Three American Values/Beliefs to Emulate

American generally shared some noticeable values and beliefs, such as individual freedom, equal opportunities, material wealth, self reliance, competition, hard work, self improvement, self-discipline, volunteerism, humanitarianism, free spirit, inventiveness, egalitarianism, and aggressiveness. Choose three out of these values and believes and write an essay entitled “Three Most Important American Values and Beliefs to Emulate”.



    As we know the culture is to explain what the characteristic of country. The culture is the background to differentiate about their habits. And now this paper explains to compare the different culture between America and Indonesia especially in American and Indonesia values and beliefs. In this case, we can see from the beginning to the final result to comprehend or to acknowledge what the differences. And I can learn about the culture to develop my knowledge to be an educative person. Actually, we never feel aware about the culture but now I should learn more about more values and beliefs. There are three main points to compare between America and Indonesia. They are self-reliance, competition, and individual freedom.
    First is self-reliance. Individuals must learn to rely on themselves or risk losing freedom. This means achieving both financial and emotional independence from their parents as early as possible, usually by age 18 or 21. It means that Americans believe they should take care of themselves, solve their own problems, and “stand on their own two feet.” They think: They owe nothing to any man, they expect nothing from any man; they acquire the habit of always considering themselves as standing alone, and they are apt to imagine that their whole destiny is in their own hands. This strong belief in self-reliance continues today as a traditional basic American value. It is perhaps one of the most difficult aspects of the American character to understand, but it is profoundly important. Most Americans believe that they must be self-reliant in order to keep their freedom. If they rely too much on the support of their families or the government or any organization, they may lose some of their freedom to do what they want. If people are dependent, they risk losing freedom as well as the respect of their peers. Even if they are not truly self-reliant, most Americans believe they must at least appear to be so. In order to be in the mainstream of American life to have power and/or respect individuals must be seen as self-reliant. Although receiving financial support from charity, family, or the government is allowed, it is never admired. Many people believe that such individuals are setting a bad example, which may weaken the American character as a whole.

    Second is Competition. In this country, we are free to compete with others to get better life. Americans understand this as the right to have equal chance for success in life but not that everyone is or should be equal. They see life as a race for success. Equality means that everyone should have an equal chance to enter the race and win. In other words, equality of opportunity may be thought of as an ethical rule by ensuring that the race for success is fair and that a person does not win just because they was born into wealth. If life is seen as a race, then a person must run it in order to succeed. A person must compete with others. This is the price paid for equality of opportunity. It is expected that everyone should attempt to be successful. Americans match their intelligence against that of their neighbors in a competitive contest for success. The more successful are considered as winners. The pressures of competition in life begin in early childhood and continue until retirement. Learning to compete and win is part of growing up. Competition and the desire to win are considered healthy and desirable.
    Competition also can be found in Indonesia. We can compete with others in school, college, company, and sport team. The purpose of the competition is positive, to get a qualified person in one organization. However, this competition is not clean, we often find a deception. In some cases, to get a high position in one organization, some people often bribe or give some money to the organization. With this, they can get high position. This bad habit can give a bad impact. Organizations in our country consist of bad and not qualified people. The best thing is we can make a competition as a race of success without any deception, like Americans do.
    Third is individual freedom. Whether you call it individual freedom, individualism, or independence, it is the cornerstone of American values. Individual rights are guaranteed in the America law. By freedom, Americans mean the desire and the right of all individuals to control their own destiny without outside interference from the government, school, church, or any organization. It means that Americans believe they should take care of themselves, solve their own problems, and stand on their own two feet.
    Therefore, the three most important values and beliefs to emulate in Indonesia are Individual Freedom, Self-Reliance and Equality of make Indonesia better; we should help Indonesia to emulate these three values. And then we are Indonesian person, we should learn wider knowledge to help to be a develop country.

    As we know the culture is the most important thing and as the background for each countries. We never leave or we never ignore about the culture and then the culture is to explain about the main character from each country for everyone. This is some examples to compare the culture especially between America and Indonesia. And then I want to explain about American and Indonesia in values and beliefs. From the beginning story we can know how far the culture between America and Indonesia. There are three points to compare between American and Indonesia to emulate.
    The first of America is Individual freedom. The earliest settlers came to the North American continent to establish colonies which were from the controls that existed in European societies. They wanted to escape the controls placed on many aspects of their lives by kings and governments, priests and churches, noblemen and aristocrats. To a great extent, they succeeded. In 1776, the British colonial settlers declared their independence from England and established a new nation, the United States of America. In so doing, they defied the king of England and declared that the power to grown would lie in the hands of the people. They were now free from the power of the kings. In 1787, when they wrote the Constitution for their new nation, they separated church and limited the power of the church. Also, in writing the Constitution they expressly forbade titles of nobility to ensure that an aristocratic society would not develop. There would be no ruling class of noblemen in the new nation. By freedom, Americans mean the desire and the right of all individuals to control their own destiny without outside interference from the government, a ruling noble class, the church, or any other organized authority. The desire to be free of controls was a basic value of the new nation in 1776, and it has continued to attract immigrants to this country.
    The second of America is self-reliance. There is, however, a price to be paid for this individual freedom: self-reliance. Individuals must learn to rely on themselves or risk losing freedom. Traditionally, this means achieving both financial and emotional independence from their parents as early as possible, usually by age eighteen or twenty-one. It means that Americans believe they should take care of themselves, solve their own problems and stand “stand on their own two feet”. This strong belief and in self-reliance continues today as a traditional basic American value. It is perhaps one of the most difficult aspects of the American character to understand, but it is profoundly important. Most Americans believe that they must be self-reliant in order to keep their freedom. If they rely too much on the support of their families or the government or any organization, they may lose some of their freedom to do what they want.
    The Third of America is hard work. Americans have paid a price, however, for their material wealth: hard work. The North American continent was rich in natural resources when the first settlers arrived, but all these resources were undeveloped. Only by hard work could these natural resources be converted into material possessions, allowing a more comfortable standard of living. Hard work has been both necessary and rewarding for most Americans throughout their history. Because of this, they came to see material possessions were seen not only as tangible evidence of people’s work, but also of their abilities. In the late 1700s, James Madison, the father of the American Constitution, stated that the difference in material possessions reflected a difference in personal abilities. Most Americans, however, still believe in the value of hard work. Most believe that people should hold jobs and not live off welfare payments from the government. There have been many efforts to reform the welfare system so that people would no become dependent on welfare and stop looking for jobs to support themselves.
    The first of Indonesia is individual freedom. In Indonesia especially in individual freedom is not enough to compete with other country. Because of in Indonesia especially individual freedom has not been done same thing with America. In Indonesia they can still think their self without taking care to other people. And also the worst thing is they can do corruption to get what they want without competition. They do not want the best position will be taken by others for example; nepotism. Because this country had not destroyed for years without their awareness especially in the employee of government and this country need much time to develop from many bad influences. So in Indonesia need a wise leader and has high level in values and beliefs and also a leader must work hard to develop.
    The second of Indonesia is self-reliance. In Indonesia self-reliance doesn’t have enough to compete about the knowledge with others from other country. Indonesia must learn about how the most important thing about self-reliance is to learn. If they need to learn more, Indonesian can compete and this country can be well-known from other country. Self-reliance in Indonesia has not had because Indonesian people still use foreign product from other country. It means that Indonesian people can’t be able to make new creature and they don’t have self-reliance to do everything. For example; Indonesian people prefer studying in America than in Indonesia.
    The third of Indonesia is hard work. In Indonesian people do not still work hard because they need more much money to survive and all prices in foods and products has increased until they must want money. Because government in Indonesia still always do corruption to get much money what all of the employees want. For example; In Papua the employees of Freeport limited demonstrate to get more salary to survive.
    To conclude this paper, in this case, we can see that Indonesia must learn more values and beliefs to compete with America and Indonesia can develop from many bad influences and then Indonesia can be known to the other country. Indonesia must learn from where they take care about American people’s effort and American people do not depend on the other people, they believe their ability what they have experienced for years.


    The United States of America is a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states and a federal district. The country is situated mostly in central North America, where its forty-eight contiguous states and Washington, D.C., the capital district, lie between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, bordered by Canada to the north and Mexico to the south. The state of Alaska is in the northwest of the continent, with Canada to the east and Russia to the west across the Bering Strait. The state of Hawaii is an archipelago in the mid-Pacific. The country also possesses several territories in the Pacific and Caribbean. America has value and belief that became their habit in daily life. There are three important American value and belief to emulate; self-reliance, competition and hard work.

    The first American value and belief is Self-reliance. Individuals must learn to rely on themselves or risk losing freedom. This means achieving both financial and emotional independence from their parents as early as possible, usually by age 18 or 21. It means that Americans believe they should take care of themselves, solve their own problems, and “stand on their own two feet.” They think: They owe nothing to any man, they expect nothing from any man; they acquire the habit of always considering themselves as standing alone, and they are apt to imagine that their whole destiny is in their own hands. This strong belief in self-reliance continues today as a traditional basic American value. It is perhaps one of the most difficult aspects of the American character to understand, but it is profoundly important. Most Americans believe that they must be self-reliant in order to keep their freedom. If they rely too much on the support of their families or the government or any organization, they may lose some of their freedom to do what they want. If people are dependent, they risk losing freedom as well as the respect of their peers. Even if they are not truly self-reliant, most Americans believe they must at least appear to be so. In order to be in the mainstream of American life to have power and/or respect individuals must be seen as self-reliant. Although receiving financial support from charity, family, or the government is allowed, it is never admired. Many people believe that such individuals are setting a bad example, which may weaken the American character as a whole.
    Indonesian characters still not show the Self-reliance, because many Indonesian people love the foreign product than Indonesian product. They believe that foreign product is better than Indonesian product. For example: Indonesian people choose to have a meal in pizza hut or hoka hoka bento than have meal in Indonesian restaurant. In the other hand, in labor area Indonesia prefers to use the foreign employee than the Indonesian employee.
    In this case we can see that Indonesia people don’t believe with the quality of our product. So, if Indonesia want to develop, Indonesia should learn more from America where they can take care about their effort, and they are apt to imagine that their whole destiny is in their own hands.

    The second is competition. If much of life is seen as a race, then a person must run the race in order to succeed; a person must compete with others. If every person has an equal chance to succeed in the United States, then it is every person’s duty to try. Americans match their energy and intelligence against that of others in a competitive contest for success. People who like to compete and are more successful than others are honored by being called winners. On the other hand, those who do not like to compete and are not successful when they try are often dishonored by being called losers. This is especially true for American men, and it is becoming more and truer for women. The pressures of competition in the life of an American begin in childhood and continue until retirement from work. Learning to compete successfully is part of growing up in the United States.
    In Indonesia also has a competition, for example in education. Indonesian students can compete with students from other countries when following the Olympiad. Indonesian students even become a winner the competition. of course, be a pride for Indonesian society. In addition, Indonesia also competes to the Natural Resources with other nations. Because Indonesia has many sources of income derived from nature, such as coal, gold and others, even though, Indonesia needs to learn more from America to empower existing resources.

    And the third is hard work. The North American continent was rich in natural resources when the first settlers arrived, but all these resources were undeveloped. Only by hard work could these natural resources be converted into material possessions, allowing a more comfortable standard of living. Hard work has been both necessary and rewarding for most Americans throughout their history. Because of this, they came to see material possessions as the natural reward for their hard work.
    As the United States has shifted from an industry-based economy to one that is service or information-based, there has been a decline in high-paying jobs for factory workers. It is now much more difficult for the average worker to go “from rags to riches” in the United States, and many wonder what has happened to the traditional “American Dream.” As the United States competes in a global economy, many workers are losing their old jobs and finding that they and their family members must now work longer hours for less money and fewer benefits. Faced with a decline in their standard of living, these people no longer believe that hard work necessarily brings great material rewards.
    Most Americans, however, still believe in the value of hard work. They believe that people should hold jobs and not live off welfare payments from the government. Barry Goldwater, a candidate for the presidency in 1964, said that most poor people are poor because they deserve to be. Most Americans would find this a harsh statement, but many might think there was some truth in it.
    These basic values do not tell the whole story of the American character. Rather, they should be thought of as themes, which will appear throughout the book as we continue to explore more facets of the American character and how it affects life in the United States.
    Indonesia has not applied the hard work in daily life. In general, Indonesian people still lazing. As evidence, there are still many Indonesian people who do not work and still expect to live with the mercy of others. The number of beggars in the streets is also a portrait of people who do not want to work hard. The actions that they do are only think about for today, but did not think about tomorrow. This certainly is not the action that maintained. Besides, there are still many things that might be categorized as an action that is not willing to hard work, the world’s employment of many workers who just want to get salary without good working. More severe in the fields of education, many teachers are already paid but do not teach well and even to skip teaching. Therefore, Indonesia should learn more from Americans who have always worked hard to reach something, and they do not give up when they make decisions.

    In conclusion, three important American value and belief to emulate are self-reliance, competition and hard work. Indonesia can be successful country if Indonesia applies this three values and belief. By looking America, they can be a great country with these three points.

  4. The United States is a multicultural nation, home to a wide variety of ethnic groups, traditions, and values. Its values, such as individual freedom, equal opportunities, material wealth, self reliance, competition, hard work, self improvement, self-discipline, volunteerism, humanitarianism, free spirit, inventiveness, egalitarianism, and aggressiveness. This time, we will focus on the three most important values and beliefs to emulate, especially in Indonesia, , there are Individual Freedom, Self-Reliance and Equality of Oportunity.
    The one value that nearly every American would agree upon is individual freedom. Whether you call it individual freedom, individualism, or independence, it is the cornerstone of American values. It permeates every aspect of our society. The earliest settlers came to the North American continent to establish colonies that were free from the controls that existed in European societies. They wanted to escape the controls placed on their lives by kings and governments, priests and churches, noblemen and aristocrats. To a great extent, they succeeded. In 1776, the British colonial settlers declared their independence from England and established a new nation, the United States of America. In 1789, when they wrote the Constitution for their new nation, they separated church and state so that there would never be a government-supported church. By limiting the power of the government and the churches, they created a climate of freedom where the emphasis was on the individual. Individual freedom is probably the most basic of all the American values. By freedom, Americans mean the desire and the ability of all individuals to control their own destiny without outside interference from the government, a ruling noble class, the church, or any other organized authority.
    In Indonesia, the freedom for the people is not so broad. Example, the freedom of people to build houses, land and all the earth is the government. because of the policy, many Indonesian people who do not have tenure. build housing on the edge of time was soon put in order.
    The second values that need to emulate is Self-Reliance. Individuals must learn to rely on themselves or risk losing freedom. This means achieving both financial and emotional independence from their parents as early as possible, usually by age 18 or 21. It means that Americans believe they should take care of themselves, solve their own problems, and “stand on their own two feet.” They think:
    They owe nothing to any man, they expect nothing from any man; they acquire the habit of always considering themselves as standing alone, and they are apt to imagine that their whole destiny is in their own hands.
    This strong belief in self-reliance continues today as a traditional basic American value. It is perhaps one of the most difficult aspects of the American character to understand, but it is profoundly important. Most Americans believe that they must be self-reliant in order to keep their freedom. If they rely too much on the support of their families or the government or any organization, they may lose some of their freedom to do what they want. If people are dependent, they risk losing freedom as well as the respect of their peers. Even if they are not truly self-reliant, most Americans believe they must at least appear to be so. In order to be in the mainstream of American life — to have power and/or respect — individuals must be seen as self-reliant. Although receiving financial support from charity, family, or the government is allowed, it is never admired. Many people believe that such individuals are setting a bad example, which may weaken the American character as a whole.
    Indonesia as a big country, Indonesia still need a “favor” from other country financially. We could learn from America. They have many natural resources, but Indonesia have more. We should develop Indonesia from our “foot”.
    The third important values and belief is the belief that everyone has a chance to succeed here. Generations of immigrants, from the earliest settlers to the present day, have come to the United States with this expectation. In the first years of American history, the hopes and dreams of many of these early immigrants were fulfilled in their new country. The lower social class did not prevent them from trying to rise to a higher social position. Many found that they did indeed have a better chance to succeed in the United States than in the old country. Because millions of these immigrants succeeded, Americans came to believe in equality of opportunity. It is important to understand what most Americans mean when they say they believe in equality of opportunity. They do not mean that everyone is — or should be — equal. However, they do mean that each individual should have an equal chance for success. Americans see much of life as a race for success. For them, equality means that everyone should have an equal chance to enter the race and win. In other words, equality of opportunity may be thought of as an ethical rule. It helps ensure that the race for success is a fair one and that a person does not win just because he or she was born into a wealthy family, or lose because of race or religion. This American concept of “fair play” is an important aspect of the belief in equality of opportunity.
    The different in Indonesia, this is the rich get richer and the poor poorer. obvious social inequalities and a rare opportunity for success. we need to learn much from America. all the people there have the same opportunity for success.
    To conclude, the three most important values and beliefs to emulate in Indonesia are Individual Freedom, Self-Reliance and Equality of make Indonesia better, we should help Indonesia to emulate these three values.

  5. PART II

    Name : Gracia Oka Marcela
    Nim : 0812150014

    !. Yes! By learning CCU my language skills increase, now that I know Indonesian language and English language. but in the CCU I learned what it knows English language and more broadly. so my language skills grow by reading books that use English CCU and the CCU are also taught about the values ​​that are important in the United States by using English.
    2. I think by reading, I better understand the contents of the book CCU. with reading comprehension and understand the purpose and content of which is told more visible and easily captured, and for example I do not understand I can ask the lecturer and bring the text book.
    3. Yes! because in studying the CCU at this time I had a lot to know and learn about the important values ​​and culture in the Americas. so when I know I sometimes compare the American culture with the culture in Indonesia, my own culture. American culture is freedom in Indonesia but not vice versa. Indonesia’s culture has a value of prevailing norms. CCU is very useful so learn to be aware of foreign cultures and selecting, if there are negative should not be imitated.
    4, No, because I already know if the culture in America was freedom. I think if the culture in America is not worth a try. some examples: first, if a walk into public places, culture in America is wearing very sexy clothes that ordinary. it is a habit, and the second free sex, free sex in America is familiar same-sex and opposite sex. and lastly, in American culture kissing in public places and it was used by same-sex marriage legal there at the right.
    5. Yes, as an English teacher later, the CCU is to contribute in my profession as a teacher. for example, if I teach English grammar, we must have the ability in the English language is very broad and precise. in studying the CCU we can practice making a revision or paragraph essay. with the CCU we as teachers already have the ability to be taught about it back to our students
    6. No, because when studying the CCU we study only a few parts of the important values ​​and beliefs in America is like. so, we can not directly meet with the Americans and face to face, we must have insight into the extensive knowledge of American state and can also master the language of America to communicate. Learn and know the country that America takes the process. so do not carelessly, they wrote us a different language. that we use in English CCU ie, not the language of America.
    7. Yes, it may be if one day I get to America, benefit from learning the CCU is at least we’ve learned and learn important values ​​and culture in America. although only a few know about America, at least we know than not know at all.

  6. Three Most Important Americans Values and Beliefs to Emulate

    If you ask most Americans what the cultural values and beliefs in the America, you can get some blank stares, or a statement of some basic beliefs. The question may seem simple, but the answer is quite complex. In a society as highly diverse as the America, there is likely to be a multitude of answers. American culture has been enriched by the values and belief systems of virtually every part of the world. Three most important Americans values and beliefs to emulate are hard work, competition, and individual freedom.

    The first important thing in America is hard work. If we go to this country, we can see various villas along the road, almost everyone here owns at least one car, the whole city is clean and I can hardly see any pollution everywhere, the relationship between people is in harmony. I think that all of this mentioned above are the fruits of hard work of America people.

    Our country—Indonesia, is under the way of developing. Though the economy is increased significantly, the problems and crisis are revealed. For many people of Indonesia nowadays, the only goal of their lives is money. They want to be rich, want to have an American style life, but they ignore some very important values during this process as justice, morality, conscience. They do everything to get money even it gives disadvantages for themselves and others. For example, corruption is the most severe problem in Indonesia. Some people, especially in high position, often do corruption to make a “shortcut”. They can enjoy everything what they want without thinking others’ suffering. Many of them make a fortune by cheating not by hard working. This kind of fortune is not what we want. Any one who has conscience should blame it or else our country will have no future. We can also emulate the good value of hard work from America.

    The second part of Americans’ values and beliefs is competition. In this country, we are free to compete with others to get better life. Americans understand this as the right to have equal chance for success in life but not that everyone is or should be equal. They see life as a race for success. Equality means that everyone should have an equal chance to enter the race and win. In other words, equality of opportunity may be thought of as an ethical rule by ensuring that the race for success is fair and that a person does not win just because they was born into wealth. If life is seen as a race, then a person must run it in order to succeed. A person must compete with others. This is the price paid for equality of opportunity. It is expected that everyone should attempt to be successful. Americans match their intelligence against that of their neighbors in a competitive contest for success. The more successful are considered as winners. The pressures of competition in life begin in early childhood and continue until retirement. Learning to compete and win is part of growing up. Competition and the desire to win are considered healthy and desirable.

    Competition also can be found in Indonesia. We can compete with others in school, college, company, and sport team. The purpose of the competition is positive, to get a qualified person in one organization. However, this competition is not clean, we often find a deception. In some cases, to get a high position in one organization, some people often bribe or give some money to the organization. With this, they can get high position. This bad habit can give a bad impact. Organizations in our country consist of bad and not qualified people. The best thing is we can make a competition as a race of success without any deception, like Americans do.

    Individual freedom is the last value and belief of Americans. Whether you call it individual freedom, individualism, or independence, it is the cornerstone of American values. Individual rights are guaranteed in the America law. By freedom, Americans mean the desire and the right of all individuals to control their own destiny without outside interference from the government, school, church, or any organization. It means that Americans believe they should take care of themselves, solve their own problems, and stand on their own two feet.

    The basic law of Indonesia is democracy. It is Indonesians’ value that we are most proud of. We can give our own opinion to our country and also can participate in the problems about Indonesia. However, in the reality, we can also find a cheating in this point. When the election of president and vice president begins, we have an individual freedom to choose the candidates. Some party groups will give some money or reward for someone if they choose the candidate from the party. It proves that freedom can be bought by money. We should apply individual freedom like America, our law must guarantee our individual freedom and right.

    In conclusion, three most important Americans values and beliefs to emulate are hard work, competition, and individual freedom. Indonesia also can apply these three points to be a better country. Indonesia has many natural resources, we only process it with hard work, competition, and individual freedom. Thus, Indonesia becomes a great and successful country like America in the future.

  7. Part 1
    Value is something that cherished. Values Important and enduring beliefs or ideals shared by the members of a culture about what is good or desirable and what is not. Values exert major influence on the behavior of an individual and serve as broad guidelines in all situations. In a country values and the beliefs be the basis for the ideals of the nation. Every country has its values and beliefs that characterized the nation. America is one country that has values and beliefs is a reference for other countries such as Indonesia. Three values that are important and should be Emulate by Indonesia are work hard, individual freedom, and inventiveness.
    The first value is Hard work. This value is one of the most fundamental values in America. Americans believe that through hard work and human endeavor, one can improve their status in life. Values such as thriftiness, hard work, and ingenuity go back to a time when pioneers began settling the western United States. There was so much land and so many opportunities, but it was dangerous and difficult. These conditions led to an adopted mentality of “work hard or perish” that has withstood the test of time and been passed down through generations. This values very important because influence the country.

    Value like hard work has advantages for the country especially for Indonesia which people are lazy to work. We need to emulate the people there who have a high dedication to work. Central Bureau of Statistics said in a statement that the number of poor people (the population below the poverty line) in Indonesia in March 2008 amounted to 34.96 million people (15.42 percent). It shows how lack this country about hard work and the result is proverty grow every year. Corruption also become a big problem for this country. It all caused by laziness people who want rich but lazy to work. If we want a big change we have to emulate this value from ourselves.

    Secondly, value that must emulate by Indonesia is individual freedom. America is a country that highly values of individual freedom, for them individual freedom is something that should not be disturbed. They prefer to precede individual interests rather than public interests. Individual freedom does have a good role in a country. It was a sign every individual has the freedom to think, act, choose, or be creative. This value spur them to more advanced than before. It shows how free this country.

    America Different with our country, Indonesia. Although Indonesia already have a call as a democratic country but in fact not yet. In Indonesia we do not have free enough for every act we do. For example we don’t free enough to worship. With major of moslem, sometimes the other religion felt not free to worship because the major always disturb the minor. From that we can see the lack of individual freedom in our country. The advantage from emulate this value in Indonesia can make Indonesia become a beautiful and peace country and reduce conflict in communities.

    Lastly, value from America that Indonesia has to emulate is inventiveness. Indonesia is a country that famous as a consumerism country. Almost all of its needs must be purchased instead created his own. Indonesia is the country that most famous to consuming abroad products. Indonesia rarely created something new that could be exported abroad. For example staple food like rice Indonesia had to import from overseas. This shows how consumerism we are. The other example is foreign products such as blackberry. It has become public consumption. Because of that Indonesia almost called blackberry country because we consume too much overseas products.

    While America they always to create something new that can export their product to other countries. We have to emulate this value because inventiveness has advantages for Indonesia. Indonesia can make a good relationship with other from export the products for them, can increase income for overseas, make Indonesia become a country which known for new product created is always helpful and make Indonesia be a country that respected by all countries.

    Three values above they are hard work, individual freedom, and inventiveness can emulate in Indonesia if we want. We are taught by them and we can learn how to developed the country and be a “superpower “. We can see the big effect when we ready to emulate these values. We must see the Americans how to be like them. It all important to improve our country so that Indonesia can changed from bad country to best country.

    Sources :

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  8. This is my revise sir

    Three Most Important American Values and Beliefs to Emulate

    America is a big country that has become a role model for my country (Indonesia). Whereas according to my view that Indonesia is a country very rich in culture, religions, and wealth of natural resources than American country, but why American more advanced than Indonesia country?? everyone will answer because America has high-technology, good education, etc. Not only it that is had by America but also in America general have a value and belief in human resources. Three Most Important American Values and Beliefs to Emulate in Indonesia are individual freedom, competition, and hard work.

    In the first Individualism is the cornerstone of American values and affects every aspect of American society. You would have heard of the “Great American Dream” The American Dream is belief in the freedom that allows all citizens and residents of the United States to pursue their goals in life through hard work and free choice. Liberty and freedom were the pillars on which this nation was founded.. Americans are encouraged at an early age to be independent and to develop their own goals in life . They are encouraged to not depend too much on others including their friends, teachers and parents. They are rewarded, when they try harder to reach their goals. A price is however paid for individual freedom: self-reliance. Americans believe that the individual must learn to rely on themselves or risk losing freedom. This often means achieving financial and emotional independence from parents at the earliest time possible. The need to “stand on theirs own feet” is considered a priority. For example individual freedom in American culture, First, people can express their opinions on anything and at any time even the person being talked about is President. In a victory for students’ free speech rights, a federal judge has ruled that a teenager who was prohibited from wearing a t-shirt with a picture of President Bush that reads “International Terrorist” must be allowed to wear the shirt to school. Second, people can choose any kind of life styles as they like, even if the decision may be opposite to the most accepted lifestyle by the society.

    The values of individual freedom is very important in America, but in Indonesia individual freedom is a value that is not recognized because the Indonesian people assume if we want a successful life, we must have rules and usually the rules must be applied in everyday life. it’s all that cause people aged 18-20 in Indonesia became independent and depend on their parents, unlike in America people aged 18-20 were given individual freedom but they must be independent and not dependent on their parents. According to me the value of individual freedom is very important to emulate in Indonesia so that people in Indonesia become self-reliant and not dependent to their parents anymore, but the value of individual freedom that is taken by Indonesia must be positive.

    In the second, Americans love Competition, it permeates everything they do. Competition is the act or state of trying hard to win or gain something wanted by other people. In The United States they do not compete to go to High School but they do compete to go to College. Stephen Moore said in his book: It’s Getting Better All The Time, offers the following explanation for why The United States has made so much progress over the past 100 years.’’ The unique American formula of individual Liberty and free enterprise has cultivated risk taking, experimentation, innovation, and scientific exploration on a grand scale that has never occurred anywhere before.” Americans believe that competition brings out the best in any individual and in any system.

    I like the value of competency in America, because they compete with honest and must abide by the rules and different in Indonesia. Many people in Indonesia have unhealthy competition. for example when they compete to exam, they do all way such as : cheating or bribing money to buy the exams so that they can get the best results, in my opinion the value of competition is very important to emulate in Indonesia, so that in Indonesia have healthy competition like American and Indonesian people become like competItion .

    In the last American believe that hard work are control their future and usually they are more specific to plan things in work. American always like to plan things ahead. They think should control and dominate nature and the world around them. Americans are more goal oriented and American are always ready to do anything to get the job done or achieve their goal. They believe that time is money and try to make everyday productive. They do not like waste time. They always like to do their work on time.

    In addition to in Indonesia, they do not have the value of working hard like in America, Indonesia people want rich but they don’t want to work hard. The Bible said people who are lazy to work, do not be given food. They always want a quick way to get it all, because of this in Indonesia many coruptors, according to my view of the value of working hard to make a positive impact for example America can become a advanced country and of working hard to find the inventors of great and extraordinary.

    In conclusion, the progress of America is happening because they want to fulfill their dream by performing the three most important values; the individual freedom, the hard work, and the competition. Of individual freedom, people can express their opinions on anything and at any time. Second, people can choose any kind of life styles as they like, even if the decision may be opposite to the most accepted lifestyle by the society. And of competition values that American believe competition brings out the best in any individual and in any system. And of course of hard work , American believe that hard work are control their future and they are more specific to plan things in work. If In Indonesia has three values and beliefs like it, of course Indonesia will become advanced country like America.

  9. This is my revise sir

    Three Most Important American Values and Beliefs to Emulate

    America is a big country that has become a role model for my country (Indonesia). Whereas according to my view that Indonesia is a country very rich in culture, religions, and wealth of natural resources than American country, but why American more advanced than Indonesia country?? everyone will answer because America has high-technology, good education, etc. Not only it that is had by America but also in America general have a value and belief in human resources. Three Most Important American Values and Beliefs to Emulate in Indonesia are individual freedom, competItion, and hard work.
    In the first Individualism is the cornerstone of American values and affects every aspect of American society. You would have heard of the “Great American Dream” The American Dream is belief in the freedom that allows all citizens and residents of the United States to pursue their goals in life through hard work and free choice. Liberty and freedom were the pillars on which this nation was founded.. Americans are encouraged at an early age to be independent and to develop their own goals in life . They are encouraged to not depend too much on others including their friends, teachers and parents. They are rewarded, when they try harder to reach their goals. A price is however paid for individual freedom: self-reliance. Americans believe that the individual must learn to rely on themselves or risk losing freedom. This often means achieving financial and emotional independence from parents at the earliest time possible. The need to “stand on theirs own feet” is considered a priority. For example individual freedom in American culture, First, people can express their opinions on anything and at any time even the person being talked about is President. In a victory for students’ free speech rights, a federal judge has ruled that a teenager who was prohibited from wearing a t-shirt with a picture of President Bush that reads “International Terrorist” must be allowed to wear the shirt to school. Second, people can choose any kind of life styles as they like, even if the decision may be opposite to the most accepted lifestyle by the society.
    The values of individual freedom is very important in America, but in Indonesia individual freedom is a value that is not recognized because the Indonesian people assume if we want a successful life, we must have rules and usually the rules must be applied in everyday life. it’s all that cause people aged 18-20 in Indonesia became independent and depend on their parents, unlike in America people aged 18-20 were given individual freedom but they must be independent and not dependent on their parents. According to me the value of individual freedom is very important to emulate in Indonesia so that people Indonesia become self-reliant and not dependent to their parents anymore, but the value of individual freedom that is taken by Indonesia must be positive.
    In the second, Americans love Competition, it permeates everything they do. Competition is the act or state of trying hard to win or gain something wanted by other people. In The United States they do not compete to go to High School but they do compete to go to College. Stephen Moore said in his book: It’s Getting Better All The Time, offers the following explanation for why The United States has made so much progress over the past 100 years.’’ The unique American formula of individual Liberty and free enterprise has cultivated risk taking, experimentation, innovation, and scientific exploration on a grand scale that has never occurred anywhere before.” Americans believe that competition brings out the best in any individual and in any system.
    I like the value of competency in America, because they compete with honest and must abide by the rules and different in Indonesia. Many people in Indonesia have unhealthy competition. for example when they compete to exam, they do all way such as : cheating or bribing money to buy the exams so that they can get the best results, in my opinion the value of competition is very important to emulate in Indonesia, so that in Indonesia have healthy competition like American and Indonesian people become like competition .
    In the last American believe that hard work are control their future and usually they are more specific to plan things in work. American always like to plan things ahead. They think should control and dominate nature and the world around them. Americans are more goal oriented and American are always ready to do anything to get the job done or achieve their goal. They believe that time is money and try to make everyday productive. They do not like waste time. They always like to do their work on time.
    In addition to in Indonesia, they do not have the value of working hard like in America, Indonesia people want rich but they don’t want to work hard. The Bible said people who are lazy to work, do not be given food. They always want a quick way to get it all, because of this in Indonesia many corruptors, according to my view of the value of working hard to make a positive impact for example America can become a advanced country and of working hard to find the inventors of great and extraordinary.
    In conclusion, the progress of America is happening because they want to fulfill their dream by performing the three most important values; the individual freedom, the hard work, and the competition. Of individual freedom, people can express their opinions on anything and at any time. Second, people can choose any kind of life styles as they like, even if the decision may be opposite to the most accepted lifestyle by the society. And of competition values that American believe competition brings out the best in any individual and in any system. And of course of hard work , American believe that hard work are control their future and they are more specific to plan things in work. If In Indonesia has three values and beliefs like it, of course Indonesia will become advanced country like America.

  10. Three Most Important American Values and Beliefs to Emulate
    America is a country that is advanced in the world, therefore many countries are adapting the values or beliefs that become the elements that make America a developed country. Three values or beliefs that exist in America that can be adapted by the people of Indonesia, namely Honesty, Hard work, Responsibility.
    Firstly, Honesty is very important in America, with honesty in any work that is done by Americans, many of the countries in the world who want to work together with America. In addition to the foundation of honesty, the American people afraid to engage in corruption and do all their work with honesty. No wonder no one in America Corruptors.
    In Indonesia honesty very rarely in use, a lot of Indonesian people who use the devious ways in her work. Indonesia so many people just looking for a profit for himself. Honesty can be applied by way of instilling honesty to the nature of Indonesia as a child, and to punish anyone who commits corruption without exception. Hopefully that way diminished Corruptors in Indonesia, Indonesia and hopefully people can work with honesty.
    Second, The Americans are also in the known with hard work at his job. They are diligent and never put off what’s become his job. So that his work is completed on time. In addition to the hard work that Americans are not afraid to fail, if they fail they will try harder to correct errors or deficiencies in the work. A few centuries ago the American nation is not a developed country but with hard work of its citizens can make America the country into a developed nation in the world.

    Indonesia should emulate the hard work of Americans in the work, so that Indonesia could be more developed country than the present. It is very difficult to cultivate nature of hard work if not from childhood. But by starting from such an easy thing not easily give up if you have a failure in the work, and keep trying for better future.

    The last value is the responsibility of, the United States upholds the responsibilities of the job. Almost all the American people are not put off to finish the job. They know the responsibility to finish the job on time. Thus there are no parties who feel disappointed because the results of our work unfinished. And Americans also already know what the job, without having to be told by others because they have a sense of responsibility to all the work.
    I often see people in Indonesia who are not accountable to their work, they often defer to complete what became his job. So that work was not completed on time. We can start growing sense of responsibility to all our activities with a job or doing work or direct our activities as soon as possible and not delay it. Thus the results of our work will be maximal and perfect.
    Hopefully by adopting the three values above, the people of Indonesia can be better than ever and people of Indonesia can build this nation for more advanced again. So that the Indonesian nation is not inferior to other nations in the World.

  11. Three Most Important American Values and Beliefs to Emulate
    America is a country that is advanced in the world, therefore many countries are adapting the values or beliefs that become the elements that make America a developed country. Three values or beliefs that exist in America that can be adapted by the people of Indonesia, namely Honesty, Hard work, Responsibility.
    Honesty is very important in America, with honesty in any work that is done by Americans, many of the countries in the world who want to work together with America. In addition to the foundation of honesty, the American people afraid to engage in corruption and do all their work with honesty. No wonder no one in America Corruptors.
    In Indonesia honesty very rarely in use, a lot of Indonesian people who use the devious ways in her work. Indonesia so many people just looking for a profit for himself. Honesty can be applied by way of instilling honesty to the nature of Indonesia as a child, and to punish anyone who commits corruption without exception. Hopefully that way diminished Corruptors in Indonesia, Indonesia and hopefully people can work with honesty.
    The Americans are also in the known with hard work at his job. They are diligent and never put off what’s become his job. So that his work is completed on time. In addition to the hard work that Americans are not afraid to fail, if they fail they will try harder to correct errors or deficiencies in the work. A few centuries ago the American nation is not a developed country but with hard work of its citizens can make America the country into a developed nation in the world.

    Indonesia should emulate the hard work of Americans in the work, so that Indonesia could be more developed country than the present. It is very difficult to cultivate nature of hard work if not from childhood. But by starting from such an easy thing not easily give up if you have a failure in the work, and keep trying for better future.

    The last value is the responsibility of, the United States upholds the responsibilities of the job. Almost all the American people are not put off to finish the job. They know the responsibility to finish the job on time. Thus there are no parties who feel disappointed because the results of our work unfinished. And Americans also already know what the job, without having to be told by others because they have a sense of responsibility to all the work.
    I often see people in Indonesia who are not accountable to their work, they often defer to complete what became his job. So that work was not completed on time. We can start growing sense of responsibility to all our activities with a job or doing work or direct our activities as soon as possible and not delay it. Thus the results of our work will be maximal and perfect.
    Hopefully by adopting the three values above, the people of Indonesia can be better than ever and people of Indonesia can build this nation for more advanced again. So that the Indonesian nation is not inferior to other nations in the World.

  12. Three Most Important American Values and Beliefs to Emulate

    The progress of the country doesn’t separate from its values and beliefs that are followed by its society. America is a country which has many values and beliefs in its society. It makes America become a plural country that is respected by other countries in the world. The values and beliefs of America can be reference to other countries in the world. Three American values and beliefs that can be emulated are individual freedom, self discipline, and volunteerism.
    First, the value is individual freedom. Many countries have a law about the individual freedom. However, sometimes the people can not be responsible of their freedom. Different with America, it has a value of the individual freedom but they use the value by full of responsibility. They know the consequences if they don’t obey or don’t use the value well. Freedom for Americans means the right of all individuals to control their own destiny without outside interference from government, a ruling class, church or other organized authority. The Americans have learned about freedom since them young. So, when they grow become adult, they don’t depend on their parents. In other words, they can be an independent adult. The Americans don’t like if their right are limited by their parents and their parents don’t like to limit their children’s right because the Americans respect their individual freedom for each others. So, the individual freedom of America can be reference to others countries in the world.
    Second, American has a self discipline. Because of the American are an individual people, they have a competition spirit. They must be competing with the others to get their dreams. The American realizes they can’t get their dream if they don’t have a spirit to hard work. Beside that, they must be having a self discipline. The American must be discipline to get their dream. It is contrast with the condition in Indonesia. Many people still have a less discipline. The American teaches that without developing self discipline, they can’t get their dream. For the American self discipline is very influence to the successful. So, the self discipline of the American can be emulating.
    The last, they have a value about the volunteerism. Although America has the high individual freedom, they do not forget to charity with others. They like to help other that need a help because for them, their life can be useless. No meaning. This value can be example for others countries. In the value of the individual freedom, American has a good heart and full of love so that in their value about individual freedom, they are like to care with others. It proved by their arrival in the others countries that got a disaster. They are very care to another people. In many countries, when the people have the individual freedom, they are will be incline to be a selfish people. They will be like that because they just thinking about them selves. So, it is will be better if all of people in the countries can be emulating the Americans attitude about the volunteerism.
    In conclusion, the American has a good value to emulate. Not only to emulate but also to make them selves become a people that already to compete and catch their dream. Individual freedom, self discipline and volunteerism are the values that support them to be a successful people.

  13. The Most Important American Values and Beliefs to Emulate

    America is the one of the biggest country in the world. There are many values in America. In the twenty-first century, the United States probably has a greater diversity of racial, ethnic, cultural, and religious group than any other nation on earth. From the America, there are three most important aspects, such as : Individual freedom, self reliance, and self improvement.

    First, the earliest settlers came to the North American continent to establish colonies which were free from the controls that existed in European societies. They wanted to escape the controls placed on many aspects of their lives by kings and government, priest and churches, noblemen aristocrats. To a great extent, they succeeded. In 1776, the British colonial settlers. Declared their independence from England and established a new nation. The Unites States of America In so doing, they defied the king of England and declared that the power to govern would lie in the hands of the people. They were now free from the power of the kings. In 1787, when they wrote the Constitution for their new nation, they separated church and state so that there would never be a government-supported church. The historic decisions made by those first settlers have had a profound effect on shaping of the American character. By limiting the power of the government and the churches and eliminating a formal aristocracy, the early settlers created a climate of freedom where the emphasis was on the individual. The United States came to be associated in their minds with the concept of individual freedom. This is probably most basic off all the American values. Scholars and outside observes often call this value individualism, but many Americans use the word freedom. It is one of the most respected and popular words in the United States today.

    A key belief of people in individualistic cultures is that the smallest unit of survival is the individual. American culture is sometimes referred to as the “I” culture since it is the individual rather than the group which is emphasized.

    America is a country that is keeping the values of individual freedom. The values of individual freedom is a freedom to perform and express something. Individual freedom can be considered as freedom of religion, freedom of speech or opinion, are free to choose the job even freely choose a place to live. As in matters of religion or belief, government is not responsible for religious belief. State clearly distinguish between religion and government affairs of state. The American government gives individuals to embrace a religion or without a religion or belief.

    Individual freedom should be upheld by Indonesia. As in the freedom of a religion or belief. Indonesia has so far where people often experience discomfort in a religion. Often seen where the insurgency and violence while people were having worship. The Indonesian government is giving religious freedom to its citizens, freedom of religion but in reality was only a speech course. As an example of many instances where the difficulty to build a church, the church burnings, and the prohibition to conduct worship, even when a group of citizen revolt people are doing worship. For it is better, Indonesia to learn from Americans about individual freedom in a religion. With the existence of individual freedom in religion and to worship, then it will manifest a state of mutual respect and appreciate differences in beliefs.

