, R. (2012). Defining Critical Thinking. Retrieved from http://www.criticalddnking.org/ aboutCT/ define_criticat_thinking.cfm.

  22. Name : Jessica Talentia
    NIM : 11 121 500 39


    1. Merari Siregar (2001, p. 10) argued that when thought is written down, ideas can be examined, reconsidered, added to, rearranged, and changed.

    2. Denver & Roger (2009, p. 222) affirmed that there are three stages of the writing process; prewriting, drafting, and revising.

    3. According to Anderson and Anderson (2003), “Recount text is a text that tells about something that happened or retells past events or activities and has a purpose to give detailed information about what and when of that event” (p. 32).

    4. Writing skill is a difficult skill to be developed and learned, especially in the foreign language (Aguuero et. al., 2005).

    5. According to (Alwasillah, 2001), “The reasons that make students do not enjoy writing activity, namely: 1). They consider that writing is task; 2). There is less interaction between them in writing activity; 3). It needs extra skills or knowledge to write”. (Nunan, 2003)


    Davies, G. (2000). CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning). (M. Byram, Ed.) Routledge Encyclopedia of Language Teaching and Learning , pp. 90-93.

    Hirashima, H. D. (n.d.). Blended Learning: Where It Came From and It Heads To. http://glical.org/pluginfile.php/1300/mod_resource/content/0/Blended_Learning.pdf on July 30, 2012.

    Marsh, D. (2012). Blended Learning: Creating Learning Opportunities for Language Learners. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

    Nunan, D. (2003). Practical English Language Teaching. Hill, New York: Mc. Graw.

    Pardede, P. (November 2011). Using BALL to Develop Writing Skills: Students’ interest and Perception. Satya Wacana University. Salatiga.

    Pardede, P. (n.d.). Using Short Stories to Teach Language Skills. Journal of English Teaching, Volume 1, No. 1 , pp. 15-27.

    Paul, M. S. (2012). Defining Critical Thinking. The Critical Thinking Community , http://www.criticalddnking.org/aboutCT/.

    Suresh Lotini, R. A. (2009). The Magic of Words. M. K. Distributor, Kathmandu.

    Thank you for reading.

  23. Name : Mei Pangaribuan
    SIN : 1112150015
    Class : A
    Sir, these are my answer of citation and referencing exercises. Thank you.

    Citation Exercices

    1. Siregar (2001, p. 10) stated that when thought is written down, ideas can be examined, reconsidered, added to, rearranged, and changed.
    2. Denver & Roger (2009, p. 222) accentuated there are three stages of the writing process; prewriting, drafting, and revising.
    3. Recount text is a text that tells about something that happened or retells past events or activities and has a purpose to give detailed information about what and when of that event ( R. Anderson & T. Anderson, 2003, p. 32).
    4. Writing skill is a difficult skill to be developed and learned, especially in the foreign language (Aguero, et al., 2005).
    5. According to Alwasillah (2001), the reasons that make students do not enjoy writing activity, namely: 1). They consider that writing is task; 2). There is less interaction between them in writing activity; 3). It needs extra skills or knowledge to write.

    Referencing Exercises

    1. Nunan, D. (2003). Practical English Language Teaching. New York: Mc Graw.
    2. Pardede, P. (2011, November). Using BALL to Develop Writing Skills: Students’ interest and Perception. Paper presented at the SWCU international Conference 2011. Salatiga: Satya Wacana Christian University.
    3. Lohini, S., Adhikar, R., & Subedi, A. (2009). The Magic of Words.Kathmandu:M.K. Distributor, Kathmand.
    4. Scriven, M., & Paul, R. (2012). Defining Critical Thinking. The Critical Thinking Community, retrieved on 22 July ,2013 from : http://www.criticalddnking.org/ aboutCT/ define_criticat_thinking.cfm
    5. Pardede, P. (n.d.). Using short stories to teach language skills. Journal of English Teaching, 1,(1, ) 15-27.
    6. Marsh, D. (2012). Blended Learning. Creating Learning opportunities for language learners. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press .
    7. Harashima, H. D. (n.d). Blended Learning: where it came from and where it heads to. Retrieved 2012, July 30from http://glocall.org/pluginfile.php/1300/ mod_resource/content/0/Blended_Learning.pdf
    8. Davies, G. (2000). CALL (computer assisted language learning). (M. Byram, Ed.) Routledge Encyclopedia of Language Teaching and Learning , 90–93.London: Routledge.