    Freedom for Americans means the right of all individuals to control their own destiny without outside interference from government, a ruling class, church or other organized authority. Americans are therefore expected to take the initiative in advancing their personal interests and well-being and to be direct and assertive in interacting with others . A price is however paid for individual freedom: self-reliance. Americans believe that the individual must learn to rely on themselves or risk losing freedom. This often means achieving financial and emotional independence from parents at the earliest time possible. The need to “stand on theirs own feet” is considered a priority.

    Many typical even dramatic example can show us how American insist on freedom everywhere, such as : people can express their opinions on anything and at any time the person being talked about is president, and individual can develop him – herself in any way (about studies, work, and lives) and people can choose any kind of life style as they like.

    Second, individual must learn to rely on themselves or risk loosing freedom. Traditionally, this means achieving both financial and emotional independence from their parents as early as possible, usually by age eighteen or twenty-one. Most Americans believe that they must be self-reliant in order to keep their freedom. If they rely too much on the support of their families or the government or any organization, they may lose some of their freedom to do what they want. Often adult children return home to live with their parents because of economic conditions or a failed marriage. Parents are usually happy to help out, but most members of the family expect this to be a short-term arrangement. When people are dependent , they risk loosing freedom and they may also lose the respect of their peers. Even if they are not truly self – reliant, most Americans believe they must at least appear to be so. In order to be in mainstream of American life to have power and/or respect—individuals must be seen as self-reliant.

    Third, the another important values associated with American Protestantism is the value of self-improvement. Christianity often emphasizes the natural sinfulness of human nature. Unlike Catholics, Protestants don not go to priests for forgiveness of their sins; individuals are left alone before God to improve themselves and ask for God’s guidance, forgiveness, and grace. For this reason, Protestantism has traditionally encourage a strong and restless desire for self-improvement.

    Individual freedom, self reliance, and self improvement are the most important in America. The three most important aspects make the America become the one of the biggest country in the world. Maybe we can learn the values that kept Americans to get a better life. Individual freedom, independence, and self improvement, can be a value that can make us more advanced and mutual respect each other without having to see any difference.

  14. PART I
    Three Most Important American Values and Beliefs to Emulate

    America is a big country, the American economy is also the largest economy in the world. Not only in economic terms, America also has a good in technological , and political life. America is a great nation, which has a good progress from all aspect. but it was not easy to reach that, they have values that very useful for the progress of that country. such as individual freedom, equal opportunities, material wealth, self reliance, competition, hard work, self improvement, self-discipline, volunteerism, humanitarianism, free spirit, inventiveness, egalitarianism, and aggressiveness. But for me the three most important American values and beliefs are hard work, self reliance and individual freedom

    The first value is hard work. As we know that America is a “workaholic” country .American citizens are the type of hard worker who never gave up. they are very focused and serious about their work, America is a nation that is very active, which can not simply did not do anything, they are people who always wants to be a number one. they have a very high working spirit.People think That it is “Sinful” to “waste one’s time,” “to sit around doing nothing,” or just to “daydream. they do not like doing things that futile or useless, but they like to do something new and useful to their lives.America is also the country that has not a lot of a national holiday, they preferred to keep working. but that’s makes them as a developed nation, American do not like doing things that are not important but does the important or valuable to their lives . American nation has a soul who is very active in his work, we must do something, something useful for us and something that can change our lives.
    The advantage of hard work value to Indonesian culture is to learn about the American spirit of working . hard work is a worthy value that should be followed by Indonesia. they always focus on their work , if we can apply this value in indonesia, of course our country will be more advanced. In Indonesia, many people who just want to reach the success instantly without going through all the process and hard work. Compare with the American, who work without knowing the time. if indonesian wants to work hard, we can reduce unemployment and poverty. so that someday we can become a developed country in all aspects. by working hard we can achieve a state of more advanced and prosperous country can even compete with American.

    The second value is self reliance. America is an independent country. America is a country that has the courage and confidence to do anything themselves, they do not depend on others. in America, the parents never spoil their children since they are kids, everything must be done alone, in America, children no longer sleep accompanied by her parents, and should be able to feed themselves, they teach their children from childhood to be able to stand on his own feet and not rely on others,.The Teenagers in America are also very independent, They hit age 17, They are Trying to live alone, pay for Their own lives, They are Trying to find a job or even out of his parents’ home to live his own life. The teenagers in America was embrassed and feeling not free if all they need must be filled by their parents. Life by their own feet would be better than keep staying with their parents

    The second advantage of value for us is to learn about how to be independent and how to stand by our own feet, in Indonesia only a few people who can do everything by themselves, in Indonesia would be better if we doing anything by working together, in my opinion , it is not always good, we must accustom ourselves to be able to rely on ourself, not others. we must be brave and confident in facing any kind of situation. Its better if the parents in Indonesia teach about a self reliance since they are childhood. the parents always help their children all the time, then when we can be independent person? Indonesia should learn from America that can stand on its own feet and able to handle anything of ourselves, if we can apply this value in our life, we will become an independent nation and not to rely on other countries.

    The last value is individual freedom. Individual freedom is the right of each citizen, no one can broke that, every citizen has the freedom of each individual to express himself. They are has a big respect of individual freedom, America loves freedom. they do not like it if their freedom is restricted by the regulations. even the state was not entitled to fetter their freedom. there are a few examples of freedom in America, for example is freedom of choosing the religion. in America there are many followers of Protestant and Catholic, but also many people who don’t have the religion or being an atheist. ,there is no religious institutionsin in America but the government will guarantee every people in America. the government did not interfere with the religious matter because they are think that every people have their own relationship with god, that is also the part of privacy. There is no violence against of religion in america, they live in harmony among the religions. no closures and burning a curch . Citizens who do not adhere to any religion protected by the government, the government gives full rights to citizens in choosing or not choosing a religion. Government guarantees every religious community in order to worship in peace. This is an extraordinary thing from America, they do not have a religious institution but they will fully guarantee the freedom of religion.

    The last advantage of value for indonesian culture is about religion freedom. religious life in Indonesia is not good, the governments and institutions can not guarantee it will be harmonious religious life, Indonesia should follow the America value, which can be guarantee the religious life even the have any religion institution. As we know, in Indonesia, the vandalism and even bombings of places of worship often occurs, but the government can not solve about that problems.Americans always guarantees every religion . Indonesia should follow this value o that in the future no more happen the destruction of places to worship worship God and we can free to praise our own believe.

    America is a developed country that always work hard and independent, they can stand on their own feet without relying on other people, Americans also have a individual freedom, every citizen has the right to freedom, this value are very good if we can apply in Indonesia, if we want to be a developed country, we must work hard and and have a independent spirit. by applying these values in indonesia, of course every aspect of life in Indonesia will be more advanced. but if we stuck on our culture, become an developed country is only a dream.

  15. PART I

    Three Most Important American Values and Beliefs to Emulate

    If you asked most Americans what the cultural values in the U.S. are, you might get some blank stares, or a statement of some basic beliefs. The question may seem simple, but the answer is quite complex. They have many values and belief to emulate. And the most American values to adapt and develop in indonesian are hard work, competition, and volunteerism.
    The first of Important American Values and Beliefs to Emulate, is hardwork. Hardwork is one of the most fundamental values in American. A competitive spirit is often the motivating factor to work harder. Americans often compete with themselves as well as others. They feel good when they “beat their own record” in an athletic event or other types of competition. Americans seem to always be “on the go”, because sitting quietly doing nothing seems like a waste of time. Hard work has been both necessary and rewarding for most Americans throughout their history. Because of this, they came to see material possessions as the natural reward for their hard work. Most Americans, however, still believe in the value of hard work. They believe that people should hold jobs and not live off welfare payments from the government.
    Hard work is important. And it has many advantages for indonesians. The importance of hard work is make the country to be rich and more advanced. And one of advantages of hard work is work hard to have a good result for us and for others. For example, we work in a company, and we work hard at doing of office tasks, if we do it by working hard then we will get good results as well as its positive impact on the work we do, especially in the company. if Indonesia can mimic the hardwork like Americans, it will be many positive impacts for our country. By working hard then the amount of poverty that exist in our country will decline, because one of the causes of poverty is the laziness of the people.
    Second, is competition. Americans believe that competition brings out the best in any individual. They assert that it challenges or forces each person to produce the very best possible. Consequently, the foreign visitor will see competition being fostered in the American home and in the American classroom, even on the youngest age levels. Very young children, for instance, are encouraged to answer questions for which their classmates do not know the answers. In america, People who like to compete and are more successful than others are honored by being called winners.
    The importance of competition for indonesians is can add more knowledge importance of competition for the people of Indonesia that is by competing we can have an ability or the courage to share our knowledge in competing with other people or other nations. And competed well in the job then our economic life will be better. The advantage of the competition for the people of Indonesia that can produce people to learn and work diligently, because of the driving factors of competition. to compete then everyone will continue to compete to be the best and produce the best. By mimicking the second value of American, then Indonesia will become a developed country because it has people who love to compete, especially in education.
    And the last value of America is volunteerism. Volunteerism means people helping people through privately initiated, rather than government-sponsored, agencies. Volunteers are highly motivated people, workers who organize themselves and others to solve a particular community problem or meet an immediate social need, rather then waiting for someone else. The willingness to participate in such groups is so widespread that six out of ten Americans are members of a volunteer organization. Volunteerism reflects Americans’ optimistic pride in their ability to work out practical solutions themselves. Americans like to form associations of different kind.
    Volunteerism is one of the values of Americans. If the value is found in Indonesia, it will be many benefits for our country. The importance of the value of volunteerism for Indonesia that we can be viewed by other countries that our country is people who care about society and what is happening in our country. As for the benefit of the value of volunteerism for Indonesia is an example like the people affected and in need of volunteers, with easy volunteers from within the country will come and not have to expect volunteers from abroad, because of the country too much to be interested because of the value of volunteerism from Indonesia.
    In the conclusion, three values and belief of American are hard work, competition, and volunteerism have many advantages and very important to mimic by Indonesians. Because of their values, America can be a good country. If indonesians can mimic or following their values, of course our country will be better than before.

  16. The Three Most Important American values and beliefs to Emulate

    America is a highly developed country, it could happen because American culture has some very good value and nice separately modeled, there are three American cultural values that should be emulated by the State of Indonesia because it is good for the development of Indonesia. three cultural values are discipline, hard work, and material wealth
    Cultural values of the first go round discipline, America became one country that has a very high discipline attitude. They always obey the rules, they are always on time for work it can be implemented originated from American citizens who want to live disciplined and they would always teach the next generations to keep discipline and timely in completing the task as well as in any field. So Americans can be called the State are very disciplined and orderly.
    Indonesia should emulate the culture of discipline in Indonesia because of the attitude of discipline can not be executed properly even it is very difficult because there are still many Indonesian society who do not want to be disciplined and Indonesia are still many people who do not care about discipline. Examples of discipline in terms of compliance with traffic, crossing the road at an incorrect position, if it can be implemented Indonesia could become a disciplined country, safe and orderly
    The second is hard work, in the United States they are taught to want to always try and work hard, never give up and finish is not an issue that is being experienced. They want to always try new things and if they fail, they will try again until you get satisfactory results, it is not wrong if the United States became one of the developed and developing countries.
    In contrast to Indonesia, the Indonesian state properties easily give up, do not want to work hard, more like Indonesia have properties that easily satisfied with the result that less than the maximum compared with the United States, for example, just a lot of inventors from the United States, while in Indonesia do not there are inventors who until known throughout the world. The nature of this hard work should be emulated by the people of Indonesia to Indonesia becomes more developed countries the State again and Indonesia could be a state better known by other countries due to the nature of his hard work.
    The third is the cultural value of material wealth, Americans have so much material wealth but they could use their wealth as well as possible so that such property will not be exhausted even be a lot and overflow, because the country has always safeguard and protect America what is owned by the country, they even make the rules should not undermine owned by the State, if there is a break will be subject to sanctions established by the State.
    Indonesia also has a wealth of very much but the people of Indonesia can not maintain even develop such property. So that the wealth of Indonesia is running out because it undermined by the communities themselves, such as logging, fishing and so no longer trees that are useful for reforestation and water absorption, resulting in flooding. This is very detrimental to Indonesia
    In conclusion Indonesia could become a developed country like America where Indonesia / Indonesian people want change and want to advance thinking about the life of Indonesia and all that could happen if the people of Indonesia are aware of their shortcomings, do not quickly satisfied with the results achieved now, and it should work salts are very hard to achieve good results because Indonesia is still a lot of wealth that could be developed and cultivated.

  17. Three Most Important American Values and Beliefs to Emulate.


    The culture of American is formed by the values and belief systems in every aspect of life of American. American society is made up of a diversity of ethnic groups and cultures that have helped shape American values and American attitudes and behavior are based on their values and belief. America has characteristics or values that must be emulated by growing countries such as Indonesia. There are three most important Americans values and beliefs to emulate are individual freedom,
    self reliance and hard working.

    First, Individual freedom in America is the absence of restraint on our ability to think and act for ourselves. Americans uphold the values of individual freedom. Americans are known with their respect to individual freedom. This is probably the most basic of all the American values. It is one of the most respected and popular words in the Americans today. Individual freedom is the freedom to do and say something such as freedom of speech or give an opinion, freedom of religious choice, etc. Americans can do whatever they want and sometimes different to the interests of others. In Americans there is no official religious policy. Every American leader committed to freedom of religion and consistently maintained the separation of religious affairs and state affairs. So far the public does not violate the freedom of others in the religion and no religion. Our country should be able to replicate in particular Indonesian, especially in terms of individual freedom in terms of education and terms of discussion of the American country.
    In Indonesian, in terms of education the students are forced to like each subject that they can’t prevail against it. On the contrary, students in America are given the freedom in choosing each subject.

    In Indonesian, in terms of discussion of each community is given the freedom to give their opinion or vote but discussion members doubted even consider any opinion or voice of any people.
    on the contrary, the people in America are given the freedom to give their opinion or vote, but the members of the discussion provide the right solution even they appreciate every opinion of the public not to hurt the feelings of anyone. Our country, especially in Indonesian should be able to apply individual freedom in every aspect of life especially in education so that every student can learn and develop their skills and can bring the Indonesian state to international levels.

    Second, traditional values of America is self-reliance was the characteristics of the American people for most of this country’s history. Self-reliance is reliance on one’s own capabilities without needing help from the others. Most Americans believe that they must be self-reliant in order keep their freedom. If they rely too much on the support of their families or the government or any organization, they may lose some of their freedom to do what they want. When people are dependent they risk losing freedom and they may also lose the respect of their peers. Even if they are not truly self-reliant, most Americans believe they must at least appear to be so. In order to be in the mainstream of American life to have power and/or respect individuals must be seen as self-reliant. Although Americans provide a lot of financial support to people in need through charities or government programs, they expect that help to be short-lived. Eventually, people should take care of themselves. Through self-reliance, they feel free from dependence on others, initiative, and has to manage his own feelings.

    Our country, particularly the independence of Indonesian should be able to imitate the Americans. Therefore, independence should be inculcated from childhood to everyone so that after growing up they can become self-reliant, independent and not spoiled at their parents for example, doing homework on their own without the help of mom or dad, help the mother work such as sweeping and mopping the house, looking for own money by working part-time by selling newspapers, teaching, offering electronic goods, etc. That way they can live independently and they can determine the direction of his life to achieve a better future.

    Last, working hard is a habit and work diligently for long hours. Hard work was very important for the American people. Americans, says a person can be said to succeed if they could work hard continuously well. In American, the average person working for 39 hours per week and they are able to work for 8 hours to 10 hours per day. Americans are used to working quickly to get things done. Although they have failed in getting things done, they still continue to strive to become number one. American will not allow other countries ahead of them in making new discoveries. They will continue to churn out creative ideas they have, they will continue to work hard even never give up. That’s the way people work hard in American.

    Our country, especially Indonesian should be able to emulate the American people’s hard work that our country can become more and more developing countries, advanced and better. Indonesian country must be able to instill discipline in the nature of work, timely, and instilling an attitude to work hard so that our country can produce better results and is not left with any other country. Indonesian country should be able to create works that can be it the name of Indonesian to the international level.

    In conclusion, there are many values and beliefs of Americans that we can emulate to make our lives better. This does not mean we change our own values, but to add to our values. We can improve our nation’s independence by starting from ourselves and we can provide encouragement or enthusiasm to others. So that our country can be better and can bring Indonesian our country to the international level.

  18. Name: Christine Valentina Sitorus
    Number: 0812150033 (BS A ’08 – FKIP)

    PART I

    Three Most Important American Values and Beliefs to Emulate

    It is important to understand three most important American values and beliefs. American people have have a good qualities about their values. These values can make them to be a successful person in their country. I choose three values of American people that make them have the equalities in their lives. American people have the values: individual freedom, hard work, and competition.

    First, The United States came to be associated in their minds with the concept of individual freedom. I think this is the most basic of American values. Americans people usually says individualism as freedom. American people live with individual freedom. So, they can make everything they like. They free to make their own choices. Maybe it will happen when they are in eighteen or twenty one. They can live outside their parents’ home. After that, they usually search the job to get the salary. It is important for them to get the good experience because they get something new in their jobs. For example, if they can not do their jobs for a long time, they can choose other jobs by searching to another jobs. So, when they get a new job, they will out to their jobs in their jobs before. After that, they do their new jobs with spirit until they get a good salary. Without spirit, they will not a good job. When they get a good job, they will get a big salary, too. So, they can live without their parents because they are rich people and they can buy anything they like. In addition, they also free to choose their religion. They think that religion is only the way to pray in God.

    Indonesian people must imitate American’s mind with the concept of individual freedom. When we get a job, we can live outside their parents’ home. So, we will do anything what we like to get the best job than before. We get knowledge from everywhere. We will have a good experience, too. I think the mindset of Indonesian people must changed like American people.

    Second, American people are the hard work people. Most American people believe in the value of hard work. Most believe that people should hold jobs and not live off welfare payments from the government. They are unlike the poor people. So, they must work hard every day in their office. They work hard every day and they also use their spirit to work hard. Their holiday is less than Indonesian’s holiday. They spend their time with hard working. When they have holiday, they spend it with travelling. They travel with their families. So, when they spend their holiday, they will go to other place that far from their homes because they are tired during they do their jobs until they finish their jobs. They find their good jobs with hard work. After they find a good job, they will work hard every day and every time because they love their good jobs. They will do their jobs with seriously and also spend their spirit with jobs.

    I think most Indonesian people are lazy. We sometimes do not work seriously. Maybe the effect of the lazy people is to be a poor people. We must see American people who work hard. We also have spirit every day. If we have spirit, we always work hard every day. We will spend our times not only for play games or sleep, but we will work every day.

    Third, American people has a value that called competition. To get a successful person, they will compete with the other people. In their jobs, they also work with competitive. So, if they fight with other friend in the same office, they will use their brains to get the best skills. A successful person must have a good skill because they are diligent. To be succeed, they can find their qualities in themselves. Every day, they usually compete to other people although they are their friends because they want to be a successful person. Many Americans enjoy matching their energy and intelligence against those of others in a contest for success. People who like to compete are often more successful than others, and many are honored by being called winners. For the people who do not like to compete and who are not successful when they try are sometimes dishonored by being called losers. The useless person is the poor people in The United States because they live with competition. They must learn the competition if they want to survive at The United States. Learning to compete successfully is the part of growing up in the United States. So, the children who still young learn it every day.

    Indonesian people must use their knowledge and their intelligence to have competition. In this context, we must prepare ourselves by study hard and work hard. So, when we have competition, we will won. We can see how American people be the winners in the competition. However, they have knowledge and experience, so that they will try this competition.

    Based on the discussion above, it can be conclude that American people is the good person. We can see how to be a successful person by them. We can try these values to be a good person. If we want to survive in our condition, we must prepare ourselves with hard work like American people. If we want to be a successful person, we must compete with the other people, too. So, I think that is enough for me to write about the values of American people. I get knowledge from these values and I hope I can work hard as American people to be a good and successful person.

  19. Americans have many things that can be imitated by this nation. Why? Because in my opinion even though Indonesia has so much diversity, but some things do I do not think that this country has become the key to success for America. Through this assignment, I would like to discuss three values and beliefs of Americans who can be imitated by our nation in the competition, hard work and self discipline
    First of all the reasons I chose the competition is because it basically is to get something one should try to get what they want. Why? Because when we want to try to get something and also when accompanied by a competitor who makes his own motivation to produce the best. As for the Americans to compete is that not only as a first step, but as mind set for the American people. And if the Americans stopped to competent when they grow old and unproductive
    Inversely proportional to the competition that occurred in Indonesia. Where people compete to race to compete for a place, position, all that valuable, but not thinking about competing values. An example is when someone wants to get something of value, must be recognized unyielding spirit to get things point plus. But when it was getting what he pursued. Many people who brag or even become loose because it was sufficient and did not want to grow even more.
    The second one,Self-discipline is the ability to get yourself to take action regardless of your emotional state. Self-discipline refers to the training that one gives one’s self to accomplish a certain task or to adopt a particular pattern of behavior, even though one would really rather be doing something else. For example, denying oneself of an extravagant pleasure in order to accomplish a more demanding charitable deed. Thus, self-discipline is the assertion of willpower over more base desires, and is usually understood to be a synonym of ‘self control’. Self-discipline is to some extent a substitute for motivation, when one uses reason to determine a best course of action that opposes one’s desires.
    In Indonesian it was difficult to develop the discipline because most people just threw, faced with failure. Although the nature of self discipline what we do repeatedly and continuously that consistently do something that brings the action to the achievement of one’s peak.
    And last, it’s hard work. The American people is actually a good example that can be used as a model for Indonesia, why? Because Americans working and trying to independently very satisfactory results. Every effort has been the main reason why Americans love the competence. Because when they get the results business because they do what the outcome would have been to them meanings.
    In Indonesia, only hard work takes place and started to imitate. But the hard work these two countries is relevant to my eyes. For me, the American people, which is a lot of work, because they can and want to be the best. But a little different to the Indonesian people, where they find themselves encumbered year they do, and questioning what the advantage is received, if to do so.
    And in the end the three values above may be in the nation to emulate by Indonesia increasingly has a place in the world. I think if Indonesia has the third value is to prepare to compete against countries like the United States.

  20. Name Alena
    Nim 0812150041
    Part I CCU
    Three Most Important American Values and Beliefs to Emulate
    I really like to learn about biography of famous people and history of country, also the culture of Country exactly I don’t know why but almost if I go to the book store I will go to the culture book or famous people book. I enjoy it to read . Everyone want to get the better life, to rise their standard life, or each of us really is afraid to be a poor people, I don’t know but clearly everyone has a dream and desire to be a rich and has better standard life. In a world in which a small few possess the majority of all material wealth, it is only to be expected that among those without the wealth there will be some who claim that excessive material wealth is not such a good thing, that material wealth of any extent is not to be sought above mental pursuits. Of course such people generally have enough food to eat each day, clean water, and a nice comfortable bed to sleep in each night.
    First In America individual freedom and self reliance is the importance thing, America has values about freedom and self reliance, they hold it and practice a lot of that, they are warm people I think, but since they were born parent teach to be boldness person don’t be affraid, face it and talk clearly, they live with democratic situation, can talk their opinion without affraid and doubt, we can see clearly that many families educate their children since they were born, how to be strong and can find out or have solution to handle it, recently we call problem solving, also we know since baby all parent will separate room, baby will sleep without parent, they have a room personal, the culture in America teaches that value. I think make people of USA can be strong and has self reliance. Mom will go to office or go to work and many families int there do not pay for maid, they work with hands and heart, do not grumble because of that some of people have already thought their children like that, strong parent, strong families and strong Nation and I believe that God bless America because one of reason that people of America is deligent, don’t give up with the situation or condition and God bless His people that when they entered into the Promised Land that He would bless them with wealth and prosperity. He told them they would be the head and not the tail, and that they would never have to borrow from anyone ever again. Really lucky you are America.
    How about Indonesia, indonesia is prosperity land but many people live with poor condition and social life , Indonesian people live many fears not have a freedom to talk because the goverment is inconsisten and does not protec its own people and I thing also due to the Dutch in colonial and Japan made the state live in didn’t dare to talk and express opinions. Many situation made of this country especially the people live do not have a freedom, start with the different religion and etnic make a lot separation condition. Many people in Indonesia live with the old experiences and did the wrong way to the generation give the wrong values like revenge and anger deeper in heart. This Country keep it and hold it, I think we must the important thing and do the right way, let it go and forgive the colonist in the past. Also many parent in this Country do not teach the self reliance way, many moms need maid to help him, they reall depend of maid and children receive the wrong way to give the values, I saw in the market, parent did it, feeding the children and not let the children walk with by their self, always get help from parent or maid, really make these generation live with comfort zone.
    Equal Opportunities.
    United State is the belief that everyone has a chance to succeed. Generation of immigrants from the earliest settler to the present day, have come to the United States this expectation. They have felt that because individual are free from excessive political, religious and social controls, they have a better chance for personal success. Of particular importance is the lack of hereditary. The hopes and dreams of many of these early immigrants were fulfilled in their new country. It is important to understand what most American mean when they believe in equality of opportunity. They do not mean that everyone is or should be equal. However, they do mean that each individual should an equal chance for success. Equality of opportunity everyone should have an equal chance to enter the race and win. This American concept of “fair play” is an important aspect of the belief in equality of opportunity. Equal opportunity is American give a chance to their citizen to get a better life and get the prosperity.
    How about Indonesian, In this country not all people get a lot of chance but we see from the other side, I think the government has already given the opportunity but because live in with the wrong values make the citizen be lazy and doesn’t want to change their live to be a get a better life. An example government has provided the place for the poor people to get and training the skill but they don’t care or do not want to do it, exactly not only this Country, i think In America also has a lazy citizen but because the spirit of the excellent covered strongly atmosphere make the citizen go to forward.
    Hard Work
    Most American, however still believe in the value of hard work, most believe that people should hold jobs and not live of welfare payments from the government. There have been many effort to reform the welfare system so that people would not limitations have been put on the number of years a family can remain on welfare but the system still has many problems. One of the most critical problems is the cost of health care in USA and the fact that many employers no longer offer health insurance to their employees. It is often the children who suffer most, particularly in families of the working poor. Another issue is government benefits to immigrants and immigrant children.if you want to get a better life you must go to work and get a lot of money in the right ways of course, without the hard work the chance doesn’t come to their life.
    Indonesian values like I talk in the second paragraph that in the past because many people of this country always keep their mind the wrong situation started from the beginning the colonist has already given many hurt and difficult situation for the future, just let it go and go forward.stop blame another and start want to dream and make to do something and reach it.many great and rich people because they want to hard work and struggle to get what they dream in life.
    Learn CCU makes me learn more about the culture and ethnic of Country especially America, religion, they strong with values, they have dream to get a better chance and better life for future.learn to know, why they really hold it and what they dream, also the ethnic they have. I learn the CCU one day if i go to USA easy for me and be closer because of I have I already learned before.

  21. Name: Christine Valentina Sitorus
    Number: 0812150033 (BS A ’08 – FKIP)

    PART I

    Three Most Important American Values and Beliefs to Emulate

    It is important to understand three most important American values and beliefs. American people have have a good qualities about their values. These values can make them to be a successful person in their country. I choose three values of American people that make them have the equalities in their lives. American people have the values: individual freedom, hard work, and competition.

    First, The United States came to be associated in their minds with the concept of individual freedom. I think this is the most basic of American values. Americans people usually says individualism as freedom. American people live with individual freedom. So, they can make everything they like. They free to make their own choices. Maybe it will happen when they are in eighteen or twenty one. They can live outside their parents’ home. After that, they usually search the job to get the salary. It is important for them to get the good experience because they get something new in their jobs. For example, if they can not do their jobs for a long time, they can choose other jobs by searching to another jobs. So, when they get a new job, they will out to their jobs in their jobs before. After that, they do their new jobs with spirit until they get a good salary. Without spirit, they will not a good job. When they get a good job, they will get a big salary, too. So, they can live without their parents because they are rich people and they can buy anything they like. In addition, they also free to choose their religion. They think that religion is only the way to pray in God.

    Indonesian people must imitate American’s mind with the concept of individual freedom. When we get a job, we can live outside their parents’ home. So, we will do anything what we like to get the best job than before. We get knowledge from everywhere. We will have a good experience, too. I think the mindset of Indonesian people must changed like American people.

    Second, American people are the hard work people. Most American people believe in the value of hard work. Most believe that people should hold jobs and not live off welfare payments from the government. They are unlike the poor people. So, they must work hard every day in their office. They work hard every day and they also use their spirit to work hard. Their holiday is less than Indonesian’s holiday. They spend their time with hard working. When they have holiday, they spend it with travelling. They travel with their families. So, when they spend their holiday, they will go to other place that far from their homes because they are tired during they do their jobs until they finish their jobs. They find their good jobs with hard work. After they find a good job, they will work hard every day and every time because they love their good jobs. They will do their jobs with seriously and also spend their spirit with jobs.

    I think most Indonesian people are lazy. We sometimes do not work seriously. Maybe the effect of the lazy people is to be a poor people. We must see American people who work hard. We also have spirit every day. If we have spirit, we always work hard every day. We will spend our times not only for play games or sleep, but we will work every day.

    Third, American people has a value that called competition. To get a successful person, they will compete with the other people. In their jobs, they also work with competitive. So, if they fight with other friend in the same office, they will use their brains to get the best skills. A successful person must have a good skill because they are diligent. To be succeed, they can find their qualities in themselves. Every day, they usually compete to other people although they are their friends because they want to be a successful person. Many Americans enjoy matching their energy and intelligence against those of others in a contest for success. People who like to compete are often more successful than others, and many are honored by being called winners. For the people who do not like to compete and who are not successful when they try are sometimes dishonored by being called losers. The useless person is the poor people in The United States because they live with competition. They must learn the competition if they want to survive at The United States. Learning to compete successfully is the part of growing up in the United States. So, the children who still young learn it every day.

    Indonesian people must use their knowledge and their intelligence to have competition. In this context, we must prepare ourselves by study hard and work hard. So, when we have competition, we will won. We can see how American people be the winners in the competition. However, they have knowledge and experience, so that they will try this competition.

    Based on the discussion above, it can be conclude that American people is the good person. We can see how to be a successful person by them. We can try these values to be a good person. If we want to survive in our condition, we must prepare ourselves with hard work like American people. If we want to be a successful person, we must compete with the other people, too. So, I think that is enough for me to write about the values of American people. I get knowledge from these values and I hope I can work hard as American people to be a good and successful person.

  22. sir, this is my revision
    The Three Most Important American values and beliefs to Emulate

    America is a superpower country. America has a major role in the world, they contributed a lot to other countries in the fields of economics, politics, technology and others and most Americans are successful. This happens because the American people are disciplined, responsible and fair and . America has some values and beliefs which become the keys to their success. I will explain the three most American values to adopt and develop in Indonesia are individual freedom, competition and hard work.
    The first value is individual freedom. Individual freedom is a value that gives freedom to the people individually. In this value, we are free to do every thing we want. In this case, in this casefreedom is not limited by anything. Freedom is a part of human life, which cannot be separated. Every people has to be free to have the power to excel as individuals, with Equal Rights and Equal Freedom, to become what ever our abilities, aspirations, hopes and dreams can create for us. Every human free to have their own goal,dreams and ways to fulfill their ambitions. individuals have the right to pursue their own goals and receive their freedom, as long as what they do for the pursuit of freedom does not harm others or interfere their freedom. This value is used by America people as the key to reach their success. Americans love freedom, because many Americans are individuals ,so each person has individual freedom.
    The advantages of this value are people can be free to do whatever they want, without being limited by something and each person can pursuit their freedom comfortably. Indonesia people do not aware about individual freedom value. For Indonesia, their freedom is limited by a person or institution. The fact that Indonesia people do not aware about individual freedom is there is still a prohibiton for people to do their religious religious activity. In this case, the freedom in doing their religious activity is limited. Therefore, the Indonesians should emulate individual freedom in America, so they will get their rights as individuals.
    The second value is competition. Competition is a contest between individual or group to fight for something. Americans love the competition. almost all aspects of American life is characterized by the competition, whether in education, business, sports, politics and others. To achieve success, the Americans are competing to get what they want. In a competition, there is a winner and losers. American people tend to be the winner in the competition. they use different ways and creative way, to defeat their opponent. Every competition which followed by Americans was do in a fair manner. In America, not only adults who compete but also children. Children in America are taught to compete. It is taught to children to make they become accustomed to compete and one day they can compete when they entering the world of work.
    In Indonesia, there are many people who love the competition. They follow a competition to pursue something. However, competition in Indonesia is an unfair competition. Why? Because in Indonesia only people who has the power, position and wealth that could win the competition. This is what makes people who do not have the power or low economy feel reluctant or lazy to compete. Therefore, Indonesians should emulate the competition in American system, so that everyone in Indonesia eager to compete, not only to those people who havet the power but also to people whit low economy.
    The last value that should be emulated by Indonesians is hard work. Hard work is when someone does something with the enterprising and have a desire to achieve a good result, if it is successful, it will continue in the next day. Hard work has become the American lifestyle. Americans are people who have a strong ambition, and to fulfill their ambition to work hard to realize their ambitions. Every person who wants to get something, then their should work hard. No matter what their profession. The decision is by our own hand, if we want to succeed, take it and hard work for it. This is what American people thinking. They are people who never give up, they will try hard to make their wish fulfilled. In America, every person has the right to fight for their desire. Work hard for Americans is the common thing that they do everyday in their life. They will not stop working hard until they get what they want. This is what makes America become the succeed country. Although America has become a rich country, but they keep trying to develop their country.
    Indonesia also has the value of hard work. But, only a few people who are carrying out to this value. Most people in Indonesia prefer to do an instant way to get something they want. It canbe seen from Indonesia, there are still many people who corruption to enrich himself. This shows that Indonesia has not been too willing to work hard.Therefore,the people of Indonesia should emulate this value in American system. Therefore the results which obtained with the hard work will more satisfactory than the results which obtained in an instant thing.
    In conclusion, America has the values that make their country and the people become successful and there are three most important values that must be emulate by Indonesia are individual freedom, competition and hard work. If this is done by Indonesians, Indonesia will become a developed country.

  23. “Three Most Important American Values and Beliefs to Emulate”
    Values are the standards by which members of a culture distinguish what is desirable from the undesirable. American generally shared some noticeable values and beliefs, such as individual freedom, equal opportunities, material wealth, self reliance, competition, hard work, self improvement, self-discipline, volunteerism, humanitarianism, free spirit, inventiveness, egalitarianism, and aggressiveness. Three Most Important American Values and Beliefs to Emulate: Freedom, volunteerism, material wealth.

    In the first American Values Freedom commonly regard their society as the freest and best in the world. Americans’ understanding of freedom is shaped by the Founding Fathers’ belief that all people are equal and that the role of the government is to protect each person’s basic “inalienable” rights. The U.S. Constitution’s Bill of Rights assures individual rights, including provisions for freedom of speech, press and religion. No one single church dominates or controls in the US, there is a religious diversity.

    American values freedom beliefs to emulate Indonesian people. For example Constitutional guarantees of religious freedom apply to the six religions recognized by the state, namely Islam (86.1%), Protestantism (5.7%), Catholicism (3%), Hinduism (1.8%), Buddhism (about 1%), and Confucianism (less than 1%). On the resort island of Bali, over 90% of the population practices Hinduism. In some remote areas, animism is still practiced.

    The second is volunteerism means people helping people through privately initiated, rather than government-sponsored, agencies. Volunteers are highly motivated people, workers who organize themselves and others to solve a particular community problem or meet an immediate social need, rather then waiting for someone else – usually the govt- to do it. The willingness to participate in such groups is so widespread that six out of ten Americans are members of a volunteer organization. Volunteerism reflects Americans’ optimistic pride in their ability to work out practical solutions themselves. Americans like to form associations of different kind (Tocqueville and Mead wrote about that).

    In Indonesia volunteering is symbolic of human solidarity, of human equality. For example In order to develop volunteerism and enhance the capacity of volunteers in Indonesia, the Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration of the Republic of Indonesia and the United Nations Volunteers/United Nations Development Programmed (UNV/UNDP), with support from national and international volunteer organizations, have established the Volunteer Development Centre (VDC). In addition to providing information about volunteers and volunteerism, the VDC will serve as a forum for the exchange of information, knowledge, skills and expertise among volunteers, volunteer organizations and other relevant stakeholders. The Centre will also provide support for the capacity building of volunteers and volunteer-based organizations and facilitate participation by the general public through outreach activities. It is expected that the presence of the Centre will further enhance collaboration between the government, national and international volunteer organizations, donors, the private sector, the media and the civil society in the social economic development of the society through voluntary works.

    The third material wealth – Tocqueville in “Democracy in America” wrote: In the United States a man builds a house to spend his latter years in it, and he sells it before the roof is on: he plants a garden, and lets it just as the trees are coming into bearing: he brings a field into tillage, and leaves other men to gather the crops: he embraces a profession and gives it up: he settles in a place which he soon afterwards leaves, to carry his changeable longings elsewhere.” American habit. As a nation of immigrants, Americans have shared from the beginning the assumption that the practical solution to a problem is to move elsewhere and make a fresh start. Mobility in America is not a sign of aimlessness but optimism (hoping to secure a better job or enjoy a warmer climate: after the WWII inner migration from the Frost Belt to the Sun Belt). Moving about from place to place is such a common and accepted practice that most Americans take it for granted that they may live in four or fife cities during their lifetime. Americans hate to feel that buying a house might immobilize them forever.

    In Indonesia’s richest man, Eka Tjipta Widjaja, has built a fortune amounting to $12 billion over the past few years on the back of rising commodity prices as he and his family made huge investments in property, palm oil and pulp and paper. This patriarch of the Sinar Mas Group is semi-retired but his four sons continue to drive the family’s vast business empire. “Indonesia’s wealth is directly tied into com- modities and the rise in commodity prices in the past year, driven by money printing and growing demand from emerging markets, particularly China and India, has seen a material improve- ment in Indonesia’s overall wealth,” said Nick Cashmore, head of securities at broker CLSA Indonesia. Wealth has expanded because those owning assets have seen their net worth expand as asset prices have risen. It’s a simple story,” he says. “Deals have been done, work expended but at the end of the day global loose monetary prices continue to drive asset prices higher and thereby increase the wealth of the owners of those assets.

    In the conclusion three Most Important American Values and Beliefs to Emulate: Freedom, volunteerism, material wealth. Values is the distinction between good or bad, beautiful or ugly, and prized or avoided. Thus values are judgments from a cultural perspective. These values shape our personalities and behavior. We learn our values from our families, schools, and religions. Values help us learn how to think and act in our particular culture in accordance with its approved principles and rules.


    America is one of powerful country, one of the reasons of that are because Americans have traditional values and beliefs. It is important, because it make Americans people different with other people in other country. We can see it in their culture, daily habit and activities. Three most important Americans values and beliefs to emulate in Indonesia are competition, hard work and self-reliance.

    Americans love to compete. Competition is their life style. In the past, when Americans people moved to other area, they did competition to get the area. Who won the competition is the person who got the area. In the others hand, competition is a way to get a success. People who want to be a successful people, they have to compete. People who do not like to compete and not successful sometimes dishonored by being called losers. Moreover Americans believe that competition brings out the best in any individual and in any system. This value is reflected in the Americans economic system of free enterprise, and it is applied in the U.S. in all areas – medicine, the arts, education, and sports. The companies in America have always competed to create new innovations. The workers are always looking for new ideas so that their companies do not compete with other companies. Their desire to compete to make the workers become critical thinkers and have a high curiosity. Only the degree of competition that can lift them, either personal or corporate, therefore, who would not compete will feel useless.

    As we know, America become a wealthy country because their people always to compete. Therefore, competition is a good value and belief to emulate in Indonesia. Indonesians should be more compete to create superior product in the world. Indonesians should follow the example of Americans who are always competing in the business world to become a superior product, always trying to create new products, creative in developing its products. The most important thing, Indonesians must use of domestic product to support domestic product.

    Hard worker is another style Americans. Charles Darwin said: “A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life.” That statement has meaning that Americans people always use their time for work. Hard work is a way to get wealth. Americans viewed the success of their wealth. Material wealth is probably the most widely accepted measure of social status in America. To get wealth people must work. That is to say if you want to be success, hard work is requested. The land and other rich natural resources were exploited by hard work as was the industrialization of America. The wealth generated was and is still converted into material possessions and a high standard of living. Hard work has rewarded many. Material possessions are the tangible evidence of this. Americans have a principle, while we can work, then we have to keep working. In the other hand, people who not work normally feel useless. Americans always find many activities, so that they can feel useful for society.

    Hard worker is one of Americans value and belief that must Indonesian try, too. Indonesians sometimes said their government does not care about their life. They said they always poor because government does give occupation for them. They said that the government did not give them land for job; they just turn on the government. Though the government has provided land for them, but Indonesians people are too la to cultivate it, they do not have the soul of hard work. Yet only with hard work Americans can live like right, now.

    Self-Reliance is an Americans legacy. Americans are taught self-reliance to their children since they were little kids. For example, several days after the baby came home, the baby will be placed in different rooms with their parents. This has the aim that the child can be independent. Americans teenagers typically have started making their own decisions and seek a freelance, because they want to be independent. In the other hand, Americans lives are not regulated by the government. They live independently in their activities. American believes their future is in their hand not in hand of government. Americans moved to America from Europe because they do not want their life is determined by the kingdom.
    And the last, self reliance must emulate in Indonesia, because our life can change if we have strong desire to change. On the other hand, Americans people are a independent people. Indonesian people must imitate it and teach their children since childhood. Indonesians children always live dependent to their parents, that is not good, because the future of Indonesian in the hands of the children. So, Indonesians must emulate self-reliance to make the country’s future can be better in the hands of children who are independent, not spoiled, and have principles.

    In conclusions, competition, hard worker and self-reliance are most important in American life. Americans always compete to get equal of opportunity compete to get wealth and have self-reliance in their mind. If Indonesian want to be a country like America, Indonesian people must imitate competition, hard worker and self-reliance.

    AMERICAN WAYS, an Introduction American Culture, Longman

  25. Three American Values to Emulate
    The success of a country can also be seen through the success of the people who live in the country. As we know, American country is a country that is quite successful in every aspect of life. American country is one of the most successful countries in the fields of education, health, business, knowledge, technology and so on. In achieving these successes there are three very important things that should be emulated by every individual in Indonesia: self-discipline, hard work, and competition. Some of it is exactly what makes the individual in America to be successful.
    Self –Discipline
    The first value is self-discipline, Americans are very popular with the attitude of self discipline. They do things in a timely manner, without delay. And, people have the attitude of the American adherence to the rules or discipline. A discipline is intended to regulate our success, so we should not be so negative with discipline. Because the discipline then there will be a path or way for us to achieve success in the future. Actually, discipline is part of the run of the plans we make to achieve a success or a goal. In order for a particular purpose can be achieved as well, then the attitude of self-discipline is needed here, for our purposes it is set correctly in order before we could actually implement all of the attitude of self-discipline as well too. Because it is the attitude of discipline was created to help us reach a particular destination or a particular success. Indonesian people should have an attitude of self-discipline as the American people have. Because the American people are very disciplined, they do not like to procrastinate and very timely in all things. While the Indonesian people are very attached to the word “used to be late”. Indonesian people should be able to discipline themselves to imitate the American people. That way, they will be more successful in his work and they need not hurry in doing the job they should do. So that all work will be completed properly and on time.
    Hard Work
    The second value that is hard work, the American people have a high spirit in work activities. And the American people is working to achieve the success they want to achieve. They are willing to lay aside the things that waste their time, such as: spending time with watching TV, chatting with friends, and so on. Indonesian people have to follow the example of hard work that Americans have, with Indonesia so people will not waste their time doing things that are not important, such as: chat with their friends in facebook, browse in the internet, and so on. By doing things that are more important in advance of their work would not be abandoned and will be quickly completed. If all individuals in Indonesia can work hard in everything they do, it would greatly advance the Indonesian nation. With the hard work that everyone can improve their lives. So that they will live in peace. And it will advance the level of welfare in Indonesia.
    The Competition :
    The third value is the competition, the American people are very fair in competition. Americans make the competition rather than as a platform to show who is most great. However, Americans assume the existence of competition in their jobs as a challenge to be overcome in order to find out how much ability they have in their field of work. And it can be used as a reference for the Indonesian people are looking at a competition is a matter that complicates their work. Indonesian people are also often cheated in the past the competition or the competition they have. Indonesian people should make the competition as a venue for them to find out how much ability they have. Due to the competition or competing we learn to deal with a problem that exists as a way to hone skills we have. So, if someday we get a competition in a matter that we do, we will not be afraid to face the competition and fair competition in the past. There are many advantages that we can in the competition, namely: to make us creative in the face of existing competition, make us into someone who has a lot of planning in doing a thing, improving the quality of our ability, and make us more diligent in doing what we must do.
    The conclusion, there are three things to become a developed and prosperous nation. Any individual who is in the country must have three things that can provide a positive impact on their lives, namely: self-discipline, hard work, and competition. These three things are three things that make people in America to succeed in what they do. Thus, it is expected those three things can be done in Indonesia, separately realize the life of the nation a prosperous, safe, fair and forward in the Segal field in the country.

  26. The Three Most Important American Values and Beliefs

    Beliefs are the assumptions we make about ourselves, about others in the world and about how we expect things to be. Beliefs are about how we think things really are, what we think is really true and what therefore expect as likely consequences that will follow from our behavior. Values are about how we have learn to think things ought to be or people ought to behave, especially in terms of qualities such as honesty, integrity and openness. Everybody has his/her own opinion about America. Some argue America is a great country, the prosperous people, well -develop economy, excellent education, and highly advanced technology. John Kenneth White, in The Values Divide: American Politics and Culture in Transition, observes that in spite of all the changes in the nation’s population, economy, and culture, the behaviors and values of Americans have remained remarkably constant: Americans still love their country and believe that they can accomplish almost anything. A recent poll found 91 percent who agreed with the statement, “Being an American is a big part of who I am. ”Only 11 percent said they would like to emigrate elsewhere…Frenchman Clotaire Rapaile captured this unique aspect of American patriotism: “America is not a place. It is a dream.” The three Most Important American Values and Beliefs to emulate by Indonesian are: self- improvement, hard work, and humanitarianism.
    Firstly, self improvement represents the actions someone can take to enhance how they are, and to develop their physical, mental and emotional capabilities. Another short definition for self improvement would be “improvement of one’s condition through one’s own efforts.” American believe in individual success, freedom, and self- dependence and they are very exciting in self – improvement. American always give their whole ability for reach the best result. They always try to improve themselves and give the best in their works, routines and all things to develop their knowledge, skills, intellectually and emotionally to make themselves to be better. They are encouraged to have a strong and a restless desire for self-improvement.
    Self – improvement necessary to emulate in Indonesia because Indonesia is lazy to improve themselves. Because the workplace is so competitive, people who are ambitious and hungry for success know they need to learn new skills and knowledge to keep ahead of the pack. These are the people that will be most likely to keep their jobs, or progress within their chosen field, or that will be readily employable in different organizations or industries.
    Secondly, hard work explores historical perspectives, examines social and political policies, and brings us inside today’s unions, providing an excellent introduction to labor in America. American work ethic was one of great inspiration, as the colonists practiced their forefathers’ hard, manual labor, despite modern technology developing over the centuries. While the American work ethic can be portrayed throughout numerous contemporary literary works found in Everyday Use, Alice Walker, particularly establishes this theme in her story. An excerpt from her literary work reads: In real life I am a large, big-boned woman with rough, man-working hands. In the winter I wear flannel nightgowns to bed and overalls during the day. I can kill and clean a hog as mercilessly as a man. My fat keeps me hot in zero weather. I can work outside all day, breaking ice to get water for washing; I can eat pork liver cooked over the open fire minutes after it comes steaming from the hog. One winter I knocked a bull calf straight in the brain between the eyes with a sledge hammer and had the meat hung up to chill before nightfall. (1057) .American beliefs that “God help those who help themselves”.
    By hard work, someone can improve the welfare of his/her life. They are certainly able to meet the needs of others without any hassle. American hard work can be an example for Indonesian. If Indonesia are able to work hard, it can automatically improve the standard of living in Indonesia. Indonesia can compete with other countries so that can be develop and characterize country. Every Indonesian can
    The last one is humanitarianism. In most general form, humanitarianism is an ethic of kindness, benevolence and sympathy extended universally and impartially to all human beings. Humanitarianism has been an evolving concept historically but universality is a common element in its evolution. No distinction is to be made in the face of suffering or abuse on grounds of gender, sexual orientation, tribe, caste, age, religion, or nationality. Humanitarianism can also be described as the acceptance of every human being for plainly just being another human, ignoring and abolishing biased social views, prejudice, and racism in the process, if utilized individually as a practiced viewpoint, or mindset. American believe that they should devote part of their time and wealth to religious or humanitarian causes in order to be acceptable in the eyes of Go and in the eyes of other American.
    Humanitarianism is necessary to emulate in Indonesia because Indonesian still does not have a great awareness for humanity .Indonesia is ranked 108 out of 169 on the Human Development Index. The population is 232.5 million. Indonesia is ranked first out of 162 countries and special territories for potential population exposed to a tsunami. Humans are social creatures that can not live alone, without help from others. Everyone expected that they help each other. United States is a country that has a very high value of humanitarianism. They always help people or countries that need help, for example natural disasters.
    Every successful person even though the actual person who has undergone many mistakes and failures in life and sometimes through the process from which there will be an even greater achievement if we are able to use it. By making the values and beliefs held American, Indonesian language is expected to be better.”Employ your time in improving yourself by other men’s writings so that you shall come easily by what others have labored hard for.” – Socrates. Improve yourself and believe in God, he will bless your efforts. God bless us.


    Maryanne Kearny Detesma, JoAnn Crandall, Edward N.Kearny, American Ways third edition.

  27. Evyona sinulingga (0912150009)
    ( CCU )

    PART I

    “Three Most Important American Values and Beliefs to Emulate ”
    America is a country that has a lot of values and beliefs, and as we all know well that America in general is a country that is based on the values and beliefs that already exist in their culture since age-old. Those values has shown that some of the values and beliefs of Americans are decent and deserves to be material for the lesson appears logical because, values and beliefs are the values that are very good also good for changing the Indonesian nation into a better direction. There are three American’s values and beliefs are very important and very useful to adopt and develop to in Indonesia such as : hard work, individual freedom and self-reliance.
    The first is hard work, hard work is one of most important value in America ,
    America is a country which is known as a hard worker and super power. Because , in general they are hard workers, who do not know when tired, even for those with little time was very beneficial to do a little work, for they throw a little time is harming themselves own, therefore they make a regular schedule and they had to do everyday, and thus encourage them to schedule continue to work properly and regularly. And from the results of their hard work is proving that they were successful in achieving success in various fields, and as an example that proves other is the low number of jobless in their country.
    Importance and advantage of hard work for Indonesia working hard is a way to train yourself to be a responsible and will understand their obligations as citizens, then it is very important and beneficial for the Indonesian people. Because, with hard work will help us to be more skilled and able to develop our capabilities of existing to ourselves, thus its profits to Indonesia is about to give birth individuals qualified and able to provide benefits for them, the state and their own environment. Thus that Indonesia will become a more independent country without having to involve the intervention or assistance from another state.
    The second , Individual freedom is one of the most fundamental values in America,
    freedom in America in general is where each person is free to determine their own choice or desire without involving other people including their own parents even freedom in America can be said has become a value which is especially for Americans, especially in the political order and education. For example , a young Americans are free to pursue proper education until he achieved success in his life. Also as well as political, they are free of politics, they are free to choose their own leaders or it could be called a democracy.
    same thing with Indonesia but in Indonesia as we see it only applies in the laws, but in reality it is still very much our society can not enjoy what should be their right, such as the right of their freedom to choose education or educated by adequate facilities, due to limited funds for education and others.
    Importance and advantages of individual freedom for Indonesia is for example, that individual freedom is the right of all citizens of Indonesia because, as we know all citizens of Indonesia that has the same rights or freely determine their future options for example, free or compulsory to get a decent education, get decent life and others so, in fact freedom of individuals is important for Indonesia because of its advantages is that it can support or can help the Indonesian people to achieve success as they had expected or that they aspire.
    The last is the value of self-reliance, self-reliance is a value that is present in an American, and even can be said has been in force since they were born because the Americans after the birth of a child will directly educate the child becomes independent. For example, of such after their child was born they will put distance between themselves and the baby, by making a different bedroom with her parents ,and thus the child will grow into an adult child without having to rely on and interfere with the activity with their parents, according to the American it is very important because , in addition to their children become more self-reliance it will also make the future of their children become more brilliant. For Indonesia the independence of America is very important to imitate, such as educating the children of Indonesia to think about their future to the future, by educating them with good rules, the lessons or good science in the accompanied with good discipline. then this will be very beneficial, because it will be the creation of independent Indonesian society.
    Based on three values and beliefs above,: hard work in American such as individual freedom and self-reliance has been shown that by implementing these values America has managed to become a state called a super power, where they have the ability to create what that others can’t do and in the economic field has also been proved that they can address the low rate of unemployment in America, as well as Indonesia in order to adopt, develop and apply those values to the future of Indonesia will give generation with self-reliance , hard worker with the aim of creating a better Indonesia.


  28. Three Most Important American Values and Beliefs to Emulate
    As we know America is a country of diversity. There are many things we need to know about diversity in America. We also know that America is a superpower, a country that is very influential in other countries, and countries that have been developed. To realize that America has the values and beliefs that encourage the creation of a successful and prosperous nation. Americans generally have some values and beliefs. Such as individual freedom, equal opportunities, material wealth, self reliance, competition, hard work, self improvement, self-discipline, volunteerism, humanitarianism, free spirit, inventiveness, egalitarianism, and aggressiveness. But for me there are three values of America’s most important are Self dicipline, Hard work , and Competition.

    The first value is self-discipline. In one of the values in the American attitude of self-discipline is essential in achieving the success of a person. Self-discipline is the ability to get yourself to take action regardless of your emotional state. Ability which we as humans are able to resist the urge to do things that are not so important. So what we want to do can be resolved properly. Because if we have a sense of self-discipline yourself exactly what we do produce good results and satisfactory.

    The advantage of the first value of self-discipline is to train us to be obedient, calm the soul, and can prioritize which is more important. We can see that the Indonesian people often do not discipline the frequency of time for example like Indonesia that often come late in attending an event. Unlike Americans who are always on time, I had an experience when I have a native speaker lecturer he was always on time and never late. It is very different from the people of Indonesia. Therefore we as a nation, Indonesia should be able to adapt and do the attitudes of Americans who are always disciplined.

    The second value is hard work. Hard work is one of American values that should be emulated. Hard work is the process of changing ourselves so that in the end what we have achieved can be realized. By working hard we can do and do anything on time. Americans who are young are usually already familiar with the term hard work. They are taught from childhood on not to laze around. So what they want can be realized later.

    The advantage of the second value of hard work are the results we want to do good can be realized, training ourselves not to be easily lounged, to make ourselves resilient in completing the work and educate us to become more independent. Indonesia should learn a lot from America, especially on hard work. As we know Indonesian people pleased with the success but do not want to work hard, they prefer to use an instant way. Indonesian people tend to want to live rich but do not want to work hard. For example is the government of corruption to gain material wealth directly. As with the Americans who tend to prefer to work hard to achieve something better. Therefore, let us as citizens of Indonesia follow the example of the positive values that exist in America in order to create a successful and prosperous nation.

    Last value is the competition. America must compete with others. Competition is an act or enterprise in which a person seeks to achieve a goal. Where everyone is trying to be the best . When there is no competition in life will surely make us into people who are stuck and can not move forward to the next level, and remain in a comfort zone in the absence of a sense of competition to be better. Not only that we also become people who do not want to try something new, it’s very boring if we as people just stay there doing nothing. And we will become a person who can not develop the creativity that exist within our lives.

    The advantage of the last value for us to learn the value of competition is to make us be creative, improve quality, and makes us human are more diligent. As we know that the Indonesian people are often afraid to challenge or accept something new in their daily lives. We can see that the Indonesian people are afraid to try new things, They prefer to be in a safe zone . But in the American state of competition was extremely influential in the success of American States. With the competition they feel proud of myself for being able to channel the creativity that is within each individual. And of course, can be seen that the Indonesian people are stuck in the safe zone itself and did not dare to come out, and continued to decline in education, and even at work. They are also the people who are not qualified and the person does not have a sense of perseverance in him. Should we as citizens of Indonesia are well able to adapt the positive values that exist in America one of them is alive to compete.

    In conclusion the third case above I choose because I think is one of the values that are important when talking about the success of America. American values and beliefs is important for us to imitate him as self-discipline, hard work, and competition. However, there is no harm for us to learn from American values because it may lead us to become a successful country later.
    Indonesia must recognize that America is very important for us to emulate the values and beliefs because they have provided tangible evidence of the success of his country. Therefore, we as citizens of Indonesia are well let us begin now to change the positive values that exist in America in applied in our nation.

  29. PART I
    Three Most Important American Values and Beliefs to Emulate
    If we talk about American values and beliefs, it is interesting. Maybe it seem simple statement, but this statement is topic interesting for to discuss. American culture has been enrich by the values and belief systems of naturally every part of the world. Consequently, it is important to we know and search them. Nevertheless, we must to select three most important of American values and beliefs to emulate. They are individual freedom, competition, and hard work
    The first value and foremost to the United States is individual freedom. Individual freedom is a fundamental value in America. Because they believe that everyone with its own equity to achieve a better standard of living without expecting help from others. Based on history, decisions that were made by the first settlers in the United States has a major influence on the formation of American character. They believe that leaving their land, they will get better opportunities in the new land they occupy and creating the principle of individual freedom. Until now the principle individual freedom become principle that most famous and is believed to be fundamental for America. By freedom, America means that the wishes and rights of all individuals and their destiny are set by themselves without the interference of others. To desire to be free of controls was a basic value of them. A price to be paid for this individual freedom, American must learn to rely on themselves and can resolve their problems. It’s means they must be able to independently finance and emotional. Usually at the age of eighteen to twenty-one years. At the age that, Americans should be able to take care of themselves and can stand on its own feet. So they do not depend on others. They believe that their destiny in their own hands. If depend on to other people, they will lose the freedom to do what they want, lose self-esteem and respect from others.
    Different in our country, Indonesia, the value of personal liberty is very strange to understand, while this value is very important to us and we develop to emulate. Most of our society who are still dependent on others, expect help from others. Such as, productive children who still depend on parents, so he gets up to retirement and did not try to equip the ability to independently. In our country-Indonesia receive assistance from others is a pride and tradition, such as cash distribution to the poor by the government. They are happy and a big heart to accept it, so that we remain in poverty and dependence on others, and in the end we are easily bribed with money without thinking about risk. If we imitate and develop individual freedom value, I believe our country will grow up and progress, so as to create a developed country and free from dependence on others.

    The second value of American that important to emulate is competition. The value competition is very strong for America. Because they believe that everyone has similarities to compete and achieve success and see much of life as a race for success. For them, equality means that every one should have an equal chance to the race and win. Usually called as an ethical race. So they believe that people are successful not because he is born of a wealthy family, but because competition. If much of life seen a race, then person must run the in order to succeed and compete with other. They must try it. Competitive value increase their spirit for create something and was made them winner. People who like to compete is often more successful than others. The pressure of competition in the life American begin in childhood and continue until retirement from work. Learning to compete successfully is a part of growing up in the United State.
    In our country-Indonesia, competition value is only understood by few people, so many of our society who are satisfied with what they have today. They do not fight to win and achieve a better standard of living. So that our society is dissolved in poverty and far from welfare because competition is one of the values that make the success of both economic and welfare field. Due to lack of competition in our country, result in loss of income of our country in problem of high stock prices in our country, then lead to stock farmers choose to plant a stake in Singapore. In other cases, our country lost a lot of areas that was taken by neighbor countries, because our country has been assessed by other countries are not able to compete to retain their own area. This is where the competition is very influence to be successful. Called a country that progress, if it is able to compete with other nations, both in economic and welfare. Our country- Indonesia is expected to imitate and develop the competition value because by the competition, we were able to create better living standards and able to defend us. So that create a developed country to win and succeed.
    The last value and which very important to emulate is hard work. Hard work is a value that most of the people like to do in order to accomplish their goal. Hard work can give us a successful result. In order to be successful in life, people have to hard work. For America hard work is fundamental value, because for a long time the first settlers in America have adopted the value of hard work to raise living standards better. They must work hard to fulfill the needs of their lives as a foreigner without the help of others in new land they occupy. So until now the principle of hard work became a very important value. They are not easily satisfied with what they have got. They kept trying to get better, because they believe that with hard work produces a more comfortable life and abundant. This the principle that have brought American become progress in economic and industrial fields, They believe that with hard work then success is achieved.
    In our country, Indonesia, the value of hard work is necessary, because most of our society still live in laziness who does not want to work hard and lead to poverty. They desire something which easy to get it, so they many who became beggars and corrupt. They are easily bribed and influenced by a variety of fun while ignoring the risks undertaken. Even though our country is rich in natural resources, but if were not managed with hard work then everything would be in vain. Due to the lack of the principle of hard work, so our country away from the progress, success, prosperity and better living standards. If we imitate and develop this value, I believe that our country will be great country, which far away from beggars and corrupt and created a state of peace and abundance.
    The third American values above are positive values that we should emulate, and we develop in our lives in order to create an adult, independent, able to compete in the era of globalization, and work hard to achieve a better standard of living. Because without individual freedom, competition, hard work, a country will be difficult to progress and develop. The third values and beliefs of American above appropriate for us to emulate and we apply it in our country, because all it is a positive value of America.However, our country-Indonesia is desperate need of the values which were embraced by Americans. Because American is a country which deserve is imitated. So, let do the best for our country.
    Thank You sir.

  30. “The Three Most Important American values and beliefs to Emulate”
    American country is one of the developing countries in the world. American is the Culture of the United States is a Western culture, having been originally influence by European culture. American generally shared some noticeable values and beliefs, the three most important American such as freedom, competition, and hard work.
    The first important American values and beliefs is Freedom. In 1776, the British colonial settlers declared their independence from England and established a new nation, the United States of America. They were now free from the power of the kings. In 1787, when they wrote the Constitution for their new nation, they separated church and state so that there would never be a government-supported church. The historic decisions made by those first settlers have had a profound effect on the shaping of the American character. By limiting the power of government and the churches and eliminating a formal aristocracy, the early settler created a climate of freedom where the emphasis was on the individual. The United States came to be associated in their minds with the concept of individual freedom. This is probably the most basic of all the American values. Scholars and outside observers often call this value individualism, but many American the word freedom. It is one of the most respected and popular words in the United States today. By freedom, Americans mean the desire and the right of all individuals to control their own destiny without outside interference from the government, a ruling noble class, the church, or any other organized authority. The American founding fathers felt that this concept was of utmost importance when they were deciding what the United States Of America would be, and how it would function. So much so that they wrote this line into the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Right, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness—that to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.” The importance of this paragraph is the basis for our system of government. This is what sets the U.S. Apart from all other countries in the world. Due to limitation of the power of Government, Church and absence of Aristocracy, the early settlers created a climate of freedom with emphasis on the individual. The new independent United States (post 1776) instilled the concept of individual freedom, probably the most basic of American values. A key belief of people in individualistic cultures is that the smallest unit of survival is the individual. American culture is sometimes referred to as the “I” culture since it is the individual rather than the group which is emphasized.
    Freedom for Americans means the right of all individuals to control their own destiny without outside interference from government, a ruling class, church or other organized authority. Americans are therefore expected to take the initiative in advancing their personal interests and well-being and to be direct and assertive in interacting with others. A price is however paid for individual freedom: self-reliance. Americans believe that the individual must learn to rely on themselves or risk losing freedom. This often means achieving financial and emotional independence from parents at the earliest time possible. The need to “stand on their own feet” is considered a priority.
    Different from American, freedom in Indonesia still limited especially when people want to choose their belief because religions in Indonesia still dependent on government. Ought a democratic nation, Indonesia should be better able to appreciate the beliefs of others not restrict a person’s beliefs. In this case if Indonesia wants developing countries we must imitate Americans are freeing people to choose their own beliefs as a way of freeing people to choose the beliefs of each country Indonesia will experience no dispute anymore. In other words if government gives freedom in believe absolutely Indonesia become develop country.
    The second important is competition. If much of life is seen as a race, then a person must run the race in order to succeed; a person must compete with others, even though we know not everyone will be successful. If person has an equal chance to succeed in the United States, then many would say that it is every person’s duty to dry. Many Americans enjoy matching their energy and intelligence against those of others in a contest for success. People like to complete are often more successful than others, and many honored by being called winners. On the other hand, these who do not like to compete and those who are not successful when they try are sometimes dishonored by being called losers. Learning to compete successfully is part of growing up in the United States, and competition is encouraged by strong programs of competitive sports provided by the public schools and community groups. Competitive sports are now popular with both men and women. Americans match their intelligence against that of their neighbors in a competitive contest for success. The more successful are considered as winners. The pressures of competition in life begin in early childhood and continue until retirement. Learning to compete and win is part of growing up. Competition and the desire to win are considered healthy and desirable.
    Competition in our country different from America, if we seen Indonesia hasn’t good competition because in Indonesia if we have much money we can win from the competition whereas American they has good competition while if they strong they can win and success. As develop country Indonesia should like America while Indonesia can do competition if they want to success.
    The last importance is hard work. Hard work has been both necessary and rewarding for most American throughout their history. Because of this, they came to see material profession as the natural reward for their hard work. Most Americans, however, still believe in the value of hard work. Most believe that people should hold jobs and not live off welfare payments from the government. There have been many efforts to reform the welfare system so that people would not become dependent on welfare and stop looking for jobs to support themselves. In daily life American hasn’t time for holiday they always work because they believe if they work they can success.
    If we see Indonesia we feel if Indonesia lagged far from American. Indonesia very like if in their company or school they have free day. Moreover Indonesian also likes to relax than work. In our country if we want like American we should hard work because if we hard work we can get everything we need maybe if our country want develop we can start from our self because if we success from hard work other people also will follow we to hard work.
    Conclusion, America is one develop country so American be figure to other country. We can look from their values and belief they has three important values and belief like, freedom, competition, and hard work. If we want to success we must look habit from American because their activities make their country develop and as Indonesia we must try how American can be success maybe with we imitate other country Indonesia will be develop country.

    American way book

  31. PART A
    Three Most Important American Values and Beliefs to Emulate
    In the America has a lot of values and beliefs that make Americans in the view of the world and admire, even though there are still advantages and disadvantages to America, but it does not destabilize the country united in values and beliefs that have been in the had. Such as we already know there are some values and beliefs. America is a country ethnic and race variety as a result of large-scale immigration from various countries throughout the history. With the values of this country and America will be more victorious success for the residents. There most American Values to adopt and develop in indonesian are: A. Individual Freedom B. Hard Work C. Equality/Egalitarianism equality.
    The first Individual freedom is one of the most fundamental values in America. The one value that nearly every American would agree upon is individual freedom because, individual freedom is the most value possessions and biggest. While our economic system may be dominated by large corporations, the majority of American businesses are small, and many are owned by an individual or a family. It is part of the “American dream” to “be your own boss,” and being an entrepreneur is one of the most appealing ways to improve one’s economic future. With the existence of individual freedom is something Americans can do anything by itself without help of others. Individual freedom is not only limitation on our ability to think and act for ourselves. Not only that American citizens can make individual freedom with the economic system.
    Importance and advantage of individual freedom in indonesia importance of individual freedom are all Indonesian citizens in Indonesia that the government can pay attention to how the state of Indonesian population because many people who do not get a decent life, decent clothing, decent food, and others. We as human beings can not live alone because of that, people really need help from others. Individual freedom can also help some of the problems of life in order to solve this problem with their own abilities. Advantage of individual liberty is to help people who are unable afford to get a decent life. Children in Indonesia were able to get a proper education to children in Indonesia become Indonesian pride child.
    The second values that we will discussing is hard work. However Americans pay a price for this: hard work. That is also the essence of America dream for many foreigners. That is to say if you want to be success, hard work is requested. Hard work has rewarded many. Material possessions are the tangible evidence of this. Many of them make a fortune by cheating not by hard working. Many the population united to work hard just to finance their of family life respectively. They also want to get any job just for the sake of their families. Does not only that the American the population there is nothing lazy to find work, all residents America are working hard to find a bite of rice so that they does not feel hungry families and their children can attend school. They also work hard to earn money so that their children does not drop out of school.
    Importance and advantage of hard work in indonesia. Hard work is very important for Indonesian because, many Indonesian residents are does not want to work hard for their lives. Does not only that most Indonesian residents is also lazy to look for work because, they never find work in the refuse. If they want to succeed they must work hard to earn money for their families. If all residents of Indonesian hard work and does not lazy, Indonesian is not one of unemployment and Indonesian will be victorious and successful of the results of that hard work. Advantage of working hard in Indonesia is to reduce unemployment for all residents Indonesian no unemployment. Hard work can also help them to get what they want.

    The last values that we will discussing is equality/Egalitarianism equality. Value Equality/Egalitarianism equality is, for Americans, one of their most cherished values. This concept is so important for Americans that they have even given it a religious basis. The equality concept often makes Americans seem strange to foreign visitors. Seven-eighths of the world feels quite differently. To them, rank and status and authority are seen as much more desirable considerations—even if they personally happen to find themselves near the bottom of the social order. Class and authority seem to give people in those other societies a sense of security and certainty. Many highly-placed foreign visitors to the United States are insulted by the way they are treated by service personnel (such as waiters in restaurants, clerks in stores, taxi drivers, etc.). Newcomers to the United States should realize that no insult or personal indignity is intended by this lack of deference to rank or position in society. A foreigner should be prepared to be considered “just like anybody else” while in the country.
    Importance and advantage of equality/Egalitarianism equality is the value of togetherness with others for the friendship kinship. In the presence of these values can do what they want and to increase the relative value because in Indonesia does not have value relative to others. Their role is to give encouragement to the residents of Indonesia.


    So,much as I can and I know about the values and beliefs in America. Of this article I can conclude that the values and beliefs were very important for American society in order to help their own lives. I just realized that the values and beliefs in the America was viewed by many other countries and admired by many in the other nations. Values in the America and still there are advantages and disadvantages.

    L. Robert Kohls, Executive Director (1984). Retrieved November 2, 2011 from

  32. PART II
    Answer samples:
    1. Yes! CCU class contributes to my language skills. Studying a culture which differs in many aspects with my own culture is interesting and challenging. The subject does not only enrich my knowledge about Americans but also provides me opportunities to develop my language skills, especially speaking and writing. The discussion activities, especially those held in groups, require active speaking. The weekly assignment to be posted in the “cyber class” forces me to boost my writing skills. But the cyber class is very good and profitable for me especially for my skills such as reading, writing, and speaking. my writing skills more stable because it often gives a response in a given task and a very good conversation improve my speaking, the existence of this class cyber provoke me to be more diligent in reading that is why it greatly increases all my language skills.
    2. CCU class contributed most to my reading and writing skills. Before joining this class, I have no clear idea of how to write an academic essay. In this class, the students are required to write their ideas in a single paragraph or essays. As a result I could write a paragraph and essays, the CCU also taught me to read a variety of cultures, especially cultural diversity in America, Perhaps to help us Become more sensitive to cultural differences, and more accepting of Them.
    3. Yes! CCU class helps me raise my awareness about American culture. By reading American Ways , I can begin to understand themselves, their own cultures better, and taken a values approach to our discussion focusing on the traditional mainstream values that have attracted people to the United States for more than two hundred years and also know how they influence various aspects of American life.
    4. Yes! CCU class helps me raise my awareness about my culture , first and foremost we learn about our own until we are confronted by a different way of doing things, we assume that everyone does things the same way that we do and thus our own culture-values-attitudes, behavior-is largely hidden from our view. When we spend time analyzing another culture, however, we begin to see our own more clearly and to understand some of the subtleties that motivate our behavior and our opinions.
    5. Yes , CCU class change my perception towards American culture. American cultures are very good and provide plenty of inspiration for me especially in a culture of family. Americans there are very good in educating their children and teach them to be more independent. For example, in America when a child is growing mature age entry level high school and beyond the responsibility of parents have their children off in school finance. And most of the kids there’s already active in fulfilling their life to be more independent.
    6. Yes, actually learning in CCU class is important not only for the teacher but also the students who need the kinds of information presented in this class, the foreign business people, but also visiting scholars or government official. I’ll contribute all that I know, all that I had studied, increase student’s awareness and understanding of the cultural values of their own country, and other countries. I’ll provide interesting cross-cultural activities in the class discussion, and topics of oral presentation, research, and writing projects.
    7. Yes , I think after I learning CCU class I can communicating with Americans because I have learn all the culture of America and more accepting of them, so I can interact with and talk with Americans.
    8. Yes , because I have know all their culture, because of CCU class I get more about them such as their culture- their values- attitudes- and behavior.

  33. Part II

    Answer samples:
    1. Yes! CCU class contributes to my language skills. Studying a culture which differs in many aspects with my own culture is interesting and challenging. The subject does not only enrich my knowledge about Americans but also provides me opportunities to develop my language skills, especially speaking and writing. The discussion activities, especially those held in groups, require active speaking. The weekly assignment to be posted in the “cyber class” forces me to boost my writing skills. But the cyber class is very good and profitable for me especially for my skills such as reading, writing, and speaking. my writing skills more stable because it often gives a response in a given task and a very good conversation improve my speaking, the existence of this class cyber provoke me to be more diligent in reading that is why it greatly increases all my language skills.
    2. CCU class contributed most to my reading and writing skills. Before joining this class, I have no clear idea of how to write an academic essay. In this class, the students are required to write their ideas in a single paragraph or essays. As a result I could write a paragraph and essays, the CCU also taught me to read a variety of cultures, especially cultural diversity in America, Perhaps to help us Become more sensitive to cultural differences, and more accepting of Them.
    3. Yes! CCU class helps me raise my awareness about American culture. By reading American Ways , I can begin to understand themselves, their own cultures better, and taken a values approach to our discussion focusing on the traditional mainstream values that have attracted people to the United States for more than two hundred years and also know how they influence various aspects of American life.
    4. Yes! CCU class helps me raise my awareness about my culture , first and foremost we learn about our own until we are confronted by a different way of doing things, we assume that everyone does things the same way that we do and thus our own culture-values-attitudes, behavior-is largely hidden from our view. When we spend time analyzing another culture, however, we begin to see our own more clearly and to understand some of the subtleties that motivate our behavior and our opinions.
    5. Yes , CCU class change my perception towards American culture. American cultures are very good and provide plenty of inspiration for me especially in a culture of family. Americans there are very good in educating their children and teach them to be more independent. For example, in America when a child is growing mature age entry level high school and beyond the responsibility of parents have their children off in school finance. And most of the kids there’s already active in fulfilling their life to be more independent.
    6. Yes, actually learning in CCU class is important not only for the teacher but also the students who need the kinds of information presented in this class, the foreign business people, but also visiting scholars or government official. I’ll contribute all that I know, all that I had studied, increase student’s awareness and understanding of the cultural values of their own country, and other countries. I’ll provide interesting cross-cultural activities in the class discussion, and topics of oral presentation, research, and writing projects.
    7. Yes , I think after I learning CCU class I can communicating with Americans because I have learn all the culture of America and more accepting of them, so I can interact with and talk with Americans.
    8. Yes , because I have know all their culture, because of CCU class I get more about them such as their culture- their values- attitudes- and behavior.

  34. Who does not hit the United States? America is great country. America is known as a strong state able to control most aspects of life, such as economics, politics, technology, knowledge, and entertainment. Americans have a diversity of country, because America consists of several large regions in the world and there is a strong unity among themselves. In other words, there are so many cultures in America. Not only the diversity of the country but also a country that has great values and beliefs. There are so many great values and beliefs in America, such as material wealth, the wealth of information and technology, and so on. Olson and Degler (in Suparlan, 1991:6) said that American culture patterned heterogeneous and plural. In that sense, American culture is seen as a culture that emerged from the confusion of cultural diversity of ethnic origin who adapt to the American environment. Degler (in Suparlan, 1991:6) analogize American cultural patterns as a salad bowl, such as the following quote: “…. some of the habits of all the country’s resource Discarded records; Immigrant Children .. .. even into the third generation and The fourth difference arrest them. Given the failure of the melt and fuse, a metaphor of the melting pot is unfortunate and misleading A more accurate analogy would be a salad bowl .. Although the salad is an entity, college can still be distinguished from chichory, tomatoes from the cabbage”. this quote we know, the United States rather than directly to the State a large and successful. All existing processes. And I think our country can imitate some American values, because we are a diverse nation as well. Here are three American values that we can follow: individual freedom, competition, and hard work.

    The first is individual freedom. In America, people think they are the best and most free societies in this world. understanding of freedom established by the Founding Fathers “in America is the belief that all people in this world God created equal. This is supported by the U.S. government’s role is to protect the rights of” absolute “is. Human Rights in the United States Constitution as well guarantee individual rights, including provisions for freedom of speech, press and religion. None of the churches that dominate or control in America. All individuals are left to the individual provided it does not disturb others.

    If the United States freedom is absolutely right for the individual, while in our country the word “freedom” or “democracy” is only a word meaningless. Since independence, August 17, 1945, the 1945 Constitution has given to the representation of that Indonesia is a democracy. but the mechanism is far from democratic leadership. Indonesia experienced a brief period of democracy in 1956, when the first free elections held in Indonesia, but is only temporary. In 1998 again to Indonesia in the world of democracy when the Government of Suharto fell. Second democratic election of Indonesia, held in 1999, which put the PDI-P as the winner of the elections at that time. and so far the word freedom is still very far from our nation. Because the reality in Indonesia is still confined within the standards established by the Government. And the sad thing youth Indonesia used the word “freedom” to March freely through the streets and lawlessness acts which may disturb the people around them.

    In addition to independence, important values and belief in America that we can taste the competition is the soul. Competition is very difficult to be accepted by society in Indonesia. But in America do not like because they think that competition is a very precise way to measure a person’s ability. For them the competition is the lifeblood of these. With competing they can think outside of the head because every time they are expected to create something new. They love a challenge. In Indonesia, most people really do not like competition, because they think that a lot of instant way to achieve goals. And the fact that I see, what happens in Indonesia is busy competing gangs to carry out such corruption. They are no longer ashamed to take the rights of others. For example, when new students and parents who are willing to spend more money can be accepted as long as it’s flagship school. Whereas the ability of their children is far below average. While people who have the academic ability was rejected for cost reasons. This has caused a person does not want to compete in Indonesia for kids. Because they think that everything that they can get easily if there is money.

    And finally, we can appreciate the example of America is hard work. The hard work is what points we need an example. Because without the work hard are two things that we mentioned earlier, it would not be carried. There is a saying that refers to this issue, “If the hand does not work, then the mouth it has stopped working”. This means that we have to work hard for what we want to meet. In the United States. Adolescents aged 18 years of age are considered adults and be able to work hard to keep up. Parents will not interfere with the efforts of their children to survive. Despite the fact that they come from wealthy families, their children should try to live their own. On the other hand, in our country, young people under the age of 18 years, is still in the care of their parents. All it needs is still covered by their parents. They are not taught to work, to achieve what they want. So mental child became a man who spoiled and always want to live like the King that he wanted his parents would have been filled.

    From what we discussed, each country has its own value. In America, there are a lot of values that are good examples that we can help our country to become better. Here are the three most important values and beliefs, to our example: individual freedom, competition and hard work. I think the third value helps us to become a great nation like America, the without abandoning the values that we share the old course.

  35. =====Three Most Important American Values and Beliefs to Emulate=====

    Indonesia is a country that has many natural resources, and too many people. However, Indonesia is also a shortage of human resources for management of existing natural resources, because they still have no sense of concern and efforts to protect the existing natural resources. Not only natural resources, the future of Indonesian society itself, to a lesser extent, are concerned. Therefore, we will study and discuss of American culture, as an example of a picture to go ahead and have a bright future. There are three most important American values and believes to emulate : 1) individual freedom, 2) equal of oppourtunities, and 3) material wealth.

    Individual freedom is one of the most important values in America. Whether you call it individual freedom, individualism, or independence, it is the cornerstone of American values. The United States came to be associated in their minds with the concept of individual freedom. This is probably the most basic of all the American values. Scholars and outside observers often call this value individualism, but many Americans use the word freedom. It is one of the most value respected and popular words in the United States today. There is, however, a prize to be paid for this individual freedom: self-reliance. Individuals must learn to rely on themselves or risk losing freedom. This strong belief in self-reliance continues today as a traditional basic American value. It is perhaps on of the most difficult aspects of the American character to understand, but it is profoundly important. Most Americans believe that they must be self-reliant in order to keep their freedom. If they rely too much on the support of their families or the government or any organization, they may lose some of their freedom to do what they want.

    Importance and advantages of individual freedom is The Indonesian government must realize that humans are very valuable, and therefore they do their best to activate the ability of individuals to obtain the desired position in life. Because men are created equal and have rights include life, prosperity and happiness. Social inequalities to be one part of the problem of individual freedom, such as the livelihoods of poor people lack adequate education, livelihoods so that the freedom to achieve prosperity and happiness is still lacking. Therefore, the government and everyone must work together to achieve an adequate living. And when the government is considering the case, which not only have to pay attention to the law but must also respect human rights.

    The second important values and believe the United States is equal oppourtunities. it’s belief that everyone has a chance to succeed here. Generations of immigrants, from the earliest settlers to the present day, have come to the United States with expectation. They have felt that because individuals are free from excessive political, religious, and social controls, they have a better chance for personal success. It is important to understand what most Americans mean when they say they belief in equality of opportunity. They do not mean that everyone is or should be equal. However, they do mean that each individual should have an equal chance for success. Americans see much of life as a race for success. For them, equality means that everyone should have an equal chance to enter the race and win. If much of life is seen as a race, then a person must run the race in order to succeed; a person must compete with others, even though we know not everyone will be successful. People who like to compete are often more successful than others, and many are honored by being called winners. On the other hand, those who do not like to compete and those who are not successful when they try are sometimes dishonored by being called losers.

    Equal of opportunities, must do in our country because of the equal opportunities generally describe the openness and fair competition, with the same opportunity to receive something you will not be any discrimination. This often happens in the world of work, the right to vote, and in the academic field for arbitrary reasons, such as the State was born, was raised by the ties of friendship, just because someone in power, religion, sex, ethnicity, etc., and this should not happen, because there will always be this gap, without trying to delete both of them are trying to achieve that goal, they live in this life.

    The third value is Material Wealth, placing a high value on material possessions is called materialism, but this is a word that most Americans find offensive. Americans do not like to be called materialistic because they feel that this unfairly accuses them of loving only material things and of having no religious values. On reason is that material wealth has traditionally been a widely accepted measure of social status in the Unite States. Because American rejected the European system of hereditary aristocracy and titles of nobility, they had to find a substitute for judging social status. Americans have paid a price, however, for the material wealth : hard work, the North American continent was rich in natural resources when the first setters arrived, but all these resources were undeveloped. Only by hard work could these natural resources be converted into material possessions, allowing a more comfortable standard of living. Most Americans, however, still believe in the value of hard work.

    Importance and advantages of material wealth is if we as a generation of young people, Indonesian wants to be successful, we must work to get this success. Not just quiet and hope that luck will come. As Americans who are trying to get what he wants to do everything they can, so that this becomes a habit for him to live independently and not to depend on others.

    From the facts above, it can be concluded that many things we can learn from American culture. Like, individual freedom, equal opportunities, and material wealth and many more. In other words, that we live to do with any attempt to achieve success, not only staying on the sidelines and wait for luck. But we, as the younger generation Indonesia must have exemplary attitudes that have a high spiritual soul to seek and strive to achieve the desired success, without losing the rights than others. So it becomes a habit for the next generation of previous generations and create a happy and prosperous life.

  36. Three Most Important American Values and Beliefs to Emulate

    Every country wants their country success and has a good image in front of other states. They want the country to realize all the things that aspired to the success of his country. Then be made a value. Values are an important and enduring beliefs or ideals shared by members of the culture about what is good or desirable and what is not. Values also exert a major influence on individual behavior and serve as broad guidelines in all situations. One of them is American. Americans set some value as an inducement to realize the dream of a developed country as a country. The three most important values held by American country that Indonesia can emulate are the value of individual freedom, the hard work, and the material wealth.

    First, the individual freedom can help their citizens to realize the concept of individual rights. These having control over his or her own destiny influenced. A belief that someone in the individualist culture of the smallest unit of life is individual. Freedom to them means the right of all individuals to control their own destiny without interference from outside the government, the ruling class, church, or other authorities. But still getting legal guarantees in the Constitution of the United States. Americans use their freedom in the positive things done, but if freedom is distorted, the law will keep running. That freedom can help them to develop their abilities without any blocking.

    In contrast to individual freedom in Indonesia is still very minimal. An example is freedom of worship. People who are Christians it is difficult to hold worship because they have to get approval from the surrounding residents, because Christianity is the minorities. And this lack of attention from the government so it is difficult to obtain legal guarantees. So this should be used as a warning to the government that Indonesia is a country based on law, society should be able to exercise his rights or their freedom.