    1. Referencing Exercises

      Davies, G. (2000). CALL (computer assisted language learning). (M. Byram, Ed.) Routledge Encyclopedia of Language Teaching and Learning , 90–93.London: Routledge.
      Harashima, H. D. (n.d). Blended Learning: where it came from and where it heads to. Retrieved 2012, July 30from http://glocall.org/pluginfile.php/1300/ mod_resource/content/0/Blended_Learning.pdf
      Lohini, S., Adhikar, R., & Subedi, A. (2009). The Magic of Words.Kathmandu:M.K. Distributor, Kathmand.
      Marsh, D. (2012). Blended Learning. Creating Learning opportunities for language learners. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press .
      Nunan, D. (2003). Practical English Language Teaching. New York: Mc Graw.
      Pardede, P. (2011, November). Using BALL to Develop Writing Skills: Students’ interest and Perception. Paper presented at the SWCU international Conference 2011. Salatiga: Satya Wacana Christian University.
      Pardede, P. (n.d.). Using short stories to teach language skills. Journal of English Teaching, 1,(1, ) 15-27.
      Scriven, M., & Paul, R. (2012). Defining Critical Thinking. The Critical Thinking Community, retrieved on 22 July ,2013 from : http://www.criticalddnking.org/ aboutCT/ define_criticat_thinking.cfm


    Sir, here my work. I have done my best. Please check the answer if there any mistake. Thanks in advance 🙂

    Citation Exercises:

    1. Siregar (2001, p. 10) stated that When thought is written down, ideas can be examined, reconsidered, added to, rearranged, and changed.
    2. Denver and Roger (2009) accentuated that ”there are three stages of the writing process; prewriting, drafting, and revising” (p.222).
    3. “Recount text is a text that tells about something that happened or retells past events or activities and has a purpose to give detailed information about what and when of that event” (J. Anderson & P. Anderson, 2003, p. 32).
    4. Aguero, et al. (2005) concluded that writing skill is a difficult skill to be developed and learned, especially in the foreign language.
    5. According to Alwasillah (2001), the reasons that make students do not enjoy writing activity, namely: 1). They consider that writing is task; 2). There is less interaction between them in writing activity; 3). It needs extra skills or knowledge to write.

    Referencing Exercises

    1. Nunan, D. (2003). Practical English languge teaching. New York: Mc Graw Hill.

    2. Pardede, P. (2001, November). Using BALL to Develop Writing Skills: Students’ interest and Perception. Paper presented at the SWCU international conference 2011,Salatiga.

    3. Lohini, S.-Adhikar, R., & Subedi, A. (2009).The Magic of Words. Kathmandu: M.K. Distributor.

    4. Scriven, M., & Paul, R. (2012). Defining Critical Thinking. Critical Thinking Community. Retrived on 22 July 2013 from http://www.criticalddnking.org/

    5. Using short stories to teach language skills. Journal of English Teaching, 1(1), 15-27. (“Pardede, P.” n.d.).

    6. Marsh, D. (2012). Blended learning: Creating learning opportunities for language learners. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

    7. Harashima, H.D. (n.d). Blended Learning. Where it came and where it heads to. Retrived on July 30,2012 from: http://glocall.org/pluginfile.php/1300/mod_resource/content/0/Blended_Learning.pdf

    8. Davies, G. (2000). CALL (computer assisted language learning). In Byram, M. (Eds), Routledge Encylopedia of Language Teaching and Learning (pp. 90-93),London: Routledge.


      Davies, G. (2000). CALL (computer assisted language learning). In Byram, M. (Eds), Routledge Encylopedia of Language Teaching and Learning (pp. 90-93),London: Routledge.

      Harashima, H.D. (n.d). Blended Learning. Where it came and where it heads to. Retrived on July 30,2012 from:http://glocall.org/pluginfile.php/1300/mod_resource/content/0/Blended_Learning.pdf

      Lohini, S.-Adhikar, R., & Subedi, A. (2009).The Magic of Words. Kathmandu: M.K. Distributor.

      Marsh, D. (2012). Blended learning: Creating learning opportunities for language learners. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

      Nunan, D. (2003). Practical English languge teaching. New York: Mc Graw Hill.
      Pardede, P. (2001, November). Using BALL to Develop Writing Skills: Students’ interest and Perception. Paper presented at the SWCU international conference 2011,Salatiga.

      Scriven, M., & Paul, R. (2012). Defining Critical Thinking. Critical Thinking Community. Retrived on 22 July 2013 from http://www.criticalddnking.org/

      Using short stories to teach language skills. Journal of English Teaching, 1(1), 15-27. (“Pardede, P.” n.d.).

      -Thank you Sir-

  25. Name: Annery Fienta
    SIN: 1112150024
    Class: A

    Sir, these are my answers. However, I’m sorry because I don’t know how to italicize text on this reply section. Thank you.