    Second, the hard work is a form of action that they do for the welfare of their life and the key to the success of the nation’s economy. Twenty percent of Americans do some work even when they are on vacation. It is very well serve as an example to Indonesia so the country can be prosperous Indonesia. In Indonesia a holiday for workers is on Saturdays, Sundays and major holidays. They rely on public holidays set by the government to relax instead of bringing existing work at the office to home to be complete. This means they like to procrastinate their work could be completed within a short time.

    Among developed countries, the United States is the only one that does not require employers to provide a minimum number of paid holidays. While most companies in the U.S. typically provides five to 10 days of vacation for new employees and an average of eight paid holidays – like Christmas and New Year’s Day, the day on which the business is closed. In Indonesia the company is not paying its workers on a holiday feast, it can be seen the lives of its workers are still not prosperous. While in America has been prosperous lives of their workers but they remain of course just doing their job in the office by bringing it to home. Should Indonesia can emulate the determination and desire to work as hard as Americans do. Then the level they would have both economic and Indonesia could also become an advanced and the country in terms of worker productivity.

    Third, the competition. Competition is an action taken someone to become more superior to others to get something that they want. Anyone can compete to succeed in life without seeing the person’s background. A person must compete with others. This is the price paid for equality of opportunity. It is expected that everyone should attempt to be successful. Americans match their intelligence against that of their neighbors in a competitive contest for success. The more successful are considered as winners. The pressures of competition in life begin in early childhood and continue until retirement. So learn to compete it is necessary because it is part of growing up.
    In Indonesia, more competition was won by people who have a background or wealth more than others and make people less become discouraged to compete, but competition was not because of the background or wealth, but due to the efforts and capabilities that do someone to serve targeted winning the competition. Because it is in fact now everyone is vying to become a more superior than others.

    In conclusion, the progress of America is happening because they want to fulfill their dream by performing the three most important values; the individual freedom, the hard work, and the competition. Of individual freedom, they can express their rights and obtain legal guarantees from the government, without any restrictions from other authorities. So that they can be free to do what they thought was good for the welfare of their life. Of course, with hard work to improve their economic life. Even on vacation they were still taking the time to do the job, because they thought life is a struggle and competition to achieve success. Therefore, they do not want to be a retarded, because they want to realize their goals of success. So that the goal of the values which they done good for the advancement of American States. From the above explanation it can serve as a lesson for Indonesia to advance and success the country and we should be able to emulate these values. That the values that have been defined by Indonesia should be realized through action and a strong determination to achieve success and we can make it happen as practiced by the Americans.

    1. Three Most Important American Values and Beliefs to Emulate

      Every country wants their country success and has a good image in front of other states. They want the country to realize all the things that aspired to the success of his country. Then be made a value. Values are an important and enduring beliefs or ideals shared by members of the culture about what is good or desirable and what is not. Values also exert a major influence on individual behavior and serve as broad guidelines in all situations. One of them is American. Americans set some value as an inducement to realize the dream of a developed country as a country. The three most important values held by American country that Indonesia can emulate are the value of individual freedom, the hard work, and the material wealth.

      First, the individual freedom can help their citizens to realize the concept of individual rights. These having control over his or her own destiny influenced. A belief that someone in the individualist culture of the smallest unit of life is individual. Freedom to them means the right of all individuals to control their own destiny without interference from outside the government, the ruling class, church, or other authorities. But still getting legal guarantees in the Constitution of the United States. Americans use their freedom in the positive things done, but if freedom is distorted, the law will keep running. That freedom can help them to develop their abilities without any blocking.

      In contrast to individual freedom in Indonesia is still very minimal. An example is freedom of worship. People who are Christians it is difficult to hold worship because they have to get approval from the surrounding residents, because Christianity is the minorities. And this lack of attention from the government so it is difficult to obtain legal guarantees. So this should be used as a warning to the government that Indonesia is a country based on law, society should be able to exercise his rights or their freedom.

      Second, the hard work is a form of action that they do for the welfare of their life and the key to the success of the nation’s economy. Twenty percent of Americans do some work even when they are on vacation. It is very well serve as an example to Indonesia so the country can be prosperous Indonesia. In Indonesia a holiday for workers is on Saturdays, Sundays and major holidays. They rely on public holidays set by the government to relax instead of bringing existing work at the office to home to be complete. This means they like to procrastinate their work could be completed within a short time.

      Among developed countries, the United States is the only one that does not require employers to provide a minimum number of paid holidays. While most companies in the U.S. typically provides five to 10 days of vacation for new employees and an average of eight paid holidays – like Christmas and New Year’s Day, the day on which the business is closed. In Indonesia the company is not paying its workers on a holiday feast, it can be seen the lives of its workers are still not prosperous. While in America has been prosperous lives of their workers but they remain of course just doing their job in the office by bringing it to home. Should Indonesia can emulate the determination and desire to work as hard as Americans do. Then the level they would have both economic and Indonesia could also become an advanced and the country in terms of worker productivity.

      Third, the competition. Competition is an action taken someone to become more superior to others to get something that they want. Anyone can compete to succeed in life without seeing the person’s background. A person must compete with others. This is the price paid for equality of opportunity. It is expected that everyone should attempt to be successful. Americans match their intelligence against that of their neighbors in a competitive contest for success. The more successful are considered as winners. The pressures of competition in life begin in early childhood and continue until retirement. So learn to compete it is necessary because it is part of growing up.

      In Indonesia, more competition was won by people who have a background or wealth more than others and make people less become discouraged to compete, but competition was not because of the background or wealth, but due to the efforts and capabilities that do someone to serve targeted winning the competition. Because it is in fact now everyone is vying to become a more superior than others.

      In conclusion, the progress of America is happening because they want to fulfill their dream by performing the three most important values; the individual freedom, the hard work, and the competition. Of individual freedom, they can express their rights and obtain legal guarantees from the government, without any restrictions from other authorities. So that they can be free to do what they thought was good for the welfare of their life. Of course, with hard work to improve their economic life. Even on vacation they were still taking the time to do the job, because they thought life is a struggle and competition to achieve success. Therefore, they do not want to be a retarded, because they want to realize their goals of success. So that the goal of the values which they done good for the advancement of American States. From the above explanation it can serve as a lesson for Indonesia to advance and success the country and we should be able to emulate these values. That the values that have been defined by Indonesia should be realized through action and a strong determination to achieve success and we can make it happen as practiced by the Americans.

  37. ——Three Most Important American Values and Beliefs to Emulate—-

    United States is a country rich in values and beliefs that are important to the United darting through, with the values and beliefs held by Americans are made of different countries and more advanced than the U.S. to other countries. Americans also have values and beliefs that are very visible difference with other countries such as the politics that is owned by the U.S., the government has, ethnic, diversity, and religious differences. Americans do not care about religious differences in trust by every individual in America, Americans never offend or insult religious differences that exist there, which is important in the differences of religion in America has never insult other religions, instead of mutual respect between different religions.. America is also a country that is very strong in its military, defense of his country and is also very popular with the American superpower.

    As we know American countries are very strong in regards any case, but America as well as other countries who still need help or something they need in building a united country that makes more robust compared to other countries, America still needs to make their economy more robust and also others. In part of this essay, I will discuss three values and beliefs are very important in America and able to be developed in Indonesia, such as: competition, volunteerism, and equality of opportunity.

    The first value in Americans believe is competition. As we know every competition in every state there must in any case, we can not deny it, competition must always exist in America as the superpower country. As we all know about the competition, the competition is an act done by every people in getting things they want to get in the life of each, as well as to every person in the United states would competition to get what you want in get by each individual and who want to produce something useful for every person in America, but there is the existing deficiencies at the state competition in America, for example: if an unhealthy competition would lead to an argument that is not good and will also make every individual in America to be not good, the advantage is if the competition is done in a healthy way will produce a good for everyone who in competition.

    If we compare with the culture in Indonesia regarding this competition, does away with competition in America, if the competition in Indonesia that a good competition to get the desired if the competition is going well, but if it does not run properly will produce something that is bad in the competition, that advantages and disadvantages in competing in the U.S. and in Indonesia. So Indonesia could develop good about the competition from America, and vice versa.

    The second values in america is volunteerism. As we know America is a country that has a high spirit of volunteers, for example when a country to get a disaster, the American swiftly respond to disasters such as the American has a soul high of volunteers, due to the American volunteer spirit is important to every American citizen, so that Americans do not arrogant or indifferent to a state of disaster or having trouble getting. For Americans it’s not weird anymore, because they are already accustomed to having a very strong volunteer spirit.

    If compared with the volunteer spirit in Indonesia is very much to do with America, because the reality in Indonesia if there is a disaster in his own country is less sensitive to the spirit of volunteers who may be owned only a few in Indonesia, different thing with the American volunteers who really has a soul that higher against other countries and to the American people themselves. So, Indonesia must develop a spirit of volunteers in order not to forget any Indonesian people who are suffering or anything. Advantages to be in the can in the volunteers would arise as between fellow human beings for each other, and disadvantages will be lost sense of humanity and each other

    The last value is equality of opportunity. In America is to have the opportunity for equal rights of every individual in it. As an example of equality in religion that believed, and argued in any case, and others. Equal rights to free American citizens so long as every mutual respect, do not insult or belittle each other. So Americans really have the opportunity for every person in America to have equal rights of each.

    If we look at differences between American and Indonesian scientists on the opportunity for equal rights for every individual person there is no equality. The indonesia has its own characteristics regarding this case, Advantages that could compare with Indonesia in America that is, freely embraced religion in the trust, then the opinion, after which every citizen has equal rights in Indonesia in the protection of the law because indonesia is state law. So the comparison between Indonesia with very different american case. The disadvantage is if there is no equality of rights will be chaotic. The important are equality can get by anyone without exception.

    So After we discussed and study the three countries believe Americans value and consisting of “Competition”, “volunteerism” and “equality of opportunity” now we know America can be the biggest and most powerful country in the world and dubbed superpower and we can not and must not underestimate American countries. It is therefore worthy of America as the strongest country in the world and nicknamed superpower.

  38. Three More Important of American Values and Beliefs to emulate

    I. Introduction

    The earliest settlers came to the North American continent to establish colonies that were free from the controls that existed in European societies. They wanted to escape the controls placed on their lives by kings and governments, priests and churches, noblemen and aristocrats. To a great extent, they succeeded. In 1776, the British colonial settlers declared their independence from England and established a new nation, the United States of America. In 1789, when they wrote the Constitution for their new nation, they separated church and state so that there would never be a government-supported church. By limiting the power of the government and the churches, they created a climate of freedom where the emphasis was on the individual. Individual freedom, Equality of Opportunity and Competition, Material Wealth and Hard Work is probably the most basic of all the American values. By freedom, Americans mean the desire and the ability of all individuals to control their own destiny without outside interference from the government, a ruling noble class, the church, or any other organized authority.

    II. Three More Important of American Values and Beliefs to emulate

    There is, however, a price to be paid for this individual freedom: self-reliance. Individuals must learn to rely on themselves or risk losing freedom. This means achieving both financial and emotional independence from their parents as early as possible, usually by age 18 or 21. It means that Americans believe they should take care of themselves, solve their own problems, and “stand on their own two feet.” They think: They owe nothing to any man, they expect nothing from any man; they acquire the habit of always considering themselves as standing alone, and they are apt to imagine that their whole destiny is in their own hands.
    This strong belief in self-reliance continues today as a traditional basic American value. It is perhaps one of the most difficult aspects of the American character to understand, but it is profoundly important. Most Americans believe that they must be self-reliant in order to keep their freedom. If they rely too much on the support of their families or the government or any organization, they may lose some of their freedom to do what they want. While in Indonesia This was seen in some quarters as protecting Indonesia’s domestic market by enforcing the implementation of the Indonesian National Standard to obstruct imports. This took place against a backdrop of calls for self-reliance and campaigns to buy local products. Indonesia is gripped by nervousness about export-oriented countries dumping their excess production into Indonesia as demand in the developed world slows down. This is backed up by the Indonesian business lobby who are keen to refocus their sales in Indonesia as their traditional export markets dries up. Politically, this seems to be expedient thing to do as Indonesian politicians, especially those the ruling government are gearing up for the 2009 elections and protecting jobs in Indonesia is seen as extremely important. This is coupled with growing support for shifting away from being an export-oriented economy and develop its own economy based on indigenous resources.

    The second important reason why immigrants have traditionally been drawn to the United States is the belief that everyone has a chance to succeed here. Generations of immigrants, from the earliest settlers to the present day, have come to the United States with this expectation. In the first years of American history, the hopes and dreams of many of these early immigrants were fulfilled in their new country. The lower social class did not prevent them from trying to rise to a higher social position. Many found that they did indeed have a better chance to succeed in the United States than in the old country. Because millions of these immigrants succeeded, Americans came to believe in equality of opportunity.
    It is important to understand what most Americans mean when they say they believe in equality of opportunity. They do not mean that everyone is — or should be — equal. However, they do mean that each individual should have an equal chance for success. Americans see much of life as a race for success. For them, equality means that everyone should have an equal chance to enter the race and win. In other words, equality of opportunity may be thought of as an ethical rule. It helps ensure that the race for success is a fair one and that a person does not win just because he or she was born into a wealthy family, or lose because of race or religion. This American concept of “fair play” is an important aspect of the belief in equality of opportunity. In Indonesia Differences in opportunity and treatment in employment is often rumored as a gender issue, which is then often associated as gender differences between men and women in various fields, also in obtaining employment and occupation. Gender issues are often actually been anticipated by our labor laws, even since the days of colonial Dutch East Indies, some of which are Staadblad No.348 on Occupational Health 1947 which later became Law no. 12/1948 on Occupational Health. In the law stipulated a ban employment of women, children and people muda.2
    Among decision makers and implementers at several government agencies at both central and local, have raised questions about gender with a limited explanation of the roles and responsibilities or the balance between the roles of men and women in the family and society.
    The third reason why immigrants have traditionally come to the United States is to have a better life — that is, to raise their standard of living. For the vast majority of the immigrants who came here, it was probably the most compelling reason for leaving their homeland. Because of its incredibly abundant natural resources, the United States appeared to be a “land of plenty” where millions could come to seek their fortunes. Of course, most immigrants did not “get rich overnight,” and many of them suffered terribly, but the majority of them were eventually able to improve upon their former standard of living. Even if they were not able to achieve the economic success they wanted, they could be fairly certain that their children would have the opportunity for a better life. The phrase “going from rags to riches” became a slogan for the great American Dream. Because of the vast riches of the North American continent, the dream came true for many of the immigrants. They achieved material success; they became very attached to material things. Material wealth became a value to the American people. While, one of the materials wealth in Indonesia is Along time, bamboo has been known by society as a building material. Bamboo, a natural wealth of Indonesian society actually has the advantages are very suitable as an alternative for problem solving to housing in earthquake areas. For Indonesia as a seismic area and the climate is tropical, bamboo has the advantages when used as residential building materials. Bamboo has a high enough power, ever the skin for several species of bamboo has tensile strength then steel. Besides durability, bamboo has a very long level if the true preservation process. When an earthquake occurred, houses are in the fruit of the bamboo will not immediately collapse because it is elastic and lightweight, other than it can give more time for occupants to immediately save himself. The use of bamboo as structural materials building earthquake resistant housing is still the right solution in terms of economy, convenience and adjustments to the force caused by the earthquake compared to the other roof structure material

    In conclusion, Most Americans, however, still believe in the value of hard work. They believe that people should hold jobs and not live off welfare payments from the government. The 3 values and the prices to be paid for them are ideals. There are many values and beliefs of American that we can be emulated to make our life better. It does not mean we substitute our own values but to enrich our values. Indonesia must be emulate the three values to make their life better.

    Zhou Jingqiong. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2003

  39. =======Three Most Important American Values and Beliefs to Emulate=======

    Indonesia is a country that has many natural resources, and too many people. However, Indonesia is also a shortage of human resources for management of existing natural resources, because they still have no sense of concern and efforts to protect the existing natural resources. Not only natural resources, the future of Indonesian society itself, to a lesser extent, are concerned. Therefore, we will study and discuss of American culture, as an example of a picture to go ahead and have a bright future. There are three most important American values and believes to emulate : 1) individual freedom, 2) equal of oppourtunities, and 3) material wealth.

    Individual freedom is one of the most important values in America. Whether you call it individual freedom, individualism, or independence, it is the cornerstone of American values. The United States came to be associated in their minds with the concept of individual freedom. This is probably the most basic of all the American values. Scholars and outside observers often call this value individualism, but many Americans use the word freedom. It is one of the most value respected and popular words in the United States today. There is, however, a prize to be paid for this individual freedom: self-reliance. Individuals must learn to rely on themselves or risk losing freedom. This strong belief in self-reliance continues today as a traditional basic American value. It is perhaps on of the most difficult aspects of the American character to understand, but it is profoundly important. Most Americans believe that they must be self-reliant in order to keep their freedom. If they rely too much on the support of their families or the government or any organization, they may lose some of their freedom to do what they want.

    Importance and advantages of individual freedom is The Indonesian government must realize that humans are very valuable, and therefore they do their best to activate the ability of individuals to obtain the desired position in life. Because men are created equal and have rights include life, prosperity and happiness. Social inequalities to be one part of the problem of individual freedom, such as the livelihoods of poor people lack adequate education, livelihoods so that the freedom to achieve prosperity and happiness is still lacking. Therefore, the government and everyone must work together to achieve an adequate living. And when the government is considering the case, which not only have to pay attention to the law but must also respect human rights.

    The second important values and believe the United States is equal oppourtunities. it’s belief that everyone has a chance to succeed here. Generations of immigrants, from the earliest settlers to the present day, have come to the United States with expectation. They have felt that because individuals are free from excessive political, religious, and social controls, they have a better chance for personal success. It is important to understand what most Americans mean when they say they belief in equality of opportunity. They do not mean that everyone is or should be equal. However, they do mean that each individual should have an equal chance for success. Americans see much of life as a race for success. For them, equality means that everyone should have an equal chance to enter the race and win. If much of life is seen as a race, then a person must run the race in order to succeed; a person must compete with others, even though we know not everyone will be successful. People who like to compete are often more successful than others, and many are honored by being called winners. On the other hand, those who do not like to compete and those who are not successful when they try are sometimes dishonored by being called losers.

    Equal of opportunities, must do in our country because of the equal opportunities generally describe the openness and fair competition, with the same opportunity to receive something you will not be any discrimination. This often happens in the world of work, the right to vote, and in the academic field for arbitrary reasons, such as the State was born, was raised by the ties of friendship, just because someone in power, religion, sex, ethnicity, etc., and this should not happen, because there will always be this gap, without trying to delete both of them are trying to achieve that goal, they live in this life.

    The third value is Material Wealth, placing a high value on material possessions is called materialism, but this is a word that most Americans find offensive. Americans do not like to be called materialistic because they feel that this unfairly accuses them of loving only material things and of having no religious values. On reason is that material wealth has traditionally been a widely accepted measure of social status in the Unite States. Because American rejected the European system of hereditary aristocracy and titles of nobility, they had to find a substitute for judging social status. Americans have paid a price, however, for the material wealth : hard work, the North American continent was rich in natural resources when the first setters arrived, but all these resources were undeveloped. Only by hard work could these natural resources be converted into material possessions, allowing a more comfortable standard of living. Most Americans, however, still believe in the value of hard work.

    Importance and advantages of material wealth is if we as a generation of young people, Indonesian wants to be successful, we must work to get this success. Not just quiet and hope that luck will come. As Americans who are trying to get what he wants to do everything they can, so that this becomes a habit for him to live independently and not to depend on others.

    From the facts above, it can be concluded that many things we can learn from American culture. Like, individual freedom, equal opportunities, and material wealth and many more. In other words, that we live to do with any attempt to achieve success, not only staying on the sidelines and wait for luck. But we, as the younger generation Indonesia must have exemplary attitudes that have a high spiritual soul to seek and strive to achieve the desired success, without losing the rights than others. So it becomes a habit for the next generation of previous generations and create a happy and prosperous life.

  40. PART. A


    American countries included a superpower that many contribute to other states. American country has become a major hub for the world community to be emulated. Lots of things can we emulate or can we develop for the country Indonesia by knowing and studying this influential country. Before we enjoy a visit to the country or America, we must know how the values and beliefs held Americans that we can emulate. The values and beliefs held so many American states. But we will consider only three values and beliefs of the most important in America that we can emulate that individual freedom, hard work, and competition.

    Individual liberty became the first value that will be discussed and deserves to be developed or emulate. Individual freedom, which of those two words can we interpret the absence of restrictions for the individual or person. Individual freedom in America has long been on hold, and became the first value that they hold dear. How Americans embraced individual freedom so as to make this country known for a very free country?. Americans believe in freedom of an individual can make the individual can live well together with the country. With the freedom that has brought the American nation into a country that always emulated by other nations.

    Not only individuals who are free, but also rational and responsible, namely individuals who are able to take prudent and appropriate decisions based on reason. Reason is free to determine the choice of either that produce results favorable or not. Independent in thought and free worship anything. Americans are free to determine for example in terms of political choices determine a president. With the freedom of individuals to choose, will make the individual feel safe and comfortable. Many who considered freedom to be a negative view of freedom that ended with anarchism. But the young people in America rarely anarchism in the presence of such freedom in our country Indonesia. By looking at our American country can emulate American values of freedom and the example which they profess.

    With the value of hard work owned by the American people have made this country a strong state and diligent. The people there are in America is identical with the people who work hard. In America, if someone does not work hard then other people will think people are lazy. With hard work we can achieve the goals that we wanted and achieved. When Americans work together with the working time in Indonesia. But many overtime hours they though they were overtime they will not get extra money. Why do so because they too will understand it. They continue to work hard to achieve something they want.

    In America many children are not yet 17 years old but already working. Although children’s school work they keep running. They work not because they are poor or do not have any money, but rather be working hard this so that they become independent. Viewed with that American has made the value of hard work into values that can make this country more and more produce people who are hardworking and not lazy. With this Indonesia can replicate and develop it in Indonesian society ranging from children.

    American values or the last third is competition. Americans assess and declare the competition can bring American or a person towards a higher or severe. Many American competition has followed, and almost all the competition they won. America is the country that likes to follow the competition, the competition in business, and in the knowledge economy. Americans also hold frequent competitions, with this competition many Americans find new things that are useful. America also has opened a business competition for Indonesian students in America. This competition was created to encourage students to become entrepreneurs and establish businesses in Indonesia.
    Many competitions are held from various fields will result in things that can be profitable. At the time America won the olympics in china and also competed in sports. Not one American becomes a developed country, from the technological, economic and science and a very tight competition in America, because almost every day is a day of competition for the American people. So that Indonesia can also carry this in daily life to compete in the competition with sportsmanship. And in terms of competing to be seen from the benefits and do not make the competition a thing that makes a negative competition.

    Of the three Americans held above the value we can draw the conclusion that the values that Americans have very beneficial to his country. And became an influential state high at the center to be emulated. But we should not just be imitated also adjust the values of our country whether it is suitable or not. But after discussing the three critical values of individual freedom, hard work and competition can we emulate and develop as well as beneficial to our country Indonesia.

  41. Three More Important of American Values and Beliefs to emulate

    I. Introduction

    The earliest settlers came to the North American continent to establish colonies that were free from the controls that existed in European societies. They wanted to escape the controls placed on their lives by kings and governments, priests and churches, noblemen and aristocrats. To a great extent, they succeeded. In 1776, the British colonial settlers declared their independence from England and established a new nation, the United States of America. In 1789, when they wrote the Constitution for their new nation, they separated church and state so that there would never be a government-supported church. By limiting the power of the government and the churches, they created a climate of freedom where the emphasis was on the individual. Individual freedom, Equality of Opportunity and Competition, Material Wealth and Hard Work is probably the most basic of all the American values. By freedom, Americans mean the desire and the ability of all individuals to control their own destiny without outside interference from the government, a ruling noble class, the church, or any other organized authority.

    II. Three More Important of American Values and Beliefs to emulate

    There is, however, a price to be paid for this individual freedom: self-reliance. Individuals must learn to rely on themselves or risk losing freedom. This means achieving both financial and emotional independence from their parents as early as possible, usually by age 18 or 21. It means that Americans believe they should take care of themselves, solve their own problems, and “stand on their own two feet.” They think: They owe nothing to any man, they expect nothing from any man; they acquire the habit of always considering themselves as standing alone, and they are apt to imagine that their whole destiny is in their own hands.
    This strong belief in self-reliance continues today as a traditional basic American value. It is perhaps one of the most difficult aspects of the American character to understand, but it is profoundly important. Most Americans believe that they must be self-reliant in order to keep their freedom. If they rely too much on the support of their families or the government or any organization, they may lose some of their freedom to do what they want. While in Indonesia This was seen in some quarters as protecting Indonesia’s domestic market by enforcing the implementation of the Indonesian National Standard to obstruct imports. This took place against a backdrop of calls for self-reliance and campaigns to buy local products. Indonesia is gripped by nervousness about export-oriented countries dumping their excess production into Indonesia as demand in the developed world slows down. This is backed up by the Indonesian business lobby who are keen to refocus their sales in Indonesia as their traditional export markets dries up. Politically, this seems to be expedient thing to do as Indonesian politicians, especially those the ruling government are gearing up for the 2009 elections and protecting jobs in Indonesia is seen as extremely important. This is coupled with growing support for shifting away from being an export-oriented economy and develop its own economy based on indigenous resources.

    The second important reason why immigrants have traditionally been drawn to the United States is the belief that everyone has a chance to succeed here. Generations of immigrants, from the earliest settlers to the present day, have come to the United States with this expectation. In the first years of American history, the hopes and dreams of many of these early immigrants were fulfilled in their new country. The lower social class did not prevent them from trying to rise to a higher social position. Many found that they did indeed have a better chance to succeed in the United States than in the old country. Because millions of these immigrants succeeded, Americans came to believe in equality of opportunity.
    It is important to understand what most Americans mean when they say they believe in equality of opportunity. They do not mean that everyone is — or should be — equal. However, they do mean that each individual should have an equal chance for success. Americans see much of life as a race for success. For them, equality means that everyone should have an equal chance to enter the race and win. In other words, equality of opportunity may be thought of as an ethical rule. It helps ensure that the race for success is a fair one and that a person does not win just because he or she was born into a wealthy family, or lose because of race or religion. This American concept of “fair play” is an important aspect of the belief in equality of opportunity. In Indonesia Differences in opportunity and treatment in employment is often rumored as a gender issue, which is then often associated as gender differences between men and women in various fields, also in obtaining employment and occupation. Gender issues are often actually been anticipated by our labor laws, even since the days of colonial Dutch East Indies, some of which are Staadblad No.348 on Occupational Health 1947 which later became Law no. 12/1948 on Occupational Health. In the law stipulated a ban employment of women, children and people muda.2
    Among decision makers and implementers at several government agencies at both central and local, have raised questions about gender with a limited explanation of the roles and responsibilities or the balance between the roles of men and women in the family and society.
    The third reason why immigrants have traditionally come to the United States is to have a better life — that is, to raise their standard of living. For the vast majority of the immigrants who came here, it was probably the most compelling reason for leaving their homeland. Because of its incredibly abundant natural resources, the United States appeared to be a “land of plenty” where millions could come to seek their fortunes. Of course, most immigrants did not “get rich overnight,” and many of them suffered terribly, but the majority of them were eventually able to improve upon their former standard of living. Even if they were not able to achieve the economic success they wanted, they could be fairly certain that their children would have the opportunity for a better life. The phrase “going from rags to riches” became a slogan for the great American Dream. Because of the vast riches of the North American continent, the dream came true for many of the immigrants. They achieved material success; they became very attached to material things. Material wealth became a value to the American people. While, one of the materials wealth in Indonesia is Along time, bamboo has been known by society as a building material. Bamboo, a natural wealth of Indonesian society actually has the advantages are very suitable as an alternative for problem solving to housing in earthquake areas. For Indonesia as a seismic area and the climate is tropical, bamboo has the advantages when used as residential building materials. Bamboo has a high enough power, ever the skin for several species of bamboo has tensile strength then steel. Besides durability, bamboo has a very long level if the true preservation process. When an earthquake occurred, houses are in the fruit of the bamboo will not immediately collapse because it is elastic and lightweight, other than it can give more time for occupants to immediately save himself. The use of bamboo as structural materials building earthquake resistant housing is still the right solution in terms of economy, convenience and adjustments to the force caused by the earthquake compared to the other roof structure material

    In conclusion, Most Americans, however, still believe in the value of hard work. They believe that people should hold jobs and not live off welfare payments from the government. The 3 values and the prices to be paid for them are ideals. There are many values and beliefs of American that we can be emulated to make our life better. It does not mean we substitute our own values but to enrich our values. Indonesia must be emulate the three values to make their life better.

    Zhou Jingqiong. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2003
    Parlindungan.P. 20111.

  42. PART A
    Three Most Important American Values and Beliefs to Emulate
    In the America has a lot of values and beliefs that make Americans in the view of the world and admire, even though there are still advantages and disadvantages to America, but it does not destabilize the country united in values and beliefs that have been in the had. Such as we already know there are some values and beliefs. America is a country ethnic and race variety as a result of large-scale immigration from various countries throughout the history. With the values of this country and America will be more victorious success for the residents. There most American Values to adopt and develop in indonesian are: A. Individual Freedom B. Hard Work C. Equality/Egalitarianism equality.
    The first Individual freedom is one of the most fundamental values in America. The one value that nearly every American would agree upon is individual freedom because, individual freedom is the most value possessions and biggest. While our economic system may be dominated by large corporations, the majority of American businesses are small, and many are owned by an individual or a family. It is part of the “American dream” to “be your own boss,” and being an entrepreneur is one of the most appealing ways to improve one’s economic future. With the existence of individual freedom is something Americans can do anything by itself without help of others. Individual freedom is not only limitation on our ability to think and act for ourselves. Not only that American citizens can make individual freedom with the economic system.
    Importance and advantage of individual freedom in indonesia importance of individual freedom are all Indonesian citizens in Indonesia that the government can pay attention to how the state of Indonesian population because many people who do not get a decent life, decent clothing, decent food, and others. We as human beings can not live alone because of that, people really need help from others. Individual freedom can also help some of the problems of life in order to solve this problem with their own abilities. Advantage of individual liberty is to help people who are unable afford to get a decent life. Children in Indonesia were able to get a proper education to children in Indonesia become Indonesian pride child.
    The second values that we will discussing is hard work. However Americans pay a price for this: hard work. That is also the essence of America dream for many foreigners. That is to say if you want to be success, hard work is requested. Hard work has rewarded many. Material possessions are the tangible evidence of this. Many of them make a fortune by cheating not by hard working. Many the population united to work hard just to finance their of family life respectively. They also want to get any job just for the sake of their families. Does not only that the American the population there is nothing lazy to find work, all residents America are working hard to find a bite of rice so that they does not feel hungry families and their children can attend school. They also work hard to earn money so that their children does not drop out of school.
    Importance and advantage of hard work in indonesia. Hard work is very important for Indonesian because, many Indonesian residents are does not want to work hard for their lives. Does not only that most Indonesian residents is also lazy to look for work because, they never find work in the refuse. If they want to succeed they must work hard to earn money for their families. If all residents of Indonesian hard work and does not lazy, Indonesian is not one of unemployment and Indonesian will be victorious and successful of the results of that hard work. Advantage of working hard in Indonesia is to reduce unemployment for all residents Indonesian no unemployment. Hard work can also help them to get what they want.
    The last values that we will discussing is equality/Egalitarianism equality. Value Equality/Egalitarianism equality is, for Americans, one of their most cherished values. This concept is so important for Americans that they have even given it a religious basis. The equality concept often makes Americans seem strange to foreign visitors. Seven-eighths of the world feels quite differently. To them, rank and status and authority are seen as much more desirable considerations—even if they personally happen to find themselves near the bottom of the social order. Class and authority seem to give people in those other societies a sense of security and certainty. Many highly-placed foreign visitors to the United States are insulted by the way they are treated by service personnel (such as waiters in restaurants, clerks in stores, taxi drivers, etc.). Newcomers to the United States should realize that no insult or personal indignity is intended by this lack of deference to rank or position in society. A foreigner should be prepared to be considered “just like anybody else” while in the country.
    Importance and advantage of equality/Egalitarianism equality is the value of togetherness with others for the friendship kinship. In the presence of these values can do what they want and to increase the relative value because in Indonesia does not have value relative to others. Their role is to give encouragement to the residents of Indonesia.


    So,much as I can and I know about the values and beliefs in America. Of this article I can conclude that the values and beliefs were very important for American society in order to help their own lives. I just realized that the values and beliefs in the America was viewed by many other countries and admired by many in the other nations. Values in the America and still there are advantages and disadvantages.

    L. Robert Kohls, Executive Director (1984). Retrieved November 2, 2011 from

    PART B
    1. Yes! CCU class contribute to my language skills. With the CCU learning this I know a lot of American culture, and I also know that many cultural differences between Indonesia and America. In this case I can develop the ability to read when I read a book that explains about American culture because, a lot of words that I had never hard to find and I am saying. Does not only that also CCU also can develop my skills in speaking to my trained in English.
    2. Yes! CCU class contributed the most suitable for my listening skills. Before joining this class, I do not know clearly about American culture. In the classroom lecturer to explain all about American culture, so that students understand how American culture?. When the lecturer explained about the American culture I was immediately interested in learning this CCU and more I find that a lot of words or terms that I never knew before. So, I can enrich my vocabulary but I got a number of knowledge about American life and culture that I think is interesting to learn.
    3. Yes! CCU class helps me raise my awareness about American culture I just found out that the State of the societies of América United States admitted that they do not have a specific culture for hereditary, but they assume that their culture is a culture of “try to be the best “. Since there is no factor of caste, religion and culture that hinder this, people in the country to trust someone who strives to be better, will be able to be the best.
    4. Yes! CCU classes help me raise my awareness about Indonesia because the Indonesian culture can mean the cultural characteristics of regions that existed before the formation of a national of Indonesia, which includes the culture of Indonesia is a whole culture of the whole range of local tribes in Indonesia. Not only that the culture of Indonesia although it varies, but basically formed and influenced by other great cultures such as Chinese culture, Indian culture and Arab culture.
    5. No! I just found out that the State of the societies of América United States recognize that they have a special hereditary culture, but it is assumed that their culture is a culture of “try to be the best “. Since there is no factor of caste, religion and culture that hinder this, people in the country to trust someone who strives to be better, will be able to be the best. Thus, CCU class does not change my perception toward the culture that American have.
    6. YES ! I think the lesson that I have learned in CCU class can contribute in teacher profession after I have graduated. For example, someday if I become an English teacher to explain again to my students about American culture that has been in the same teacher taught me when I was a student of the CCU. I want all my students know American culture what it is to increase their knowledge. I believe that education is well suited for CCU to explain to our students. If a day is one of my students they are going to United States, my students already know and understand the culture and society in the United States that has been taught by his teacher at the school.
    7. Yes! It is very useful. If one day I found myself with my United States people communicate directly with that person to practise my English language to that person, and that I wasn’t hard to communicate with the American people. If I find myself again with the American people once again I invite you to communicate more about how the culture of the State and the status of the population at United States. not only that I also get all of America from the village of United States directly. When asked me to communicate with the people of United States turns out that Americans were very happy to communicate with me and the village of United States were also very willing to say that all the of United States.
    8. No! One day I don’t want to live in United States because the majority of Americans do not have religion. Country United States in the early days of the enactment of the open door policy for immigrants coming from all over the world. Immigrants who came to America, and then decided to settle and become citizens of the United States, the Government requested not to abandon their culture and continued the practice during your stay in United States. This makes the culture of the United States to become multicultural. A variety of mixed cultures, but in general the culture of the cowboy and the country became one of the symbols and known feature of America.


    American is a developing country. That common saying may contain some truth, but many countries have the different ways to make their countries will be develop. Based on the statement of American is developed country, it has many American values that affect to become the develop country. There are three most important American Values and beliefs to emulate such as hard working, self reliance, and self discipline.

    In the first value, American has some characters especially hard working. Hard work is about training yourself to leap over this barrier, tunnel under that barrier, and drive through the other barrier and after you’ve done that, to do it again the next day. American doesn’t have vocation day because they always hard work to collect the money and they want to get something. And they have an opinion that working is the habit important than the other such as playing or shopping without get feedback. Based on their opinion, they think that the people are going to get success if they have good working and they can contribute to the society.

    Contrast in Indonesian the people more likely to spend their time for having fun than hard working. It is caused that Indonesian has many vocation day which will to make them are lazy. In this situation, I think that hard work in American value must to emulate for Indonesian people because Indonesian has many culture and natural resources that can develop but they haven’t desire to develop it become one of the asset in this country.

    In the second value, American has a character as self reliance. Self reliance describes the ability to depend on yourself to get things done and to meet your own needs. American people should be independent especially based on financial. They are very independent. Almost of the American people do like that because they don’t want to live hold to others. So, it has become a tradition if almost of the children early ages in American have worked. For example, there are any children as newspaper seller or cadger. They do like that because they want to be independent and they want to hold their life by themselves. On the average, the parents in American have supported if their children are decided to work although they haven’t skill enough. That’s real in American because the parents want to teach their children about the independent’s life so if their parents can’t pay their education or necessities of life, they aren’t shocked because of their parents can’t do it again. Self reliance is going to teach the people about how to life alone without inconvenience of the people.

    In Indonesian people don’t have self-reliance. They always depend with other people. For example, the parents in Indonesian give a suggestion for their children that they should go to school by car or with the baby sitter. it’s good for them, but it’s going to teach their children always depend with other people and in the future they will not depend in their life.

    In the last value is self discipline. Self discipline describes the ability you have to control and motivate yourself, stay on track and do what is right. One of the self disciplines in American people is on time. They are always on time to do something as working or to meet someone in other events. They don’t like waiting someone so long or they aren’t late to come to their offices. They are discipline. They don’t want to spent their time to waiting or lose of time without advantages. In their opinion, time is money. And with the on time they can do many things by regularly. With there is a self discipline – on time in American, it is going to give some advantages for many people especially for American people because based on this way as on time, the American people can learn about responsibility. They are also known about how to appreciate someone by doing something with on time.

    In Indonesian, the people always come late in many events start from children until adult. In their opinion, it is normal because they say that traffic jam is the first reason of come late. I think not only that some people always come late in their life. With this situation, they have cut their time work that is adverse government. In other words, Indonesian should to emulate this value – self discipline so that this country will be better than the last.

    Finally, Every countries has many different values to make their country are developed.
    Especially American people have some characteristics to become success or to make their country are developed. Hard work, self reliance, and self discipline are the three most important American Values and beliefs to emulate. And I think that Indonesian should be to emulate the three of values in American because it’s going to develop this country become great country and develop country.

  44. Three Most Important American Values and Beliefs to Emulate.
    What is the background of american country was dubbed as a developed country?
    Almost all countries in the world recognizes that America is one of the developed, advanced and diplomatically country. Of course, it does not just happen instantly. To achieve a nicknamed like that the American people certainly have the efforts and value their own beliefs. As proof, we know that the American people have fourteen value of trust that they consider important to build their country. One of them is hard work, self – discipline and volunteerism.
    I chose the third of this value for my discussion material, because all of these three things is what usually comes to our mind when we’re talking about America and the third of this value is what I find most interesting in American countries.
    First, Based of what I’ve learned about American countries, I believed that hardwork is one of the most fundamental values in American. When they were young, they taught to live independently and hardwork, So when they age above eighteen years they’ve had to live independently and workhard themselves. Because of this upbringing, they have hardwork to achieve their future high. The land and other rich natural resources were exploited by hard work as was the industrialization of America. The wealth generated was still converted into material possessions and a high standard of living. Material possessions are the tangible evidence of this. This is a factor why Material wealth is the most widely accepted measure of social status in America.
    Indonesia should learn a lot from America, especially on hard work. Though Indonesia is a country rich in natural resources but, in fact the people of Indonesia can not properly manage these resources. So, many poverty happening in various areas. This is not only because of the limited knowledge possessed in Indonesian people but also indonesian people difficult to hardwork and lazy to try. They tend to gain material wealth instantly. Example : Corrupt. They are a bunch of people who want to reach star without trying to reach it first and unfortunately a lot of corruption that is rampant in Indonesia. So, many small society found it difficult. People of Indonesia should be able to replicate the value of hardwork that is believed in American so that they can make society’s welfare and to pursue the development of country more advanced.
    Second, “The United States is the most advanced country in philanthropy, in terms of percentage of income (GDP) given to charities and average number of hours given for volunteering” (Google). These volunteers come from many different fields, such us social organizations, churches and private volunteers who generally provide assistance without going through certain organizational relationships. They moved a lot for helping others. Even when the devastating tsunami in Indonesia precisely Nanggro Aceh Darussalam, America was the first country to provide some assistance, besides that they also down immediately to see victims of the disaster. This case which proves that the value of the volunteerism that they hold high enough.
    In the Indonesian state itself, the value of the volunteerism are still very low. many people in Indonesia are likely to expect help than giving aid, it is evident from the lack of social organization in Indonesia. This occurs because a lack of awareness of the importance of social life. They should be able to learn the value of the volunteerism in American country so that people realize that giving help to others much better than expect help from others and creating social awareness among fellow beings.
    The last is self discipline. Actually, between self-discipline and hardwork have a closely related. Two fundamental values are inter-related, because when a person apply to obey, it can be determined they are a hard worker. They will try to use their time well to do their maximum job. This is because they have been taught to act discipline since their kids, whether in the social environment and the activities they do. So they know what should be prioritized in advance between needs and wants? This is the reason why the majority of the people in American were prosperous life.
    People in Indonesia still do not understand the importance of discipline. Generally, people in Indonesia like to apply as they pleased, including the act. They like to break what they are supposed to obey and tend to waste the time available for doing are useful less. Because of that, they are difficult to achieve maximum results and many unemployment that occurred in Indonesia. Different with the American people who can control time is not controlled by time. People of Indonesia should be able to learn from America about the discipline, to obey the rules and think time is precious then the discipline will be created by itself. When all society Indonesia aware of this, I am sure Indonesia can also be a developed country.
    From the three values above can be concluded that hardwork, volunteerism and self – discipline are values that built the American nation to become a winning nation, developed and recognized in many other states. When the three values can be applied in Indonesia,
    I believe Indonesia can also capable of being superior state.

  45. Three Most Important American Values and Beliefs to Emulate
    American countries is a very modern. America became a “superpower” in this world. everyone know a little or a lot about the style of American country life. Because most people have a dream to live this superpower country. According to some people “America is a very beautiful country and has a very modern life”. America was the center of world attention in the American economy. Because this state has many mineral resources, such as gold, oil, coal. “Agriculture makes this country are among the major producers, among others, corn, wheat, sugar and tobacco. U.S. produce cars, airplanes and electronics items. Approximately three quarters of U.S. residents working in the service industry”.(google). we know that the American people have fourteen value of trust that they consider important to build their country. One of them is hard work, self reliance and such as individual freedom.
    Since the children American people has been self taught by their parents.Since the age of 5 years they have been taught to cut the grass, clean the house etc. And when they turn 17years was free to get out of the house separated from their parents to find jobs for the cost of their daily lives. this is distinguishes American teenagers with Indonesia teenagers.Indonesia teenagers generally they could be released by his parents when they age 20 years to find a job.

    As a teenager Indonesia we have to be like a teenager in America. Because then we will more self reliant. much more can we experience in our adolescence by implementing self-reliance in our lives. As a teenager in Indonesia is too large in spoiled with material. We must remove all of it, because if the child is always spoiled by the material the child can not be self-reliance . Indonesia have a lot to take lessons in American teenagers.

    American famous with the state of freedom. We can choose and what we can do while still within the limits of reasonableness uud prevailing in America.America famous with free sex. In America they are free to choose a partner for sex. In America has its own way how the couple express their love and affection between them both. that is by way of expressing the love of a woman to the man by way of engaging in sex. “as I know in America is free to appoint or showing gender “ (google). freedom in America with in Indonesia is very different. if in Indonesia are not allowed to have sex with his partner if they were not married. in America there are many gay and lesbian groups or fellow who likes sex. It is not strange for American society, even this trend american gay and lesbian community.
    Indonesia could take some of the material in the feeling of freedom in American society. such as free speech and free choice. And for the freedom of sex we never took, because Indonesia should not be engaging in sex freely except with our official partner like our husbands. If teens have sex free Indonesia in this country is our country going in cap ugly by another country.
    Why American people developed and rich in treasures? The answer is “HARD WORK”. American workers known by the nickname “workhorse.” Because to the hard work we can do to achieve what we want in this life. Without the hard work and just lazing would be very difficult to achieve our goals. Therefore let us examples of the work force for the American people can be successful.
    Indonesia have much to learn from America about HARD WORK. if Indonesia followed the trail America then Indonesia will be more rich and developed. Indonesia has rich natural resources, we must use it well. And the officials should follow the American performance. Do not just corruption are enhanced. because corruption is only distressing the poor getting poorer.

    Concluding paragraph
    In my conclusion, America has some values that are very good and deserves our example to be successful in our future lives. That is what makes the American nation developed and rich in treasures. Let us work hard as the American public to realize our aspirations to become a successful person.

  46. Sir, this is my revision

    PART I: Essay Writing

    ———Three Most Important American Values and Beliefs to Emulate———

    As we know, America is a superpower. So, what is the background of American country thus nicknamed as the country’s super power? This question may often we are questioning the American nation. Almost all countries in the world recognize that America is a developed country and not a developing country. Of course, it does not just happen instantly. To achieve such nicknames American people certainly have the efforts and value their own beliefs. As evidence, we know that the American people have fourteen values the trust they consider important to build their country. such as individual freedom, equal opportunities, material wealth, self reliance, competition, hard work, self improvement, self-discipline, volunteerism, humanitarianism, free spirit, inventiveness, egalitarianism, and aggressiveness. There are three values that I think is the highest value in America if we are talking about America. The first value is hard work. The second value is self reliance. The third value is self-discipline.

    As we know, America is a superpower country that the majority of its citizens to live independently with what they have. They also want to hard work to get what they want. When they were young, their parents taught them to live independently and hard work so that when they are aged eighteen years and over they had to live independently and work independently. Because of this education, they must hard work to achieve a high in the future. Land and other natural resources exploited by the hard work by the Americans people. Wealth is then converted into material possessions and high living standards. Hard work in America’s most appreciated. This is why the wealth of material factors is the most widely accepted measure of social status in America.

    Indonesia also needs to learn a lot about the value of hard work from the American people. As we know, Indonesia consists of the islands are surrounded by natural resources are very abundant. But why Indonesia does not include the developed countries? But developing countries? In fact the people of Indonesia cannot manage resources well. This happens because of limited knowledge of Indonesian society. Education in Indonesia is still not evenly distributed. Many people in Indonesia, especially in the interior are still not getting the education standards. Besides that, Indonesian people are also difficult to hard work and are lazy to cultivate existing natural resources. They tend to gain material wealth directly. As an example of this is that a lot of corruption in Indonesia. They just want to get rich instantly without working hard. Supposedly, the people of Indonesia can mimic the hard work that is believed to be an American. Indonesia so that people can make people’s welfare and development of Indonesia country becomes more developed.

    Self reliance is also the values of the most fundamental in America. We know that America is a country that almost half of its people independently. Their parents have to educate them since childhood to live independently and be able to fight for life in the future. When they were young, they are taught to live independently so that when they are over the age of eighteen years they’ve had to live independent. Because of this education, they must be independent in achieving what they want. Independent means is that we do not have to depend on others at all. They should be able to arrange everything yourself without help from others. They should be able to regulate working hours, meal hours, time to rest, time for family, regulate emotions (that emotions are not explosive), etc.

    Most of the people of Indonesia are the people who spoiled and can not live independently. They tend to be heavily dependent on others. For example, many young families who often live with their parents. They should have been able to think things out for the future of their families. Such as already has abode. In addition, the Indonesian people are lazy to act without anyone moving. It is clearly seen that most Indonesian people depend on others and not independent. Indonesia should be able to mimic the American society that can be independently since childhood. So to start something new, we do not have to wait for someone else but we can do it yourself.

    Self-discipline is the ability to get yourself to take action regardless of your emotional stat (Steve Pavlina). Self-discipline is a high value also for American society. We know that the majority of American society is a disciplined person. They are always self-discipline in all things. They are disciplined with time. They believe in the motto “time is money”. They do not like to waste their time on things that are not important. They are also disciplined in investing for retirement. Through self-discipline high, Americans can achieve what they want. This is clearly visible for the United States as a superpower. Without a high self-discipline, American society may not be a superpower.

    In the self-discipline, the people of Indonesia still less to obey. Indonesian people in general want to do as they pleased. Theory is often easier to understand and be understood in comparison with the practice directly. Indonesian society often tends to delay the work which should be completed today. They like to waste their time with useless, so the results would be obtained less than the maximum. We should be able to imitate the American society of self-discipline to start from simple things such as using time wisely. Indonesian society with self-discipline would be even better.

    In conclusion, values and beliefs of Americans can we imitate to make our lives better. This does not mean we change the values that exist in Indonesia, but to enrich the values that exist in Indonesia. based on the above three values, such as hard work, independence and self-discipline we can find some values that exist in America as one of the ways that we can mimic the existing value in the U.S. as a superpower. We are not emulating the values for major changes or make changes quickly, but we can start from the simplest things in our lives every day.

  47. Three Most Important American Values and Beliefs to Emulate

    American is a superpower country where is very big influence in the world with all aspects for example economic, cultural, political, military etc. Many immigrants, including Indonesia, which succeeded in life because they live there. American became an example for other countries because American proved developed country in all respects both of culture and values. American has some values and beliefs, such as individual freedom, equal opportunities, material wealth, self reliance, competition, hard work, self improvement, self-discipline, volunteerism, humanitarianism, free spirit, inventiveness, egalitarianism, and aggressiveness. But I think is most interested to write the most three American values and beliefs to adopt and develop in Indonesian they are hard work, material wealth and individual freedom.

    Hard work is one of the fundamental values in American. Why I said that? Because In American,they believe that by work hard they will get a decent job and they do not want to live independent of welfare benefits provided from their government. They also no longer believe that hard work always bring great material rewards. For those living in poverty is worth it because they have the will to progress and earn money by work hard. In American the competition is very tight so that if they do not work hard then they will be left far behind in everything.
    The importance of hard work in Indonesia is Indonesia people can improve their lives where almost half the population in Indonesia is under the poverty line. That is because there is no willingness in people of Indonesia to work hard trying to get a decent livelihood. By work hard can change the living conditions of the people of Indonesia. The advantages of hard work in Indonesia are reduce unemployment because they work hard in getting jobs, improve living standards, reduce poverty, reduce crime,etc.
    The second value is material wealth. In American, material wealth has traditionally been a widely accepted measure of social status. Because they rejected the European system of hereditary aristocracy and titles of nobility, they had to find a substitute for judging social status. For them the quality and quantity of an individual’s material possessions became an accepted measure of success and social status.America is rich in natural resources but still many have not yet been developed. There is the term”land lots” where immigrants and the American people can search for wealth and improve their living standards improve. The phrase” go from rags to riches” became the slogan of the American Big Dream .Because great wealth in American dream became a reality for the American people especially the immigrants. They achieve material success, so they are very attached to material things. The wealth of material into avalue to the American people.
    The importance of material wealth in Indonesia is can be a natural resource that can be used and developed to improve the economy of Indonesia. Material wealth in Indonesia is almost the same as the American. It’s just that Indonesian people is less capable and less intelligent in utilizing the wealth of material is best.The advantages of material wealth in Indonesia are can be a natural resource that can be utilized, can boost the economy, employment, etc.
    The last value is individual freedom. Individual freedom is probably the most basic of all the American values. By freedom, Americans mean the desire and the ability of all individuals to control their own destiny without outside interference from the government, a ruling noble class, the church, or any other organized authority. independence is the price to be paid in individual freedom in American. Individuals must learn torely on themselves or risk losing freedom. Americans believe that is usually at 18 or 21 they’ve achieved financial independence and emotional. They have to take care of themselves, solve their own problems, and “standing on its own feet.” they believe that their whole destiny in their own hands. traditional American values into the basic and the most difficult aspects of American character to understand, but it is very important for example. They also believe that they must be independent to maintain their freedom. for them to be dependent on others they will lose some of their freedom to do what they want and lose respect.
    The importance of individual freedom in Indonesia is to respect what the rights and obligations of each individual. Because in Indonesia has not been an awareness of individual freedom of religion for example, argue and, etc. democracy in Indonesia although individual freedom but not guaranteed. The advantages of individual freedom in Indonesia are the existence of mutual esteem and respect among individuals, so that democracy can be created, a harmony in living, etc.
    The conclusion three of the fourteen American value they are hard work, material wealth and individual freedom can be emulated by the people of Indonesia as it is very important to increase the value of Indonesia in the eyes in the world. Although Indonesia adheres to the east and American culture embraced western culture but in certain cases there are some shared values.


    Thank you Sir.
    Gbu 🙂


  48. “Three Most Important American Values and Beliefs to Emulate”

    The history of the American is one of enormous progress associated with remarkable innovation.The United States (U.S.) is a republic which is the third largest by population. This consists of diversity, multiethnic and multicultural country, which is effect by the immigrants from around the world. United States economy is the largest economy in the world, the United States became the only superpower of the world. They become a leader in military, economic, cultural, and political. The U.S. economy is one of the most important in the world. Many countries have made the U.S. dollar as its currency measure, meaning that valuable, or whether their currency is determined by the dollar. Some countries use the dollar as its currency. U.S. stock market is seen as an indicator of world economy. United States fairly advanced level of culture. This was proved by technological advances. In addition, the United States are also experts in the field of sophisticated weaponry.

    As a strongest country, America always needed the invention from their scientist. Innovation is the process by which individuals and organizations generate new ideas and put them into practice – is the foundation of American economic as a leader of economic world. In this essay, I will discuss the three most American values and beliefs to adopted and develop in Indonesia. Such as Individual Freedom, Self Discipline, and Hard Work. The three values and beliefs is the most important as a foundation of the American country.

    Main body paragraph

    The first values that we will discussing is Individual Freedom. Individual freedom is one of the most fundamental values in America. American people always proud with the freedom on their country. they have to feel free to choose their destiny without the intervention from other people. Individual Freedom in America are utilized by the American people to develop themselves to become much better. Ayn Rand wrote, “The Individual is the Smallest Minority on Earth. Those who Deny Individual Rights, cannot claim to be defenders of Minorities”. Americans people have the Right of Dissent, the Right to privacy, property and the freedom to believe as we so choose. To treat everyone as individuals with Equal Rights, Equal Laws, Equal Justice, and Equal Freedom for everyone individually, under the Supreme Law, the Constitution and the human Rights. When a person is free to determine his choice, and also he was ready to face the various problems in his life. And he was ready to resolve the problem by itself. most of children in America. When they have 18 years old, then they will try to get out from the house and try to live independently outside.

    If we compare with the existing culture in Indonesia, there are many children in Indonesia who do not dare to live independently. Although, they already been 18 years old and become an adult person, they are not try to go out from their parent’s house. Whereas individual freedom is the most important to improve their ability when faced some problem of life. When the children found a problem certain they trying to solve that problem with their own ability. Therefore there are many advantages the value of individual freedom from amreica to adopt and develop for Indonesian people. With individual freedom most of children in Indonesia will learn how to orginize their life as good as possible. They can get lot of friends, lot of experiences,etc.Finally, Indonesian people have to believe, especially for their children. if they have freedom and live independently, they will can improve their ability, knowledge, and experiences.

    The second values that we will discussing is Self Discipline. Most Americans people are also proud with the value of self discipline. With self discipline, they can be a success person. Because their always are planning with a good schedule. Within the domain of problems it can solve, self-discipline is simply unmatched. Moreover, it becomes a powerful teammate when combined with other tools like passion, goal-setting, and planning. The philosophy of how to build self-discipline is best explained by an analogy. Self-discipline is like a muscle. The more you train it, the stronger you become. The less you train it, the weaker you become. Just as everyone has different muscular strength, we all possess different levels of self-discipline. Americans people believe that self discipline must be apply from we are as a child. Then we will apply self discipline in our life till when we grow up as an adult person. America become a largest and strongest country in every aspect, because they apply self discipline in every part of their life. Therefore self discipline become one of the three values which is develop in the Americans people.

    But if we see the people of Indonesia, most of Indonesian people are less to aware the benefit of self discipline. As example, there are many students can’t finish their study on time. Then there are many students come late to school and lot of employee come late to office, etc. Self discipline can influence the success of someone. Why not? With self discipline you can accomplish more, and you’re more productive than others. The importance of self discipline is we are able to reach your most difficult goals with more efficiently. Certain self discipline have many advantages for Indonesian people, because most of Indonesian people are lazy to work. Thus we have to apply self discipline early in the middle of Indonesian people, then they’re aware the importance of self discipline.
    “The big secret in life is that there is no big secret. Whatever your goal, you can get there if you’re willing to work” Oprah Winfrey. The last value that we will discuss is “Hard Work”. When you discipline yourself to do what is hard, you will gain access to successful road. The willingness to do what is difficult is like having a key to a special private treasure room. Hard work is a culture in America even become lifestyle in most of people in America. Hard work one of the values that their apply in daily activity for success. For example, America doesn’t have religious holiday in their country. It means that there is no one employee have a vacation day. Everyday they should be working.

    That is also the essence of America dream for many foreigners. That is to say if you want to be success, hard work is requested. The land and other rich natural resources were exploited by hard work as was the industrialization of America. The wealth generated was and is still converted into material possessions and a high standard of living. Finally most of American people proud of values from hard work because they Create a purpose for their life, and live it each day. And many of the other success habits like hard work and working hard will fall automatically.

    But in Indonesia, hard work doesn’t become the most important value of Indonesia. Most of people in Indonesia does not apply work hard in their life. They want to get a lot of money without working hard. It also increase the poverty in Indonesia, because many Indonesian people choose to sitting at home than have to work to improve their quality of life. There are many advantages from the hard work for the Indonesian people. One of the benefit of the hard work are to reduce crimes in Indonesia. Certain with hard work, Indonesian people will find money honestly without steal or rob someone. On the other hand, as a teacher with hard work we can make Indonesia more advanced than other developing countries especially for education. There are many students from Indonesia are able to compete with students from other countries to make Indonesia one step forward than developing countries. Therefore hard work should be apply early for Indonesian people.

    In conclusion, after we discuss the three values and believes of American country which is consists of “Individual freedom”, “Self Discipline”, and “Hard work” today we already know how the America can be the largest and the strongest country in the world. The people of Americans country always applied “Individual freedom”, “Self Discipline”, and “Hard work” in all aspect of their life. But it doesn’t mean Indonesia can’t emulate America in every aspect of life. Indonesia can improve all values inside them, than emulate the three values of America which had already discuss to develop their country. The three values of America which is consists of “Individual freedom”, “Self Discipline”, and “Hard work” are good to emulate for Indonesia and with these values Indonesia will one step forward than other developing countries.


  49. Evyona sinulingga (0912150009)
    ( CCU )

    PART I

    “Three Most Important American Values and Beliefs to Emulate ”

    America is a country that has a lot of values and beliefs, and as we all know well that America in general is a country that is based on the values and beliefs that already exist in their culture since age-old. Those values has shown that some of the values and beliefs of Americans are decent and deserves to be material for the lesson appears logical because, values and beliefs are the values that are very good also good for changing the Indonesian nation into a better direction. There are three American’s values and beliefs are very important and very useful to adopt and develop to in Indonesia such as : hard work, individual freedom and self-reliance.
    The first is hard work, hard work is one of most important value in America ,
    America is a country which is known as a hard worker and super power. Because , in general they are hard workers, who do not know when tired, even for those with little time was very beneficial to do a little work, for they throw a little time is harming themselves own, therefore they make a regular schedule and they had to do everyday, and thus encourage them to schedule continue to work properly and regularly. And from the results of their hard work is proving that they were successful in achieving success in various fields, and as an example that proves other is the low number of jobless in their country.
    Importance and advantage of hard work for Indonesia working hard is a way to train yourself to be a responsible and will understand their obligations as citizens, then it is very important and beneficial for the Indonesian people. Because, with hard work will help us to be more skilled and able to develop our capabilities of existing to ourselves, thus its profits to Indonesia is about to give birth individuals qualified and able to provide benefits for them, the state and their own environment. Thus that Indonesia will become a more independent country without having to involve the intervention or assistance from another state.
    The second , Individual freedom is one of the most fundamental values in America,
    freedom in America in general is where each person is free to determine their own choice or desire without involving other people including their own parents even freedom in America can be said has become a value which is especially for Americans, especially in the political order and education. For example , a young Americans are free to pursue proper education until he achieved success in his life. Also as well as political, they are free of politics, they are free to choose their own leaders or it could be called a democracy.
    same thing with Indonesia but in Indonesia as we see it only applies in the laws, but in reality it is still very much our society can not enjoy what should be their right, such as the right of their freedom to choose education or educated by adequate facilities, due to limited funds for education and others.
    Importance and advantages of individual freedom for Indonesia is for example, that individual freedom is the right of all citizens of Indonesia because, as we know all citizens of Indonesia that has the same rights or freely determine their future options for example, free or compulsory to get a decent education, get decent life and others so, in fact freedom of individuals is important for Indonesia because of its advantages is that it can support or can help the Indonesian people to achieve success as they had expected or that they aspire.
    The last is the value of self-reliance, self-reliance is a value that is present in an American, and even can be said has been in force since they were born because the Americans after the birth of a child will directly educate the child becomes independent. For example, of such after their child was born they will put distance between themselves and the baby, by making a different bedroom with her parents ,and thus the child will grow into an adult child without having to rely on and interfere with the activity with their parents, according to the American it is very important because , in addition to their children become more self-reliance it will also make the future of their children become more brilliant. For Indonesia the independence of America is very important to imitate, such as educating the children of Indonesia to think about their future to the future, by educating them with good rules, the lessons or good science in the accompanied with good discipline. then this will be very beneficial, because it will be the creation of independent Indonesian society.
    Based on three values and beliefs above,: hard work in American such as individual freedom and self-reliance has been shown that by implementing these values America has managed to become a state called a super power, where they have the ability to create what that others can’t do and in the economic field has also been proved that they can address the low rate of unemployment in America, as well as Indonesia in order to adopt, develop and apply those values to the future of Indonesia will give generation with self-reliance , hard worker with the aim of creating a better Indonesia.


  50. Three American Values/Beliefs to Emulate

    If you asked most Americans what the cultural values in the U.S. are, you might get some blank stares, or a statement of some basic beliefs. The question may seem simple, but the answer is quite complex. In a society as highly diverse as the United States, there is likely to be a multitude of answers. American culture has been enriched by the values and belief systems of virtually every part of the world. Consequently, it is impossible to be comprehensive. Nevertheless, a few selected values are at the core of the American value system. The three most Important American Values and Beliefs to emulate are Individual Freedom, Hard-Working ,Competition.

    The one value that nearly every American would agree upon is individual freedom. Whether you call it individual freedom, individualism, or independence, it is the cornerstone of American values. It permeates every aspect of their society. The concept of an individual’s having control over his/her own destiny influenced the type of government that was established here, and individual rights are guaranteed in the United States Constitution (the supreme law of the land). These rights are so protected in our judicial system that, even though Americans may complain that criminals sometimes “get away with murder,” most people believe it is better to free a few guilty persons than to imprison one person who is innocent. While our economic system may be dominated by large corporations, the majority of American businesses are small, and many are owned by an individual or a family. It is part of the “American dream” to “be your own boss,” and being an entrepreneur is one of the most appealing ways to improve one’s economic future.
    The value of individual freedom in America is very good. In the United States does not recognize too late. They are free to do anything to their own satisfaction and progress. This is guaranteed by the law prevailing there. So, they are free to do anything to advance himself without hindrance from any party. In contrast to Indonesia even though our country is a democracy, but our country pay more attention to minority religions such as Islam (religion of the majority). This differs from the four other religions that are lacking in the situation considered in the government. For example, if the religion of the majority, which wants to build a prayer house is ahead and easy to care for their letters. This differs from the majority of religions who want to build a prayer house is located in persulit local government, and we just total faith in God Almighty. The Government should not only draw attention to the majority, but also pay attention to religious minorities, which would knit sense of mutual respect and there is no contradiction between religious communities.

    Hard-Working is the key to success. The great American Dream of fame and fortune comes to those who work hard and never give up. Most people will do what’s easiest and avoid hard-work and that’s precisely why you should do the opposite. The superficial opportunities of life will be attacked by hordes of people seeking what’s easy. The much tougher challenges will usually see a lot less competition and a lot more opportunity. Material wealth is probably the most widely accepted measure of social status in America. Rejection of European class structure and the adoption of a more classless society saw the emergence of a substitute for judging social status. The quantity and quality of an individual material wealth became that substitute. However Americans pay a price for this: hard work. That is also the essence of America dream for many foreigners. That is to say if you want to be success, hard work is requested. The land and other rich natural resources were exploited by hard work as was the industrialization of America. The wealth generated was and is still converted into material possessions and a high standard of living. Hard work has rewarded many. Material possessions are the tangible evidence of this.

    Working hard in the U.S. is one of the values that are important to advance the individual. America is still working despite the holidays. They also bring office work home to complete their work and remain in salary in accordance with applicable law at the firm. They were just off on major holidays such as Christmas, New Year and so on. It is inversely proportional to the Indonesian people, including people who like to procrastinate. If there is a day off, even from the government or use their vacation time to relax and throw money. We should be able to emulate these values so that the expected time of our lives are not wasted. So use your time wisely!

    Americans believe that competition brings out the best in any individual. They assert that it challenges or forces each person to produce the very best that is humanly possible. Consequently, the foreign visitor will see competition being fostered in the American home and in the American classroom, even on the youngest age level. Very young children, for instance, are encouraged to answer questions for which their classmates do not know the answer. We may find the competitive value disagreeable, especially if we come from a society that promotes cooperation rather than competition. But many U.S. Peace Corps volunteers teaching in Third World countries found the lack of competitiveness in a classroom situation equally distressing. They soon learned that what they thought to be one of the universal human characteristics represented only a peculiarly American (or Western) value. Americans, valuing competition, have devised an economic system to go with it—free enterprise. Americans feel strongly that a highly competitive economy will bring out the best in its people and, ultimately, that the society that fosters competition will progress most rapidly. If you look for it, you will see evidence in all areas—even in fields as diverse as medicine, the arts, education, and sports—that free enterprise is the approach most often preferred in America.
    The value of this competition is very important for Indonesia, because our people have the intelligence of any teryata around us there are those who have the ability to more with luck. Thus, Indonesia must continue to develop the capacity that we should be able to compete and be successful in the future. For example, when there is a proposal to scientific competitions, do not be afraid to try, what we do with confidence and trust in the faith, of course, to get good results, and is best suited for our future progress.

    Thus, although the Americans have a lifestyle that is inversely related lifestyle Indonesia but has a positive impact for individuals who are great in there. It was in because the values they recognize that in making them become independent individuals, sportsmanship, to the point, on time, etc. So, that’s what makes America a developed country.

  51. Sir, its my revision …

    Three Most Important American Values and Beliefs to Emulate

    As we know, that America is the super power country, a highly advanced state and is often used as a benchmark the success of another country, a country that has the largest number per capita income, the state super power and is very influential in all aspects of statehood. to achieve this was a lot of factors or driving forces such as the values of material wealth , self reliance, competition, hard work, self improvement, self-discipline, volunteerism, humanitarianism, free spirit, inventiveness, egalitarianism, and aggressiveness. So there are three most important American Value and Beliefs to emulate : Self discipline, Competition, and Hardwork.

    The first value is self discipline. Self discipline is the ability to get yourself to take action regardless of your emotional state. The ability which we are able to resist the urge or willingness momentary self that is not appropriate remedy such as the desire lazy or desire to carry out something that might help us in solving a problem or a job or even a plan or it will hinder our work, in the presence of Discipline this self-our lives will be more focused and have a life plan well ahead, and we will not experience any disruption means preformance running our plans. Americans routinely plan and schedule an extremely active day. Relaxation must be limited in time, pre-planned, and aimed to “create” their ability to work harder and be more productive once finished recreation.
    The advantages of the value of this self-discipline in Indonesian culture is to learn is that we can manage time and work properly in accordance with the schedule, each activity and our work more focused and no time is wasted in vain,we compare with the American people are always able to prioritize the important things (especially jobs), if the Indonesian people have a Discipline yourself and not just laze in the work and have the planning in the work would be facilitate the work and the work will be completed quickly and get good results, for example in Indonesia in the work to make a report of work to be done in 3-6 days sometimes even 2-3 people but can be done in America in the report preparation work can be done in 3 hours only and does not need to be done preformance teamwork is essential if the impact of having high self Discipline in the work, which greatly contrasts in Indonesian culture, which makes future plans become cluttered and does not match previously set targets.

    The second velue is competition. Competition is an action or a contest in which a person or a group trying to achieve a goal. Without competition we would never have a need to be innovative and they also really liked the name matches in the sport because it is considered more challenging and adrenaline to keep fighting until the end and make them become more creative to find new measures and that may be easier for them to achieve victory.When there is no competition in life will certainly make us stuck and unable to move forward, and we remain in our comfort zone for this and did not want to try something new, it will seem boring and makes us human who never want to try , is innovative and certainly not creative in reaching our goals are.

    The advantage of second value for us to learn competition value is such that we know that the Indonesian people themselves afraid to challenge or something new in the sense that she had never done, Indonesian people are afraid to try new things, but in this American state into something really in enjoy doing that because they think that by showing the ability or even force himself to achieve his goal will certainly feel proud of yourself, and within reach is certainly in need of a creative and americans believe that competition brings out the best in any individual. They assert that it challenges or forces each person to produce the very best that is humanly possible because of the emphasis on the individual, Americans can be competitive, and to be called a high achiever in the U.S. is quite a compliment. but saw Indonesian people themselves are not willing to try new things or competition would not be found his creative way of achieving that goal, and certainly can be seen that the Indonesian people stuck to the safe zone itself and did not dare to come out, and continue to experience deterioration in education, and even in employment.

    Last value is hardwork. Hardwork is The most important value for the country united in building the country into the developed world, hard work became a key American success, hard work means trying to achieve the ultimate goal to mobilize all existing capabilities and Americans believe leisure activities should assume a relatively small portion of one’s life. People think that it is “sin” to “waste someone’s time,” “to sit around doing nothing,” or just to “daydream.” ultimately workaholic syndrome is an identification of the value that American society was inevitable, thus making the other countries would applaud it is because Americans are and how hard They Both work and play, they like to do everything according to the schedule that has been provided, they do not like to waste time just to do things which not important.

    The advantages of the third value of hard work is that we can be of value to imitate America and Indonesia should be made in a reference in building their own country, because as we see in real life, people want to always succeed, but Indonesia did not want to try and work hard, we both just know that Indonesia have a lot of high natural potential if developed and produced high selling value (trading) in the eyes of the world, and making Indonesia the country into the developed world and strive to always achieve the best results that can be given, and not just sit on my hands in performing each task, but want maximum results, so in the end using fraudulent means such as corruption or giving bribes in order to achieve their goals.

    In conclusion, from the above three values are values and beliefs that I think that makes the developed and the super power because of the enthusiasm, hard work and self disciplined with a strong personal shape American society has always wanted to compete in acquiring its final destination, and able to become strong and successful country in the appeal to other countries, because of the influence of values and culture and Indonesia can follows american if want to make Indonesia became a developed country.

    Fiction is undoubtedly the most interesting ang the most widely read literary genre due to the realistic sense it offers. Compared to other types of literary works, fiction embodies experiences, an ideas about human life in a way seems very close to reality. Despite this fact, readers often find it difficult to throughly comprehend a fiction they are reading. Some readers, for instance, find it difficult to see the relationship among the actions and events that develop the plot.
    To a higher extent, such difficulties are caused by the readers’ lack of literary analysis competence. Literary anlysis is indeed an intricated process because it necessitates a good understanding of the work elements and how these elements are combined to create a unigfied literary work.
    This analysis is a venture to aid readers to appreciate fiction in general and The Tell-Tale Heart, a short story by Edgar Allan Poe. The writer interests to analyze this story because of the plot of this story is very complicated to understand. In this short story tells about how a man or a murder to kill an old man.
    Edgar Alann Poe (born Edgar Poe, January 19, 1809 – October 7, 1849) was ana American author, poet, editor and literary critic, considered part of the American Romantic Movement. Best known for his tales of mystery and the macabre, Poe was one of the earliest American practitioners of the short story and is considered the inventor of the detective fiction genre. He is further credited with contibuting to the emerging genre of science fiction. He was the first well-known American writer to try to earn a living through writing alone, resulting in a fiinancially difficult life and career.
    This paper deals with the plot of The Tell-Tale Heart. Discussion are focused on the stages of the plot and the use of the plot to present the theme. This paper made bucause of as an example of analysis in Literature II class, the analysis was carried out by using the structural approach and was based on the transcendental phenomology, i.e. a study aimed to analyze a phenomenon by using of theories the basis of the analysis.
    1. Synopsis of The Tell-Tale Heart
    “The Tell-Tale Heart” is a short story by Edgar Allan Poe which was first published in 1843. It follows an unnamed narrator who insists on his sanity after murdering an old man with a “vulture eye”. The murder is carefully calculated, and the murderer hides the body by dismembering it ang hiding it under the floorboards. Ultimately the narrator’s guilt manifests itself in the hallucination that the man’s heart is still beating under the floorboards.
    It is unclear what relationship, if any, the old man and his murderer share. It has been suggested that the old man is a father figure, or whether the narrator works for the old man as a servant, perhaps, that this vulture eye represents some sort of veiled secret, or power. The ambiguity and lack of details about the two main characters stand in stark contrast to the specific plot details leading up to the murder.
    The story was first published in James Russell Rowell’s The Pioneer in January 1843. “The Tell-Tale Heart” is widely considered a classic of the gothic fiction genre on of Poe’s most famous short stories.
    2. Types of Plot
    A story is essentially the relating of sequence of events. In a broad sense the term story encompasses all the elements we are dealing with here-characters, events, setting, themes, point of view, and the language in which these are conveyed-but more strictly it designates the action, the story line, or the plot.
    The “The Tell-Tale Heart” is written by employing a chronological plot. From the beginning util the end of the story all events are arranged based on the order of the time.
    3. Stages and Elements of Plot
    ‘The Tell-Tale Heart’ has a regular structure. In this story we can find steps begin from: expository, complication, climax and resolution. In the first paragraph of this story we known as an expository. In the beginning, the story introduce the reader the two main character, the murder and the old man with a ‘vulture eye’. But in this story the writer doesnt’t know exactly who is the murder, as we can see at this piece of the story:
    True!—nervous—very, very dreadfully nervous I had been and am; but why will you say that I am mad? The disease had sharpened my senses—notdestrpyed—not dulled them. Above all was the sense of hearing acute. I heard many things in hell. How, then, am I mad? Hearken! And observe how healthy—how calmly I can tell you the whole story.
    From this piece of this story t he narrator can be as the murder. This story is a first-person narrative of an unnamed narrator, who insists he is sane but suffering from a disease (nervousness) which causes “over-acuteness of the senses”.
    The complication of this story begun when the old man with whom he lives has a clouded, pale, blue “vulture-like” eye which so distresness the narrator that he plots to murder the old man, though the narrator states that he loves the old man, and hates only the eye. The narrator insists that his careful percision in committing the murder shows thet he can’t possibly be insane. For seven nights, the narrator opens the door of the old man’s room, a process which takes him a full hour. However, the old man’s vulture eye always closed, making it possible to “do the work”.
    The climax of this story is on the eight night, the old man awakes and sits up in his own bed while the narrtator performs his nightly ritual. The narrator doesn’t draw back and, after sometime, decides to opne his lantern. A single ray of light shines out and lands precisely on the old man’s eye, revealing that it is wide open. Hearing the old man’s the heart beating unusually and dangerously quick from terror, the narrator decides to strike, jumping out with a loud yell and smothering the old man with his own bed. The narrator disremembers the body and conceals the pieces under the floorboards, making certain to hide all signs of the crime. Even so, the old man’s scream during the night causes a neighbor to report to the police. The narrator invites the trhee police officers to look around. He clims that the screams heard were his own in a nightmare. Confident that they won’t find any evidence of the murder, the narrator brings chairs for them nad they sit in the old man’s room, right on the very spot where the body is concealed, yet they suspect nothing, as the narrator has a pleasent and easy manner about him.
    The resolution of this story when the narrator, however, begins to hear a faint noise. As the noise grows louder, the narrator comes to the conclusion that it is the heratbeat of the old man coming from under the floorboards. The sound increasess steadily, though the officers seem to pay no attention to it. Shocked by the constant beating of the hart and a feeeling that not only are the officers aware of the sound, but that they also suspect him, the narrator confesses to kill the old man and tells them to tear up the floorboards to reveal the body.
    In my opinion, the narrator of this story is generally assumed to be male. The opening is an in-progress between the narrator and another person who is not identified in any way. It is speculated that the narrator is confessing to a prison warden, judge, newspaper reporter, doctor or psychiatrist. This sparks the narrator’s need to explain himself in great detail. What follows is a word study or terror but, more specifically, the memory of terror as the narrator is relating events from thye past. The first word of thge storr,”True!”, is an admissin of his guilt.
    The story is driven not by the narrator’s insistence upon his innocence but by insistenec on his sanity. His denial of insanity is based on his systemic and precision—a rational explanation for irrational behavior. This rationality, however, is undermined by his lack of motivation. Despite this, he says the idea of murder,”haunted me day and night”.
    The relationship between the old man and the narrator is ambiguous, as are their names, their occupations, and where they live. In fact, that ambiguity adds to the tale as an ironic to the strict attention to detail in the plot. The narrator may be a servant of the old man’s or, as is more often assumed, his son. In that case, the “vulture” eye of the old manis symbolizing parental surveillance and possibly the paternal principles of right and wrong. The eye may also represent secrery, again palying on the ambiguous lack of detail about the old man or the narrator. Regardless, their relationship is incidental; the focus of the story is the preverse scheme to commit the perfect crime.
    4. Conclusion
    In my conclusion this story is written in a complex story, it’s really interesting due to the writer to arrange the events. I can take the lesson from this story that hated always makes us do something bad. But the writer succeeds to employ the interesting plot to keep the reader’s curiosity.


    The Tell-Tale Heart (1960), at the Internet Movie Database.
    Poe, Edgar Allan. 1843. The Tell-Tale Heart.
    Pardede, Parlindungan. 2008. An Introduction to the Study of Fiction. Jakarta: FKIP-UKI

  53. PART A
    Three Most Important American Values and Beliefs to Emulate
    United States is a multicultural country. Culture of the United States there was also diversity, ranging from ethnic, religious color, and skin. There is a culture in specific property of American States, since his country had been implementing a system of multicultural culture. Many things we must imitate the American nation. But not all of them have a positive impact, there are also negative impacts. In eastern countries, should we as citizens of Indonesia filters to apply to American culture, although in practice very difficult. The thing to do is do something positive. So, we must follow American culture. In the other hand, there are belief and values are very important for us. American generally shared some noticeable values and beliefs. There are three values and belief to emulate in Indonesian are hard working, self discipline and freedom.
    The first value is hard working. The hard work is very important to get something we want. The American public has the properties of the hard work is always the spirit of doing things. One of the American culture is hard work. See it, almost all the inhabitants American has a high work ethic and extraordinary. They are also often discouraged when they have failed continuously. They always try to be better day by day to achieve something desirable. Culture adopted by the American people deserve our emulate nations other, including Indonesia. Because of hard work, Americans became the nation’s superpower.
    In Indonesia, the hard work only in people – certain. In fact it is so important when working hard in doing the job. But the people of Indonesia have not been properly addressed. If the people of Indonesia have worked hard with the good, did not rule the people of Indonesia can be like people – Americans. But in personal terms, there are some people in Indonesia who have worked hard for something that is expected. For example: there are some students who could be the best in college. But at the international level is still not. If Indonesia people hard working, there are advantages are the results achieved will be better , educate yourself, do not be spoiled, being personally resilient in the works, will be recognized by people other and is not easy to be lazy.
    The second value is freedom. One feature of American culture is the protection of freedom in all areas. All that can be done there, and there’s no element of coercion. The culture that supports American culture makes American become liberal State. Here is everything, whether positive or negative. That this positive attitude, one of which is to advance in technology that can provide benefits to society, in the United States and around the world. Although the disadvantage is that America is a country that too free. It is no secret anymore that American society has sexual relationships between same-sex or opposite sex. Actually it is not good, but can do country-other countries to follow, one of which is the Indonesia country. In American state, they are free in choosing a religion, because to them the absence of coercion from family, government or president. Americans are free to do what they want, if it does not interfere with the life of another person or people who are nearby.
    Freedom is very important for us. But, in Indonesian can not be seen in practice. Freedom in Indonesia have not been fully felt by the citizens of Indonesia. One of the freedoms that already exist in Indonesia, are free to choose the President and Vice President directly, freely to express their views, while not quite in listening officials-Government officials. Many advantages that we can while in the country of Indonesia actually-quite applicable. One of them, the people of Indonesia will no longer fear speaking in public-private and public interests. However, it is very difficult. Because culture in Indonesia, where young people do not hear, but if the man, who has a lot of money, its opinion will be heard. Freedom in Indonesia, will not be able to function without any problems, if there are some people who choose to love, not being unfair to others people.
    The last value is the self-discipline. Do something with the discipline, it is not easy. But essentially we have to keep fighting. Self-discipline is determined by the perception of the public, for example: feelings, attitudes, beliefs, aspirations, the self-discipline is also how we see others with positive thoughts, and they usually have a sense of unity with each other to do something useful. The nature of the discipline is an American citizen who is very good, when what they want, they implement a strong system of self-discipline. The difference with Indonesia, it is very difficult to do something with discipline, just want it just results but do not fight for something better. American always have a self discipline in their life.
    Self-discipline is very difficult for the Indonesian people, including me. Although self-discipline is very important for us to apply in our daily life today. When the people of Indonesia implement self-discipline and do things properly, it will be able to achieve personal success and success more professionalism, but also the Indonesian people will feel fantastic and make the State of Indonesia for another person or another State. There are advantages, if Indonesian people do self discipline, Indonesian people more become better people and success in our life.
    Three values and beliefs above tell us that we, hard work, freedom and self discipline is very important for us in our daily lives in the name of the public and private, So should the people of Indonesia following the positive attitude of the American nation, so that citizens of Indonesia become a better citizen in all aspects of life including in our society. And we must also need to implement the three systems of cultural values at the top so we can bring success to our own other people.