    Citation Exercises
    1. Siregar (2001, p. 10) stated that when thought is written down, ideas can be examined, reconsidered, added to, rearranged, and changed.
    2. Denver and Roger (2009, p. 222) accentuated that there are three stages of the writing process; prewriting, drafting, and revising.
    3. Recount text is a text that tells about something that happened or retells past events or activities and has a purpose to give detailed information about what and when of that event (J. Anderson & P. Anderson, 2003, p. 32).
    4. Writing skill is a difficult skill to be developed and learned, especially in the foreign language (Aguero, et al., 2005).
    5. According to Alwasillah (2001), the reasons that make students do not enjoy writing activity, namely: 1). They consider that writing is task; 2). There is less interaction between them in writing activity; 3). It needs extra skills or knowledge to write.

    Referencing Exercises
    1. Nunan, D. (2003). Practical English language teaching. New York: Mc Graw Hill.
    2. Pardede, P. (2011, November). Using BALL to develop writing skills: Students’ interest and perception. Paper presented at the SWCU international Conference 2011. Salatiga: Satya Wacana Christian University.
    3. Lohini, S., Adhikar, R., & Subedi, A. (2009). The magic of words. Kathmandu: M.K. Distributor.
    4. Scriven, M., & Paul, R. (2012). Defining critical thinking. The Critical Thinking Community. Retrieved July 22, 2013 from http://www.criticalddnking.org/aboutCT/define_criticat_thinking.cfm
    5. Pardede, P. (n.d.). Using short stories to teach language skills. Journal of English Teaching, 1(1), 15-27.
    6. Marsh, D. (2012). Blended learning: Creating learning opportunities for language learners. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    7. Harashima, H. D. (n.d.). Blended learning: Where it came from and where it heads to. Retrieved July 30, 2012 from http://glocall.org/pluginfile.php/1300/mod_resource/content/0/Blended_Learning.pdf
    8. Davies, G. (2000). CALL (computer assisted language learning). In Byram, M (Ed.), Routledge Encyclopedia of Language Teaching and Learning (pp. 90-93). London: Routledge.

    1. If the references have to be in alphabetical order:

      Referencing Exercises
      8. Davies, G. (2000). CALL (computer assisted language learning). In Byram, M (Ed.), Routledge Encyclopedia of Language Teaching and Learning (pp. 90-93). London: Routledge.
      7. Harashima, H. D. (n.d.). Blended learning: Where it came from and where it heads to. Retrieved July 30, 2012 from http://glocall.org/pluginfile.php/1300/mod_resource/content/0/Blended_Learning.pdf
      3. Lohini, S., Adhikar, R., & Subedi, A. (2009). The magic of words. Kathmandu: M.K. Distributor.
      6. Marsh, D. (2012). Blended learning: Creating learning opportunities for language learners. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
      1. Nunan, D. (2003). Practical English language teaching. New York: Mc Graw Hill.
      2. Pardede, P. (2011, November). Using BALL to develop writing skills: Students’ interest and perception. Paper presented at the SWCU international Conference 2011. Salatiga: Satya Wacana Christian University.
      5. Pardede, P. (n.d.). Using short stories to teach language skills. Journal of English Teaching, 1(1), 15-27.
      4. Scriven, M., & Paul, R. (2012). Defining critical thinking. The Critical Thinking Community. Retrieved July 22, 2013 from http://www.criticalddnking.org/aboutCT/define_criticat_thinking.cfm

        1. oke, this is my revision Sir 🙂

          Referencing Exercises

          Davies, G. (2000). CALL (computer assisted language learning). In Byram, M (Ed.), Routledge Encyclopedia of Language Teaching and Learning (pp. 90-93). London: Routledge.

          Harashima, H. D. (n.d.). Blended learning: Where it came from and where it heads to. Retrieved July 30, 2012 from http://glocall.org/pluginfile.php/1300/mod_resource/content/0/Blended_Learning.pdf

          Lohini, S., Adhikar, R., & Subedi, A. (2009). The magic of words. Kathmandu: M.K. Distributor.

          Marsh, D. (2012). Blended learning: Creating learning opportunities for language learners. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

          Nunan, D. (2003). Practical English language teaching. New York: Mc Graw Hill.

          Pardede, P. (2011, November). Using BALL to develop writing skills: Students’ interest and perception. Paper presented at the SWCU international Conference 2011. Salatiga: Satya Wacana Christian University.

          Pardede, P. (n.d.). Using short stories to teach language skills. Journal of English Teaching, 1(1), 15-27.

          Scriven, M., & Paul, R. (2012). Defining critical thinking. The Critical Thinking Community. Retrieved July 22, 2013 from http://www.criticalddnking.org/aboutCT/define_criticat_thinking.cfm

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