  54. “Three Most Important American Values and Beliefs to Emulate”.
    Value is important and enduring beliefs or ideals shared by the members of a culture about what is good or desirable and what is not. Values exert major influence on the behavior of an individual and serve as broad guidelines in all situations. American culture has been enriched by the values and belief systems of virtually every part of the world. Consequently, it is impossible to be comprehensive. Nevertheless, a few selected values are at the core of the American value system. And the advantages this to emulated in Indonesia. There are three most important American values and belief to emulate are Individual Freedom, Egalitarianism, and Competition.
    In the first, Individual freedom. Freedom for Americans means the right of all individuals to control their own destiny without outside interference from government, a ruling class, church or other organized authority. The concept of an individual’s having control over his/her own destiny influenced the type of government that was established here, and individual rights are guaranteed in the United Stated Constitution. Also freedom in America is taking into account the various aspects such as : religion, economics, politics, education. in terms of religion, Americans are free from religion and to practise their religion freely every. And then although in America, predominantly Christian but Americans have given religious freedom of minorities to build houses of prayer and freedom of worship to it for example, build the mosque for muslim. And the government did not interfere in matters of religion. In the economy, Americans do not rely on help from the government, they are free to do anything that can improve well-being, which means that Americans are free to do whatever they achieve an important goal, in the America also have age limits for employment. so that the existence of individual freedom in America then the American government has no specific budget to its people. In politics, Americans are free to choose who their leader. they are free to voice their opinions without distinguishing between class whites and blacks, and therefore called the country united in liberal. In education, the American people get their children to them since the creation of little kids in school so that students not only focused on only one teacher but give them the freedom to created their imagination. even though it feels weird because no structured system of learning but there are brilliant ideas come from students.
    The individual freedom is important emulated in Indonesia. Indonesia is a big country with diverse ethnicities and cultures. individual freedom for the people Indonesia is very important for her special minority. This can be seen from various aspects such as: religion, economics, culture, and education, and politics. in the field of religion, people are free to establish places of worship and to practice without restrictions. there would be no organization like the FPI. Indonesian society is free from terrorists. in the culture, people are free the creation of cultural Indonesia of their own differences without saying that a culture is better than in other cultures. example of this is the culture of the people of Papua, which had been koteka. then there is no prohibition so that they can preserve their cultural identity. In the in education if the individual is free to apply in the field of children’s education then Indonesia will be smarter because they do not have to obey the teacher think for themselves, but they are free to create new things through their thinking and the children will be trained and they will have a mental thinkers. and there is no prohibition for them to be creative. In politics, people in Indonesia are free to issue their opinion, there is no difference where they come from, and anyone could be a leader regardless of it comes from the majority or minority.
    In the second, Equality. Equality is one of their most cherished value. This concept is so important for Americans that they have even given it a religious basis. Most Americans believe that God views all humans alive like without regard to intelligence, physical condition or economic status. The Americans also uphold the ideal that everyone “is created equal” and has the same rights. This includes women as well as men of all ethnic and cultural groups living in the U.S. There are even laws that protect this “right to equality” in its various forms.
    implementation of equality in Indonesia, everyone has an equal right to self to creations themselves, no differences between men and women. there would be no oppression of the weak. views in various aspects such as in areas of development, politics, and religion. in the field of development. implement the government’s development evenly because the right of every society all the same. not focused on one area only. so there will be conflict between the government and people, as well as regions with each other. in politics, both men and women have the same to be a leader, nothing more is said of men more than women. women are not only able to work in the kitchen one, but women can also do things that work. in the field of religion, minorities have equal rights with the majority. no restrictions for minorities to establish places of worship also worship according to their beliefs.
    Lastly, Competition. Americans believe that competition brings out the best in any individual. They assert that it challenges or forces each person to produce the very best that is humanly possible. Consequently, the foreign visitor will see competition being fostered in the American home and in the American classroom, even on the youngest age level. Very young children, for instance, are encouraged to answer questions for which their classmates do not know the answer. And also Americans valuing competition, have devised an economic system to go with it free enterprise. Americans feel strongly that a highly competitive economy will bring out the best in its people and, ultimately, that the society that fosters competition will progress most rapidly. If you look for it, you will see evidence in all areas even in fields as diverse as medicine, the arts, education, and sports that free enterprise is the approach most often preferred in America.
    Competition is very important in Indonesia, this can be seen from various aspects such as: economics, education, and tourism. In economics, it is no longer a beggar named because for every time a competition, no time for laziness, no time to rest and then will they achieve prosperity. in education, the children of Indonesia will be a bright child, at which time each very valuable to them. time is a competition. they will get used to be a thinker and always thinking ahead and should be better than others. and children will not have time to laze around. and with that education in Indonesia will go ahead and be competitive with other states. in the field of tourism, with the competition it will enhance tourism in Indonesia foreign exchange for the country, in addition to community life that is around each attraction increasing because each region will compete objects preserve and promote their respective tourist attraction. and ultimately will make the tourists visiting Indonesia.
    In shortly, the value American are Individual freedom, Equality, and Competition. Individual freedom. Freedom for Americans means the right of all individuals to control their own destiny without outside interference from government, a ruling class, church or other organized authority its important because with it you would be controlled you own body and mind to express themselves and find their way in life to live better. Then Equality is one of their most cherished value where the concept is so important for Americans that they have even given it a religious basis and they believe that God views all humans alive like without regard to intelligence, physical condition or economic status. In addition American also competition people. They believe that competition brings out the best in any individual.

  55. Three Most Important American Values and Beliefs to Emulate
    “American values” consist of individual freedom , equal opportunities , material wealth , self reliance , competition , hard work, self improvement , self-discipline , volunteerism , humanitarianism , free spirit , inventiveness , egalitarianism , and aggressiveness. The values emerged and began to define the American character in the context of cultural pluralism in the late 1700s. These values help the immigrants to achieve American Dream. Since America has been viewed as “the land of opportunity” , many immigrants from all over the worlds came to catch this chance especially to achieve “American Dream”. According to Dates man in The American Ways ( An Introduction to American Culture) , the first value and the most basic of all the American values is individual freedom. In 1776 , the British colonial settlers declared their independence from England and established a new nation , the United States of America as a desire to be free of control of kings and governments , priests and churches , noblemen and aristocrats . The three main characteristics of cultural values of American are material wealth , Competition , and egalitarianism .
    Firstly , Wealth is the abundance of valuable resources or material possessions . An individual , community , region or country that possesses an abundance of such possessions or resources is known as wealthy . Foreigners generally consider Americans much more materialistic than Americans are likely to consider themselves . Americans would like to think that their material objects are just the natural benefits that always result from hard work and serious intent—a reward , they think , that all people could enjoy were they as industrious and hard-working as Americans. But by any standard , Americans are materialistic . This means that they value and collect more material objects than most people would ever dream of owning . It also means they give higher priority to obtaining , maintaining and protecting their material objects than they do in developing and enjoying interpersonal relationships.
    The modern American typically owns :
    One or more color television sets ,
    an electric hair dryer ,
    an electronic calculator ,
    a tape recorder and a record player ,
    a clothes-washer and dryer ,
    a vacuum cleaner ,
    a powered lawn mower ( for cutting grass ) ,
    a refrigerator , a stove , and a dishwasher ,
    one or more automobiles ,
    and a telephone . Many also own a personal computer .
    Since Americans value newness and innovation , they sell or throw away their possessions frequently and replace them with newer ones . A car may be kept for only two or three years , a house for five or six before trading it in for another one .
    Indonesia has many natural resources. Unfortunately, the natural resources is not conserved well. Indonesian people want to be rich but they do not want to work hard. They just want to use instant ways. For example, Indonesian import rice from Thailand. In fact, Indonesia is an agrarist country where most of the people work as farmer. If shows that Indonesian people do not have willingness to work hard to use the natural resources that they have. It is really different from America. The material wealth that is owned by USA is organized well by the people. They want to work hard to improve their country, they care about the country. From explanation above, we are as Indonesian people can apply the positive value from America. We can organize the natural resources as well as possible so that we can more benefits from us to our country. Besides that, we are as Indonesian people can live in prosperity.
    Secondly , Competition is a contest between individuals or groups . Americans believe that competition brings out the best in any individual . They assert that it challenges or forces each person to produce the very best that is humanly possible . Consequently , the foreign visitor will see competition being fostered in the American home and in the American classroom , even on the youngest age level . Very young children , for instance , are encouraged to answer questions for which their classmates do not know the answer . You may find the competitive value disagreeable , especially if you come from a society that promotes cooperation rather than competition . But many U.S. Peace Corps volunteers teaching in Third World countries found the lack of competitiveness in a classroom situation equally distressing . They soon learned that what they thought to be one of the universal human characteristics represented only a peculiarly American (or Western) value . Americans , valuing competition , have devised an economic system to go with it—free enterprise . Americans feel strongly that a highly competitive economy will bring out the best in its people and , ultimately , that the society that fosters competition will progress most rapidly . If you look for it , you will see evidence in all areas—even in fields as diverse as medicine , the arts , education , and sports—that free enterprise is the approach most often preferred in America .
    In my point of view, competition in Indonesia didn’t run well, it’s caused by many dishonest of competition. While in America, they have big spirit in a competition by their skills. For instance, competition in politic, there are many people who still dishonest in selecting the government (DPR). In this case, money has a big role. Anyone has much money they will be the winner. Indonesia should imitate what American do, that is be honest in any competition, so there is not any corruption and skill is number one. By the skill Indonesian will be better.
    Thirdly , Egalitarianism is the general idea of equality. The egalitarian idea is that people, no matter what their race, gender, religion, etc., are all equal in value. Egalitarianism in politics means that both male and female are equally capable of holding an office . This concept is so important for Americans that they have even given it a religious basis . They say all people have been “created equal.” Most Americans believe that God views all humans a like without regard to intelligence , physical condition or economic status . In secular terms this belief is translated into the assertion that all people have an equal opportunity to succeed in life . Americans differ in opinion about how to make this ideal into a reality . Yet virtually all agree that equality is an important civic and social goal . The equality concept often makes Americans seem strange to foreign visitors. Seven-eighths of the world feels quite differently. To them, rank and status and authority are seen as much more desirable considerations—even if they personally happen to find themselves near the bottom of the social order. Class and authority seem to give people in those other societies a sense of security and certainty. People outside the United States consider it reassuring to know, from birth, who they are and where they fit into the complex system called “society”. Many highly-placed foreign visitors to the United States are insulted by the way they are treated by service personnel (such as waiters in restaurants, clerks in stores, taxi drivers, etc.). Americans have an aversion to treating people of high position in a deferential manner, and, conversely often treat lower class people as if they were very important. Newcomers to the United States should realize that no insult or personal indignity is intended by this lack of deference to rank or position in society. A foreigner should be prepared to be considered “just like anybody else” while in the country.
    Egalitarian in Indonesia is very alarming . Indonesia still many people who discriminate against one another, but in God’s eyes we are all equal. Implementing Pancasila in Indonesia. In principle the two that is just and civilized humanity. But in practice, there are still many people in Indonesia who discriminate against people based on ancestry, race, or nationality, ethnicity, gender, age, religion and belief. As an example, Indonesia is a country of diverse cultures. Because of differences in ethnic or religious, Indonesian people considers the tribe or religion they are better and correct than others, so there is no harmony. Another example, Indonesian people better appreciate the rich than the poor. Indonesia should be able to apply the egalitarian like the Americans who do not discriminate so the Indonesian together to make Indonesia a better country and move forward.
    To sum up, if we were more conscious of the Native American values and ideas, our society today would appear meek in contrast to the society that we could become. All the ideas that I presented in this paper go hand in hand; you must understand the balances of life to be happy with what you’re given, and when you’re happy with what you’re given, you want to be responsible to your people. In living by and believing in these values, our culture will flourish and the value of life itself will improve. We can become a more productive and serene society if we just are happy with what we have and look out for one another. If we accomplished this, we would be one step closer to the ideal balance of the Native American societies that are constantly presented to us in their great works of literature.

  56. Three Most Important American Values and Beliefs to Emulate

    As we know, United States is a big country. It has been the most powerful country in the world. United States became a country with its own unique social and cultural characteristics such as dialect, music, arts, social habits, cuisine, and folklore. Today, the United States of America is the country as result of large-scale immigration from many different countries. Many people come to United States to search a good job, married with American people, or the other reasons. United States is a great country, you can reach your dreams or be a success man if you work hard here. You can if you want. Most American values is adopt and develop in Indonesia are hard work, egalitarianism, and competition.

    In the first place, hardwork is one of the most fundamental values in America. American people always work hard to do something in their life. Since they were children, they work hard to get their dreams. A child who wants to be a doctor, must study so hard to get a good university. In the work place, you must be a dilligent, do overtime, have a broad social, and you must discipline. Even people who aren’t particularly talented in a skill can work hard and make it work for them. It may take hours or days, weeks or months longer to build up even the basic parts of that skill, but with hard work it can be done, and you aren’t fooling yourself into thinking it should come easily. To succeed in America, some people give out the notion that if you work hard you will get ahead, not so anymore. Work smart is where its at today, go to college, get a diploma, and become indispensable.

    The importance and advantages of hardwork in Indonesia. Indonesia is a big country. It has many islands. Indonesian people is a kind people. They usually work hard to complete their daily need. But nowadays, many Indonesian people became lazy. They don’t want to work hard anymore. They want to get something by a quick way. Many Indonesia people work to have the freedom to live. They also work hard because it makes them proud of their accomplishments. Being a hard worker, either in my employment or just taking care of their home.

    In the second place, Egalitarianism (from French égal, meaning “equal”) is a trend of thought that favors equality of some sort among moral agents, whether persons or animals. Emphasis is placed upon the fact that equality contains the idea of equity of quality. That is, all people should be treated with the same dignity or be regarded as possessing the same intrinsic qualities despite our societal diversity of race, religion, ethnicity, sex, sexual orientation, gender expression, species, political affiliation, socioeconomic status, (dis)ability or cultural heritage. Egalitarian doctrines tend to maintain that all humans are equal in fundamental worth or social status. In large part, such a reaction is a response to the abuses of statist development and has two distinct definitions in modern English. It is defined either as a political doctrine that all people should be treated as equals and have the same political, economic, social, and civil rights or as a social philosophy advocating the removal of economic inequalities among people or the decentralization of power. An egalitarian believes that equality reflects the natural state of humanity. A study published in 2009 took into account data sets from major world economies and correlated them with inequality indices. The study found that the absolute wealth within a country had little effect on the citizens’ well-being or social cohesion, and that income inequality correlated strongly with social problems such as homicide, infant mortality, obesity, teenage pregnancies, emotional depresion and prison population. For example, countries such as Japan, Finland and Norway scored highly in social well-being and income equality, while countries such as the United States andUnited Kingdom scored low in both.

    A study of American college students published in Nature showed that people are willing to pay to reduce inequality. When subjects were placed into groups and given random amounts of income, they spent their own money to reduce the incomes of the highest earners and increase the incomes of the lowest earners. Critics argued that no experiments have been made on working adults whereupon they might not be generous with redistribution of their income.

    Lastly, competition is also one of the most fundamental values in America. Competition is also found in politics. In democracies, an election is a competition for an elected office. In other words, two or more candidates strive and compete against one another to attain a position of power. The winner gains the seat of the elected office for a predefined period of time, towards the end of which another election is usually held to determine the next holder of the office. in America, Home of the Competitive Accusing American society of being too competitive is a broad allegation, though competition is no doubt an essential part of our daily lives. It is evident in the law-making authorities of our country, in addition to state and local leaders. It is apparent in everyday business, whether in the stock market or in simple business advertisements. Sporting events contain enormous amounts of competition, but this friendly competition sometimes gets out of hand. Our society would be nothing without certain forms of competition, though sometimes competition turns into rivalry. Political leaders are always under some pressure from competition. Every four years or so, the President of the United States must try to hold his office from newcomers hungry for his seat in the oval office. Recently, George W. Bush visited Florida to show his support to some of the victims of Hurricane Floyd, probably earning him some brownie points for the next election. In turn President Clinton decided to declare a state of emergency on parts of North Carolina. The debate was filled with insults and offensive comments between the two, and personally turned away any interest I had in politics. Competition, in any manner, cannot be kept from happening. It therefore cannot be regulated. American society is in every way competitive, and that will not change. I would not say that America as a whole is too competitive, but competitive for the wrong reasons

    The importance and advantages of do competition in Indonesia are experience and self-measuring capability. We do many competition in our live. Competition in education, in law, in politics, and many more. If we do competition we can know our capabilities and we also know what is our strength and opponent’s weaknesses.

    In conclusion, American attitude, American culture, and their self-reliance is more effective. The United States has often been thought of as a melting pot, but recent developments tend towards cultural diversity, pluralism and the image of a salad bowl rather than a melting pot. Due to the extent of American culture there are many integrated but unique social subcultureswithin the United States. The cultural affiliations an individual in the United States may have commonly depend on social class, political orientation and a multitude of demographic characteristics such as religious background, occupation and ethnic group membership. hough most Americans today identify themselves as middle class, American society and its culture are considerably fragmented. Social class, generally described as a combination ofeducational attainment, income and occupational prestige, is one of the greatest cultural influences in America. Nearly all cultural aspects of mundane interactions and consumer behavior in the U.S. are guided by a person’s location within the country’s social structure.


    American culture is enriched by the values and belief systems almost every part of the world. Americans use these values because it can help them towards a better life. These are the important values that make the United States unique and amazing. The important values held by Americans are individual freedom, self-reliance and hard working.

    First, Americans uphold the values of individual freedom. Individual freedom is the freedom to do and say something that does not hurt anyone as freedom of speech, assembly, religion, and freedom to choose their residence or occupation, freedom to make money and spend it as they pleased. Americans often think of them as the most free society and the best in the world They can do whatever they want and sometimes collide with the interests of others. In addition, the policy of official religions did not exist in America. Freedom of religion is committed every American leader and has consistently maintained the separation of religious affairs and state affairs. Religion and no religion becomes a personal and community rights as far as not violating the freedom of others and public order.

    Individual freedom in terms of education should be emulated by the Indonesian people of America. In America, students are given the freedom to choose the preferred subjects. While in Indonesian, the students are forced to love the subjects which are students may not be able to master it. Indonesian country must be able to apply individual freedom in education so that students can learn and develop the capabilities it has become something that can boast of Indonesian country.

    Second, Americans are required to self-reliance. Self-reliance is reliance on one’s own capabilities without needing help from the others. In America, people really appreciate the independence that is often accompanied by innovation, hard work, and willingness to defend what is right. Americans can afford to hang his own life, especially financially. Therefore, it has become a tradition when the kids in America who still have work early age, for example a newspaper deliveryman, letter carriers and others. They do the job not because they wanted pity or because of the poor live. However, they work because they want to be independent. They consider the individual is the employer himself, control his own destiny, and tides in the association community based solely on its own. Through self-reliance, they feel free from dependence on others, initiative, and has to manage his own feelings.

    Indonesian people should emulate the self-reliance of Americans, especially at home. Therefore, independence should be inculcated from childhood so that the children become independent and not spoiled on their parents for example, do homework assignments on their own without the help of the mother or father, helping the mother’s work such as sweeping and mopping the house. In that way the child can get living independently. Indonesian people need to apply the independence of the American people so that after their adult children can determine the direction of his life to achieve the future.

    Last, the hard working is very important for the American people. Hard working is habitually working diligently and for long hours. According to them, people can be said to succeed if they can thrive and contribute to society. There are strong reasons why America can move forward because they worked really hard and constantly. Americans on average work for 39 hours per week and they are able to work for 8 hours to 10 hours per day. Americans usually worked hard to get a goods and services such as cars and traveling. In addition, Americans are accustomed to working quickly to get things done. How a person can run, they will not let themselves be stopped. Looking just is not out of fear preceded the other. They were afraid that other countries have made new discoveries and new innovations. They will not let it happen so that laziness is their main enemy. That’s the way they work: ran hard and never quit.

    Hard working in American people must be imitated and emulated by Indonesian people to become a better country. Indonesian people should be able to inculcate the attitude of hard working so that Indonesian is not left with any other State. The spirit of hard working must be imitated such as use the time well, discipline in work. By instilling the spirit of hard working, Indonesian country must be able to create works that can boast Indonesian in the eyes of the world for example, science and technology.

    In conclusion, there are negative side and positive side of American culture. The negative side is they like the freedom in life. Things need to be kept in mind is not the values of conflicting American nation. However, the values that need to be seen about how they were able to give encouragement in the success of exemplary for other states. They apply these values because they want to always get a better life for now and in the future.

  58. Sir, this is my revision

    PART I: Essay Writing

    Three Most Important American Values and Beliefs to Emulate

    In every culture of every country there are elements of value within wich suitable with the cultural background and values within the country itself. Also in america, which well-known as the superpower country. Just like Senator John Kerry quotes “America now stands as the world’s foremost power. We should be proud: Not since the age of the Romans have one people achieved such preeminence. But we are not Romans; we do not seek an empire. We are Americans, trustees of a vision and a heritage that commit us to the values of democracy and the universal cause of human rights.” Americans are commit with their vision accordance with the values that Americans hold through all aspects of their life. In American culture there are elements of value. such as individual freedom, equal opportunities, material wealth, self reliance, competition, hard work, self improvement, self-discipline, volunteerism, humanitarianism, free spirit, inventiveness, egalitarianism, and aggressiveness. Then if we look up why america become super power country? May be these values are also contributed to america becoming as superpower country. So, i think better for us to adapt and take the beneficial things from those values to our life. In this chance I will take three american values to try make it clear and also try to emulate the values to our life.
    The first value is self dicipline. Theodore Roosevelt, the 26th president of the united states in his quote said that “With self-discipline most anything is possible.” In means that by take discipline action we can make our dreams come into reality, because it takes an awful a lot of dedication, and effort. If a nation wanted to go forward and prosper, then the discipline is an important element that must be possessed. Actually discipline person has a greater appreciation with everything in proportion. So why america become as developed country? because most of american are discipline. I have an example and experience that american are discipline. When i’m at fourth grade in college i have a native lecture she came from kentucky and she has been stay in jakarta for fifteen years. She shown by an example to the students how the dicipline attitude is. Twenty minnutes before the class start, she already come to the class and preparing the material and teaching aid. No tolerance for late comers. From the case above we can see that american are discipline, they are already accustomed to be discipline in their life.
    How about indonesia? In the other hand different from american most of Indonesia people are not discipline. Why we are different from american? I think why most of indonesia people are not discipline because most of us tends to like underestimate the problem and they also like to delay the work. This case makes discipline is very difficult to find on indonesia people. Whereas, many advantages and beneficial things from this american value.By dicipline, we can organize every single things and make the priority in our life. We must appreciate the might and force of habit. He must be quick to break those habits that can break us and hasten to adopt those practices that will become the habits that help us achieve the success of our desires. That is why i choose this value for indonesia people to emulate because of the positive point within this value are good for us to developed indonesia people to be a better person.
    Next value is hard work In this case i interpret that hard work is a habit or some attitude to give best and totally our performance and appearence to our life. For example give best our performance at the office, at school, at college, at family and so on. Just like do every act of your life as if it were your last. Then now talking about american, another reason why america become developed country it is because of their work ethic. We can call american are work a holic. They always work hard and continously. If i analogy it seems like their running and never stop, they didn’t give a chance to other people to defeat. The fact about work ethic shows that U.S. Productivity Increases 1.8%, More Than Forecast. The reason is that Americans requires to work hard is the cost of living higher than income needs. So Americans often take two or three jobs to cover the cost of their needs of life. How about our country? Indonesia? Most of people think that work ethic in indonesia are low it means that indonesia people are did not work hard. But if i think about how fishermen working from early morning then back to home the next day to get some of money. To fulfil their needs. It is not fair if we generalize that indonesia people are lazy, they did not work hard in fact that there are still a person who work really hard. Then i think why most of indonesia people are still low in productivity? I think it is because the system. The system which occur in this country. Economy system,politic system, birocrate system and the most danger is because KKN still happens in this country. Because of these problem makes indonesia still struggle and hard to be developed country.
    Based on the research from Psychologist Dr.Leslie Martin of La Sierra University, California, United States find that “a person who have happiness and higher humor level tend to die earlier than their peers who are often wrinkled forehead and always thingking seriously. If their always love and do their job passionately, they always have full of spirit. They are the most thoughtful and persistent so that they can live healthier longer,” Moreover, there are another advantages things from this value to emulate. The advantages of hard work first is we can get better achieve than ever expected, second is train ourself to be independent. It can build our character become tough person, and also we can forge for ourselves, we can go through the difficulties and barriers that keep us into temptation, to stop in the middle of the road, then we will have a strong emotional attachment to the meaning of spirit, self-confidence, hard work and success. I argue that these beneficial things are important for us to emulate this american value that is hard work.
    And the last value egalitarianism. Egalitarianism based on wikipedia egalitarian means a trend of thought that favors equality of some sort among moral agents, whether persons or animals. Emphasis is placed upon the fact that equality contains the idea of equity of quality. That is, all people should be treated with the same dignity or be regarded as possessing the same intrinsic qualities despite our societal diversity of race, religion, ethnicity, sex, sexual orientation, political affiliation, socioeconomic status, (dis)ability or cultural heritage. I think this value are important to emulate. American are such a good example for us. since Martin Luther King in the struggle to eliminate discrimination against blacks in America. Martin strongly opposed to the difference in treatment between blacks and whites for decades. Since that time there was no longer a difference between blacks and whites. That’s just one example of egalitarian attitudes of Americans. Now, we look the condition in indonesia? I think indonesia are far away from egalitarian things. Social inequalities are still very visible. Many luxury homes, luxury cars, big slum housing, beggars and vagrants in the corners of the capital. However, that is ironic. We have to much learn about egalitarian in america. Because of the advantages of this value are very important for us to adopt and developed in indonesia that are we can respect to other person right social gap between rich and poor can live together in harmony.
    So, in short that the three impportant american values above such as sel-discipline, hard work and egalitarianism are good for us indonesia people to adopt and developed in our daily life in order to be a better qualification, and can motivate us to be a better person. By those proof are shown above we can see that we can also be the number one if we want to do work hard, egalitarianism and self-discpline.

  59. PART A

    Three Most Important American Values and Beliefs to Emulate

    America has its own values and beliefs. There is a lot of American values that could be an example for the development of our country, Indonesia. With so many American values that exist so I just took some values that I consider it a priority to American values. In this article I would like to explain some of the values that exist in American that has become a priority for them. Three most American values to adopt and develop in Indonesia are: Hard work, self-improvement and volunteer.
    Main Body
    Hard work is one of the most fundamental values in America. The United States of America was, at the time of its creation, a politically and ideologically innovative community; however; at the same time, America was a nation built on traditional values and beliefs. As such, the American work ethic was one of great inspiration, as the colonists practiced their forefathers’ hard, manual labor, despite modern technology developing over the centuries. Even given the American nation’s economic and political prosperity, this work ethic was embedded into all of the American people, from the 18th century Irish settlers to the modern day influx of immigrants. The authors who have composed American literature have exemplified this principle of hard work, within their own literary works. Hard work plays a major part in most people success. Immigrants that come to America need to know if they want to have material wealth then they need to work hard.
    The importance and advantages or benefits of hard work in Indonesia. With a system of hard work in Indonesia will be providing prosperity for the nation Indonesia. So far I see that the system of hard work could not be applied in Indonesia country, that there I only see an appropriate action are not for exemplary such as corruption. Corruption in Indonesia is rampant everywhere. Corruption is obtained from the alleged fraud and there are lazy people who work in it, so they do not have to work hard to be able to get what they want. If we already have the intention to work hard from the beginning then later on we were able to have children who diligently work hard just like his/her parent’s step. First advantages is our natural moral character is strengthened through hard work. The natural benefits of passing a good work ethic on to our children are very rewarding as well. I see too many parents dealing with the needs of their children long after they should. These children desperately need to be taught the natural benefits of a hard day work. Often the parents of these children work hard themselves. They have simply never made it clear that they expect their children to work hard as well. The second is hard work benefits us through a sense of accomplishment. Think about how good it feels to undertake a project involving hard work and see it through to completion. There is nothing more rewarding than a job well done. For some reason the harder the work, the more rewarding it is on completion. Don’t forget to pass on this natural benefit to our children later.
    The second one is self-improvement. Self-improvement is actually preparing themselves for the future. It can be seen how people can be happier and more successful in life by improving their personality. Currently, we are in the world whose compete with each other to get what we want. In other words, we are obliged to be a winner or a leader. For this reason, every person who is required to improve the quality of its own to make her life better. So, self-improvement means that we have to set our mindset, behaviors, and souls to do the better things. The American believes that competition is a way to assess the quality individuals in all things. This value is reflected in the American economy, health sciences, arts, education, and sports. Yet the achievement of the material success is the most widely respected form of self-improvement in the United States.
    The advantages of self-improvement for Indonesia is able to motivate and change any weaknesses and bad habits of the citizens of Indonesia. With the improvement in Indonesia would make the nation’s progress in education, economics, politics and so on. Self-improvement means having to change the perspective and paradigm of someone for directions to advance. That way the way we view the future will be even better so that other countries do not underestimate the Indonesian nation.
    The last one is volunteer. America is famous for once with a volunteer spirit in helping people affected by disasters. They upholds the value of volunteers and the value of morality. America a lot of helps the victims of natural disasters especially the tsunami disaster in Indonesia, the American nation has donated a lot of money to the victims of the tsunami disaster in Aceh, Indonesia. They are very generous and willing to share to people who desperately need. That’s the positive side that can be taken from the American people. Americans also do not regard either of ethnicity, race or religion, because they want to share to others who are experiencing trials.
    The values of volunteer is very important for application in Indonesia. Since this is the virtue that it is important to uphold. By applying these values in Indonesia will get a good predicate human values on other nations. If in Indonesia already has such a value, Indonesia will be getting feedback from other countries, and will have a positive value which has been regarded by other nations.
    In conclusion America has a lot of values but according to me there are only three of the most prominent values that is Hard work, self improvement and volunteer. Because all three of these values is the value that was already reflect the personality on the American people. So, these three values is very important to be applicable in the country of Indonesia. America can become a developed country because they already have the values of these three. Thus, Indonesia could become a developed nation Apply these values to the citizens of Indonesia, so that Indonesia will be the best country in the other country eyes.

    Thankyou sir. GBU 🙂

  60. Here is my revision
    Sri Darma S (0812150046)
    Cross Cultural Understanding
    PART I
    Three Most Important American Values and Beliefs to Emulate
    Americans is one of the countries in the world which is has many diverse on it. If we asked most Americans what the cultural values in the U.S. are, we might get some blank stares, or a statement of some basic beliefs. The question may seem simple, but the answer is quite complex. In a society as highly diverse as the United States, there is likely to be a multitude of answers. The different behaviors of a people or a culture make sense only when seen through the basic beliefs, assumptions and values of that particular group. American culture has been enriched by the values and belief systems of virtually every part of the world. Consequently, it is impossible to be comprehensive. Nevertheless, a few selected values are at the core of the American value system.
    Indonesia as a developing country needs to adopt some of the American values and belief. It is suitable for us to adopt that because we can not deny that their success can not be seperated from their values. Individual freedom, equal opportunities and hard work are three most important American values and beliefs to emulate in Indonesia.
    First, individual freedom is one the most fundamental values in america. This is probably the most basic of all the American values. By freedom, Americans mean the desire and the ability of all individuals to control their own destiny without outside interference from the government, a ruling noble class, the church, or any other organized authority. In getting this they have to paid it with self reliance, they need to rely on themselves or risk losing freedom. We can see that by the age of 18-21 they try to independent financial and emotional without disturbing of the parents. It means that Americans believe they should take care of themselves, solve their own problems, and “stand on their own two feet.
    If people are dependent, they risk losing freedom as well as the respect of their peers. Even if they are not truly self-reliant, most Americans believe they must at least appear to be so. In order to be in the mainstream of American life — to have power and/or respect — individuals must be seen as self-reliant. Although receiving financial support from charity, family, or the government is allowed, it is never admired. Many people believe that such individuals are setting a bad example, which may weaken the American character as a whole.
    As an Indonesian people, I think Inonesia should adopt this self reliance value. From what we can see and find in Indonesian people or society Indonesia have less willpower. This is caused because of many people in Indonesia commonly relies both his parents or any other person and thus made them lack of independence. Self reliance is important for Indonesian to adopt and teach it to the children since they was child so they will have independence. Parents should not always provide what they need without having seen any of them struggle to get it. If it is refracted from small, then this will still carry over when she is grown and must be independence in all things both education and work. This course will greatly assist our country in order to become an independent country.
    The second values and belief is equal opprtunities. We can find this, when the imigrant came to Ameica they hope that they can fulfilled their dream in the new country (America). Thus, because of this many of American people believe of equal opportunities. But we have to aware that it doesn’t mean that everyone is or should be equal. Americans see much of life as a race for success. Equality means that everyone should have an equal chance to enter the race for success.
    President Abraham Lincoln expressed this belief in the 1860s when he said:
    We… wish to allow the humblest man an equal chance to get rich with everybody else. When one starts poor, as most do in the race of life, free society is such that he knows he can better his condition; he knows that there is no fixed condition of labor for his whole life.
    In getting to this value every man should be ready in competition. If much of life is seen as a race, then a person must run the race in order to succeed; a person must compete with others. If every person has an equal chance to succeed in the United States, then it is every person’s duty to try. People who like to compete and are more successful than others are honored by being called winners. On the other hand, those who do not like to compete and are not successful when they try are often dishonored by being called losers. This is especially true for American men, and it is becoming more and more true for women.
    Indonesian also needs to adopt equal of opportunities. Every man in Indonesia has the same opportunity to reach his goal or success, but as an Indonesian people we should prepare and ready also to have a competition. This the one that Indonesian have to know that we can not be winner if we did not have enough preparation either a competition heart. We can see how American people do the competition, they do it fairly, they do not look at the person background, whether they come from the rich family or the they are official derivate. All of tem have the same opportunity to reach the goal. This case I think really important to imitate by Indonesian, as we know that in Indonesia corruption is “habit” annd it happend in all part of life. The rich man get richer and their descent because they have collect their investation even position, although they are not competent enough. If we want Indonesia to be success this value I think need to adopt to make improvement in our country.
    Hard work is the third values for American to emilate. We know that many immigrant came to america is to have a better life, that is to raise their standard of living. For them United State offred them land of plenty. Of course, most immigrants did not “get rich overnight,” and many of them suffered terribly, but the majority of them were eventually able to improve upon their former standard of living. But how they get their better life? Of course they can not get it without hard work, that is why it becomes their values and beliefs.Hard work has been both necessary and rewarding for most Americans throughout their history. Because of this, they came to see material possessions as the natural reward for their hard work.
    Most Americans, however, still believe in the value of hard work. They believe that people should hold jobs and not live off welfare payments from the government. Barry Goldwater, a candidate for the presidency in 1964, said that most poor people are poor because they deserve to be. Most Americans would find this a harsh statement, but many might think there was some truth in it.
    Indonesia needs to adopt this value also. We know that our country is much defense to the other country even to the human resourses. Indonesia tend to hire them to maximize and manage various things in our country. Actually it does not mean that there is no competent people in our country, but most of us doen not have any power or willingness to have a hardwork. We did not use all that we have, our mind, idea, etc that actualy help us to build and made our country have a good progress. The pressure of hardwork should be begin since childhood and teach them how to be a good winner through the competition. And I think this will continue until retirement from work. Learning to compete successfully is part of growing up in the United States that good for us to imitate. It is really good value to emulate, to make Indonesia to be a better country.
    Through cross cultural understanding, we know about American culture deeply, we learn fron their culture and value and take the positive one to build and make improvement in our self, family, society even country

  61. Part A.

    Three Most Important American Values and Beliefs to Emulate


    America is a federal republic, this country is a multiethnic and multicultural country, which is caused by the influx of immigrants from around the world. The countries generally have values and beliefs that they embrace. As well as American, America has a diversity of values and beliefs. Values and beliefs held by Americans is the character of the nation. Values and beliefs held by American country, has brought the U.S. into an advanced and powerful nation in the eyes of the world. Diversity and cultural values held by Americans, making the values and beliefs are used as benchmarks and example for other nations. From the diversity of values and beliefs held by Americans, there are three very important. Three values and beliefs are most important to emulated by the Indonesian nation is Hard work, Independence and Volunteerism.

    First is Hard work, American country known as super powers. This country does not recognize the term holidays, they are a country with a population that likes to work hard. They spend more of his time to work hard. The hard work has been both necessary and beneficial for the majority of Americans throughout their history. Because of this, they come to see the property as a natural reward for their hard work. Hard work has rewarded many. Material possessions are the tangible evidence of this. I think that all of this are the fruits of hard work of America people. While in Indonesia country, an individual who wants to get a big wage or big salary, but to spend a little effort. Therefore in Indonesia many fraud or corruption. Not only the government in the DPR and MPR, but also in government institutions such as the smallest village. Is their obligation to serve the public. But in reality, they still ask for costs to society. For example when making ID cards ( KTP ), a letter from the village head. This is the reality that occurs in Indonesia. Prefer the hand under, from the hand above. This contrasts very different from Americans who work hard all day, there are no holidays. And the income they can indeed result from their hard work.

    This value is the most important value to be imitated by Indonesia. Because, with these values are taught to become a person who would try hard, do not get lazy and continue to improve ourselves. By working hard, we will receive a balanced outcome. Do not just want to get paid for. The value of hard work can improve the welfare of the nation Indonesia. therefore, this value is very good to be imitated by Indonesia.

    Second is Independence. America is an independent country, either from nature of government and the individual nature. America is not a country that depend to any other country. America is a country that can stand alone. Although America is a developed country and an independent, but America also remains to relate or partnerships or relationships with other countries. Viewed from the side of his individual, the American people more independent, this is caused by the habit which they did early on. An example is the baby who has had his own room, even though the baby is born. In contrast to Indonesia, nature depend on the parents is still a lot we look in Indonesian children’s, although they are growing up. American people prefer to solve their own problems without wanting to know other people and also not wanting to bother other people. This value is very good when emulated by Indonesia, independent study of small things and the beginning of everyday life will bring a great influence for yourself and also for the nation.

    The value of independence is also important to be imitated by Indonesia. This will train the Indonesian nation not to rely with any other country. As well as the individual, trained to live independently without having to bother someone else. Because that independence is good to emulated and applied in Indonesia country.

    Third is Volunteerism. Volunteerism is the inherent character of the American nation. America has never picking to provide assistance. Real example is the disaster that hit other countries, like china, japan and also our country is Indonesia. Provide Americans with immediate assistance, the assistance provided not only in terms of material, but also from the moral point. In addition to food assistance, clothing, materials it, they also provide support, motivation to the victims. So that victims feel happy and not feel alone. This is what I like from the American state, its high volunteerism, who want to help, serve without picking. Although I am Indonesian people, but to be honest, I see movement in terms of volunteerism impressed Indonesia is very slow. For example Lapindo Mud in Sidoarjo, the public who are victims displaced by the expanding mud. But aid and handling is very slow. Either because there are no funds to help or simply because the intention is still patchy. The more we share and help others, the more blessings we can. Governments do not seem to close their eyes or ears will disaster the citizens. Disasters such as floods. But rather be sensitive to help.

    Volunteerism is very good value. Volunteerism comes from the heart of each individual. There was no coercion from the other. The value of volunteerism is a value that is very noble. As a human, of course we must help each other, especially when there are affected by the disaster. This value is very good when emulated by Indonesia country. With the aid we give to others, at least reduce their burden. Otherwise, when there are natural disasters that hit Indonesia. Other nations also channeling assistance immediately. Volunteered to help the people / country. Can add a positive value for the country Indonesia in the eyes of other nations.


    We realize that the values and beliefs held by American country, it is good to us to imitate. Values and beliefs they hold, has brought them into a successful and respected country in the eyes of the world. We have to learn a lot from America, as a successful country, and have a high volunteer spirit. This is what makes America a role model for other countries. Pick a good and useful, apply in our country. As this would bring Indonesia into an even better country.

  62. Three Most Important American Values and Beliefs to Emulate
    Value America was a dot-com company founded in Nevada in 1996 by Craig Winn and Rex Scatena, and relocated to Charlottesville, Virginia in February 1998. It was plagued by communications problems with the manufacturers they worked with. At the time, the idea of selling directly to customers without a distributor involved was still new and not well tested among the large consumer products companies VA represented, and since VA had no warehouses, traditional supply lines couldn’t be used. Shipments would be delayed, go missing, and arrive badly packed or with the wrong product inside. Billing was also a problem, and charge backs were difficult to perform due to the mishandling of shipped goods. American culture has been enriched by the values and belief systems of virtually every part of the world. Consequently, it is impossible to be comprehensive. Nevertheless, a few selected values are at the core of the American value system. American generally shared some noticeable values and beliefs, such as individual freedom, self-improvement, and hard work these values are very attached to the American themselves in consquence America became a different country and advanced from others country so America become superpowers. In this paper will be explained how these values are very important role for the American and what are the advantages of each values to eventually adopted by other countries, especially for Indonesia nations.
    Main body
    The one value that nearly every American would agree upon is individual freedom. Whether you call it individual freedom, individualism, or independence, it is the cornerstone of American values. It permeates every aspect of their society The United States came to be associated in their minds with the concept individual freedom. This is probably the most basic of all the American values. Scholars and outside observers often call this value individualism, but many Americans use the word freedom. The concept of freedom means different things to different people, depending on the level of freedom that you have in your life. Most people, when they think of the definition of freedom, they think of Liberty. Freedom of speech is also a part of liberty. The definition of liberty is having the ability to act according to your own will, as long as it doesn’t affect the ability of someone else to act according to their own will. Most rational people would agree that this is the way that a society should function.By freedom, Americans mean desire and the right of all individuals to conrol their own destiny without outside interference from the goverment, a ruling noble class, the church, or any other organized authority.
    This value is very important for the American, but in Indonesian this value not implemented. Indonesia is not an liberalist because Indonesia has constraint that has established by the government. Indonesia constitute democratic state which based on the Pancasila that visible image of the Indonesian. From Pancasila emerge the values like cooperativeness value, and this value is very important for the Indonesia. But there is nothing wrong if this value apply for the Indonesian, because with this value make Indonesia become a brave person so they are not affraid when give expression their oppinion to the others.
    Then the next important values associated with American protestatism is the value of self-improvement. Christianity often emphasizes the natural sinfulness of human nature. Self-improvement can be done by reading books and attending seminars so that Americans can get self-improvement for a better life than before. Self-improvement never has been and is not now a message solely for elites. The belief that ‘ordinary’ people can live better lives by dint of cultivating their talents and that the capacity for growth and self-direction of the ‘average’ American deserves respect is not, in my book, a mark of elitism.
    In Indonesia there is no self-improvement. Indonesian should reliaze that their self is needed to improve. With this value “self-improvement” help Indonesian to realize that their self is still worn out and need to improve. If this value applied to Indonesian by reading books and attending seminars like american, the Indonesian will get self-improvement to be better person for a better life than before.
    Then Americans still beieve in the value of hard work. Most believe that people should hold jobs and not live off welfare paymennts from the government. There have been many efforts to reform the welfare system so that people wuld not become dependent on welfare and stop looking for jobs to support themselves. American workers also work longer work weeks and put in more hours over the course of the year than counterparts in many advanced economies. Twenty percent of Americans do some work even while they are on vacation, according to the Families and Work Institute
    Indonesia is far different with America whereas Indonesia popularly with its natural riches. But it is not guarantie for Indonesian to make Indonesia go forward. Unlike American, who is a worker hard that work longer work weeks and put in more hours over the course of the year than counterparts in many advanced economies, in Indonesia There is some peope who is still lazzy in benefitted natural resources. We can see a lot of fund used with a bad way like corruptor, and crime like robbing, by the robber and stealer. So if this value applied in Indonesia, it will carry Indonesian become people who held responsible with their duty.

    We have seen these three values carry many advantages to the country which apply this value. We can see American and the country itself becomes developed and developing country and educates the American people become independent. If these values is applied in Indonesia, Indonesian it self should become an advance person and Indonesia also be a developing country like America. So it’s mean that both America and Indonesia are believe they should take care of themselves, solve their own problems and stand on their own two feet.


    Part Two
    1. Cross Cultural Understanding (CCU) class contribute to any of your language skills yes of course ! In CCU class I was taught to understand American culture in various fields which are very obviously differences with the culture in my country. Through discussions that have been placed on Bloge made me develop my vocabulary itself and helped me to be able to write to explain my every opinion by using either an equivalent or in other words extending one of my English language skills which are writing

    2. CCU class help me raise my awareness about American culture In CCU class also provide something which contributes in the lesson emphasized me to be able to develop one of language skills are writing. Why? Because in every meeting class the lecturer gave topics discussion that posted in the “cyber class” where each student should discuss the topics are given by the lecturer. In this case makes me need to be able to write any ideas that poured with equivalent of a good word, therefore CCU class contributed most to my writing skills.

    3. In CCU class helps me increase my consciousness about American culture. In this lesson I have learned about the culture contained in the American state where American states have some values that make the country called as a superpower. One of the values which are very necessary in adoption is their hard work we already know American is a very hard working, America’s workers also work longer work weeks and put in more hours over the course of the year than counterparts in many advanced economies, they work 40 hours or more each week. This culture is very different from Indonesia therefore I realized that Indonesia is still far behind the state American so by studying one of the cultural values made me to be able to follow the hard work of American.

    4. CCU class also help me raise my awareness about my culture, for instance in America’s culture does not describe the value of cooperativeness, they tend to self-reliant and eventually lead to individual so they becomes individualism person and their attitudes does not like the Indonesian people who are concerned with the interests of others than themselves and therefore the value of Indonesia is famous for its strong cooperation.

    5. In CCU class doesn’t change my perception towards American culture. Why? Because as I know the cultures of the American people are like that and they basically developed for attitudes and values are inside. So does not be surprised if the American nation is the most developed country in the world and the values it stands for the American people finally form become developed

    6. If I become an English Teacher after graduating from FKIP-UKI, everything that I have learned in CCU class contribute to my future profession which I want to be a teacher. For example by learning CCU helped me to eventually can explain to my students how the culture of America so they not only know their language but also culture and values were included.

    7. What which I have explained that learning CCU in CCU class will help me in communicating with Americans. Because in learning CCU explain how the culture of American itself so when we want to communicate with the American we have learned beforehand the character of each personality American so that eventually we are not shocked and will be convenient to establish a communication.

    8. As in the previous number which I have explained that learning CCU when I am learning Cross Cultural Understanding I have learned how the culture of American how they work and how the American people’s personal itself so it will make easier when someday I go there and live in the USA.

  63. Part I: Essay Writing

    Three Most Important American Values and Beliefs to Emulate

    United Sates of America is one of the most well known countries all over the world. It is also the developed country which is called as “super power” country. It is the multicultural country because there are so many people who come from other countries. In other word, the citizens of the country are different in culture, such as religions, social life ways, backgrounds, and so on. Although Americans have big diversity; they are still united by their values and beliefs. There are three most important values and beliefs which are able to be emulated in Indonesia: individual freedom, self-improvement, and equal opportunity.

    Firstly, individual freedom is one of the most important values to emulate in my own country. Based on the book, Freedom is meant the desire and the right to control our own way without interference from government, church, or any other organized authority. Scott Hughes said that freedom starts with a principle of self-control, also known as self-ownership. In a free society, each and every person has legal control (or “ownership”) of their own body and mind. Perhaps never before in American history has the word “freedom” been more meaningful. When I think of freedom, I consider the many rights and privileges we enjoy in this great country. Besides having freedom of speech and worship, they are free to pursue personal goals and become successful. Americans freedom will be not limited during they do not start to violate another person’s freedom. Actually, although they have the individual freedom, they are still responsible for their freedoms.

    Actually, Indonesia has guaranteed the individual freedoms, such as the freedom of speech, freedom of holding the religion, freedom of working, freedom of education, and so on. But, in fact, it has not applied effectively yet. It is caused by not almost the citizens are able to respect the other freedoms.
    Secondly, self-improvement is the next most important belief in American culture. Based on the dictionary, it means the act of improving our self. America is known as a strong state, and Americans who are also known as prioritizing personal self-improvement. For American Protestantism, self-improvement is very important because self-improvement is a process whereby we enhance our knowledge widely. We do not limit our self to an area. We scan the vast ocean of information, picking up new skills, new know-how and methods. Self-improvement also enriches our soul. We will feel a better person with real content within. We can speak confidently and guide others well. It will be viral where people around me get “infected” in the positive sense. Self-improvement is actually preparing ourself for the future. With the fast changing nature of life and work demands, having the latest knowledge or information is like having treasure within your brain. Having new skills and ideas after we improve our self will be more valuable for us.

    Self-improvement also means that they have to set their mindset, behaviors, and souls to do the better things. In other words, they have to become motivated to achieve more in life, to become more assertive, to be more open, to make necessary changes, to become more spiritual, to increase our self-esteem, and also develop our positive thinking. They can fix it from themselves. Improving one can have a positive effect on the others – whether spiritually, emotionally, economically and psychologically. Now days, the people around the world are prosecuted to compete with the others to get what we hope. They are obliged to be the best in our society. For this reason, they have to improve the quality of themselves to make life better. The Self-improvement is showed in Americans life. They always try to be the first by cooperating. Although they have big diversity in races and religion, they still are able to work together for their nation progress.

    The last value is Equal Opportunity. “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness” (The Declaration of Independence, 1776). The value has a meaning that everyone has a chance to succeed in every field, such as free from excessive political, religious, and social control. The meaning does not mean that everyone is-or should- be equal. It means the Americans believe in equality in opportunity. If life is seen as a race, for Americans, equality also means that every citizen have the same opportunity to enter the race to reach the winning. Moreover, the race is fair for everyone because not only the rich person but also the poor person are able to be successful.

    Meanwhile, in Indonesia, this value has not yet applied well. In my country, the equal opportunity for the men and women is still different. Minister of Women and Child Protection, Linda Amalia Sari Gumelar, visited to Yogyakarta on Thursday (19 / 5), she explained that until recently the government was still awaiting an invitation from the House of Representatives to discuss the draft Gender Equality. It shows the equal gender is still one of the problems of equal opportunity in Indonesia.

    From the explanations above, we have known that individual freedom, self-improvement, and equal opportunity are three most values and beliefs in American culture. They are the main things which have made America as the “super power” country and one of the countries that is used a benchmark for other countries development. Hopefully, Indonesia will be able to adopt and develop the three most values and beliefs of Americans, so that our country also will be a successful and “super power” country like them.


    Datesman, Maryanne Kearny, JoAnn Crandall & Edward N. Kearny. American Ways. United States :
    Nov 2th, 2011
    Nov 3th, 2011

  64. Three Most Important American Values and Beliefs to Emulate

    The United States of America is known as one of country which have a large variety of ethnic, cultural, and religious groups. Most early Americans recognized this diversity or pluralism as a fact or life. However, in time, many Americans came to see strength in their country`s diversity. Because of that American culture has been enriched by the values and belief systems of virtually every part of the world. Therefore, today Americans have some values that born and become a main point of life that their lives to be a part of their traditional value system which come by their cultural diversity. Now, we would like to examine the three core values that Americans have and right to emulates such as ; individual freedom, equal opportunity, and competition.
    The first value that most important to understand about American is probably their devotion to individualism or sometimes they call it individual freedom or independence. They are trained from very early of their lives to realize themselves as separate individuals who are responsible for their own situations in life and their own destinies. They are not trained to see themselves as members of a germane interdependent family, religious, group, tribe, nation, or any other collectivity. An observation said that in the United States very few children are raised to believe that their personal destiny to serve their family, their country, their God (as is the practice in some other countries). Generally, children in the United States are given they feeling that they can set their own aims and occupation in life, according to their inclination”. We`re raising them to be rugged individualist (Spock, Benjamin,1998; p.7).
    If individualism value can be emulated to the Indonesian country therefore, the Indonesian will trained as a people that always try to stand with their own foot to faces any problem that extend in their life. Moreover, with the high value of individualism the Indonesian will accustomed to work just by their hand and not too depending on the people around them. In addition, the value of individualism will teach an Indonesian to become a people that like to do anything just by their own power without ignored the work team rates .
    The second value that Americans have and important to understand is they believe in value of equality in opportunity. Americans are also distinctive in the degree which they believe in the ideal, as stated in their Declaration of Independence, that said “all man are created equal”. They do not mean that everyone is-or should be equal but they have meaning that everyone should have an equal chance for success. Although they sometimes abused the ideal in their lives, particularly in matters of interracial relationship and sometimes relationship among people from different social classes, Americans have a deep faith that in some fundamental way all people are equal value. That no one is born superior to anyone else. They do not like being the subject of open displays of respect, being bowed to, being differed to, being treated as though they could do no wrong or make no unreasonable request (Althen, Gary, 2003; p.8).
    The equality of opportunity is the second values that good to be emulate to the Indonesian country. The advantages of this value is that everyone in this country has deserve to get the same opportunity to build up their own life. Besides this value is offers all citizens an equal right to live in any part of the country, have a profession of their choice, have the rights to contest elections and select the leaders of their nations. This concept of equality has led to the development of a sense of respect among their citizens.
    The third value that necessary to be discuss is the values of competition. The American is known as a people that always liked to built a competition each other. In every single things of life an American always try and prove himself to be the best anyway. They have a vision that life is seen as a race, then a person must compete with others to get anything that they want. Many Americans enjoy matching their energy and intelligence against those of others in a contest for success. People who like to compete are often more successful than others, and many honored by being called winners. On the other hand, those who do not like to compete and those who are not successful when they try are sometimes by being called losers.
    The pressures of competition in the life of an American begin in childhood and continue until retirement from work. Learning to compete successfully is part of growing up in the United States, and competition is encouraged by strong programs of competitive sports provided by the public schools and community groups. Many Americans believe that learning how to win in sports helps develop the habits necessary to compete successfully in later life.
    The value of competition is the third value of America that good to be emulate and developed to Indonesian country. The advantages that we can have on this value is the Indonesian people would like to competition with each other and they want to proved that he or she is the best. The competition also built some feel that make Indonesian always ready to race with the other nation in their effectiveness work. In addition, the competition value will always pushed an Indonesian to become the best.
    In conclusion, those are the three most important values that Americans have and good to emulate. Individual freedom as a values that representing the soul of American that like to live just stand with their own feet. The Indonesian have to imitate that value is because we have to learn to work as good as possible just by own selves. Equality or egalitarianism that means Americans though that every person have an equal opportunity to be success in their country. Is one another good value that we have to emulate because it will make the same chance for everyone in this country to be success. And the last is value of competition which figure Americans is the people who always like to race with anyone and prove themselves that they are the best. Thus, the benefit of this value for Indonesian is we can be a people that always try to be the best than everyone. At the last, those are the three values of American that good to emulate for Indonesia.


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    (Spock, Benjamin, Dr. Spock`s baby and child care, 1998; p.7)
    (Althen, Gary, American Ways, 2003; p.8)

    Thanks, Sir.

  65. Three Most Important American Values and Beliefs to Emulate

    The culture of American is formed by the values and belief systems in every aspect of life of American. American society is made up of a diversity of ethnic groups and cultures that have helped shape American values and American attitudes and behavior are based on their values and belief. Three Most Important American Values and Beliefs to Emulate and adopt in Indonesia.
    First, equal opportunities. Equality means that the situation in which people has the same opportunities in life as other people, without being treated in an unfair way. Everyone has to get an equal chance to enter the race and win. Americans understand this as the right to have equal chance for success in life but not that everyone is or must be equal. They see life as a race for success. This concept is so important for American that they have even given it a religious basis. They say all people have been “created equal.”(L.Robert Kohls, 1988). Most American believes that God views all humans alike without regard to intelligence, physical condition, economic status or rank (L.Robert Kohls, 1988, p.6). Life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement regardless of social class or circumstances of birth. The United States Declaration of Independence which proclaims that “all men are created equal” and that they are “endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable Rights” including “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness (James Truslow Adams, 1931).
    Is it very important to emulate and developed in Indonesia. Based on the meaning of the equal opportunity. “The situation in which people has the same opportunities in life as other people, without being treated in an unfair way”. This can be the based for Indonesian life in every aspect. For example, equal in the work environment, it means presence policies that have to make in the work environment. One of the biggest benefits stemming from equal opportunity policies in work environment is create a more respectable and safer work environment without based on sex, race, age, or disability. It is important to emulate the equal opportunity in Indonesia, because Life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement regardless of social class or circumstances of birth especially for Indonesian. The benefit of equal opportunity that be accept by this country is everybody has an opportunity in their life to get whatever that they want. They have same opportunity in every aspect of life. Such as Better work Environment, equal employment, services and many more. Equal opportunities are the base of human life in every parts of world. It is not view about race, ethnics, religious, social class, ages and gender. All people are equal.
    The second value of American culture is hard work. America assumed A hard worker is one who “gets right to work” on a task, works efficiently, and completes the task in a way that meets reasonably high standards of quality (Gery Althen, 2003). More generally, Americans like action. They do indeed believe it is important to devote significant energy to their jobs or to other daily responsibilities. Beyond that, they tend to believe they should be doing something most of the time. They are usually not content, as people from many countries are, to sit for hours and talk with other people. They get restless and impatient. They believe they should be doing something, or at least making plans and arrangements for doing something later. Americans tend to define and evaluate people by the jobs they have. Hard work is about risk. It begins when we deal with the things that we don’t like such as, fear of failure, fear of standing out, fear of rejection. Hard work is about training the self to leap over the barrier or drive through the other barrier and after we have done that, we can do it again the next day.
    This value is the most important to emulate by Indonesian. Because, with this value Indonesian can get that hard work is a key to success. Intense hard works along with great skills make success after another. Hard work made increasing economic and welfare of Indonesian. For examples, a person can excel in his career due to hard work. If he sits at home, no one would offer him a job unless he initiates the job searching process, a student stands out firstly only if he studies hard, and many more. The advantages of hard work that will get by emulate this value is except increasing the economic and welfare of Indonesian also to minimizing the social gap in Indonesia. Hard work is the best value that can to emulate by Indonesian.

    The last value of American culture is individual freedom. In American culture, in order to succeed and achieve the personal best, some one must be strong and independent. As Maryanne, L. Datesman et al. (n.d.) noted that “by freedom, Americans mean the desire and the ability of all individuals to control their own destiny without outside interference from the government, a ruling noble class, the church, or any other organized authority” (p.29). In USA, a person’s success is more likely to be attributed primarily to the hard work and perseverance of the individual. In American culture, decisions made to benefit the self, such as moving far from one’s parents to go to preferred choice for college would not be as likely to be considered selfish, but would be supported. In fact, children’s independence is encouraged in American culture. After graduation from high school a child is considered a young adult and could be asked to pay rent, or move out from the family home. When they do join groups, they believe they are special. In USA, we can find people freely expressing a variety of opinions anywhere and anytime. They believe people should take care of them selves, solve their own problems and stand on their own two feed.
    The importance and advantages of individual freedom to Indonesia is with this value the Indonesian is teach to be a people that stand just with their own feet and solve their problem without depending with the people around them. From this value Indonesian become a people that independent and relies just with their own power. The benefit Indonesian will get by emulate this value is people become independent, willingness, and depend the own power.
    The American values and beliefs are the basic of United States of America. That values and beliefs are the characteristic of American people. Equal opportunity, hard work and individual freedom are the most characteristic of the American. Form that values, we can learn something. We can learn how to appreciate other people, we can learn that every people have to get an equal chance to enter the race and win, it is not view about race, religions, social class, age and gender. Moreover, we become know with hard work we can get what we want. With being an individual freedom, we learn how to solve the own problem and stand on with own feeds.

  66. Three Most Important American Values and Beliefs to Emulate
    American culture has been enriched by the values and belief systems of virtually every part of the world. Consequently, it is impossible to be comprehensive. Nevertheless, a few selected values are at the core of the American value system. Three Most Important American Values and Beliefs to Emulate are individual freedom, self-reliance, and the last is hard work. In this case, I will explain the important values of America, and what are the advantages of each value for Indonesia.
    First is individual freedom. According to Datesman in The American Ways ( An Introduction to American Culture), the first value and the most basic of all the American values is individual freedom. In 1776, the British colonial settlers declared their independence from England and established a new nation, the United States of America as a desire to be free of control of kings and governments, priests and churches, noblemen and aristocrats. As the result, they created a climate of freedom where the emphasis was on the individual. By freedom, Americans mean the desire and the ability of all individuals to control their own destiny without outside interference. Thomas E. Grouling, Ph.D., Assistant Director, International Center, Drake University said that individual freedom is the one value that nearly every American would agree upon is individual freedom. Whether you call it individual freedom, individualism, or independence, it is the cornerstone of American values. It permeates every aspect of our society. The concept of an individual’s having control over his/her own destiny influenced the type of government that was established here, and individual rights are guaranteed in the United States Constitution (the supreme law of the land). These rights are so protected in our judicial system that, even though Americans may complain that criminals sometimes “get away with murder,” most people believe it is better to free a few guilty persons than to imprison one person who is innocent. While our economic system may be dominated by large corporations, the majority of American businesses are small, and many are owned by an individual or a family. It is part of the “American dream” to “be your own boss,” and being an entrepreneur is one of the most appealing ways to improve one’s economic future. So the first Most Important American Values and Beliefs to Emulate is individual freedom.
    The individual freedom is very important for American, but in Indonesia this value is not recognized as a value. In Indonesia people still keep their expression because they expression still restriction by the culture and the religion. But in my point of view, this value is good if we implement in Indonesia, because individual freedom makes someone independent and can express their willingness. Individual freedom also makes someone invent the new invention. In this case is a good invention
    Second is self-reliance. Self-reliance is a price that must be paid for individual freedom. Individual must learn to rely on themselves. It means that Americans believe they should take care of themselves, solve their own problems, and “stand on their own two feet”. Ben Franklin hailed this kind of virtue (including autonomy, independence, persistence and initiative) in pre-Revolutionary days. French political thinker Alex de Tocqueville cited individualism and self-reliance as distinctive American traits in 1830. So, the second Most Important American Values and Beliefs to Emulate is self-reliance.
    Self-reliance is important value according to American. There are so many advantages of self-reliance for Indonesia. For example, the self-reliance of Indonesia when Indonesia be the country host of Sea Games. The opening of Sea Games in Indonesia was very awesome. So, after all the Sea Games done good, Indonesia name will be good too for other country. Other example of self-reliance in Indonesia is Indonesia will grow up to be a good country. Not debit the money from other country anymore.
    The last is hard work. Americans work more weekly hours and have fewer vacation days than most other developed countries. Americans have the highest per capita income in the world. So, this is the fact that Americans are hard work. “The ILO, in a 2007 report, says the United States leads the world in labor productivity per person employed and that ‘the productivity gap between the US and most other developed economies continued to widen.” Americans have developed a hard working aspect and have maintained that quality because of the jet lags in their life. They work hard to overcome their fear of becoming unsuccessful. It also exists because it was handed down to us by our founding fathers who fought for the county, like many have done for our country now. So, the last Most Important American Values and Beliefs to Emulate is hard work.
    The importance and the advantages of hard work in Indonesia are very much. Our President, Yudhoyono warned his ministers, who have a mindset as a nation advanced nation, a nation that was willing to work hard, be able to thrive. “It turns out the answer the hard work of a nation. Starting from its leader until the end of the united front was hard work. Let us draw lessons. If you want to grow more rapidly Indonesia, the main requirement is hard work,” advised the President. So, by hard work we can grow up our nation, in economic, culture, education, etc.
    In conclusion to such basic American values as individual freedom, self-reliance, and hard work, we see a trend toward conservation with an emphasis on recycling and preserving the environment. Also there is a greater sensitivity to cooperation on a more global scale. There are also advantages of that three values for Indonesia to grow up be a good country.

  67. Three Most Important American Values and Beliefs to Emulate

    The United States of America is known as one of country which have a large variety of ethnic, cultural, and religious groups. Most early Americans recognized this diversity or pluralism as a fact or life. However, in time, many Americans came to see strength in their country`s diversity. Because of that American culture has been enriched by the values and belief systems of virtually every part of the world. Therefore, today Americans have some values that born and become a main point of life that their lives to be a part of their traditional value system which come by their cultural diversity. Now, we would like to examine the three core values that Americans have and right to emulates such as ; individual freedom, equal opportunity, and competition.
    The first value that most important to understand about American is probably their devotion to individualism or sometimes they call it individual freedom or independence. They are trained from very early of their lives to realize themselves as separate individuals who are responsible for their own situations in life and their own destinies. They are not trained to see themselves as members of a germane interdependent family, religious, group, tribe, nation, or any other collectivity. An observation said that in the United States very few children are raised to believe that their personal destiny to serve their family, their country, their God (as is the practice in some other countries). Generally, children in the United States are given they feeling that they can set their own aims and occupation in life, according to their inclination”. We`re raising them to be rugged individualist (Spock, Benjamin,1998; p.7).
    If individualism value can be emulated to the Indonesian country therefore, the Indonesian will trained as a people that always try to stand with their own foot to faces any problem that extend in their life. Moreover, with the high value of individualism the Indonesian will accustomed to work just by their hand and not too depending on the people around them. In addition, the value of individualism will teach an Indonesian to become a people that like to do anything just by their own power without ignored the work team rates .
    The second value that Americans have and important to understand is they believe in value of equality in opportunity. Americans are also distinctive in the degree which they believe in the ideal, as stated in their Declaration of Independence, that said “all man are created equal”. They do not mean that everyone is-or should be equal but they have meaning that everyone should have an equal chance for success. Although they sometimes abused the ideal in their lives, particularly in matters of interracial relationship and sometimes relationship among people from different social classes, Americans have a deep faith that in some fundamental way all people are equal value. That no one is born superior to anyone else. They do not like being the subject of open displays of respect, being bowed to, being differed to, being treated as though they could do no wrong or make no unreasonable request (Althen, Gary, 2003; p.8).
    The equality of opportunity is the second values that good to be emulate to the Indonesian country. The advantages of this value is that everyone in this country has deserve to get the same opportunity to build up their own life. Besides this value is offers all citizens an equal right to live in any part of the country, have a profession of their choice, have the rights to contest elections and select the leaders of their nations. This concept of equality has led to the development of a sense of respect among their citizens.
    The third value that necessary to be discuss is the values of competition. The American is known as a people that always liked to built a competition each other. In every single things of life an American always try and prove himself to be the best anyway. They have a vision that life is seen as a race, then a person must compete with others to get anything that they want. Many Americans enjoy matching their energy and intelligence against those of others in a contest for success. People who like to compete are often more successful than others, and many honored by being called winners. On the other hand, those who do not like to compete and those who are not successful when they try are sometimes by being called losers.
    The pressures of competition in the life of an American begin in childhood and continue until retirement from work. Learning to compete successfully is part of growing up in the United States, and competition is encouraged by strong programs of competitive sports provided by the public schools and community groups. Many Americans believe that learning how to win in sports helps develop the habits necessary to compete successfully in later life.
    The value of competition is the third value of America that good to be emulate and developed to Indonesian country. The advantages that we can have on this value is the Indonesian people would like to competition with each other and they want to proved that he or she is the best. The competition also built some feel that make Indonesian always ready to race with the other nation in their effectiveness work. In addition, the competition value will always pushed an Indonesian to become the best.
    In conclusion, those are the three most important values that Americans have and good to emulate. Individual freedom as a values that representing the soul of American that like to live just stand with their own feet. The Indonesian have to imitate that value is because we have to learn to work as good as possible just by own selves. Equality or egalitarianism that means Americans though that every person have an equal opportunity to be success in their country. Is one another good value that we have to emulate because it will make the same chance for everyone in this country to be success. And the last is value of competition which figure Americans is the people who always like to race with anyone and prove themselves that they are the best. Thus, the benefit of this value for Indonesian is we can be a people that always try to be the best than everyone. At the last, those are the three values of American that good to emulate for Indonesia.


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    (Spock, Benjamin, Dr. Spock`s baby and child care, 1998; p.7)
    (Althen, Gary, American Ways, 2003; p.8)

  68. What are values and belief? Values are about how we have learnt to think things ought to be or people ought to behave, especially in terms of qualities such as honesty, integrity and openness, while Beliefs are the assumptions we make about ourselves, about others in the world, and about how we expect things to be. Value and belief are the important aspects of personal growth. We all have an internalized system of values and beliefs that have developed throughout our lives. Based on what I learn in CCU class, it shows that the American generally shared some values and beliefs such as individual freedom, equal opportunities, material wealth, self reliance, competition, hard work, self improvement, self-discipline, volunteerism, humanitarianism, free spirit, inventiveness, egalitarianism, and aggressiveness. The American uses both their values and beliefs to guide their actions and behavior as well as helping to form their attitudes towards different things. There are three of American value and belief that need to be emulated: volunteerism, self improvement, and humanitarianism.

    Volunteerism means helping people through privately initiated, rather than government-sponsored or agencies. Volunteers are highly motivated people, workers who organize themselves and others to solve a particular community problem or meet an immediate social need, rather than waiting for someone else – usually the government to do it. The willingness to participate in such groups is so widespread because many Americans are members of a volunteer organization. Volunteerism reflects Americans’ optimistic pride in their ability to work out practical solutions themselves. Volunteerism is a value that should be followed by the people around the world, including Indonesia. To us, volunteering takes up our time, energy, and sometimes, money. It can be hard work. It can find us doing and seeing new things, which can be challenging and even a little scary, but actually volunteering is good for us. By volunteering we make connections that can lead to a job or career, gain important skills and experience that will help us later in life, and feel like we are part of the community. Besides that, volunteering is also good for others. The world is not a perfect place, and many people, animals, places, and communities need help. Governments and professionals try to meet everyone’s needs, but it’s impossible for them to do it all. This is why people become volunteers: because they can make a difference where someone or something needs help. If people never help each other and only care about themselves, the world becomes a crueler, sadder place. But when we volunteer our time, money, or talents, we help make our planet a better, happier home where people work together to make life easier for all. Some people are fortunate enough to earn their livelihoods in jobs that directly help to create a more peaceful, just and sustainable world. But much of the efforts to make life better for our communities and our world are done by volunteers, people who work for a better world without pay. Volunteers are creating a better world, one person and one act of kindness at a time.

    Besides volunteering, self improvement is also one of American values that need to be emulated. Self improvement is the process, or set of processes, by which one becomes who he wants to become. Self improvement is one of the most important values associated by the American. Self improvement helps the American live happier and more successful in life. Indonesian needs to emulate this American’s value. Self improvement is all about tweaking up the potential within us and making us ready for the challenges that we face every day. If we do not change ourselves, we run the risk of being left behind and outdated. In order to ensure that we are well on track, we need to look into ourselves, to find things that are bothering us to change those things in us that are annoying to others, and those that will help us improve the quality of our lives. We only need to look at what we have, what we can do and what changes or improvements we need to make, to make our lives fuller, better and happier. Self improvement is not about taking our weaknesses and turning them into strengths, nor is it about just taking our strengths and improving upon them. Self improvement is about looking at where we are compared to where we want to be, then working on to getting us from here to there. In order to adopt elements of self-improvement in our life, we have to look back what is holding us back from achieving what we want and what is making us feel unhappy and dissatisfied. We are the best place to start, not others, because we cannot change others.

    The last thing of three American values that need to be emulated is humanitarianism. Humanitarian is the act of kindness, ethical responsibility or aid to another human being or animal. The American believes that one of the ways of self-improvement is helping others. They contribute their time or money to help others. The American believes that humanitarianism is one way that makes them to be a better person. It is a concept that implies that each human being has a responsibility to care in an ethical way for other living beings. As the Indonesian, we need to follow this value because humanitarianism can lead us to be a better person. We may have seen in National Geographic buffalo were wiped out by a herd of wild tigers, whose bodies were torn apart by a herd of tigers which were defended by their flock and we may expect that the bones or the remains of dead bodies eaten by a herd of tigers was buried with a decent or at least covered with something by his friends. Certainly not! Animal is different from human. Helping people is a thing not done by most animals, even humans may. Some people become inhuman for certain reason. For example, a Chinese child aged 2 years was hit by a truck, and truck drivers clearly wrong because the call while driving. He knew that he had crushed the boy, then crushed again and fled. Not only that, 18 people passing by had the little boy covered in blood as if it were a doll or animal lying on the roadside? Thing has not ended up there. A truck passed and ran over the boy’s feet again. Why 18 people passing by do not care? Previously, there are cases where a person who helps someone even considered guilty by the court. In fact it was a trauma for the population of China alone. So, when they saw a man who needed help, they ignore. Humanitarian is the thing that makes us different from animal. We are social beings, which requires and required by other human. Humanitarianism shows that we are care about other people. We can be a better person if we make other people happy. Not every requirement is always met with favor in the form of property or retribution. Could be just a thank you, but it is great value in the eyes of another human being.

    In short, volunteering, self improvement, and humanitarianism are the three of American value that need to be emulated by everyone. Having these three values in our lives can lead us to the successful life. The quality of these values we embrace and the intensity of our commitment to them, determines the level of our accomplishment in life. We cannot hope to build a better world without improving the individuals. To that end, each of us must work for our own improvement and, at the same time, share a general responsibility for all humanity, our particular duty being to aid those, to whom we think we can be most useful. Do what we can to show that we care about other people, and we will make our world a better place.

  69. Sir, this is my revision CCU
    Three Most Important American Values and Beliefs to Emulate
    Value is a concept that describes the beliefs of an individual and culture. Every country has a different value and it is match to their history cultural. If you asked most Americans what the cultural values in the United State are, you might get blank stares, or a statement of some basic beliefs. The question may be simple, but the answer is quite complex because that is a result of daily life. In fact, America is a country that has high quality cultural values and those values as the key of American to get succeed. The American ways or keys to get succeed are important to emulate in Indonesia, so that our country can get succeed, too. The most important American values and beliefs to emulate in Indonesia are individual freedom, equal opportunities, and hard work.

    The first value that nearly every American would agree upon is individual freedom. The American usually called it individual freedom, individualism, or independence. This value permeates every aspect of their society. Free to do what we think is right as Americans, and not be told how to live our lives, or have our choices taken from us, or have our choices made for us, by restrictive Laws, Regulations and Government. For examples, in their judicial system, that most people believe it is better to free a few guilty persons than to imprison one person who is innocent. This opinion as evidence that American respect for freedom of others. While, in their economic system are majority using the “America dream” that is “be your own boss”. Americans prefer to make small business rather than a servant in another store. So, everyone is free to regulate economics principles that they employ to improve one’s economic future. Freedom is spurring Americans to strive for excellent.

    The freedom is needed of Indonesians to improve the justice community and even help the economic and social development. Where, the current state of Indonesia is majority of people are free to do anything, while minorities are ignored. For example is in religion. Freedom of worship of religious minorities are often harassed and even forbidden, while majority religion can proclaim their worship without hindrance. When the value of freedom is applied the security and harmony between people will be created and the terror are no longer together. Another example in the economic field, that mimics the principles of Americans, which “become your own boss”. This gives the field of community economic development .All people are free to develop their own business without difficulty, for example in terms of trying to take care of permissions. This principle will train Indonesian to become freedom self-sufficient and not dependent on others.

    The second value is Equal-opportunities that is so cherished in the U.S that it is seen as having a religious basis. Americans believe that all people are created equal and that all should have an equal-opportunity to succeed. They see life as a race for success. They should have an equal chance to enter the race and win. If life is seen as a race, then a person must run it in order to succeed. A person must complete with other without discrimination and this is the price paid for equality of opportunities. Invite neighbor or friends to participate in the competition for success is profit and is considered a success in carrying out the teaching of religion. So, they see that a succeed can be achieved by anyone who has spirit to do succeed and they mutual support for advanced.

    While in Indonesia, the equal-opportunities need to be developed, especially in the case of gender discrimination in terms of creating equality of opportunity and career prospects. Research conducted at the University of United Kingdom, shows that in terms of quantity, further study opportunities, academic rank, and structural positions, women have an inferior position compared with men. Although the emancipation of women has been encouraged in Indonesia but in reality it has not been proven. Sample amount, more male teachers than female teachers, although the concept of equality can not only be measured in terms of quantity. When the equal-opportunity is applied in Indonesia, the men and women have equal opportunities to participate in the competition and compete for succeed. This view will bring changes in the way of Indonesia considers that anyone, including women also be able and capable of being a leader. Megawati’s story was to be nominated as President of Indonesia in 2004 ago would not happen again in Riau governor’s wife who ran as the new mayor on Sunday-election this year. So that, a leader or officer actually saw the quality rather than gender because we are all equal in God’s eye.

    Lastly, one most of important Americans values and beliefs to emulate is hard-work. Americans believe that through hard work and human endeavor, one can improve their status in life. This idea comes from a belief that America is “a city on a hill”, “a light to the nations”, which has a value and wealth that has existed since the arrival of European explorers until the next generation. They work hard to manage a barren desert region and remains the region to become an independent super powers. In general, the Americans think that money can solve the problem. Wealth gained from the own hard work is a signal of superiority and the people who is working hard is better than not working hard. It is adapted to a typical says bit of American advise “Don’t just stand there, but do something”. So, Americans is known as a person who is brave to take risk in new area and execute it by hard work become a success. A competitive spirit is often the motivating factor to work harder. Americans often compete with themselves as well as others. They feel good when they “beat their own record” in an athletic event or other types of competition.

    Nature of the Americans hard work should be followed by Indonesians because Indonesians are a GREAT PEOPLE, but he did not KNOW his PROWESS. Culture, science, technology, creativity, life, mental superiority, recklessness, and what other which are not necessarily owned by other countries. Conversely, Indonesian love or prefer to somethings that is simple and does not work hard so that corruption happens everywhere. More over, the teenagers choose to become porters or as workers abroad than to process or explore the natural riches that have been there. This contrasts with the Sukarno’ quota,that…Indonesian is the nation hard work, not nations tempe, not a nation of coolies. If the culture of hard work maintained by the people of Indonesia, Indonesians wouldn’t be a coolie worker in the our region. For example in Freeport Indonesia, if the people of Indonesia observant and willing to work hard to manage it, so that the boss is ourselves and not as coolies and minerals are for our own country than others. Indonesia’s natural wealth, if properly managed and the results for yourself, then we will achieve self-sufficiency and society prosperous. And other countries will appreciate our country because they are better off looking for the result of hard work from another country.

    These values have a great influence to the success of the American. Their success gave them optimism about the future, a belief that problem could be solved. This positive spirit enables Americans to take risk in areas where others might be only dream, resulting in tremendous advance in technology, health and science. The attitude of hard work and freedom to work are a major American capital. Indonesia people can not give up and should continue to try and imitate the ways used by other countries including the United States in achieving prosperity or success. They achieved success in various place without leaving the religious that is about equality. American culture is very different from our culture and we consider it bad but in fact their culture has a high value. The Values can bring us into successful and fitting to be imitated. Thank you.


    We know that until now America is the super power country in the world. The success of America makes it be the purpose country of many people in the world to get the better life through studying or working there. Americans commonly regard their society as the freest and best in the world. The success of America is not detached from the diversity in many aspects such as religion and culture. In the other hand, Americans values and beliefs also have been the main part in formed the success of America, especially for the American people. They believe that the values and beliefs help them to be the person who can manage their life and get the success in their life. Three of many values and beliefs that can be emulated in our life in Indonesia are self discipline, egalitarianism, and aggressiveness.

    Self discipline for Americans is the important values in getting the success. As cited by America`s Business Philosopher – Jim Rohn that discipline is the foundation or beginning of doing something to get build the success. Lack of discipline inevitably leads to failure. The little we disregard the discipline, then everything will be elapsed and what we hope or want to do is not achieved. It is why Americans greatly appreciate the discipline and time. The self discipline seems from the little things they do, for instance, in America to go working they always do it in hurry, even to get the train. When they hear the train will arrive soon, they will accelerate their pace, so they can get that train, although they absolutely know that the train will come in 7 or 10 minutes again later.

    Self discipline I think is the value which is more ignored by Indonesian. There are some people who is successful because of their self discipline, but it is not least in reality that because of ignoring of discipline people should lose his job or also because of less discipline it makes problem, both individually and social. The discipline that is applied usually because the rules of discipline are from other people not from themselves. We should decrease the tendency to wait and to say “be relaxed, it actually will come again”. The simple example in Indonesia I have ever known is when someone has just graduated from the university then he or she will say that he has been so tired to study so he will take recess some months before looking for a job. This is certainly has shown that we do not have self discipline to manage our time and life. If we do like that, then the success will be farther, even if other people have preceded to take the chance.

    The next value is egalitarianism which considers that all human are equal, both to have the same right and chance. In the egalitarian, Americans consider man as an individual and individual should be respected, so to do something there are is not differentiated action. For example, the frontier heritage in American which give the same right for Americans to reach the frontier and get the land without differentiate who you are. There is so interesting that Americans who live in frontier are seems to be alike in material wealth without significant different social degree.

    Just not like in Indonesia, to say democratic or egalitarian people so enthusiastic, but the practice of being and considering for the egalitarian has not been too serious. There a part who still likes to treat other human feasibly, for example, oppression to the housemaids. We can understand that the maids are person who are paid to do all of the housework, but it is not true and fair if they are be treated arbitrarily and considered their place are in the floor and behind. We should assume that we need each other. The maids work to get money and the employers are obligated to pay. If sometimes maids make mistake in their works, the employers can depose them without doing violence for them.

    Aggressiveness as the last value supports Americans in the competition or work to get the success of every people individually. In their mind, by aggressiveness, everyone can work hard to reach the target of their works, dreams that finally will make the success that is perceived by the success of having the material wealth. They do not stay in their position only to wait what will come or happen to them, but they always try to reach and get things or what they want to have.

    In our country, to hear aggressiveness will make people think that it is a negative manner and sometimes there is still the considering that aggressiveness will decrease the value of politeness, moreover, if we compel our willingness aggressively to older people or a woman is aggressive to a man. Whereas the aggressiveness can be the way we have bravery and active to do something. We can use the aggressiveness to get the better work or chance, even if the better chance is outside of our country or area and we must be separated with our parents, why not if we have the bravery to get there with high risk? Unfortunately, to be aggressive in Indonesia usually is the bravery of certain powerful group to attack the vulnerable groups who lack support to get land and sometimes powerful group should use snaky way.

    Three values above, such as self discipline, egalitarianism, and aggressiveness actually can be emulated in our life. Self discipline is the basic of doing everything, the egalitarianism makes us be more respectful to other people, and aggressiveness helps us to be more brave and active to do and get something in fair way. We do not emulate the values for greatest change, but we can begin it with simple case in our life.

  71. Three most important American values and beliefs to emulate
    United States is the powerful country in this world. It handles the financial aspect and other aspects. Americans make their country so powerful. They have characteristics or values that must be emulated by growing countries such as Indonesia, our nation. May be those values and beliefs are the good ones for us to improve our life. There are three most important Americans values and beliefs to emulate are individual freedom, self reliance and material wealth.

    Almost all people in the world, Americans are known with their respect to individual freedom. The United States came to be associated in their minds with the concept of individual freedom. This is probably the most basic of all the American values. Scholars and outside observers often call this value and many Americans use the word freedom. It is one of the most respected and popular words in the United States today. All values are human-centred, the individual is of supreme importance, and all individuals are morally equal. Individualism places great value on self-reliance, on privacy, and on mutual respect. Negatively, it embraces opposition to authority and to all manner of controls over the individual, especially when exercised by the state. As a theory of human nature, individualism holds that the interests of the normal adult are best served by allowing him maximum freedom and responsibility for choosing his objectives and the means for obtaining them. The institutional embodiment of individualism follows from these principles. All individualists believe that government should keep its interference in the lives of individuals at a minimum, confining itself largely to maintaining law and order, preventing individuals from interfering with others, and enforcing agreements (contracts) voluntarily arrived at. Individualism also implies a property system according to which each person or family enjoys the maximum of opportunity to acquire property and to manage and dispose of it as he or they see fit. Although economic individualism and political individualism in the form of democracy advanced together for a while, in the course of the 19th century they eventually proved incompatible, as newly enfranchised voters came to demand governmental intervention in the economic process.

    Above we can see how Americans respects to each individual freedom, and now we are talking about individual freedom in our nation. In Indonesia I think no individual freedom in this country and I hope it will be here someday. This is the fact of there is no individual freedom in Indonesia, especially in education aspect. This month is held SEA GAMES XXVI in several cities in Indonesia. The opening ceremony was in Jakarta. I think there is no relation among SEA GAMES and learning activities at school. The venues are not in the school but in the field or gymnasium. Strangely, the government sends the students on vacation during 2 weeks, oh sorry the government calls it “learn at home”. It shows that the government does not care about the youth education. It obscures the spirit or wants the students that really want to learn at school. It seems like the students who have paid expensively to grow their knowledge in the school do not get their right or individual freedom. The government gives the reason why the students are free for two weeks that the students make traffic jam in Jakarta. what a unreasonable reason!. It is one of the simply case in our nation about individual freedom. We must emulate the Americans’ individual freedom respect.

    The second values is self-reliance. There is, however, a price to be paid for this individual freedom: self reliance. Individuals must learn to rely on themselves or risk losing freedom. Traditionally, this means achieving both financial and emotional independence from their parents as early as possible, usually by age eighteen or twenty-one. It means that Americans believe they should take care of themselves, solve their own problems, and stand on their own two feet. This strong belief in self-reliance continues today as a traditional basic American value. It is perhaps one of the most difficult aspects of the American character to understand, but it is profoundly important. Most Americans believe that they must be self-reliant in order to keep their freedom. If they rely too much on the support of their families or the government or any organization, they may lose some of their freedom to do what they want. Often adult children return home to live with their parents because of economic conditions or a failed marriage. Parents are usually happy to help out, but most members of the family expect this to be a short-term arrangement. When people are dependent, they risk losing freedom and they may also lose the respect of their similar status. Even if they are not truly self-reliant, most Americans believe they must at least appear to be so. In order to be in the mainstream of American life.

    This value is also the good one value that we must emulate to improve our lives. If you want to get individual freedom, you must have self reliance in your life. Individual freedom has tight relation with self reliance. In Indonesia, self reliance is categorized low because many people seldom does not want to take the negative risk about what they did. So, they just want to do if it gives benefit but actually the case is not about the result but the process. It can teach us to fix our mistakes. The concrete example about the low self reliance in Indonesia is the people who live in the edge of Ciliwung river. Certainly, they know the impact of living in the near the river. If rainy season, the water volume increasing. It causes their houses are flooded. There is also the reason why their houses are flooded, they throw out the rubbish into the river and it make the stream flow of the river is full of rubbish. They do not realize if they live in the wrong areas and their habit to throw out the rubbish to the river can give bad impact for them and the environment. They only blame the government about the impact for them always blame the government. In this case, they must have self reliance about it. If they want to live in the wrong areas, they can protect their environment and find out the solution about how to prevent the bad impacts come to them by themselves, not only blame other people.

    The last value that also important for Indonesian to emulate is Material wealth. They achieved material success and many became very attached to material things. Material wealth became a value to the American people. Placing a high value on material possessions is called materialism, but this is a word that most Americans find offensive. To say that a person is materialistic is an insult. To an American, this means that this person values material possessions above all else. Americans do not like to be called materialistic because they feel that this unfairly accuses them of loving only material things and of having no religious values. In fact, most Americans do have other values and ideals. Nevertheless, acquiring and maintaining a large number of material possessions is still of great importance to most Americans. The reason is that material wealth has traditionally been a widely accepted measure of social status in the United States. Because Americans rejected the European system of hereditary aristocracy and titles of nobility, they had to find a substitute for judging social status. The quality and quantity of an individual’s material possessions became an accepted measure of success and social status. Moreover, as we shall see in later chapters, the Puritan work ethic associated material success with godliness.

    Americans get their material wealth by hard working and in the long period not instantly. If we compare how the way the Americans material wealth with Indonesian material wealth are big difference. Indonesian, especially the people in government, as we know from television and newspapers or others media. There are so many corruption cases that are done by corruptors. It shows that those people want to be millionaire instantly. By corrupting citizens’ money or accept bribery. They are not ashamed to do it. The most important thing for them is they are being the millionaires.

    In conclusion, there are many values and beliefs of American that we can be emulated to make our life better. It does not mean we substitute our own values but to enrich our values. We can respect individual freedom by respecting when someone wants to make her/his own passion, we can increase our self reliance our nation by starting from ourselves and we can change our mindset do not be eager to satisfied, if you want to be a millionaire as a paid you must be hard working.And three most important American values and beliefs to emulate are individual freedom, self reliance and material wealth.

  72. Sir, This is my CCU revision.


    John J. Zogby, an American Pollster , say that United States is “ we all share a common set a value that make us American…We are defined by the rights we have…..Our rights are our history. Historically, the United states has been viewed as “ the land of opportunity “ attracting immigrants from all over the world. the opportunities they believed they world find in America and the experiences they actually had when they arrived nurtured this set of values . These values gives Americans a unique identify, and whichever political candidate or party can best represent these values wins an election. Three most important American values and beliefs to emulate are individual freedom, equality of opportunity, material wealth.
    For the first I have discussed is the Individual Freedoms . Freedoms sometimes referred to as the “rights of the individual” is the most precious and most popular of the basic traditional values of the united states. The traditional ideas freedom held by the founding fathers and written into the Constitution. These freedoms included guarantees of the freedom of speech, freedoms of the press, and freedom of the religion. There were also freedoms guarantees of the freedom speech, freedoms of the press, and freedom of the religion. There were also freedoms guaranteeing a fair criminal trial, that is, the right to a speedy and public trial, the right to a speedy and public trial, the right to a trial by jury, and right to a defense attorney. In the 1930s, during the Great Depression, the New Deal greatly increased the size and responsibilities of government. Since the 1960s and Great Society programs, the government has continued o undertake new responsibilities. This has led to a new category of freedoms or rights that are economic in nature. For example, the Supremec Court ruled 1963 that if a person on trial could not afford a defense attorney, the government must provide one for him or her. The idea of economic benefits for U.S. citizens. It is on this point that Americans differ. Indeed, this difference has been called the values divide. On the other hand, liberal, mostly Democratic, Americans believe that the guarantee of economic rights by the government broadens and improves the traditional idea of freedom. The possible economic rights that are being proposed include the right to medical treatment and basic health insurance; the right to a collage education ; the right to have a job that provides a standard of living above the poverty level; and, when people are unemployed, the right to receive public assistance (especially for women and children).
    In Indonesia has a system of individual freedom, but freedom of the individual systems that are used in Indonesia is the way democracy is not capitalism. individual freedom in democracy is That humans have the same opportunity, in all areas of life whether political, social, economic and political culture, social, economic and cultural. In political, individual freedom of expression in choosing representatives, and individual freedom of religion, each resident is free to choose religion or belief respectively. State only recognizes the Christian religion, Catholic, Islamic, Hindu, Buddhist and Kongucu.
    For the second is, one of important American values and beliefs to emulate is Equality of Opportunity. The American ideal of equality of opportunity can be simply stated. all Americans should have an equality of opportunity, particularly in the case of African Americans who were subjected to slavery and then to segregation and discrimination. But the nation eventually freed the slaves in the 1860s and then addressed segregation and discrimination with the Civil Rights Acts of the 1960s. Traditionally, equality of opportunity has not meant equality of opportunity has not meant equality of results. If a number of people have the same opportunity to succeed, some may succeed, some may succeed more than others. One example of this preferential treatment is the practice of giving extra points on university admission applications of blacks, Hispanics, and other minorities. The nation often struggles for a balance between the values of equality of opportunity and competition. Michael Barone has written of the need for balance in his book. Hard America/Soft America: Competition vs Coddling. Noemic Emery describes Barone’s explanation f the division in the United States this way :
    Hard America value risk, innovation, effort and enterprise. Soft America values security and equality.Hard America is ruled by the market, while soft America is directed by government planning. Hard America is ruled by the market, while Soft America is directed by government planning. Hard America creates wealth: Soft America reassigns it. Hard America causes undeserved suffering by making in distinction between poverty caused by sickness and poverty caused by laziness. Soft America causes it own suffering and poverty caused by bad rabbits…But the problems is really striking a balance that gets people to strive without making desperate—that gives them support without sapping their will.
    In Indonesia one of the important values and beliefs to emulate is Equality opportunity. Indonesia ideals of equality of opportunity can be expressed. All the Indonesian people have equal opportunities, for example if someone Student / i from Indonesia who excel and want to continue their education abroad for example in America. It could be by way of exchange of students / i inter-state and students / i who are less able and get that scholarship assistance from the Indonesian state. today there is no discrimination because of social status in Indonesia, provided that a person of achievement and have the will. countries will certainly help us to achieve the ideals of the skies.
    Finally, Wealth has traditionally been seen as the reward for hard work. Although most people still believe in the American Dream, many are now having a difficult time attaining or maintaining it. Middle-class families are under financial stress. Many of the high paying manufacturing jobs have moved overseas, and now Americans in the service and technology sectors are worried that their jobs will suffer the same fate. Mortimer Zuckerman wrote in U.S. News & World Report,”Millions of middle-class Americans are living from pay check, struggling to pay their bills, having to borrow money and go into debt. More people this year (2004) will end up bankrupt than will suffer a heart attack or be diagnosed with cancer graduate from collage or file for divorce” .The irony is that in most families both the husband and wife are working. Their combined family income is much larger than that of the single income family a generation ago. Why are they struggling? There are several reasons. Zuckerman says “Once they have paid the mortgage,payments on two cars, taxes, health insurance, and day care, these apparently prosperous two-income families have less discretionary income today and less money to save for a rainy day than a single-income families have less discretionary and day care, these apparently prosperous two-income families have less discretionary income today and less money to save for a rainy day than a single-income family of a generation ago. Many in the middle class, those earning $65.000 and less, who make up roughly 80 percent of the people like who work, feel they are falling further and further behind, no matter how hard they work.”Health care and health insurance have become more and more expensive,taking a larger percentage of a worker’s paycheck.
    In Indonesia, its people are also working hard to get thing else that can be purchased. There is one thing that has always faced by every human being in this world, namely the risk. The risk is always there because of our ignorance of conditions that would occur at a later date. Because it is so, then it will make every choice into two sides which run concurrently and in tandem, ie the risks and benefits side. For example, if we decide to use a car, then we will avoid the risk of rain and heat. But we will meet with the risk of accidents and car damage. Another example, if we decide to work hard, then we probably would benefit by getting more money, but we are faced with the risk of disease due to lack maintain body condition. The question is whether the risk be reduced? The concept of insurance came upon the requirement, in which every human being needs peace in her life. And generally, people feel the tranquility is when I realized that they were on a path that contains little or minimal risk. And insurance business there is to bridge this, where one can shift the risk that insurance companies that happen. To obtain coverage for the risks it faces, the person must pay a premium to the insurance company where its magnitude depends on the size of the risk transferred to the insurer (insurance company).


    When our actions and words are aligned with our values, life is generally good and we feel content, confident and satisfied. But when our behaviors don’t match-up with our values, we soon begin to sense an uneasiness that begins to swell and grow inside of us. This uncomfortable feeling tells us that not all is good with the world right now. We feel out-of-whack; out-of-touch and generally out-of-sorts. These feelings can be a source of anxiety and unhappiness. Making a deliberate and conscious attempt to identity which values are the most important is needed to keep your anxiety low and your happiness and sense of personal worth and self-awareness high. Regardless if we recognize them or not, values do naturally exist. Our lives can become less stressful, and more productive, when we acknowledge our personal values – and then make the attempt to live by and honor these values regardless of the circumstances we encounter.

  73. Three Most Important American Values and Beliefs to Emulate

    United States (also called the United States, U.S., United States, America, and America) is a federal republic comprising fifty states and constitutional federal district. Americans have traditional values. In fact, the values refer to traditional standards and values held by most Americans. It is believed by most people, including myself, analyze that traditional values are a big part of what makes America a great nation, free and super power – the absence of which is likely to result in further decline of our country. Traditional values in America, such as individual freedom, equality of opportunity and competition that we can sample.

    First, freedom is generally included in the concept of political philosophy and identifies the conditions in which all individuals have the ability to act in accordance with her wishes. This freedom includes guarantees of freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and freedom of religion. There are also guarantees the freedom of a fair criminal trial, namely, the right to prompt and public trial, and the right to trial by jury, and the right to defense attorneys. In 1930 during the Great Depression, New Deal and responsibilities greatly increase the size of government. Since the 1960’s and a large community program, the government continues to make new responsibilities. This has led to new categories of freedoms or rights responsibilities. This leads to a new category of freedoms or rights are economic in nature. For example, the Supreme Court ruled in 1963 that if a person is judged not afford a defense attorney, the government must provide one for him.

    Americans are united came to be associated in their minds with the concept of individual freedom. This is perhaps the most fundamental of all American values. And foreign scholars often refer to observe the values of individualism, but using American freedom many words. This is one of the most respected and word Popular in the United States today.
    With freedom, Americans mean the desire and the right of all individuals to control their own destiny without outside interference from the government, the ruling noble class, church or other organized authority. The desire to be free of control is a basic value of the new nation in 1776, and continues to attack immigrants to this country.

    In Indonesia, the freedom in Indonesia is less valued. Although Indonesia is generally respected freedom of religion but in some cases in our country has failed to protect people from discrimination and harassment based on religion.
    In addition to freedom of religion, freedom of the press is still underappreciated. There are few studies mention the freedom of the press in Indonesia worsens the last 10 years because of growing violence against journalists, ranging from assault to the killing newsroom reporters. This suggests that violence against journalists increasingly rising, and of course it’s a bad sign for our press freedom in Indonesia.

    Violence against journalists, not only have an impact on journalists and their families, especially those killed for running errands, but more than that, violence against journalists would hinder the public to get information.
    Second, equality of opportunity is a political ideal as opposed to the caste hierarchy but not for the hierarchy per se. Background assumption is that society contains a hierarchy of more and less desirable position, superior and inferior. Or maybe there is some hierarchy. In a caste society, the individual tasks to places in the social hierarchy determined by birth. . All Americans should have equal opportunities to succeed in life, to acquire wealth, and to pursue happiness. United states sometimes fail to humor value of equality of opportunity, especially in the case of African American slavery and then subjected to separation and discrimination. But the nation finally freed the slaves in the 1860s and later segregation and discrimination addressed by the Civil Rights Acts of the 1960s. Traditionally, equality of opportunity does not mean equality of outcome. This traditional interpretation is challenged by affirmative action programs give preference to racial and ethnic groups following the Civil Rights Acts of 1960.

    Hopes and dreams of many early immigrants fulfilled in their new country. Lower social class to which many were born does not prevent them from trying to climb into a higher social position. Many find that they do have a better chance to succeed in the United States than in the old country. Because millions of immigrants is successful, America came to believe in equality of opportunity. When Tocqueville visited the United States in the 1830s, he was impressed by the uniformity of living conditions in the new country. He writes,
    The more I advanced in the study of American society, the more I feel that. . . . Equality of condition is the fundamental reality of
    Which all others seem to be derived?

    It is important to understand what most Americans mean when they say that they believe in equality of opportunity. They do not mean that all people —- —- or should be the same. However, they mean that every individual should have equal opportunity to succeed. Americans see plenty of life as a race for success. For them, equality means that everyone should have equal opportunity to enter the race and win. In other words, equality of opportunity can be regarded as ethical help ensure that the race to succeed is a fair one and that one does not win just because he was born into a wealthy family, or lost because of race or religion. American concept of “fair play” is an important aspect of the belief of equality of opportunity.
    President Abraham Lincoln expressed this conviction in the 1860s when he said,
    We. . . . Want to allow people to abject
    Equal opportunity to get rich with Each other people.
    When one starts poor, as most of the race of life,
    Free society is such that he knows that no
    Fixed condition of labor for his whole life.

    Competition, the third is a contest between individuals, groups, animals, etc. for the region, niche, or the location of resources. This occurs when two or more parties strive for goals that can not be divided. However, the price to be paid for equality of opportunity is the competition. If a lot of life is seen as a race, then one must run the race in order to graduate; one must compete with others, even though we know not everyone will succeed. People who like to compete is often more successful than others, and many are called respected by the winner. On the other hand, those who do not like compete and those who did not work when trying sometimes rejected by the so-called losers.

    A competitive pressure in the life of an American begins in childhood and continues through to retirement from work. Learning to compete successfully is part of growing up in the United States, and competition driven by the strong programs of competitive sports provided by public schools and community groups. Competitive sport is now popular with both men and women.
    Pressure to compete causes Americans to be energetic, but also a constant emotional strain placed on them. When they retire (traditional at the age of sixty-five), they are at last free from the pressures of competition. But then new problems arise. Some people may feel worthless and unwanted in a society that gives so much prestige to those who compete well. This may be one reason why parents in the United States sometimes do not have as much honor and respect as they are in others, the public is less competitive. In fact, in general, any group of people who do not compete successfully —- for whatever reason do not fit into the mainstream of American life as well as those who compete and succeed.
    This people often struggle to balance between the values of equality and competition opportunity. Michael Bahrone has written about the need for balance in his pepper Hard / Soft America: Competition over indulge. Emery Noemic Barone describes the explanation of the division in the United States this way.
    Americans value hard risk, innovation, business, and companies. American soft value of the security and equality. American hard governed by the market, while America is directed by government planning software. American hard to create wealth; soft America reassigns it. American hard-served by making the suffering caused no distinction between poverty caused by illness and poverty caused by bad habits. But the problem is really striking a balance that allows them to support without weakening their desire. “Drain”: gradually take away something, such as strength or energy.

    In Indonesia, trouble talking about equality of opportunity and treatment in employment and occupation, the actual Law. 13 of 2003 Section 6 has been set regarding the prohibition of discrimination in employment and occupation, although in the provision is not given further elaboration of these restrictions against such discrimination. Actually, the terminology can be given in advance of a few things about the discrimination itself. Discrimination in the sense of discrimination actually covers a broad understanding of the differences, not only on gender but also on the SARA (ethnicity, religion and race) and even in political dissent. Political dissent, in a few decades ago, i.e. during the New Order government has even threatened not only the adherents of different political views but also to their descendants (which we know as the descendants of ex TAPOL G 30 S PKI) to obtain equal opportunities in in all his rights as a citizen of Indonesia, including to get a decent job.
    In Indonesia the lack of uniform equality of opportunity because of the prohibition that the offender as well as descendants of G30S PKI work in government agencies.

    Third, competence is a contest between individuals, groups, animals, etc. for the region, niche, or the location of resources. This occurs when two or more parties strive for goals that can not be divided. However, the price to be paid for equality of opportunity is the competition. If a lot of life is seen as a race, then one must run the race in order to graduate; one must compete with others, even though we know not everyone will succeed. People who like to compete is often more successful than others, and many are called respected by the winner. On the other hand, those who do not like compete and those who did not work when trying sometimes rejected by the so-called losers.

    A competitive pressure in the life of an American begins in childhood and continues through to retirement from work. Learning to compete successfully is part of growing up in the United States, and competition driven by the strong programs of competitive sports provided by public schools and community groups. Competitive sport is now popular with both men and women.
    Pressure to compete causes Americans to be energetic, but also a constant emotional strain placed on them. When they retire (traditional at the age of sixty-five), they are at last free from the pressures of competition. But then new problems arise. Some people may feel worthless and unwanted in a society that gives so much prestige to those who compete well. This may be one reason why parents in the United States sometimes do not have as much honor and respect as they are in others, the public is less competitive. In fact, in general, any group of people who do not compete successfully — for whatever reason do not fit into the mainstream of American life as well as those who compete and succeed.
    Competition in Indonesia is still considered low because many of his lack of interest or desire to go ahead and try. “The ability of workers in Indonesia are still common. For it is necessary to improve and find the skills / talents of each, which in this case the Indonesian government and all citizens must play an active role to promote Indonesia and Indonesia.

    In conclusion, the traditional A American value has three traditional American values of individual freedom, equality of opportunity and competition are very different in the State of Indonesia. We should be able to emulate the United States and appreciates that we can know how low the cultural values we have in Indonesia.

  74. Three Most Important American Values and Beliefs to Emulate

    America is a big country and the most advanced in the world. America countries can move forward because residents and their governments are willing to work hard and do not want to depend on others. Historically, the United States is also seen as a “land of opportunity,” and it is this which attracted immigrants from around the world. They believe that they will get a chance and could be successful in America. In America there are basic values that have become traditional values of Americans. Traditional American values, there are three most important, such as individual freedom, self-reliance, and hard work.

    First, individual freedom in America is emphasized by the political and social philosophy. Individualism includes a system of values, human nature, and belief in the regulation of political, economic, social, and religious. According to the individualist, all values of human-centered, and the individual is very important. All individuals are morally equal. Individualism places great value on independence, privacy, and mutual respect between each other. Negative views are in opposition to authority and control over all types of individuals, especially when done by the state. Individualism believes that the interests of normal adults are best to give maximum freedom and responsibility to select the destination and the way they want. All individualists believe that government should keep the disruption in the lives of individuals, limit themselves mainly to maintain law and order, preventing any individual from interference of others, and enforce the agreement (contract) on a voluntary basis. Individual freedom in America, including religious freedom, freedom of speech, and freedom in the family. Freedom of religion, for example: we could choose the religion we profess, and we believe without any element of coercion from others. Freedom of speech is able to give an opinion as we want, for example, freedom in voting (vote to elect the president). And freedom in the family is free to choose mates according to our criteria, but still follow the rules of the environment or the country.

    Second, traditional American values are independence. Independence is the reliance on his own abilities, and the decision itself. This is what should be imitated by the people or the nation of Indonesia. If the independent Indonesian nation, I believe that one day Indonesia also can succeed and prosper as America. Because the America States was not built by people who rely on others to care for them. It was built by people who rely on themselves, who dared to shape their own lives, who have enough courage to blaze new trails with enough confidence to take the necessary risks. This is the heritage of American independence. This is the secret of being branded America as Americans. Some call it individual initiative, others backbone. But whatever it is called, it is a valuable ingredient in America national character, one that American did not want to lose it. Because independence is, like the key to individual freedom and is the only real security that comes from confidence in his own ability and determination to hard-work.

    The road to success comes through hard work, determination, and personal sacrifice. American Dream is a national ethos of the United States where freedom includes the promise of prosperity and success possible. In the definition of the American Dream by James Truslow Adams in 1931, “life must be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement” regardless of social class or state of birth. The idea of the American Dream is rooted in the United States Declaration of Independence which states that “all men are created equal” and that they are “endowed by their Creator with certain rights” including “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. Each person must have a desire or dream. And here is how everyone will work hard to realize these desires or dreams. Because by working hard, people will succeed and be successful.

    In conclusion, there are three most important values and beliefs for we imitate is, competition, and hard work. Because the values in America deserves for us to imitate for the value it can make this nation a developed and successful.

    1. Hi Novelina,
      In this essay context, you are supposed to show why the three values are important to emulate by Indonesians and what advantages Indonesians will get by emulating them. I haven’t seen these points in your essay. Can you revise it again?
      Good luck.

  75. hi sir, this is my revise.

    Three Most Important American Values and Beliefs to Emulate
    There are so many things to Indonesia emulate from American values for example in education, hard work American citizens, and discipline in work. that’s why America became a super power country since America introduced a system of discipline in works, there are three importance of American values and beliefs to emulate: Individual freedom, competition, and Equality of opportunities.
    The one value that nearly every American would agree upon is individual freedom. Whether you call it individual freedom, individualism, or independence, it is the cornerstone of American values. It permeates every aspect of our society. The concept of an individual’s having control over his/her own destiny influenced the type of government that was established here, and individual rights are guaranteed in the United States Constitution (the supreme law of the land). These rights are so protected in our judicial system that, even though Americans may complain that criminals sometimes “get away with murder,” most people believe it is better to free a few guilty persons than to imprison one person who is innocent. While our economic system may be dominated by large corporations, the majority of American businesses are small, and many are owned by an individual or a family. It is part of the “American dream” to “be your own boss,” and being an entrepreneur is one of the most appealing ways to improve one’s economic future.
    The Republic of Indonesia, the world’s fourth most populous nation, has 203 million people living on nearly one thousand permanently settled islands. Some two-to-three hundred ethnic groups with their own languages and dialects range in population from the Javanese (about 70 million) and Sundanese (about 30 million) on Java, to peoples numbering in the thousands on remote islands. The national culture is most easily observed in cities but aspects of it now reach into the countryside as well. Indonesian culture has historical roots, institutions, customs, values, and beliefs that many of its people share. Individual freedom values maybe cannot allowed in indonesia because people in indonesia should live with tolerance and cares with Neighborhood. Disadvantages of individual freedom because Indonesia still upholds its oriental customs, such as “tepo seliro” that we must help each other. That’s why Indonesia could not follow the values that exist in America such as Individual freedom.
    The second values is Competition, Americans believe that competition brings out the best in any individual. They assert that it challenges or forces each person to produce the very best that is humanly possible. Consequently, the foreign visitor will see competition being fostered in the American home and in the American classroom, even on the youngest age level. Very young children, for instance, are encouraged to answer questions for which their classmates do not know the answer. You may find the competitive value disagreeable, especially if you come from a society that promotes cooperation rather than competition. But many U.S. Peace Corps volunteers teaching in Third World countries found the lack of competitiveness in a classroom situation equally distressing. They soon learned that what they thought to be one of the universal human characteristics represented only a peculiarly American (or Western) value.
    Americans valuing competition, have devised an economic system to go with it—free enterprise. Americans feel strongly that a highly competitive economy will bring out the best in its people and, ultimately, that the society that fosters competition will progress most rapidly.
    In Indonesia the advantages of competition in US maybe build the relationship coorperation rather than competition. because america alot help the coorperation between Indonesia in any sector. for instance on improving Education, Effective Democratic Governance, and Improving Management of Natural Resources, there are many factor which helping Indonesia become better. such as Supporting Economic Growth: While Indonesia is firmly a middle-income country, much still needs to be done to assure sustainable economic growth, improve employment, and strengthen food security.
    The last is Equality of Opportunities .Equality is, for Americans, one of their most cherished values. This concept is so important for Americans that they have even given it a religious basis. They say all people have been “created equal.” Most Americans believe that God views all humans alike without regard to intelligence, physical condition or economic status. In secular terms this belief is translated into the assertion that all people have an equal opportunity to succeed in life. Americans differ in opinion about how to make this ideal into a reality. Yet virtually all agree that equality is an important civic and social goal.
    In indonesia the quality and opportunities values is increases Child Rearing and Education. In the government education system, generally, quantity has prevailed over quality. Facilities remain poorly equipped and salaries remain so low that many teachers must take additional jobs to support their families. US has been helping in every sector, like coorperation in economic orin education. but the equality on job maybe in indonesia still difficult. because there are very much jobless in Indonesia, so thats why US very helping the goverment of Indonesia in any sector.
    To conclude of the essay that I have made that Indonesia should maintain cooperation with the United States. both bilateral or multilateral. because Americans have been very helpful in terms of economy and education as found in the essay Indonesia must be learn from american values to emulate every thing and in any sector.and there are three important things that we must learn from the Americans values are : Individual Freedom, Competition, and Equality of opportunities.

  76. Part A
    Three Most Important American Values and Beliefs to Emulate


    There are so many things that we have to emulate from American culture. As we know America is a good figure for us to emulate it. By their values and beliefs. Because there are many things that they have given us proof that they are the power of the world. There are three most important that our country must to learn from them. There are three Most Important American values and Beliefs to emulate in Indonesia are competition, egalitarianism, and hard-working.
    Firstly is competition. Americans believe that competition brings out the best in any individual. They assert that it challenges or forces each person to produce the very best that is humanly possible. Consequently, the foreign visitor will see competition being fostered in the American home and in the American classroom, even on the youngest age level. Very young children, for instance, are encouraged to answer questions for which their classmates do not know the answer.
    You may find the competitive value disagreeable, especially if you come from a society that promotes cooperation rather than competition. But many U.S. Peace Corps volunteers teaching in Third World countries found the lack of competitiveness in a classroom situation equally distressing. They soon learned that what they thought to be one of the universal human characteristics represented only a peculiarly American (or Western) value.xAmericans, valuing competition, have devised an economic system to go with it—free enterprise. Americans feel strongly that a highly competitive economy will bring out the best in its people and, ultimately, that the society that fosters competition will progress most rapidly. If you look for it, you will see evidence in all areas—even in fields as diverse as medicine, the arts, education, and sports—that free enterprise is the approach most often preferred in America.

    Secondly is American as egalitarianism. Equality is, for Americans, one of their most cherished values. This concept is so important for Americans that they have even given it a religious basis. They say all people have been “created equal.” Most Americans believe that God views all humans alike without regard to intelligence, physical condition or economic status. In secular terms this belief is translated into the assertion that all people have an equal opportunity to succeed in life. Americans differ in opinion about how to make this ideal into a reality. Yet virtually all agree that equality is an important civic and social goal.
    xxx The equality concept often makes Americans seem strange to foreign visitors. Seven-eighths of the world feels quite differently. To them, rank and status and authority are seen as much more desirable considerations—even if they personally happen to find themselves near the bottom of the social order. Class and authority seem to give people in those other societies a sense of security and certainty. People outside the United States consider it reassuring to know, from birth, who they are and where they fit into the complex system called “society”.
    xxx Many highly-placed foreign visitors to the United States are insulted by the way they are treated by service personnel (such as waiters in restaurants, clerks in stores, taxi drivers, etc.). Americans have an aversion to treating people of high position in a deferential manner, and, conversely often treat lower class people as if they were very important. Newcomers to the United States should realize that no insult or personal indignity is intended by this lack of deference to rank or position in society. A foreigner should be prepared to be considered “just like anybody else” while in the country.

    Finally, America as a hard-working. “Don’t just stand there,” says a typical bit of American advice “do something!” This expression, though normally used in a crisis situation, in a sense describes most Americans’ waking life, where action – any action – is seen as superior to inaction. Americans routinely schedule an extremely active day. Any relaxation must be limited in time and aimed at “recreating” so that they can work harder once their “recreation” is over. Such a “no-nonsense” attitude toward life has created a class of people known as “workaholics” – people addicted to, and often wholly identified with, their job or profession. The first question people often ask when they meet each other in the U.S. is related to work: “What do you do?” “Where do you work?” or “Who (what company) are you with?” The United States may be one of the few countries in the world where people speak about the dignity of human labor – meaning hard physical labor. Even corporation presidents will engage in physical labor from time to time and, in doing so, gain rather than lose respect from others.


    American values and beliefs are important for us to emulate it Such as competition, egalitarianism, and hard-working. However, we do not need be shame to learn from American values because those things can bring us to be successful. Americans are good figure for us to emulate it because Americans have given proof to this world if those things have brought them to a successful country

    Three Most Important American Values and Beliefs to Emulate

    America is a big country. America is also known as a powerful country which controls the most aspects of life, such as economy, technology, politic, and entertainment. America is also a great diversity country, because Americans made up from most areas of the world and there is a strong unity among themselves. In the other words, there are so many cultures in America. Not only be a great diversity country but also be a country which has great values and beliefs. There are so many great values and beliefs in America, such as material wealth, equal opportunities, and so on. One of the idioms in America says that “Put your money where your mouth is!” it means that if you believe what you are saying is true, let’s bet on it”. From that idiom we know Americans are so independent, they do not want to rely on anyone to determine their own destiny. But for me the three most important American values and beliefs are self reliance, competition, and hard work.
    “Self-Reliance” is the most important American values and beliefs which have to emulate. Self-Reliance is most widely known by Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803–1882). He said that Self reliance is a strong belief that you are capable of successfully dealing with the challenges that life throws at you, and that you are able to take guidance from yourself rather than other people or other things. Put another way, for me self reliance means having the ability and courage to listen to yourself and act by yourself, rather than letting the other people, things or events decide what you should do, be or have. Getting help from other people is not necessarily a bad thing, as everyone needs a little help sometimes. The trouble is, some people become so dependent on receiving help from others, that they forget how to help themselves. A self reliant person therefore realizes and accepts that they are completely responsible for their life, and if they want something done, they must do it by themselves. When a person is able to listen to themselves and follow their own intuition, they will be able to trust themselves. They recognize their own unique abilities and skills, and set out to achieve excellence in their own life. By becoming self reliant will give you much greater control over your life and less worry, because we will know that we have a power to create and shape our reality rather than being dependent on others to do it for us. Americans believe if we become a self reliant, we will get a successful life.
    In Indonesia, most of them do not have the awareness to become a self-reliant. As we know, most of Indonesians are happy if they get some money without trying and working. So many people in Indonesia blame the government, because they cannot give their best to the society. Next example, when we wanted to choose our faculty in campus, it is based on our chosen or it is from other people? It is important, because our decisions now will greatly affect the future, that is self reliance is very important to do.
    Beside self reliance, the important values and beliefs in America to emulate is competition. Something that can be hard to accept with an open society is that it always contains competition. But Americans love it, why? Because they think that competition is a healthy and fun way to measure a person’s ability. Competition is the lifeblood of American society. It is celebrated as a virtue at all levels of our society. It fuels business and determines who succeeds and who does not–those who are able to compete succeed, while those who cannot will fail. We celebrate it in sporting events and teach it as a value to the young from the time they begin school. School itself becomes an arena for competition–students compete with one another for a high position on the infamous “grading curve” which of necessity means that some will fail simply because others succeed. It should come as no surprise that competition is an essential and unavoidable element in our economy and that fostering competition has become a strategy for spurring growth, ending recession, and creating jobs, revenues, and a higher standard of living for everyone. The challenge can encourage a man to seek a higher level of accomplishment.
    However, too often competition is focused on those who do well in these endeavors. When this happens, competition can back fire. I think competition in our lives is absolutely helpful. It teaches us how life is really going to be. In order to compete with others we have to be strict, same as the idioms from America, “When the going gets tough, the tough get going!” it means that when there are problem, strong people take action to solve the problem. Politicians talk endlessly of making America more competitive, and the perception is clear that in recent years America allowed itself to become less competitive while certain foreign countries have become more competitive and more successful. Whicker and Moore (1988) express this idea when they state that the U.S. today is at a crossroad, “the issue of developing an economy capable of competing in the new international trade wars” (2).
    Most of Indonesians still have little interest to compete in their lives, just like in achieve something, most of them still disincline to do “healthy competition.” Whereas with the competition we can measure the abilities which we have, the problem is, we can achieve or not what the expectation, depends on the effort that we are doing. For example, in Indonesia, when we want to study in a good university, not completely pure competition, the rich one will get the chance to study in there, because they have much money. Although, they did not pass the University entrance exams, but it’s not really happens with all, but basically it is a reality, most competition in Indonesia money who speak not ability.
    Finally, hard work is one of the American values and beliefs which should be emulated. There’s an idea ingrained in many cultures that hard work is a good thing in itself. Hard work is the process of changing both the world and ourselves so that at the end we and the world have become more connected. How much work is to be found in an activity is at least partly caused by the attitude people bring to it. The effect works both individually and collectively. Individually, if people think that something is hard then they won’t find the pleasure in it. Collectively, if society at large thinks something is hard then the few individuals who attempt it will find it harder going. My definition of hard work is that which challenges you. And why is challenge important? Why not just do what’s easiest? Most people will do what’s easiest and avoid hard work and that’s precisely why we should do the opposite. The superficial opportunities of life will be attacked by hordes of people seeking what’s easy. The much tougher challenges will usually see a lot less competition and a lot more opportunity. When you discipline yourself to do what is hard, you gain access to a realm of results that are denied everyone else. The willingness to do what is difficult is like having a key to a special private treasure room. Hard work is one element which will help you achieve your greatest dreams.
    In Indonesia, hard work is same with the self-reliance and competition, been executed but not yet fully. For example, most of Indonesians do the corruption. Corruption is not always about the money but also time. Sometimes, we do not want to work hard to get what we want, for example to get money. Everything which we do, we do in instant ways. I ever heard in television states “If we can do it in instant ways, why it should be done in complex ways?” I think the statement is funny, because it reflects laziness to work hard.
    In conclusion, each country has its own values. In America, there are so many good values. The three most important values and beliefs to emulate are self-reliance, competition, and hard work. As long as the values still motivate us to be a better person, there is no harm to follow it. It does not mean, the values in our country are not good. So, why do we still wait to do it?

    1. Sir actually i have made it in paragraphs but i do not know why is it different with the original..

  78. Sir, this is my revision

    PART I: Essay Writing

    Three Most Important American Values and Beliefs to Emulate


    The earliest settlers came to the American continent to establish colonies that were free from the controls that existed in European societies. They wanted to escape the controls placed on their lives by kings and governments, priests and churches, and noblemen. American generally shared some noticeable values and beliefs. Three Most Important American values and Beliefs to emulate in Indonesia are self reliance, equality of opportunity, and competition.

    The first reason, self reliance is probably the most basic of all the American values. A price to be paid for this individual freedom is self-reliance. Individuals must learn to rely on themselves or risk losing freedom. This strong belief in self-reliance continues today as a traditional basic American value. It is perhaps one of the most difficult aspects of the American character to understand, but it is profoundly important. Most Americans believe that they must be self-reliant in order to keep their freedom. If they rely too much on the support of their families or the government or any organization, they may lose some of their freedom to do what they want. If people are dependent, they risk losing freedom as well as the respect of their peers. Although receiving financial support from charity, family, or the government is allowed, it is never admired. Many people believe that such individuals are setting a bad example, which may weaken the American character as a whole. This is very important for Indonesia to emulate what the United States. It is an important figure of Indonesia to become self reliance can control ourselves and which does not depend on the parents and families.

    The second reason, important reason why immigrants have traditionally been drawn to the United States is the belief that everyone has a chance to succeed here. In the first years of American history, the hopes and dreams of many of these early immigrants were fulfilled in their new country. The lower social class did not prevent them from trying to rise to a higher social position. Many found that they did indeed have a better chance to succeed in the United States than in the old country. Because millions of these immigrants succeeded, Americans came to believe in equality of opportunity. It is important to understand what most Americans mean when they say they believe in equality of opportunity. They do not mean that everyone is or should be equal. However, they do mean that each individual should have an equal chance for success. Americans see much of life as a race for success. For them, equality means that everyone should have an equal chance to enter the race and win. In other words, equality of opportunity may be thought of as an ethical rule. It helps ensure that the race for success is a fair one and that a person does not win just because he or she was born into a wealthy family, or lose because of race or religion. This American concept of “fair play” is an important aspect of the belief in equality of opportunity. We can emulate to the American people that can accept their differences, especially racial and religious differences. It is a very important role for us to emulate, as Indonesia is a country of many tribes and religions.

    The final reason, American popular with people who like to compete. Americans vying to be compete well in the field of sports, arts, and business. They compete to be the winner or the number one. Even the American people that teach their children from childhood to be take part to be compete. learn from the American people in the field of competition is important for us to be imitate that which the American people a lot to be a successful beginning of the competition’s take an example from the field of arts competition (singing) called American idol. Each of them competes to be the winner or be number one. Indonesia proved in this field also follows this competition called the Indonesian Idol. This is not just be imitated by Indonesia only, but many countries that follow this competition such as India, Singapore, Malaysia and there are also some other countries this proves that America is an important figure not only Indonesia but also to be the world.


    American is important figure for world to be successful country such as the values and beliefs of self reliance, equality of opportunity, and competition. Indonesia must be admit that America is very important for us to emulate their values and beliefs because they have given a proof for the world that these values and beliefs can bring them to be a successful country.

  79. sir, this is my CCU revision.

    Part A.

    Three Most Important American Values and Beliefs to Emulate


    America is diversity country. There are many things that must be our country knows if Americans people welcome for the diversity. The diversity in America collection takes a good look at what it means to be “American” and examines the rich heritages that make up their country. Each culture provides its own special and irreplaceable contribution to our understanding of America today. If you asked most Americans what the cultural values in the U.S. are, you might get some blank stares, or a statement of some basic beliefs. The question may seem simple, but the answer is quite complex. In a society as highly diverse as the United States, there is likely to be a multitude of answers.American culture has been enriched by the values and belief systems of virtually every part of the world. Consequently, it is impossible to be comprehensive. Nevertheless, a few selected values are at the core of the American value system. Three Most Important American values and Beliefs to emulate in Indonesia are freedom, volunteerism and competition.

    Firstly is freedom. Americans commonly regard their society as the freest and best in the world. Americans’ understanding of freedom is shaped by the Founding Fathers’ belief that all people are equal and that the role of the government is to protect each person’s basic “inalienable” rights. The U.S. Constitution’s Bill of Rights assures individual rights, including provisions for freedom of speech, press and religion. No one single church dominates or controls in the US, there is a religious diversity.

    Secondly is volunteerism. It means people helping people through privately initiated, rather than government-sponsored, agencies. Volunteers are highly motivated people, workers who organize themselves and others to solve a particular community problem or meet an immediate social need, rather then waiting for someone else – usually the govt- to do it. The willingness to participate in such groups is so widespread that six out of ten Americans are members of a volunteer organization. Volunteerism reflects Americans’ optimistic pride in their ability to work out practical solutions themselves. For example: when Indonesia got tsunami In Aceh, the first people/country who helped Indonesia was America. America has no limited to help each other.
    Finally is Americans as competition. Americans must compete with others. This is the price paid for equality of opportunity. It is expected that everyone should attempt to be successful. Americans match their intelligence against that of their neighbors in a competitive contest for success. The more successful are considered as winners. The pressures of competition in life begin in early childhood and continue until retirement. Learning to compete and win is part of growing up. Competition and the desire to win are considered healthy and desirable.Americans believe that competition brings out the best in any individual and in any system. This value is reflected in the American economic system of free enterprise, and it is applied in the U.S. in all areas – medicine, the arts, education, sports. Americans like to competence. They do it hardly to get the number one. It is the thing that we have to emulate.

    American values and beliefs are important for us to emulate it Such as freedom, volunteerism, and competition. However, we do not need be shame to learn from American values because those things can bring us to be successful. Americans are good figure for us to emulate it because Americans have given proof to this world if those things have brought them to a successful country.


        “Three Most Important American Values and Beliefs to Emulate”
        I. Introduction
        If you asked most Americans what the cultural values in the U.S. are, you might get some blank stares, or a statement of some basic beliefs. The question may seem simple, but the answer is quite complex. In a society as highly diverse as the United States, there is likely to be a multitude of answers.
        American culture has been enriched by the values and belief systems of virtually every part of the world. Consequently, it is impossible to be comprehensive. Nevertheless, a few selected values are at the core of the American value system.
        The United States of America is the most religious and most religiously diverse of all Western industrialized nations. American political and social histories are indecipherable without references to its religious history, so influential have religious groups and ideology been over the centuries. Particularly interesting is the fact that his religious diversity and religious devotion is enhanced by the traditional separation of church and state – something which conservative religious groups seek to undermine.
        The United States of America is the most religious and most religiously diverse of all Western industrialized nations. American political and social histories are indecipherable without references to its religious history, so influential have religious groups and ideology been over the centuries. Particularly interesting is the fact that his religious diversity and religious devotion is enhanced by the traditional separation of church and state – something which conservative religious groups seek to undermine.
        II. “Three Most Important American Values and Beliefs to Emulate”
        Although the population of the United States accounts for only about 5 percent of the total population of the world, the American use up about 25 percent of the world’s energy per year, generating about seven pounds of trash and garbage per person each day. Only a country that has great abundance could afford to throw so much away. America has sometimes been criticized as a ‘throw-away’ country, a land where there is so much abundance that people are sometimes viewed as wasteful.
        Sociologist Robin Williams attempted to offer a list of basic values in the United States:
        Achievement, efficiency, material comfort, nationalism, equality and the supremacy of science and reason, over faith. There are certain ideals and values, rooted in the country’s history, which many Americans share. These are: FREEDOM, INDIVIDUALISM, PRAGMATISM, VOLUNTEERISM, MOBILITY, PATRIOTISM, PROGRESS, AMERICAN DREAM.
        In this paper I choose three of them. They are:
        1. Individualism
        Americans’ notion of freedom focuses on the individual, and individualism has strong philosophical roots in America. Thomas Jefferson believed that a free individual’s identity should be held sacred and that his or her dignity and integrity should not be violated. America’s 19th c. Transcendentalists philosophers (Emerson, Thoreau, Fuller) argued for more individual self-reliance. Encouraged individuals to trust in themselves and their own consciences and to revolt against routine and habitual paths of conduct. Early 20th c. Pragmatists (James, Dewey) insisted upon the individual’s ability to control his or her fate. Individualism, understood not only as self-reliance but also as economic self-sufficiency, has been a central theme in American history (frontiers heroes who braved the wilderness alone, farmers whose success depended on their ability to confront the hardships of land and resourcefulness, the celebration of the small businessman who became a financial success on his own; individual proprietorship in business is still extolled as the ideal). + “Self-made man” like B.Franklin.
        2. Volunteerism
        Means people helping people through privately initiated, rather than government-sponsored, agencies. Volunteers are highly motivated people, workers who organize themselves and others to solve a particular community problem or meet an immediate social need, rather then waiting for someone else – usually the govt- to do it. The willingness to participate in such groups is so widespread that six out of ten Americans are members of a volunteer organization. Volunteerism reflects Americans’ optimistic pride in their ability to work out practical solutions themselves. Americans like to form associations of different kind (Tocqueville and Mead wrote about that). For example, we can see from the Aceh’s earthquake, the first person who arrives in that province is American. They are very response and try to give the best that they can do. In my word, they are taking care about people who lives the other country.

        3. Mobility
        Tocqueville in “Democracy in America” wrote: In the United States a man builds a house to spend his latter years in it, and he sells it before the roof is on: he plants a garden, and lets it just as the trees are coming into bearing: he brings a field into tillage, and leaves other men to gather the crops: he embraces a profession and gives it up: he settles in a place which he soon afterwards leaves, to carry his changeable longings elsewhere.” American’s habit. As a nation of immigrants, Americans have shared from the beginning the assumption that the practical solution to a problem is to move elsewhere and make a fresh start. Mobility in America is not a sign of aimlessness but optimism (hoping to secure a better job or enjoy a warmer climate: after the WWII inner migration from the Frost Belt to the Sun Belt). Moving about from place to place is such a common and accepted practice that most Americans take it for granted that they may live in four or five cities during their lifetime. Americans hate to feel that buying a house might immobilize them forever. To conclude this paper, there are a lot of things to all the other country to learn more about the good things from America.

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